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October 01, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-01

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L. XLII. No. 4 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931 Weather; Partly Cloudy, Showers








Games Promising Biggest,
Will Be Arranged by
Ten Committee.


Special Games Must Be Played
Not Later Than Saturday.
After Thanksgiving.
In a telegram to The Daily
received last night, the Wis-
consin Daily Cardinal stated
that opinion in Madison favored
a post-season game with Michi-
gan and asked for the opinion
of the students here.

Monday sophomores decided that the class of '35 needed seasoning in addition to the work of orien-
tation week. Certain members of the unschooled group were taken aside for inidivdual instruction. Left
to right: Robert Wolfe, Toledo; Marshal Leff, 'ittsburg; Loyal Fisher, Scottville, and Carroll Sweet, Grand

Members of last year's Student Council, elected more than a year
ago, are laying plans to appoint seven new members and to re-establish
the council pending approval of the revision plan by the University
Senate, Harry Benjamin, '32, one of the present members, told The Daily
last night..
Two seniors and five juniors will be appointed tomorrow night,
Benjamin said.
The revision plan, which would eliminate the Council and transfer
its powers to a reorganized Senate Committee, has lain in a University
Senate sub-committee since it was passed by student popular vote last

(Special to The Daily)P
EVANSTON, Sept. 30.- Suspen-
sion of the Conference rules to per-e
mit each Big Ten school to engage
in one extra game with somegother
University in the Big Ten, the pro-c
Deeds to be used for charity, was
ordered last night by the Western
Collegiate conference.
In a special statement to the.C
Daily it was announced that "thel
Intercollegiate Conference realizes
that the present national situation
in regard to unemployment consti-
tutes an emergency and justifies af
temporary suspension of certain of1
its rules which wil provide contri-
butions for relief. The Conference
has therefore at a special meeting{
on September 30, passed the follow-r
ing legislation:
1. The rule limiting the confer-
ence football schedule to' eight
games is suspended for the 1931
season and each institution is per:-
Witted to 'play, for charity, one
additional game not later than thea
Saturday folowing Thanksgiving.'
2. These charity games are to
be played with donference institu-
tions only and under the manage-
ment of the competing institutions.
3. In the course of the season
the athletic directions of the con-
ference institutions will arrange a1
schedule of games which in their
judgment promises to produce the
greatest returns for charity.
4. The Intercollegiate Confer-
ence Athletic Association will serve
as a clearing house for the alloca-
tion and disbursement of these
funds and they will be pro-rated
to the seven states represented in
the conference on the basis of their
official population and turned over
to the Governors' commissions of
the several states.
5. Only the actual production
expenses will be deducted from the
gross receipts 'and no -compliment-
ary tickets will be issued. There will
be a public accounting of the re-
ceipts and expenditures of each
" In a special statement -to- the
Daily last night Harry Kipke said:
"This is a mighty fine tiing for the
Conference to do. Speaking for the
team I will say that Michigan will
be more than glad to play any game
so. arranged by the authorities. We
T hope to be up in the Big Ten race
so that our game will draw a tre-
mendous crowd and thus help the
Charity funds."
Harry Kipke, Head Coach.
Dr. Hugo P. Thieme, professor of
French, has been awarded-the "Prix
de Langue Francaise' by the French
s institute. Dr.' Thieme is the first
IAmerican ever to reeivehis honnr

No Necessity fo. Being
Over-Charged; Daily
Survey Shows.
Every legitimate company operat-
ing more than one cab in Ann Arbor
eports rates well below the city
ordinance maximum. No more need
be paid by students riding in these
cabs, no matter what special cir-
umstances are pleaded by the
Four companies charge 35 cents
for any number of passengers any-
where in the city with 10 cents
added for each stop and for each 3-
minute wait: Ann Arbor Taxicab
and Transfer 'company (Checker,
Tellow,andeRed Top cabs), City
Cab and Baggage company, Mac's
Taxi, and Standard Cab company.
Sligh.tly more 'is asked by three
more, reliable companies which
charge 35 cents for one to five
passengers anywhere in the city
with added rate of 10 cents for
each aditional one. These, too, ask
10, cents for each .stop and three-
minute wait. They are: LaSalle Cab
company, Red Arrow Cab company,
and United Cab company.
The highest rates charged by any
reputable company are those of the
Buick Taxi service. Operating on a
conplicated schedule of prices,
Buick asks 35 cents per passen er,
with 15 cents for each added bne
riding within the city, with certain
exceptions here listed: Ten cent
ftop and wait charges are made.
For loads coming from railroad and
bus stations downtown, 35 cents is
asked for each aditional pasenger
dropping off before the final destin-
ation. A special rate is made to
groups of four or more going to-
gether from where pickedup to
the point of disembarkment, with
no stops between. The cost in this
case is 10 cents each, so that while
it costs three persons 65 cents, four
may ride for 40 cents.
In every case, extra charge is
made for trunks or excessive bag-
gage, and almost every company
makes liberal interpretations of
"Stops,",not charging for momen-
tary pauses - that do not take the
cab out of its way. Telephone num-
bers of these companies are listed
in the Ann Arbor directory, and all
have their cabs plainly marked so
that they may easily be distinguish-
ed from :'wildcats."
Enrollment Gain
Shown Yesterday;
8, 88 Registered
Although gross enrollment in all
colleges of the University saw a
smaller increase than that of Tues-
day, the -small decrease since last
year was considerably diminished
as the year's total rose to 8,818 at
the closing of the office of Ira M.
Smith, registrar, last night.
A difference of only 144 between
the totals computed yesterday and
those of a year ago remained, sta-
tisticians said. Last year at this
time 6,443 men and 2,519 women
had enrolled, making a total of
8,962. Thus far this semester the
number of men enrolled had de-
creased to greater extent than had
the number of women, 6,332 men
being enrolled last night and 2,486
women being listed.
Figures bore out Registrar Ira
M. Smith's prediction that the de-
crease since last year would lessen
with the return of students unable
to enroll during the official registra-
tion period.
Athletics, Cardinals
Set for Opening Fray

Operators Raise Price
After Removing Tag
of Company.
Drivers of Legitimal
Firms Say Grafters
Hurt Business.
Additional tackets practiced I
Ann Arbor taxicab drivers whi
are used to fleece students we
revealed today t h r o u g h TI
Daily's investigation of cab ratE
Co iplaints were received fra
students and faculty membe
concerning exhorbitant tcharge
and Wilford "Punchy" La Be
was identified as a wildcat driv
who has charged abusive rates.
Harry McCain, owner of -t
Buick Taxi company, told inves
gators that drivers often -,ta
company signs from t e0r cabs4
before the close of campus soc
functions on ay and Saturd
nights, in order that they mnay 3ur
the usual company rater end ov
charge the students. ' 'dents a
often fooled because they kow t
drivers' faces and think they '
receive the regular company price
he said.
. Wildcat Driver Named.
Wilford J. "Punchy" La Bei
operator of a wildcat cab, waAde
nitely identified by The laty
one of the local racketeers who
charging 35 cents for each passe
ger and an additional ten cents
each stop, no matter how short ti
run may be. La Beau has a si
on the front of his Plymouth sed
which says "35 cents Flat Rat
He is within the rights given h
by the city ordinance when
makes such dharges; but his sign
misleading, and many students h
been fooled by it. The head of C
of the legitimate companies t4
The Daily that "Punchy" said :i
summer he would re-paint hisc
if necessary in order to fool 1
students. Legitimate drivers h
no liking for wildcat drivers %
make the business tough for eve'
one, they say.-
One prominent University prof
sor wrote the following letter to
"An independent taxi corn
pany charged me $1.40 for
ten-minute ride from the sta
tion to my house. I wrote to th
City Council about this extra v
agant charge. Their reply Wa
that the charge was correc
according to the city ordinancE
"I replied to their answe
that the ordinance was mo
unwise and highly detrimenta
to the users of taxi cabs."
Within a few weeks, the Anna
bor city council will consider
taxicab situation, it-was underst4
last night, and at that time ']
Daily will send representatives
ask for low meter rates or a set r
for all cabs operating in Ann Ant
City Ordinance Listed.
The ordinance is as follows:
"For the first one mile or fract
thereof, for one person, 35 cents
"For each succeeding one
mile or fraction thereof, 10 cents
"For each additional person.
the same journey, 25 cents.
"For each three minutes of w
ing, 10 cents.
"Hourly rates: Not to exceed $
for five passengers and $3.50
seven-nsaceanPr ae

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