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November 29, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-29

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B o ilerm a k ers' T a y v
Comes in Fourth
65,000 AT GAMES
Minnesota Ends Ohio
Hopes by 19-7
CHICAGO, Nov. 28. -(P) -
After battling Northwestern at
even terms for the better part of
the game, Purdue whipped out
with a startling attack in the final
period which defeated the Wild-
cats 7-0 today.
The contest was played for
charity before 40,060 spectators in
Soldiers' Field. As a result of
Purdue's victory the Big Ten title
honors are shared by Michigan,
Northwestern, and Purdue.
The Purdue touchdown was
scored. by Jim Purvis, who ran
tvielve yards around right end to
th e l1orthwestern goal. .
The Purdue line deserves credit
for the triumph, the Boilermaker
forwards outplaying the g r e a t
Northwesten line. Northwestern
had a scoring opportunity in the
second period when interference on
a forward pass gave it the ball on
Purdue's one-yard line. The Wild-
cats suffered two penalties which,
combined with a fumble, ruined
their chance.
The Purdue victory showed that
the road had proved just a trifle
too long for the team which had
won seven games and had played a
scoreless tie with Notre Dame.
Score by quarters:
Prdue ........0 0 0 7-7
Northwestern.0 0 0 0 -0
Minnesota 19, Ohio State 7
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28. - (P) -
Led by Munn and Manders, the
Tniversity ci Minnesota today hum-
bled Ohio State 19-7.
Three long drives, one a march of
90 yards, brought the Gophers vic-
tory in the game which was played
for charity with 25,000 spectators in
the stands.
The first touchdown was scored
on a 28-yard pass from Homers to
Haas. Soon after that the Gophers
were backed up on their own 10-
yard line by an exchange of punts.
Captain Munn picked the holes
and Manders plunged through for
three consecutive first downs, Som-
ers scoring after he took a lateral
pass from Ubl and ran eleven yards.
In the final period Manders and
Munn combined in a 50-yard march,
Manders taking the ball over the
line for. the last touchdown.
Carl Cramer, the Ohio sophomore
quarterback, fought his way over
for the lone Buckeye touchdown in
the third period.
Score by quarters:
Minnesota ...... 0 13 0 6-19
Ohio State ........0 0 7 0- 7
Army 12, Notre Dame 0.
Stanford 32, Dartmouth 6.
Detroit 6, Georgetown 0.
Temple 38, Missouri 6.
Southern Methodist 0, T e x a s
Christian 0.

Navy 19, Worcester 6.
Purdue 7, Northwestern 0.
Minnesota'19, Ohio State 7.
Yale 51, Princeton 14.
Washington Jeff 14, W. Va., 13.
Penn State 31, Lehigh 0.
Davis-Elkins 33, Morris Harvey 0.
Providence 6, R. I. State 0.

Plan Free Movies
at Both Theatres
Wednesday Night
Arrangements are being complet-
ed by the Butterfield management
of the Michigan and Majestic thea-
tres for a free show to be given at
9:30 o'clock Wednesday night in
celebration of Michigan's tie for the
conference football championship,
it was announced last 'night by
Jerry Hoag, manager of the Mich-
Although the bill for the open
house has not been decided upon,
Hoag stated that the picture will
be one not previously shown in Ann
Arbor. He hopes to announce the
selection of the feature by Tues-
Particular mention was made of
the, fact that lie show is to be for
the benefit of University students
only, who will be admitted on pre-
sentation of either athletic pass
books or identification cards. The
students will be lined up in two
rows, two abreast in each.
A special block of tickets will be
reserved for the varsity squad at
the Michigan, and it is hoped that
the band may offer a program.
St. Andrew's Holds Communion
Service; Fisher's Sermon
Will Be Broadcast.
There will be Corporate Com-
munion services for men and boys
at St. Andrew's church, at 8 o'clock
this morning, in connection with the
Older Boy's Conference held in Ann
Arbor this week-end. At the morn-
ing services, Rev. Henry Lewis will
speak on "The Christian Philoso-
phy of Life."
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher's sermon
on "Facing Realities," which will be
given at the First l\ethodist Epis-
copal church this morning, is to be
given a radio broadcast overtsta-
tion WWJ.
Dr. Fisher's discussion will con-
cern the necessity of modern hu-
manity to deal with problems which
are now faced throughout the en-
tire world. At the evening service
Dr. Fisher will talk on "Unknown
Evening services at the First Con-
gregational church will include a
talk by Dr. John Alexander of the
University hospital. Dr. Alexander
is recognized as the leading thor-
acic surgeon in the world. His ad-
dress is called "The Broadening
Relationship between the Public
and the Medical Profession."
"An Ancient Christmas Portrait"
is the topic of a sermon to be given
in the First Presbyterian church
by Rev. Merle H. Anderson, while
at the First Baptist church, Rev. E.
Edward Sayles will speak on "The
Vision Splendid."
At the Zion Lutheran church,
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak on
"The Faithfulness of God. Rev. C.
A. Brauer of St. Paul's Lutheran
church, will discuss "The Kingdom
of God Cometh Not With Observa-
tion." Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
will speak on "The King of Glory"
at Bethlehem Evangelical church,
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 4)

Prettyman, Hill and Lewis Win
First, Second, and Third
Vice Presidencies.
Tobin Is Master of Ceremonies;
Members Wil Meet Again
This Morning.
Ralph Blocksma, of Grand Ra-
pids was elected president of the
1932 Older Boys conference yester-
day afternoon. Lee Prettyman,
Muskegon; Robert Hill, Detroit, and
King Lewis, Mount Pleasant, were
elected first, second, and third vice-
Richard L. Tobin, '32, managing
editor of The Daily, acted as master
of ceremonies at "Michigan Night,"
at Hill auditorium last night. Dr.
Edward A. Steiner, of Grinnel col-
lege, Iowa, gave the principal talk
of the meeting.
The Varsity glee club and Trum-
bull S. Jackson, '34E, saw-player,
furnished the musical entertain-
ment for the evening.
Dr. D. W. Meyers, general chair-
man of the conference, invited the
delegates.to return to Ann Arbor in
the future, and commended the
committeemen responsible for the
I success of the conference.
Fielding H. Yost talked to the
boys for a few minutes on the ne-
cessity of love for the job in any
undertaking. He urged everyone to
regard an athlete's life as a pleas-
ure, instead of a sacrifice. Mr. Yost
was head of the conference recre-
ational committee.
Members of the delegation will
meet for the last time this morn-
ing. Services for them will be held
in churches throughout the city.
Cadets Score Two Touchdowns
to Beat Notre Dame, 12-0.
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-()-The
Army rose to the heights today to
hand Notre Dame its second foot-
ball defeat of the season to the
tune of 12-0. Approximately 80,000
spectators saw the Cadets battle
the Irish on the frozen turf of the
Yankee stadium.
The first Army touchdown came
toward the end of the first period.
After several futile attempts to
pierce the Notre Dame line, Brown
punted over the Irish goal post.
Two more exchanges of punts gave
Army the ball on its own 42-yard
line. Stecker then took a pass from
Brown and ran to the Notre Dame
7-yard line. Kilday on the second
plunge took the ball over.
In the final period, with Army
holding the ball on its 32-yard line,
Stecker broke off tackle and raced
for the second touchdown. He
shook off three pursuers in his sen-
sational dash down the sidelines.
Score by quarters: .
Army .. ...... 6 0 0 6-12
Notre Dame .......0 0 0 0- 0

A 50-Yard Dropkick!

Hudson Leads in Victory
Over Wisconsin, Scoring
Field Goal, Touchdowi

Finishing a great football season
with his sensational 50-yard drop
kick for three points against Wis-
consin yesterday, Captain "Sol"
Hudson completed three years of
great football for Michigan. Hud-
son's touchdown, on a pass from
Hewitt, broke the ice in the third
quarter and paved. the way for the
Wolverine victory.
Michigan Takes Negative Side of,
Industrial Question at Mimes
Theatre Tomorrow.
Students, faculty members, and
citizens of Ann Arbor will be given
their last opportunity to hear the
negative side of this year's WVstern
Conference Debating League 'ques-
tion upheld by a Michigan team,
when the Varsity negative team
meets the affirmative team of the
University of Detroit in a return
debate at 8 o'clock tomorrow eve-
ning in the Laboratory (Mimes)
Jacob I. Weissman, '34, John W.
Lederle, '33, and Wilbert L. Hind-
man, '33, will uphold Michigan's
side of the subject, Resolved: That
the United States Should Adopt a
Compulsory Nation-Wide Plan for
Control of Production and Distri-
bution in Major Basic Industries.
Michigan's affirmative team de-
bated the University of Detroit last
week in Detroit, and it is predicted
that debaters on both teams will be
all the more keen because of the
competitive spirit aroused at the
last debate. No admission charge
will be made.
The next debate to take place in
Ann Arbor will be the Conference
debate with the affirmative team of
Minnesota, Dec. 10, in Hill auditor-
This week, the negative team will
meet Northwestern University at
Evanston before going to Lafayette,
Ind., for the Conference debate
with Purdue, Dec. 10.
It is probable, Coach McBurney
announced, that the same debaters
who meet the University of Detroit
tomorrow, will debate Northwestern
and Purdue next week.
Stanford Overwhelms
Dartmouth, 32 to 6
HANOVER, Nov. 28. - (AP) Led


The history of The Revelers, male
singing group to appear on the
Choral Union Series, Thursday eve-
ning, Dec. 3, in Hill auditorium, is
of unique interest to Ann Arbor
Lewis James, second tenor of the
quartet, who organized the original
"Shannon Four", out of which grew
the present ensemble, was born at
Dexter, Mich., educated at Ypsi-
lanti, and now returns to make his

quartet. They do not indulge in the
"close harmony" effects of the con-
ventional group of four. Rather,
they present a type of ensemble
singing comparable to a fine string
quartet, and they apply their tal-
ents to every sort of music from
the classics to what is known as
Their recordings have mounted
into the thousands and since the
advent of the radio even more peo-
ple have enjoyed hearing their

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