THE MICHIAN DAILY THURSDAY,: Published every morning except Monday during the University year he Board in Control of Student Publications. Yember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. .'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwixe ted in this paper and the local news published herein. ,ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second Iralter. Special rate of postae granted by Third assitant naster General. ubscription by carrier, $¢.00; by mail, $4.50 ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, gan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF - Telephone 4925 MAN4AWNG EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN . ral Director ....... ........ .....Beach Conger, dr. Editor ...................................Carl Forsythe Editor.................................David M. Nichol t Ed' or ............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton en's)itor . . .... ..............Margaret M. Thobpson tat N'ews Editor ..... ... ...Robert L. Pierce B. GlIbreth Goodman Hari Seiffert NIGHT EDITO J. Cullen Ken R> fined, James Inglis Jerry E. Rosentla George A. Stauter - . Sports Assistants er J. Myers John W. Thomas Jones r REPORTERS y W. Arnheim Fred EA. Huber >n E. Becker Norrman Kraft s Counellan Roland Martin A1 0. Ellis Henry Meyer 1 L,. Finkle 'Moron A. Milczewski B. Gascoigne Albert I1.Newman E. Jerome Pettit y Brockman Georgia Geisman n Carver A lice Gilbet ce Coiling Martha Littleton (Irandali I1lizabcth Long Feldranancs Manchester ace Foster Elizabeth Mann John :t. Townsend Charles A. Sanford John W.. 'l'ritehayd .Joseph Reiiihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rardien Dorothy Rundell Elma Wadsworta Josephine Woodhama EDTOAL COMMENT OUR GENIAL WOLVERINE HOSTS (The Milwaukee Journal) Wisconsin must go to Michigan next Saturday to do its part in the post-season Big Ten charity foot- ball schedule. At any time a trip to Ann Arbor is a pleasant journey. The sand dunes and the vine clad fiel'ds are not without recompense. And the classic atmosphere of Michigan's university city is always inspiring. This year, even though November be with us, the pleasure of the pilgrimage will be greater than usual. Michigan is overflowing with sweet charity toward Wisconsin. With Michigan's students telling, the world of their disappointment that their team did not get a game with Northwestern (a lucky thing for Michi- gan) and booing the name of Wisconsin at every mention, the reception ought to -be as exhilarating as a whiff of laughing gas. And with' the Michigan boycott in force, Wisconsin can have that rarest of privileges- the honor of furnishing most of the cus- torners in somebody else's stadium. Michigan, it seems-and on this point the Hon. Fielding Yost, director of Michigan's athletics, ap- pears also to be kidding himself about Northwestern -interpreted ,the post-season game as an extra' chance to grab the Big Ten championship. The Big Ten athletic council -had no such idea in mind.' L made the mistake of thinking one Big Ten team as about as good as another, when it ought to have seen that Michigan should have had special honors and special privileges. We suggest that, in condonation, a band be employed the next time the athletic com- missioners meet, just to receive the Michigan dele- gates. Just how Michigan gets that way we don't know. She has not been such a whirlwind in the Big Ten conference this year. Her 6 to 0 victory over Minne- sota was not so amazing. And speaking of other scores, Wisconsin' lost to Ohio State, 6 to 0, while Michigan Was knocked off by the same Ohio team, 20 to 7. If anybody should be kicking, it is Wiscon- sin. By all odds, Purdue is entitled to play North- western on the- record. And since Wisconsin beat Purdue, surely the Cardinal team is no mean choice for Michigan. But Michigan's hospitality does not seem to fol- low reason. It overflows regardless- spilling its good sportsnanship ;.l over the peninsula. And Wiscon- sin will have, to meet the deluge.. Coach Thistle- thwaite, who has been a good sportsman throughout a trying situation, no doubt is prepared to be kissed on both cheeks:' We hope he kisses the Wolverines- about 21 to' 0. .That might ,go a little way toward deflating Michigan, although one doubts it. 3 3. C i 1 F l s l i 1 I BCOOKS Their Fathers' God, by O. E. Rol- vaag. (Translated by Trygve M. Ager) Harper and Brothers. $2.50. Review copy courtesy Wahr's Book- store. A Review by ° John W. Pritchard. "To the west gold-fringed cloud, l floated in the still evening. Alive. Magnificent. What was their car- go? Where were they bound? Only mocking, impotent man! .. A mi d the barrenness of a drought-parched South Dakota in the summer of 1894, Rolvaag lays his complex tragedy of a Norwe- gian free-thinker, Lutheran by birth and all 'the traditions :of his ancestral Norway, mismated to an Irish Catholic girl, steeped in the religion of orthodox Romanism. It is a situation that requires delicate but courageous handling; and the author rises to the occasion with BUSINESS STAFF % Telephone 21214 S T KLINE ........ ....... . .....usincss Manage 1'. JOHNSON .....................Assistant Manager Departmient Managers ng .............. . ...........Vernon Bishop ng Contracts........ . .............Robert Callahan n' Service.. .. .. .... ..yron C. Vedder ois.... ... ....... ..... .. .' iliam T. IBrown >n ................................... .Harry R. Begley ess . .. ...... ...... .....Richard Stratemeir iBusiness Manager ........ . ............ .Ann W. Verner Becker Assistants Jon Keysee Arthur F. Kobu James Lowe ernard E. Schnacke Anne i'larsha Katharine Jackson Dorothy Layin Virginia McComb Carolin Mosher Hc i:.en Olsenl Ihelen Svhwneede GraftJn W. Sharp Donald Johnson Don Lyon Bernard H. Good M a Seeried Minnie Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clary Unger Mlavy Elizabeth Watts sned ind NIGHT EDITOR-JAMES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER INGLIS 26, 1931 hdnksgiving iThe. Depressioni HANKSGIVING DAY had its origin in a time of adversity. It was, as it has been said, outward expression of an inward determination 'O misfortunes. The Pilgrims, having passed rough a winter of hardship, were entering upon other. But as they cast about for motives to ank God and to take, heart, they found in them rtain values more important than material bless- Ds. Similar motives for giving thanks are as plicable today as they were then, for there is idence the same manifestation of spirit. We have passed through not one but two win- of h rdship. A third lies ahead. Fpr one thing, be said that the hard times have made: hard the spirit of Americans. Nor has breaking prosperity, as Governor Brucker said in making his observation last week, broken their morale. They have maintained an optimism quite unexam- pled, and have kept their heads erect. The bottom has been scraped and the way is now upward. This same spirit has served to strengthen the free insti- tutions of the nation which goes forward with sober determination. There has been displayed an invincible faith in the government. During the last year we have seen in the discontent bred of economic depression the rioting and the revolution which has led to the crumbling of governments. Those of Brazil and Peru fell before the God of might; monarchism in Spain gave way before re- publicanism; insurrections and rioting broke out in the Latin-Armerican countries, particularly Cuba and Nicaragua; fascism strengthened its bonds in Italy and communism in Russia sought to height- en chauvinism. Even now Japan and China are at war, irresolute in upholding all lawful authority. In the midst of a world where/turbulence and dic-, tatorships have been common, America has main- tained a cheerful confidence in the demoeratic institutions devised for her more than a century and a half"ago. For this faith we may well be thankful today. 'President Hoover in his Thanksgiving procla- mation said, "Many of our neighbors are in need from causes beyond their control. Generosity on the part of those who have, toward those who have not, should be quickened in this festival mio& than for many years." It will be diffic'ult for some in distress to give thanks for harvests that have not been so abundant. But even better than our faith in government is the fellow-feeling and human kindliness which Americans have been manifest- ing during these trying months. To the unfor- tunate there has been and is flowing a stream of ahndant and nronized nhilanthrnnv A ain. in An excellent exhibition of oil paintings is being held in Room B, Alumni Memorial Hall. They are' from the Duncan Phillips Memorial Collection in Washington, D. C. The exhibit is a delight from the standpoint of sheer color. The pictures are very re- presentative of the general trends in modern art today and are full of variety and interest. Most of the work is by American and French artists, but there are also some English, Mexican and Roumanian con- tributors. The most outstanding picture in the show is Barn- ard Karfiol's "Boy", because of the beautifully and delicately expressed sadness. The lad is sitting with his head in his palm, looking wistfully away. The mood is exquisitely conveyed by the misty grays which subdue and yet dominate the picture. Maurice Ut1illo is represented by "Snow in the Suburbs," which seem a bit negative and indefinite. Of the "Harbour of Toulon" Othan Fri'ez gives a vigorous and well balanced panorama. It is hard to know what overtook John Graham in his study of "Harlequin and Heavy Horses". Perhaps he was striving to arrange 'forms in an interesting way, but there is no intrinsic beauty in color or draw- ing, and his meaning escapes in lack of coherence. To understand Georgio de Chirico's "Two Horses" is just as difficult. Realistic -study of form was not what interested him, nor did color or line. The aes- thetic value of these two paintings is hard to appre- hend. Women have a delicacy of viewpoint that Georgia O'Keeffe catches in her clear-lined, pure-toned leaf study. The composition is satisfactory, made inter- esting by the ray of yellowish green light shining thrbtlgh the rent in the leaf, which relieves the rich reddish brown. By shading to a clean cut edge she makes the leaves look flat and realistic, and a fami- liar 'subject newly fascinating. Still lifes comprise the majority of the pieces shown. Jean Negulesco presents a carefully balanced still life, in which the colors are well related.. Karl Knath's is a different type from this. His colors seem to blend into one another, delicately and softly. The harmonies of the sea greens, lavendars, and pinks are beautiful. One of the most striking pictures is Marsden Hart-' ley's "Camellias", a forinally arranged object study. It is so vivid that one feels as though the artist were staring hard at the vase making it start from the canvas, held down by the rich gray background. Lovely in their coloring are the three landscapes which, to my mind, top off the show. \4ax Weber's "High Noon" is pulstating with warm tones. Pierre Bonnard in "Morning Over Roofs", has given tireless charm of full color. "Exiles" 4y Pepino Mangaravite has satisfying de- sign, color exquisitely used, and more spiritual depth than any other picture, except Karfiol's Boy, which has much the same wistful feeling differently achiev- ed. Karfiol uses his gray and brown tones to make his dreamy mood prevail, while Mangaravite employs light pastel tones with equal success in creating the saddened mood of the prison colony at Lipari. The American Federation of Arts and the College Art Association combine in bringing this exhibition here. It closes on the thirtieth of the month. :{ Harriet Adams. simplicity and magnificence. Yet,' from beginning to end, one senses that Rolvaag is arguing against Catholicism with all the vigor that subtlety will allow. Peder Holm, young and hand- some, endowed with powerful, and rugged physical and mental equip- ment, is a farmer in a region whose populace is split into two factions, ardent Catholic and stalwart Scan- danavian, who bitterly lash each other with all the vituperation their brains can muster. Peder himself, although freed from most of the blind religious egoism that permeates his fellows,is as bitter . ' against the Roman faith as any of them. Yet he commits the unpard- u onable fault in marrying a Catholic woman - Susie D o h e n y- whose heart is tugged in one direction by her love for Peder, and in another by her undying fierce loyalty to the Church. "For God's sake, be ra- tional! Leave your idols and your timorous superstition, and be free!" cries Peder; but his wife, weeping, answers, "You don't understand." Despite his apparent propagan- dism, Rolvaag is remarkably im- partial in dealing alike with the impetuous bitterness of the Irish Catholic faction and the stolid big- otry of his own countrymen. One feels that he is watching the head- long clash of the tio armies of stupidity, generaled here and there by 'flashes of brilliance whose worth the self-appointed crusaders are, for the amost-part, slow to appre- ciate. A constant sensation of an- tagonism threads it way from page to page, making the reader restless, indignant; and longing, like small boys at a movie, to cry out words of advice to the hero, who is rea- sons' only potent advocate. As in most Norwegian literature, the characters are so real, so liv- ing, that printed words vanish and vital three-dimensional people ap- pear in their place. The reader is white-lipped and silent before the white-lipped, silent wrath of Peder; he suffers the Tiental agony that often transforms Susie into a sob- racked, quivering bundle as she hears Peder rip into shreds the re- ligious doctrine that is her cradle; he is made tender by their love, which the writer paints a thing of fearless beauty; 'he snickers as Irish Tom, 'seeking to confound Peder's hopes for election as coun- ty commissioner, casts stupid as- persions as to the why and where- fore of the' marriage of Peder and Susie, and their manner of life to- gether; and he finds his indigna- tion at the meddlesome nature of old Beret, Peder's mother, mingled with compassion for the dumb sad- ness'that fills her life, because she is relegated, to the position of a snooping old mother-in-law. And yet, alive as they are, the characters in the story are sym- bols-symbols which Rolvaag has used as pawns in the tragic game of religious controversy. The au' thor has analyzed shrewdly the difficulties which make it next to impossible for bigoted national and religious patriots of two different sects to live amicably together. The clarity of his thene is further en hanced by the unsupported at- tempts of Peder to bring the two factions together as Americans- not as Irish and Norwegians. But Peder himself, as we have said be- fore, has scant success because he i steeped in an overwhelming hat- red of Catholicism. Rolvaag, author of "Giants in the Earth," has done entire justice to his theme, and has provided us with a thoroutghly entertaining novel. We shall look forward to I