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November 28, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-28

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L...::,., TH E -ICH 1IGA N ,DAILY '' sAritDA


Published every morning except Monday during the University Fea
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the tse for te-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
aredited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
slags matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmnaster General
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial DIrector..............................Beach Coner, Jr.
Cit EcIto.,...+................... ... .....Cr o~~h
News Edtor ....r............................David M. "Nichol
pEorts Editor .............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
Women's Editor.............. ...Margaret M. Thorlapson
Assistant News Editor .........................Robert L. Pierce

the first, and so on; the frequent occurrence of cor-
ruption and subsequent executions or prison sent-
ences under the Bolshevik regime demonstrate this.
All the evil results which Tolstoy predicted in case
the revolutionaries should win, haveoccurred. Bol-
sheviks hate Tolstoyism because it reveals their stu-
pidity and wickedness. They commanded that Tols-
toy's books be destroyed and executed more than 100
Tolstoyans and other conscientious objectors who re-
fused to join the Red Army. F. S. Onderdonk.


To The Editor:


crank B. Gilbreth
@olbnd Goodman
Karl selffert

3. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Jerry B. Rosenthal
George -.A.- Stauter:

Wilber J. Myers
Prian Jones
Stanley W. Arnheim
Lawson E. Becker
Thomas Connellan
Samuel G. Ellis
Samuel L. Finkle
Louis B. Gascoigne

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A., Huber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martia
henryM eyer
Marion A. Milczewski
Albert II. Newman
E, Jerome Petit
Georgia Geisman
:Vice Glbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Francesh anchester
Elizabeth Mang

John b. Townsend
Vharles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C.' Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parkcr R. .Snyder
G. R. 'Wintersk
AMargaret O'Brien
Ilillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elma' Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhaams

othy Brockmnan
'amn Carver
.trice Collins.
ise Crandall
le Fecldman
idence IPoster

Telephone 21214
CR ARLES T. KLINE........................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.....................Assistant Manager
Advertising .. . .............................Vernon Bishop
Advrertising Contracts. ................ .. .Robert Callahan
Advertising Service................ .. ...........B~yron C. Vedder
Publications .............................. William T. Brown
Circulation... ...... ................Harry R. Begley
Accounts.......... ............... .......Ricbard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager .....................Ann V. Verner

Orvil Aronson
GilbertE.l Bursley
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Martha Jane Cissel
Genevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallmeyer
Mary Rarriman

John Keysee
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
lBernard4j. Schnacke
Anne Harsha
Ka tharine 3Jackson
orothy Layin
Virginia Mc omb
Carolin Mosher
-1h 1en Olsen
helen Schmeede

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
'.on Lyonx
Bernard' 1. Good
May Seefried
Mtilnie Seng
ilen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


Uncle Sam and
The States

c cry Uncle Sam were to take off his coat, roll upl
his sleeves, and say 'let's go to work,' he
could clean up the cesspool of crime in this coun-
try in less than a fortnight." Thus reads a; state-,
ment made by Governor Brucker last Sunday be-,
fore an' Ann Arbor audience.
These words are only unfortunately too true.I
That Uncle Sam can accomplish this work has1
been shown by the way in which Al Capone and
his intimates were taken care of in federal court
this month in Chicago. But what had happened to
the state machinery which ordinarily should have
functioned in the preservation of peace and order?
When Uncle Same has to step in and clean upt
crime conditions, which are usually in violation toi
state rather than federal laws, it is high time thatc
state administrations took proper steps to preserve
their reputations. The same is true of cities in
which the state has to take over the maintenance
of the public peace. What is the trouble?
Apparently since -gangsters are not convicted,
by state or; municipal courts of crimes, they are
innocent. Yet, for some strange reasons, many of
them' are known to be public enemies although#
they are as free to go and do what they please as
other more respectable citizens. Many a writer
has pointed to corruption and graft as the cause
of this condition; others have blamed the jury sys-
tem; still others the inefficient functioning of the
police system.
Whatever the causes, the very fact that so<
many people are setting forth their reasons gives
rise to the assumption that somnething is wrong.
But states have always been jealous of their rightsj
as against the federal government. And if they
wish to maintain these rights, they must first see'
to it that their own houses are in order." Respon-,
sibility goes. hand in hand with rights, duty with
prerogative. Before looking to Uncle Sam for,
help, states must do their best to improve condi-
tions themselves, otherwise the appeal will mean
they are unable to carry out their own guarantees.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will.
be disregarded. The naies of conImmunicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if
To The Editor:
The report of Dr. F .B. Fisher's lecture "Lenin-
Tolstoy-Gandhi" in ''the Michigan Daily" contains
an error: -Tolstoy's theories were not socialistic; in
iany of his essays he attacks the Socialist program.
)ostoy put all his hope upon changing the individ-
, ..0 n .i - - if- - .n a h m lta :n antm w 1reli nn

In my article of November 21st, I did only what
a normal person would do, that is, to defend those
principles in which I truly believe. I was not de-
fending the Qapitalists as anyone but a fool could
see, but I was defending a 'department composed of1
thinking, intelligent individuals, and one which
operates purely with unselfish motives. A definite]
position it seems, is much better than being tossed3
before the wind as Mn. Griggs appears to be. He was
forced to resort to an old trick of Shakespearian'
clowns, in order to give his statements the appear-
ance of logic. By grossly misstating what I said, and;
inserting twisted meanings, he was able to seemingly
make a good argument. If I were so uncompromising
and belligerent as to say that war was the best or
only means of settling disputes (which I did not say)
I would logically and unhesitatingly tell Mr. Griggs
to go to hell.
I do believe in the use of diplomacy for the settle-
ment of controversies in every case possible, but
sometimes it fails to function. Mr. Griggs admits
that certain fundamental characteristic emotions are
present in the nature of human beings, but he be-
lieves that they can be entirely controlled by educa-
tion. Christ thought practically the same thing it
seems, but in the nineteen centuries which have
passegl since he promulgated his beautiful teachings
those despicable emotions he sought to eliminate still
prevail. The christian world has been fighting bigger
and better battles each succeeding century. The
standards, it would seem, were too high a goal for
this world of hypocrisy to attain. "It is true, Mr.
Griggs,.that mothers no longer throw their babies
into the mouths of warlike gods; thanks to the pro-
gress of your profession, they now use scientific
I wish to congratulate K.B.W. on his article. He
made his position clear and forceful. Perhaps Social-
ism will be the next political development as a form
of government in the United States. If a majorityi
of our people accept it, I too would loyally support it,l
as would anyone with the interests of his country atI
heart. The world has passed through Mnany stages
including Monarchies, Democracies, Republics, etc.,I
and now perhaps Socialism is the next step. How-1
ever under each of these political forms, the armyi
has had its place. Even Socialistic Russia realizesE
the danger of not being prepared to defend theirf
country, hence their large standing army. It seemsa
at least that Russian Socialism does not deem itg
prudent to radically disband their protection, forit
might possibly lead to future regret. They find ah g
army necessary to protect the interests of the popu-
lace, as we in the United States find interests of ac
lesser number need protection. If Capitalism is wrong,
change it; but do not think that the first step is thes
abolition of our army. It is highly probable that thet
world will always need some type of police powers
and one who thinks otherwise, I believe, is dealing
with Utopias. -
When the pacifists have so educated the peoples of
this world, that no longer will lies, hates, false prom-c
ises, jealousies, desires for revenge, prejudices, etc.,s
exist, then the military department will have disap-
peared, and so will the rest of mankind.-
Kirby M. Gillette. t
To The Editor:
During the present discussion of disarmament, f
relative to the com g Geneva conference, it is well1
tb examine some of our reasons for having a strong
army, navy and air crps. One of these is to providea
a police force for the protection of American inter- f
ests in countries with unstable governments, andt
nake poss ile the further extension of those eco-
nomic nterests.
Ame ica has intervencd bput. thirty times since
1PpO with armed force in Latin Anerica. On each
oCasion the excuse has 'een the protection of
American life and property. Reading the history of
our 'elations with Latin.America makes one believe<
that it was chiefy dagter to crperty rights rather
than -danger to life that pro'pted these interven-1
In Cuba, for instance, in 1996 and 1912, American,
sugar inteests were eniagered by plitica revolts
and our marines were sent to prptect' them. ' It is
significant that at Nipe Bay, where a gunboat was1
sent in 1912, the Ulnied 'ruit Co., had sugar planta-
tions and the Spanish Aierican iron Co., a subsi-
diary if ethlehem>Steel, had mines and mills.
American bankers who make loans to the govern-

ments of Latin American countries expect our gov-
ernment to intervene if the security of those loans is
endangered. In the sales literature that accompanies
the bonds they like to state that the collection of
customs is in the hands of Americans, that the pay-
ment of the interest on the bonds is secured by a
first lien on the customs, and that -America will in-
tervene with force of arms if necessary to preserve
this control of the customs and to preserve the inde-
pendence of the country.'
It is that last point that is important. It does
not take a very large force to dominate a little coun-
try like Haiti\or Nicaragua, but to protect these coun-
tries from seizure or domination by powerful Euro-
pean nations requires a large navy and air corps.
It makes us feel very virtuous to think that we
have "Protectorates" in Latin.America. The Ameri-
can Army and Navy assumesthe role of the protector
of the weak. We protect Cuba, for instance. We
protect Cuba for the National City Bank, which vir-
S+iial nwns Cuha We were not t aht that in school,

in. 1923, when he became exchange
Professor ate t h e Sorbonne in
At the time he came to the Ann
Arbor campus the psychology de-
partment did not exist, although
instruction was given in that sci-
ence under the department of phil-
osophy. But, since he had had such
a remarkable success with the reor-
ganizantion of the Psychological
Laboratory in. 1900 a separate de-
partment of psychology was creat-
ed in 1910 and he was given the
The success of that department,
since its creation, is known the na-
tion over and it now consists of a
staff of ten men who enroll more
than 2,000 students each year. It
is probably because Doctor Pills-
bury enjoys contact with his stu-
dents so much that he has been
such a favorite with them. His
kindliness and courtesy have often
been noticed and remarked about
by students who have been other.
wise considered impervious to the
effects of a professor's personality.
To the world of psychology he is
one of its outstanding men for
probably two reasons. One is his
authorship of two textbooks which
are widely used throughout the
country; the other is his book "At-
The former are noted for their
clarity in dealing, with a subject
which most college men and wo-
men find difficult; the latter for its
vivid portrayal of an uncommon
subject in such a wady as to awaken
a great amount of reader-interest.
Doctor Pillsbury is one of the
three members of the Michigan
faculty who belong to the National
Academy of Sciences. Membership
in the organization is undoubtedly
one of the highest honors which can
be bestowed upon a scientist. Dr.
Frederick G. Novy and Dr. Moses 1
Gomberg are the other two Michi-
gan Professors who share this hon-
or with him at the present time.
Two fears ago Doctor Pillsbury's
"History of Psychology" was pub-
lished-a book which lists all of
the achievements from Aristotle to
Freud to Watson. The book also
attempts to show what is valuable
in the teachings of the many mod-
ern schools of psychology. Reviews
of this and other books by Doctor
Pillsbury have appeared in the
leading New York papers; al of
them indicate an extreme appre-
ciation of his ability and knowledge
by his contemporaries.
If Doctor Pillsbury has any one
thing which he prefers to do above
all else, it is probably to lose him-
self in the printed page. He has
a very large library, subscribes to
all the leading literary publica-
tions, and keens himself unusually

Dr. W. B. Pillsbury
In the late afternoons of fair-
weather days, observant students
may notice a white-haired distin-
guished-looking man, s t r o11i n g
about the familiar paths of the
campus in the company of a friend
or two. When the weather is not
nice enough for walking the man
may be seen entering his club to
spend the leisure hours of his day.
He is Walter Bowers Pillsbury,
chairman of the department of
psychology of the University, and
the men to be seen in his company
are other members of the faculty,
either colleagues or friends.
He has been walking these same
paths for 34 years, becoming a
member of the faculty in 1897 when
he was made an instructor in psy-
chology. Since that time he has
risen to his present positiop by the
usual gradual steps of being first'
and Assistant, then an Associate,
and finally a Professor. He reached
this last position in 1910 and has.
left Michigan since then only once,

10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
(Broadcast over Station WWJ)
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Both sermons by Dr. Fisher
Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland;
Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director
Philip .Bernstein, Assistant to the
Sunday, November 29
11:15 A. M.-Services in the Chapel
of the Women's League Building.
Rabbi Heller will speak on "Na-
ture Worship and Religion."
8:00 P. M.-Avukah Night. Movies
and entertainment.
Conservative services each Friday
evening 7:30 P. M. at the Founda-
E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:30 A. M.-The Church School,
Mr. Wallace Watt, Supt.
10:45 A. M.--Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles. will preach on:
12:00 M.-Students' Class at Guild
House. Mr. Chapman.
5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour.

12:200 o'clock-Classes under the in-
struction of Dr. Blakeman, Prof.
Carrothers, and Mr. Tom Pryor,
6:00 P. M.-"Religion and State'
Affairs" by Dr. Blakeman. Dis-
cussion groups lead by Williaml
Carson, Jack Luther and Wilber


Huron and Division $ts.
Merle H. Anderson, . inister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate
9:30 A. M.-Bible Class for Fresh-
men Students at the Church House,
1432 Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "An Ancient Christmas
12:00 Noon-Class for Upperclass-
men in EthicalsIssues in Current
5:30 P. M.--Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing discussion on "It Seems Pretty
Terrible to Me" lead by the Seers
of the Society.
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, November 29
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon b'y, the minister.
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M'-Primary and Kinder-
garten Departments.
5:30 P. M.-Ariston League.
-5:30 P. M.--Student Fellowship So.
cial half hour.
6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Dr. John Alexander,
head of the Department of Thor-
acic Surgery at the University Ilos-
pital, will speak on "The Broaderi
ing Relationship between the Pub
lic and the Medical Profession.
409 S. Division St,
10:30 A. M.--Regular ,or g Srv-
ice. Sermon topic: 1 inciut and
Modern Necromancy, Al as -
merism a n d Hypnotism, e.
11:45- A. M.--Sunday School follow.
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday . eyug
Testimonial Meeting.
The Reading .Room, 10 and 11
State Savings.Bank Building, is.p n
daily from 12 to 5 o' clok,,.except
Sundays and le g holidys.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sta.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:30 A. M.-German Service.
9:45 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.--Morning Service. ."The

South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School
10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "The King of Glory.",
11:00 A. M.-Worship in German.
5:30 P M.---Student Fellowship and
Discussion Hour.
7:00 P. M-Young People's


M.-World Service
in charge. Miss
Burchard. Subject:



Washington Street 'and 5th Ave.
E. C. Stelihorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
9:00 A. M.-German Harvest Fes.

For all "Michigan" Men.
Class that is "Different."
Every Saturday Evening,
Seven to Eight O'clock.
"~Discussion"~ Section meets
.i.., - . O Z1


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