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November 25, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-25

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iblished every morning except Monday during the University year
e Board in Control of Student Publications. '
ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
e Assocfated Press is excluively entitled to the use for re-
ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news published herein.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as - second
mutter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
aster General,
bseription by carrier, $4.00; b mail, $4.50
ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
an. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephoni 4925
Al Director ,.............Beach Conger, Jr.
Edltor .. ............ ..........Carl Forsythe
Editor .....,......... ............ .avId M. Nichol
Editor .............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
i's Editor+.........................Margaret -M. Thompson
nt News Editor .... ............ ....Robert L. Pierce






' ' .
_ ,


B. Gilbreth
Karl Seifert

J. Oullen Kennedy James Inglis
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

J. Myers

y W
n E
s C
1 sG
1 L,.

. Arnheim Fred A. Huber
Becker Nornan Hraft
onnellan Roliind Martin
Ellis Henry Meyer,
Minkle Marion A. Milezewski
Gascoigne Albert H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
rockman Georgia Geis-man
arver Alice -Gilbert
olins Martha Littleton
andall Elizabeth Long
man Frances MAnchester
Foster Elizabeth Manm

John tJ. TownAepd
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams


e C

Teleph'one 21214
PLES T. KLTNE Bu.. .......\.... usiness Mauager
RIS P. JOHNSON ....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
rtising.... . . ...... ....Vernon Bishop
rtising Contracts ..........................Robert Callahan
rtising Service.............Byron C. Vedder
cations ...................................Milliam T. Brown
nation ..........................Harry R. Begley
ant. ....................................Richard Stratemeir
en's Business Manager .. .' ....... ...Ann W. Verner

son John Keysee
Bursley Arthur F. Kohn
Ic James Lowe
in Bernard E. Schnacke
eker Anne Marsha
ne Cissel Katharine Jackson
Field Dorothy Layin
schgrund Virginia McComb
ieyer Carolin Moher
inan IHealen Olsen
Helen Schmneede.

Grafton W. Sharp
Donal, Johnson
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Hlelen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare iUnger
Marry Elizabeth Watts

ner's) $2.50. If we the students of America, who

A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.,
(Appleton) $2.00.
Successful Living in This Machine Age, by Edward
A. Filene. (Simon & Schuster) $2.50.

)tU ent Sickness
With A Grain of Salt
{ number of instances have been reported this
year of students who have utilized statements
'om the university health service as a means of
xcusing themselves from examinations for which
ley were unprepared. This frankly illegitimate
se of the health service is a problem that comes
> light every year and is by no means confined
> this institution. The usual comment made upon
he situation is that the doctors at the health serv-
:e are too gullible in accepting a student's word
boat his supposed ailment and that a closer scrii-
ny by these doctors would seed out the really!
ick patients from -those whose imagined or ficti-
.ous disability resulted primarily from an aca-
emic deficiency rather than a physiological one.
lowever a more intimate examination 'of the prt-
sms of the health service seems to throw a greater
esponsibility on the professor than haspreviously
een supposed,
In the first place it should be made clear that
he doctors at the health service can not aiid do
ot excuse a student from an examination or from
ny other form of academic pursuit. All they do!
to merely write out a statement of fact. Usually
his statement merely says that the student in
uestion was at the service at a certain time under
reatment, or in case of a student missing classes
he day before he went for treatment the dctor
,ay in some cases write a statement that the su-
ent's present c9ndition indicates that in all prob-
bility he was indisposed on the previous day.
'hese statements, often erroneously called ex-
uses, are only facts that the doctor ascertains and
an be ;used by the professor for just what he may
pink they are worth-and no more.
There are other reasons why it is up to the
rofessor primarily to take these statements with
grain of salt. For the doctors at the health serv-
:e to question students as to their motives in
oming for treatment would be undesirable as well
s impossible. Antagonism developed toward the
ervice by questioning a student's sincerity would
efeat one-of the very purposes of the institution,
hat oif friendly aid to the sick undergrduate.
Vhile the very nature of medical science itself'
ua es questioning an individual's word about his
oterznal pains impossible. No doctor in the woilod
as sufficient acumen to discern whether a patient
s actually suffering bodily pain or whether he is
ring about his condition.
Therefore it seems evident that if the preent
buses are to be mitigated, and there is ampl
vidence that such abuses are wide spread, we
nust look to the professors rather than the doc-
ors to make the decision as to whether an under-
radiate is taking unfair advantage of the system
r not.
If the professor will take the health service
tatement merely at its face value and not As an
xcuse, more exam evading hypochondriacs will be
riade to talpe their academic medicine.

Scaramouche, The King Maker, by Rafael
tini. (Houghton Mifflin) $2.50.
The Father's God, 0. E. Rolvaag. '(aHrper's)
In Defense of Tomorrow, by Robert Douglass
den. (MacMillan) $2.00.
Cold, by Lawrence McKinley Gould. (Brewer,
ren & Putnam) $3.50.
The Lindberghs, by Lynn and Dora Haines.
guard Press) $2.50.

will some day be the intellectuals
of the country, refuse to consider
planned economy, unemployment
relief, and various other needs of
a capitalistic organization of today,
we .shall inevitably fall into the
grasp of a class revolution. If war
continues to be an essential instru-
ment of capitalistic struggle for
markets, if we continue to fall into


4 All programs are given in Hill
Auditorium u n l e s s otherwise
noted. The afternoon concerts
are g i v e n without admission
THE REVELERS, Jams Melton,
1st tenor, Phil Dewey, baritone,
Lewis James, 2nd tenor, Wil-
fred Glenn, bass, Frank Black,
Director and Pianist, Dec. 3,
prano, December 6, 4,15.
THE "MESSIAH" by Handel,
University Choral Union, Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra.,
Soloists'\ Earl V. Moore, Con-
ductor, December 13, 4:15.
CHESTRA, Ossip Gabrilow-
itsch, Conductor, Dec. 15, 8:15.
CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Con-
ductor, Jan. 13, 8:15.
CHESTRA, Dr. Rudolf Siegel,
Guest Conductor, Jan. 25,
Feb. 4, 8:15.
19, 8:15.
R O S A PONSELLE, Soprano,
March 7,8x.15.
nesday, 4:15.

(Van- periods of severe depression and

Letters published in this column should n6t
be construed as expWsing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,'
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if
To The Editor:
I am not a Socialist, nor am I allied to any paci-
fist group, but since reading the "Campus Opinion"
of Kirby Gillette last Saturday I am strongly inclined
to join with anti-militaristic forces. Most of his

chaos, and if we fail to better those
obvious wrongs by proper socialist
legislation, let us starid aside acid
cheer for the better state by revo-
lution. However, the Socialists are
Pacifists. They do not want war of
any type, and they are working
more than any other group in our
society for its abolishment. They
understand that men will fight na-
turally only when they are refused
the right of a decent livelihood-if
capitalism does not give the work-
ers this, they will fight. But the
socialists are trying to give them
justice through an intelligent, pro-
gressive means.
However, international war is a
different problem. In primitive
times, war between tribes was an
b Cnl t nP.C"rit fnr f rh h ntli u-


article was a name-calling revilement of the Social- ation of theciIf acein
ists for which he gave no facts or justification or ation of the species. If a certamn
band of tribesmen could no longer
proof. What few arguments he had were founded obtain game from their own coun-
on gross error which is surprising/ in one who has try, it became necessary to conquer
been so exposed to higher learning as he has.trsiece . n-essato e o
1. His blanket accusation that the Socialists some new land-but that does not
attack any existing condition good or bad, is a gen- trait in the human betig. Nature
seralization from the one fact that they criticized his .a.the vua teinstiNctuof
. gave the individual the instinct of
own particular pet, the military department. i hunger, but the way in which he
2. If "pacifism is not an inherent principle of
satisfied his hunger certainly was
socialism," I see significance in the fact that sincere not instinctive. Mr. Gillette is ap-
persons in all systems of thought are beginning to in confsed onethe term
lose faith in the military philosophy and the mnilitary "Human Nature." Today, war ap-
method of settling disputes. pears to be only a cultural heritage
3. Has it occurred to Mr. Gillette that perhaps it -not instinctive. We learn that
is the anti-militarist forces who are most eager that war is an honorable thing, that the
the majority of people "will not. be lead into the greatest deed a man can do it to
doing of any rash acts by a group of dissatisfied die for his country whether it be
fanatics"? (Note: the military department of Japan right or wrong. When a certain
is responsible not to the people or the Diet, but to capitalist loses his investments in
the Emperor alone.) Mexicothe cry goes up, "Let's go
4. Mr. Gillette says that it is utter nonsense to dxw , e u eicp, Is ga
believe that human nature can be.changed. This is an indcex
t an instictivetrait? No, of course
his gross error. My authority is Charles Horton it isn't. In 1917, when United Statesj
Cooley, ef. seq., and any other authdrities on human declared war on the Central Pow-
nature and its evolutioD. True, jealousies, hates, and ers, was it because the American
prejudices are characteristics of the human race, but people wanted to satisfy an inborn
our conduc~t in response to them is amenable to learn- instinct to kill? The answer is quite
ing and will powe'. No change in human nature obvious.
Vince mothers threw their children into the mouths Let Mr. Gillette remember that
of their warlike gods? Or since captive peoples were I the Socialists are Pacifists not be-
sold into slavery? Change is the keyword of allIcause they have inferiority com
nature and progress. If "the duty of the military de- plexes, or because they want to
partment remains the same throughout the ages" it r any particular institution


Let's smoke a
W HEN the girls begin to cut cor-
ners in our cars and do back
somersaults in our planes and borrow
our cigarettes-
then it's time to
take to a pipe!
Callrit the last
stronghold of mas-
culine defence-or
the one pet diver-
sion our little t.
friends keep their
fingers off. Call it
what you will-
there's something Her smoke-
downright satisfy- a cigareUe!
ing, understanding, companionable
about a friendly, mellow, MASCU-
LINE pipe! It's a real man's smoke!
And a pipe's at
its best when you
fill it up with Edge-
worth. There's a
rare, mellow flavor
to the Edge-
worth blend of
fine burleys that
.:...simply can't be
touched. It's cut
long-to give you
A pipe s a a cool, slow-burn-
inan' ssmoke ing smoke. And
you'll find it the favorite with smokers
in 42 out of 54 colleges.
You can get Edgeworth wherever
good tobacconists sell smokes. But if
you've never tried it, we'd like the fun
of treating you to that first satisfying
pipeful. Just write to Larus & Bro. Co.,
105 S. 22d St., RichmondI, Va.
Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys,
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge-
worth's distinctive f
and exclusive elev- -

will soon find itself an unjustified impediment to the
human race.
Mr. Gillete's mistaken fundamentals and un-
founded contempt for other courageous thinkers have
no place in a sincere search for truth.
Joseph F. Griggs, '33M.

of society, but because they believe
that war is a feature of the pre'sent
economic world that can be elim-'
inated by proper education of the
people K.__._W. -

To The Editor:
It seems rather significant that even on this cam-
pus Mlilitarism and Capitalism must go so far as to
attempt to justify themselves, but certainly justifi-
cation cannot be accomplished by slander and name-
calling at the Socialists. I might say that if this Mr.
Gillette stupidly argues that socialism has no place
in this country on the grounds that there is no
socialism in America, how does this worthy student

Wuerth: Warner Oland and Anna
May Wong in "Daughter of The
Michigan: Ruth Chatterton in





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