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November 25, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-25

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XLIL No. 51



ary G

roup Lifts Decree

Big Ten Ofcial
to Address Grid.

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of Social Probation
on Fraternities.
immittee Feels That Puipose
of Ban Is Fulfilled,'
Says Council.
he last vestige of punishment,
icted upon the five fraternities
led by police authorities last
r, was removed yesterday when
houses were informed that the
al probation, under which they
i been placed; was removed.
he fraternities, Delta Kappa
ilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta
ta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and
ta Delta Chi were closed last
rpary after liquor raids. They
e allowed to open up again last
ier, after the spring semester
were placed upon social proba-

d these
of any

o the Senate Com-
ent Affairs, urging
ty be lifted, was
a meeting of the
ittee of the Inter-
it last week. It was
nimous vote after
y, dean of students,
mmittee lifted the
a virtually unani-
on Drawn.
to the committee

Banquet Tuesday VILL LA[biLU
Major John L. Griilth, commis-
sioner of Big Ten Conference ath-
si nro i e ofrneahletics, will be the principle speaker
at the annual Union Football ban-,
quet, to be held at 6:15 o'clock, Regent Murfin, Attorney for Law
next Tuesday, in the Union. School's Side, Expresses
The banquet is held every year Optimistic View.
as a tribute to Michigan's Varsity OptmitiVew
football team. Every man who re-
ceives his letter in the sport this $6,000,000 INVOLVED
year will be a guest of the Union.
At this time the captain and Serrogate Judge Foley of New
manager of the 1932 team will be
announced. There will be speeches York Is Now Considering
by Captain Roy Hudson, Manager All Evidence.
John Sauchuck, and by the captain
and manager elect. Interest in the litigation concern-
Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the Eng- ing the will of the late William W.
list department, will be the toast Cook, donor of the law club has
master at the banquet. Hugh R.
Conklin, '32, president of the Un- been aroused by the prospect of a
ion, will extend the welcome of the decision in the near future. Last
campus and the Union to the team. Friday the New York serrogate
Tickets have been reduced in judge who is trying the case. dis-
price from the customary $1.25 to mse or n oktecs
$1. Six or more persons, buying missed court and took the case
tickets in a group, may reserve a under consideration. Approximate-
private table. The tickets will be ly six million dollars are involved in
on sale at the Union desk, at Slat- the will.
er's Book Store,and also may be James 0. Murfin, regent of the
men. University and attorney for the law
/ The Union banquet, w'hich has school's side of the litigation, ex-
become a traditionon the campus, pressed himself yesterday as being
is held at the close of each foot- very optimistic as to the outcome
ball season. It is primarily an Op- of the case. "The judge will have to
portunity for the student body to makhe some startling law if the de-
express their appreciation to the cision is against the university, he
teayn for their work done during remarked.
the season.SutoImrane
This year, because of the fact JudgeSuit of Importance.
that there are only four outstand- the suit Foley apparently considers
ing juniors on the squad, there has tane frone of considerable import
been much speculation as to who fcrding to Regent Murfin. Before
will receive the captaincy next year. dismissing the court, Judge Foley
Thereare also four- men eligible stated that in his opinion the case
for the managers job. wsatey thatnasinonell casen
Since the V a r s i t y las gone se ry important as well as in-
through and unusually difficult and When the question was discussed
successful football season this year, as to how much money was actually
and because of the fact that the at stake as a result of the decision,
price of the tickets have been re- the possibility was brought up that
duced, the Union expects to have even though the one time wife of
one of the largest crowds in its his- William Cook won the suit she still
tory at the banquet. ,might not get any of the money.
It seems the law provides that
educational. &id eharitable institu-
i nsca nnlt l mm}e h n h Y.
I KDAof a man's will if a widow or child
files suit for a share. As the amount
is always figured from the value of
the estate at the time of the donor's
demise,. the university's half of the
estate in this case would be about
Democratic Leader Tells Party six million dollars. And since the
Not to Take Definite Stand estate is mostly in foreign loans
on Prohibition Issue, and in stock of the National City
,y__bank, its present value i less than
six million, it was brought out.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(A)- Therefore with the university's
Chairman John J. Raskob of the share bei g paid first as it probably
Democratic n a t i o n .1 committee would b the former Mrs. Cook
said today he opposed the partyg may not receive her half even
taking either a wet or dry stand in though the deision of the court is
1932 but wanted it to declare for inher vProbably Appeal.
a referendum on prohibition. Whoever comes out ahead in the
At the March meeting of the present litigation, there will in all
committee, R a s k o b proposed a probability be an appeal to a higher
plank providing state liquor con- court, according to Regent Murfin.
trol. His declaration today on the Pointing out the unusual nature
eve of another national committee of the claims of the late William
ineeting was une pected. He made Cook's former wife, Regent Murfin
the statement through the com- said that there were-no equities in
mittee in defending his position in the case at all, and that if it were
reply to an editorial in the New not for the eminence of the oppos-
York Times. He said: ing council and the large amount
"I strongly feel the party should involved, no one would take the
take neither the wet nor the dry case seriously.
side of this highly controversial Nathan F. Miller, the attorney for
question, b u t that its platform the opposition has considerable
should definitely commit the Dem- standing, it is generally agreed.
ocratic members of Congress to Their claim is based on a mere
vote in favor of some resolution technicality, however, Regent Mur-
which will give the neople them- fin declared.


University President Criticises
Forced Conformity as Result
of Modern Ways.


a Epsilon, Theta
i Delta Theta be
status of social
of Good Stand-

The committee feels
irpose of the penalty has
advantages of social pro-
a serious detriment to
e of these houses during
g seasoni."
lution was drawn up and
to the Judiciary commit-
ard Gould, '32, secretary-
of the Interfraternity

State Bulletin
(By Associated Press)
Tuesday, November 24, 1931
ESCANABA-H. H. Stroud, Way-
land, Mich., is the second archet
of the season to get his buck in the
Blaney park archery reserve. He
brought down a 10-point deer with
his bow and arrow today. H. J.[
Cooper, of Kalamazoo, felled a deer
by the same quaint method Satur-
LANSING-Approximately $500,-
000 in road contracts were awarded
today by the . highway committee
of the state administrative board,
which also approved $71,000 worth
of new construction and better-
ment projects.-
Kellogg school f o r handicapped
children, cited by President Hoo-
aver as an example of future devel-
opment in public education, was
dedicated here today. W. K. Kel-
logg, cereal manufacturer aided in
financing the school.
PONTIAC-Six witnesses testified
today in the one-man grand jury
inquiry Circuit Judge Parm C. Gil-
bert of Traverse City is conducting
into the recent flogging of three
men suspected of communist sym-
pathies. Clarence Sherman, one, f
the whipping victims, was a wit-
DETROIT-Felix J. Mahler, Na-
than M. Gross, and Norman Lyle,
officers of t h e defunct Federal
Bond and Mortgage Co., were held

selves opportunity to vote on the
question as to whether they wish
t h e Eighteenth Amendment 1e-
! tamed, repealed, or modified."
I Raskob also challenged, the pub-
lished assertion that Gov. Roose-
velt of New York, opposed his se-
lection by Alfred E. Smith in 1928
as head of the committee.
"Former Gov. Smith advises that
Gov. Roosevelt never opposed my
selection as national chairman and
I am very sure that this is the
fact," he said.
A recent biography of Gov. Roose-
velt carried the statement of his
opposition to Raskob's selection.

Coach Dorais Refuses
U. of D. Charity Game
DETROIT, Nov. 24.-(P)-Coach
Gus Dorais, of the University of
Detroit, has turned thumbs down
on a suggestion by the state un-
employment athletic commission
that the Titans engage Michigan
- State College on Dec. 5 for charity.
Dorais said today he had wired
a negative reply to A. W. Thomp-
son, of the commission's football
sub-committee, from whom t h e
suggestion came.


Trains, busses, and the student
"thumb" will be worked to the limit
today as numerous undergraduates
hark to the annual call of the
"gobbler" and forsake textbooks
for a "good, square meal."
Despite attempts by the Univer-
sity to bring a turkey-filled stu-

destined to remain in the city will
have to be content with the offer-
ings of the landlady, the house
chef, or the numerous eating shops
with which Ann Arbor is more than
abundantly supplied. The latter
area appealing to the palate with
special menus offering everything

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