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December 01, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-01

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I Es - _ _.._

Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusivelydentitled to the use for re-
publication of , all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
Credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
lass mater. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
(Postmaster General..
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.60
Offices; Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Richigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editoria Director .............................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editorr..................... .... ....Carl Forsythe
News Editor ........ ...... ........OVid M. Niolhol-
Sporte E!dtor . .. ............... .......Sheldon 0. Pullerton
Women's Editor..................... .....Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant Mews Editor........... ................Hobert L. Pierce,

so-called. Some of the figures who mould the might-
iest papers mingle on equal terms with those who
have smaller responsibilities and -o not make so
large an ink-splash on the public consciousness.
Likewise the topics on which the lectures are given
range from direct newspaper technical discussion to
interpretations of the mightiest happenings in poli-
tics, science, learning and sociology. The lecturers
are men of professional high rating and their dis-
courses have the standing of authority.
It is no wonder then that such a short course of
knowledge, interpreation and inspiration is eagerly
greeted by this group of enthusiasts and furnishes
topics for thought all during the winter.


Music Drama
BEETHOVEN:Sonatat in D Minor,
Op. 31, No. 2: play by Walter Gie-
seking: on Columbia Records No.


k -I


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For Your



smoke 4

J. CaleI Kent


One afternoon research scienists of the General
Electric company explained the progress and me-
chanical development of television. and went much
further to point out the direction that electrical de-
velopment is taking. This demonstration pointed
out to laymen that many of the old laws of physics
had been discarded, notably the ancient ether wave
theory and a new one forced on scientists by modern
discovery. That electrical energy may be transmitted
by radio is another contemplation of the researchers.
Tremendous possibilities have been opened up by
these thinkers and doers until one's very breath is
taken away by their matter-of-fact discussions of
what they are working at.

B. Gilbreth
Kiarl Seiffcr

aedy James Inglis
Jerry E. Aoataterhal
George A. Stwiter

baer J. Myr
n Jone
Ilcy W. Arnhcim
son E. Becker
nas Co nellaia
Du G. Ellis
uel I,. Pinkie
s B. Gascoigne
thy Brockman
aim Carver
rich Collins
se Crandall
ence Foster

Sports Assistants
Joyu W. Thomas
Fred A. IUnber
Norman Kraft
Itolnnd Martin
lhenry Mey(er
lfarion A. Mile zPskl
Albert ll. 'Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisinan
Aie CGlibert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances M nchester
Elizabeth Mann

John b. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pralthard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Sehagtf
Bracley Shaw
parker R. Snyler
G. R.' Winters
Margaret O'Brien
hiillary Harden
Dorothy undeil
1lma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

Telphone 2,214


S T. KLINE .........................usincss Manager
p. JOhNSON.....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
ig .......................................Vernon Bishop
ng Contracts .......,.....................Rebert Callahan
'g Scrv ice........ ............... '""foil C Vedder
MS.. .. ................................ lliam T. Brown
a .....................................Harry R. Begley
...... ..........Richard Stratemeir
Business Manager ......................Ann W . Verner

. Burley
Jaue (Cie2e
!e Field
Fisehgn unto

Jo~m Keysee
Ar1iur ".vKohn
)alles Lowe
Bernard E. Schnacke
Anne lMarsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia Cefomb
Carolin Mosher
Ile lAen Olsen
Hlelen Sehineede

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
Dow Lyon
Bernar4 H. Good
May S feered
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
flare liner
Diary Elizahoth Watts



11 Scores

F OR the greater part of the past football season,
discussions focused on several of the nation's
bigger and, better teams. Their mark on the grid-
iron was not being judged by the exhibitions they
put on, but by calling into being records of the
year before. Except for a few scattered games re-
maining to be played, the season has closed, mole-
skins have been placed in mothballs, and the great
game of finding out if Harvard is as good as Harv-
ard is on.
To review briefly the x932 conglomeration.
Notre Datne,' the outstanding team of 193o, and
apparently headed in the same direction, was toss-
ed on the scrap heap by Southern California, 16-14.
A week later, the Irish moved into New York.
Another defeat followed, 12-o, administered by an
inspired Army eleven that had been beaten twice
and tied once. Pittsburgh, laying claim to the east-
ern title, was bowled over by Notre Dame, 25-12.
The Panthers came back and rained passes all
over the field to whip the Cadets, 26-o. Then they'
routed Nebraska, 40-0, the same team that held
Northwestern to a two touchdown margin, 19-7.
Michigan, after suffering an early season defeat at
the hands of Ohio State, 20,7, came back to win its
remaining Big ,Ten games and, in ani extraordin-
ary session, as it were, trounce Wisconsin, 16-o,
to gain a three-way tie with Purdue and North-
western for the Western Conference title after the
Boilermakers completely checked the Wildcats to
win, 7-o.
These are but a few of the many. ways in which
comparative scores cannot be taken as -a criterion
of pre-game performance. They do help, we will
admit; but beneath all this, there runs something
more difficult to understand; it cannot be taken
as a criterion, fors it does not always make itself
manifest. That one thing isemotion. It is this
undertone that throws scores to the four winds,
and causes the so-called experts to become fud-
dled. An illustration of this was evidenced in
three particular contests this season. Notre Dame,
although defeated, lost to the Army, which, on the
basis of returns, was an admittedly inferior team.
The Irish were favored to defeat Southern Cali-
fornia, but lost. Northwestern, on the face of
everything, should have won over Purdue. What
happened is now history. In most instances, these
defeated teams gave their opponents but a passing
thought. The game, they contended, was not too
difficult; one must always attach some seriousness
even to the weakest of opponents. But passing
thought is not enough to defeat even a mediocre
team. And before they realized what was hap-
pening, they were out, with no way to get back.
It all goes to show that skill, presumably the mrost
mechanical thing that a human being can learn,
has an emotional undertone too. Unless you care
you are not likely to show much of it. And, if'
not, your opponents will, and you will be asking
yourself, What's it all about?

In political science and history, the Japanese sit-
uation in Manchuria had brought to it the trained
analysis of men who were as familiar with the coun-
tries ask one .is with his home .county. That Japan
is in Manchuria to stay was the opinion of Professor
Joseph Hayden.
The Russian movement was discussed by no less
authority than Junius Wood, of the Chicago Daily
News, who has represented his paper in the Red
Republic for years. Mr. Wood is sympathetic with
the people he has lved among, but his address amply
indicated his own feeling that their present attempts
were abortive and would have to lead to a different
Better interpretation of foreign news so that
American readers could understand it was urged by
Dr. Hutchinson of the Christian Century, a man who
lived and published papers in China. He said that
every foreign dispatch should be accompanied with
an explanation of any obscure points.
Crime was well discussed and was a major topic
with authorities' like Police Commissioner Watkins
of Detroit, Professor Wood of the Sociology depart-
ment of Michigan and others. Politics was brought
in when Professor Reed sailed into the public delay
in forcing a modern type of government into the
state's horse and buggy admin trative arrangement.
He urged abolishment of township government and
consolidation of school districts and counties.
Editors took a whirl at the legal profession when
a moment's discussion was allowed on the crime sit-
uation, many of them declaring that not until this
profession which is responsible for the courts and
court procedure, cleaned up the technical legal pro-
cesses, could any remedy be expected.'
Conservation got attention when Harold Titus,
conservation commissioner and author, interested
the grpup in a presentation of the problems under
solution in that department.
Thus quickly are brought to the readers' minds,
what editors do when they take a short course to
refresh their minds on their public responsibilities.
Not a single newspaper reader -but could have en-
joyed the whole affair.
And then to wind up with, a typical Michigan
football game where the most brilliant defensive play
many folks ever remember witnessing, completely
humbled a mighty eleven of giants from the North
and Michigan took care of the Little .Brown Jug for
another year. It was a genuine Michigan game with
the time-tested Michigan technique of never takingl
a chance after getting in the lead, was found sound.t
This technique does not provide a brilliant game but
it wins.
Renewal of friendships and gaining of new con-
tacts ar by-products of such gatherings which leave{
an indubitable impress on the mind and influence the
future with an optimistic hue. Strange to say whilet
the business situation was dragged in, there was noj
direct analysis attempted and the general opinion1
seemed to be that it was an old story of the/past,
forgotten, and that the upturn was here.j
Our efficient Ann Arbor cops have broken up a
desperate gang of eight-year-old racketeers. All right,t
men, let's get together and wipe out the cigarete-t
bumming mobs next.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confiden.tial upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if,

Shortly before the apearance of
Opus 31, Beethoven, according to
Czerny, said to Krumpholz: "I am
not at all satisfied with my work
so far, and from to-day I mean to
make a fresh start." If it helps one
to think in periods, this statement
may be taken as the announcement
of his second period beginning with
that crucial and amazingly fertile
year, 1803, which was climaxed by
the Eroica.
Of the three pianoforte sonatas
in Opus 31, the D Minor, now issued
in a splendid performance and a
splendid recording by Gieseking
and Columbia, contains most evi-
dence of "a fresh start." It has an
easily perceptible relation to the
famour Heiligenstadt Testament,
written in 1802, which certain cri-
tics of Beethoven have seen as con-
taining, for all its blundering, in-
articulate magniloquence, a verbal
index to the spiritual content of all
Beethoven's great music.
Certain peculiarities of the first
movement are responsible for the
Sonata's popular names ('Drama-
tic' or 'Recitatif' Sonata). Its in-
troduction presents a sharp opposi-
tion between a single broken chord
which slowly reveals itself (an ef-
fort at calm, profound statement)
and an unsteady, violently agitated,
uncertain figure. The opposition is
repeated; but this time the agita-
tion mounts until it has transform-
ed the slow broken chord: the
members of which now appear in1
powerful, assertive statement as
the main theme of the Allegro. Im-
mediately, however, there is a slight
figure which makes a weak, plain-
tive comment on this new power:
suggesting that the original, largo
meaning, w h ic h those intervals
were striving for, has not complete-
ly disappeared into this power. This
is the case. Twice the introductory
Largo reappears in the movement,
the second time more figured, and
the third time developing into an
article recitatif (which has the
quality of a severe decree, difficult
to acceept but accepted). The
movement is an excellent example
of what one would mean by the
dramatic mode of musical thought.
The Adagio presents a less in-
dulged, less insistent, less superfi-
cial sorrow tat the Largo of the.
D Major, Op. 10, recently heard
here. The first section is broken
and not fluent (bewilderment, pos-
:ibly at the bitter senselessness of
his deafness); the second section
(not at all integrated with the first,
but given possibly as an approxi-
mation to an ideal resolution) pre-
sents a typical, crystallised Mbzar-
tean adagio theme (its meaning
possibly related to the "Patience-
that's the word, she it is I must
take for my guide" of the Heiligen-
stadt Testament).
There is a Czerny story that the
rhythm of the Finale was "suggest-
ed by the beat of a galloping horse."
If this is true, it illustrates nicely
how irrelevant and useless these
bits of information are. A typical
Beethoven movement, it is built
wholly out of two strictly rhythmic
figures. The movement is full of
that fund of agitated, insistent en-
ergy always associated with Bee-
thoven. Marx suprisingly suggests
that it is frequently misplayed "as
a Vienna Waltz or as an Etude."
Any comments I would make on
Gieseking's playing would seem in-
discriminate enthusiasm to those
who have not yet heard the records.1
His performance is so certain and
so solid that it impresses one im-
mediately as an "absolute" perfor-
mance of this sonata: a judgement
which is, I think, corroborated by

careful examination of it. Unless
Columbia has a new secret in
pianoforte recording, it seems only
Rachmaninoff is comparable to
Gieseking in ability to adapt him-
self to the record-medium.


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To The Editor:
I cannot resist answering the naive article upon
Bertrand Russel which appeared on the front page
of The Daily for Supday, November 29th, giving the
opinions of a professor of English in this University.
The article begins with the statement that Bert-
rand Russel's is the "highest type of mind in Western
civilization today," a remarkable conviction from one
supposedly sensitive to the wonders of the artistic,
mind. The professor shows such decided apprecia-
tion of the scientific mind that it is a pity he wastes
his time in the department of literature.
Of course the real issue is whether one can quan-
titptively list the different types of minds, which,
incidentally, are much more than legion. F. U.

Phone 23123

BEETHOVEN: Leonore Overture
No. 3: played by Willem Mengel-
berg and the Concertgebouw Or-
chestra of Amsterdam: On Colum-
bia records 67987-67988.
Though Willem Mengelberg did-
n't prove permanently satisfactory
at New York's podiunm, one should
remember that he remains one of
the most versatile of contemporary
conductors. Columbia gives him
monthly assignments with the re-
markable orchestra he has develop-
ed at Amsterdam; and Victor is still
issuing some of his readings with
the Philharmonic.
Columbia has just released the
Leonore No. 3, "less an overture to
a music-drama, than the music-

For Call and Delivery Service







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