I ESTABUSHED 1890 Ai VOL. XLII. No. 53 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 PRICE FIV , r ". 1 ,° ',y + , , ,I. . .. .' t , litr t d SET Foy PANHELLENlC BALL' ATTENDED BY 390 MICHIGAN COUPLES LEADS MARCH GO TO THE GAME TODAY! Ballroom Decorated in Autumn Hues With Bronze, Yellow Chrysanthemums. MUSIC BY GENE AUSTIN Many Faculty People Attend Affair; March Is Led by Jean Bentley, '33. By Margaret O'Brien, '33. (See Story on Page 5) Bronze and yellow chrysanthe(k mums furnished a colorful autumn background for the ninth annual Panhellenic ball, sponsored by the Michigan Intersorority association, which was held last night in the ballroom of the League building. More than 300 couples danced to the music furnished by Gene Aus- tin and his Victor recording artists, who came directly from a. run at the Warwick hotel in Philadelphia. The band has established a nation- al reputation as a result of its weekly broadcasting over the NBC network. Michigan students have been attacked throughout the state, as bad sportsmen; they have been accused of attempting to boy- cott the iWisconsin game because they are indignant over the Western Conference charity schedule; they are said to have ex- pressed contempt for Wisconsin as a vorthy gridiron foe. The editorial from the Milwaukee Journal, based on misconceptions of fact though it is, is indicative of the feelings of many other newspapers. There is only one way In which Michigan students can prove to the world that the conditions, which apparently have been misstated and distorted by the press, are not true. That way is to attend the game today. And why not? Michigan men and women have always been good sports. Seldom is the booing. and hissing of the opposing team, so noticeable at other institu- tions, found at the Wolverine stadium. Win or lose, Michigan teams have been backed by a loyal, fair, sportsmanlike student body. Today, we shall have to show Wisconsin that we have been misrepresented to the world. True, the Wisconsin Cardinal is the only paper to date which has not criticized Michigan for the supposed boycott of the game. They alone quoted the state- ments of metropolitan sports writers who are in no small meas- ure responsible for the ill feeling which seems to attend this charity contest. Go to that game today ! It will be a good football game, besides being for a worthy cause. More than forty boys at both institutions have sacrificed an extra week to practice in this cold weather. Are we asking too much of the student body when we ask them to part with a dollar for charitable purposes, especially when in this manner they receive more for their money than the personal satisfaction of knowing they have con- tributed to an excellent cause? It is tiue that Michigan students were disappointed at not being able to meet Northwestern. But that feeling has passed. Probably the fact that we are near the end of the month will have more to do with a small attendance than any other factor.- December checks are not due until next week. But it's for a worthy cause. Our reputation for sportsman- ship is perhaps at stake. GO TO THE GAME TODAY! tOLDER BOYS' GATHER TO HEAR RUTHVEN, FISHER, AND STEINER Betwebn,400and j Yck ng Men Gather-in-Abn Arbor for < Twenty-Ninth Annual State Conference. ,14 ns Distributed. ack and white pro- e form of miniature e frames, were dis- " guests. The design in a very unusual he favors were finish- ite silk cord. nach, which formed ck, was leai by Je nd her Vescort. Theo- doro Nagelvoort, of Detroit. Chaperones for the affair in- cluded Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Cram, Dean John R. Ef- finger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean J4- seph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Emil V. Lorch and Mrs. Lotch and Dean Wilbur C. Humphreys and Mrs. Humphreys.. Ten on Committee. Others included Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Dr. Margaret Bell, Prof. 0. J. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Prof. Roderick D. McKenzfe and Mrs. McKernzie, Prof. R. D. Hall and Mrs. Hall, Prof. Philip E. Bursley, Prof. Harvey C. Emery and Mrs. Emery, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Miss Jeanette Perry, Miss Ethel McCor- mick, Miss Ellen Stevensdn, arid Mrs. John Wannamaker. The committee in charge of ar- rangements was composed of Jean Bentley, '33, general chairman, Mary Barnett, '33, treasurer, Marg- ret Schermack, '33, chairman of music, Vinselle Bartlett, '33, chair- man of tickets, Eleanor Robson, '32, chairman of decorations, Adele Ewing, '33, chairman of chaperones, June Slote, '33, chairman of re- freshments, Leonore Snyder, '33, chairman of programs, Agnes Gra- ham, '32, chairman of publicity, and Marjorie Elsworth, '32, chair'nan of floor. HEROES!f it Wasn't Hewitt and Hudson, But Boys Had a Thrill. The Older Boys' c onference brought numerous celebrity hunt- ers 'to Ann Arbor. Witness this scrap of conversation heard on State Street: "There go Hewitt and Hudson," said one lad in an excited high school soprano.. "Yep, that's them all right," re- plied the second in equally excited acquiescence. "Where? Where?," asked a third who had missed the famous men. "Look quick. In back of us. I saw the 'M' on his sweater." And the three 'older boys' walked on, blissful in the presence of fame while the objects of their hero wor- ship were at the moment on a quiet sojourn at Barton Hills. Jean Bentley, '33, chairman of the ninth annual Panhellenic ball, led the grand march last night with Theodore Nagelvoort of De- troit in the main ballroom of the League building last night. POSTPONE FORHUM, Open F'orum on Office of Dean of Students' to Be Held Dec. 10-.at Union. The open forum on "The Office of the Dean of Students" has been postponed to 8 o'clock, Thursday night, Dec. 10. The meeting, which is the second to be sponsored this year by the Union, will be held in the assembly room of the Union. According to Edward J.Kuhn, re- cording secretary, the dean of the -forum is being changed because Dean Joseph A. Bursley was forced to go to New York to attend sever- al important meetings. Dean Bursley will address stu- dents at the forum, when he re- turns, Kuhn stated. Christian Gauss, dean of stu- dents at Princeton University, noti- fied the Union that he would be unable to be present to conduct the forum. A promine t dean from a mid-western University will be se- cured to take his place, according to Kuhn. In a statement to. The Daily, Kuhn said: "The students have evinced great interest in the sub- ject and welcome the opportunity of hearing Dean Bursley and of ex- pressing their opinions." Welfare Drive $10,000 Short of $63,0d Goal Since the one week intensive campaign for a $63,198 Community fund has fallen more than $10,000 short of its goal, the drive will be continued until the full quota has been attained, authority announc- ed yesterday. By Glenn R. Winters Addresses by Dr. Edward E. Stein- er of Grinnell college, Iowa, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, president of the University, and Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the First Meth- odist church, featured the opening programs of the State Older Boys' Conference which began a three- day session here yesterday. Between 1,400 and 1,500 boys from all parts ; of the state have gathered as guests of Ann Arbor homes for the twenty-ninth annual session of the conference, which isf to be devoted to study and discus- sion of the topic, "The Modern Boy in a Christian World." Dr. Steiner Speaks. Dr. Steiner, a well known sociolo- gist, gave the opening speech of the conference yesterday afternoon, recounting some of his experiences in his line of work. A concert by the University Sym- phony orchestra .opened the eve- ning program at Hill auditorium after which Dr. Ruthven gave a short address. The President reminded the boys that they would soon be called upon to fill the places now occupied by their elders, and like the re- serves of a football team are often called upon to do,' would face the task of extricating the team from the tight situation into which it's "fumbles, offside plays, and blocked kicks' have brought it. "We are not beaten yet," he said, "but the ball is far down in our own territory. Blames Machine Age. "We have created a machine age without adapting ourselves to it. We have built networks of trans- portatidn and communication be- tween peoples without working out the problems of race antagonism. Our economic structure is in the midst of a business depression which holds us powerless. "Nevertheless"hDr.dRuthven con- /tinued, "youth should face its task with courage. Advantages of our school system give modern youth better education-better 'coaching' -for the second team than the first team ever had, while the in- creasing store *of knowledge gives the new team better 'plays', and better equipment with which to work." Four Principles. Adherence to four principles of life determine the extent to which any body can become a hero, Dr. Fisherdeclared in the second ad- dress of the evening, the topic of which was "Motives that Make Men." The four qualities essential to the heroic life are the realization that in life there is meaning, growth, responsibility, and beauty, Dr. Fisher said. "The activedmind, the growing body, the yearning for comradeship and achievement sting the drifter into new action and make him de- sire to get to some definite port in life," he said. "The mafi who has meager wants has meager man- hood, but with enlarging wants comes enlarging manhood." Fields of Responsibility. Six fields of responsibility men- tioned by Dr. Fisher as worthy, among others, of a young man's efforts are scientific research, the doing of an original deed or writing an original production, teaching, entering religious service, and the building of better homes. "Get the championshipf a great cause-then be willing to give a life for it," was his advice. Band Will Spell Out Hudson in Last Game The Varsity band will spell out "Hudson" in their last performance - , , e - , _, 1_ Schedules, Depression Are Causes of Small Crowds at Big Ten Games Acording to Harvey T. Woodruff, nationally known columnist of the Chicago Tribune, who is in Ann Arbor for the Wisconsin game to- day, schedule misfortunes and the depression cause this 'year's falling off of gate receipts at Big Ten games. In speaking of football games'in general, Mr. Woodruff said, "I re- call one of my assignments as a young sports reporter, was to cover a Michigan - Wisconsin football game back in the days of Yost's great point-a-minute team." "I asked Yost for permission to watch the secret practice the 'day before the game and he not only let me watch the practice but he invited me to eat with the team at information which I knew he did not want printed. That was the beginning of my long and friendly associations with the Michigan football coaches." In speaking of today's game Mr. Woodruff expressed the opinion that Michigan would probably win by virtue of a line which seems to function a little more smoothly than Wisconsin's forward wall. Mr. Woodruff recalled the first time he wrote the "Wake of the News" column for which he is fa- mous. "I was sports editor at the time back in 1918 and we had a hard time finding anyone to write the column since it had passed from the efficient hands of Rin Lard- I