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November 24, 1931 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-24

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blication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


L .


No. 50


Pre-Medical Students: The Association of American Medical Col-
s Committee on Aptitude Tests recommends that any student apply-
for entrance by September, 1932, to a medical school should take the
itude Test. This test is now a normal requirement for admission
>ractically all mredical schools. It is expected that all applicants for
iission to the University of Michigan Medical School will take this
. A fee of one dollar is charged to defray the expenses of the Corn-
tee. Application for taking this test should be made at the Registrar's
ce, Room 4, University Hall, as soon as possible-not later than Dec.
'urther information about this examination may be obtained from
Registrar's Office. Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Applicants for University Scholarships: The following students are
iested to meet the Scholarship Committee Tuesday afternoon, Nov.
Room 112 R. L. at the time indicated in this notice:

University Lectures: 4:15 p. in., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mr
Lennox Robinson, Director of the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, Ireland: "The
Abbey Players and Their Work."
Dr. Willem de Sitter, Director of the Observatory at Leyden, Holland:
"The Size of the Universe" (illustrated by stereopticon), at 8:15 p. m., in
Natural Science auditorium.
Professor J: P. Wibaut, of the University of Amsterdam: "The Use
of Catalytic Methods in the Preparation of Heterocyclic Substa'nces," at
4:15 p. in., Room 303 Chemistry building. The public is cordially invited.
conorrcs u: and 52: 1vIa:e-up exam:naions in these courses will
be given at 4 p. m., in Room 207, Ec.
Students interested in automobiles are invited to attend a Student
Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers at the Auditorium of the
General Motors Research building (in the rear of the General Motors
building, Dtroit), at 8 p. in.
Mr. Clayton Hill, vice-president ,of Dietrich Body Company will talk
on "Rumbling with a Body Designer," and Mr. Brush, president of Bush
Engineering Association, will talk on "Common Sense in Engine Design."
Physics Colloquium: Professor J. M. Cork will talk on "Deductions
from X-Ray Reflections by Quartz Crystals," at 4:15 p. in., in Room 1041,
E. Physics bldg. All interested are cordially invited, to attend.
Botanical Journal Club meets at 7:30 p. m., in Room 1139, N. S. bldg.
Papers by Dr. Kanouse, H. Brodie, J. Drummond, and J. Hedrick. All
interested are cordially invited.
Industrial Engineering Students:* There will be an organization
meeting of.Society of Industrial Engineers, 7:30 p. m., Room 306, Union.
All industrial students and others __------ --
interested in some phase of indus- ~
trial control are urged to attend, ii
ai progriforthe yeas For Studawnts

Iloch, V. N..............1:00
ry, W. M...............1:05
npbell, R. S.............1:10
riiels, D......... .......1:15
'asquale, V. E. .............1:20
mick, R. G............1:25
s, H. F................1:30
bling, P. E..............1:40
ld, M. LE...............1:45
al, M. J. ... ........1:50,
lhauer, E.1H. ......... ..1:35

Macintyre, N. W............1:55
Myers, W. J..............2:00
Orth, W. R. ............. ..2:05
Pierce, R. L. ..............2:10
Poole, J. C. ...............2:15
Rollinson, C. L. ......,....2:20
Schwartz, C. H. ...........2:25
S h e r ry , A .. .. . .
Shery, A. C ..............2:30
Sitton, K. F. ........ ......2:35
Steffensen, E. H. .... ......2:40~
Weller, J. C .................2:45

Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday
n 3 p. in., Wednesday, Nov. 25 to 8 a. m., Friday, Nov. 27. Special
mnits constituting an extension of this privilege will not be granted.
J. A. Bursley, -Dean.
Graduate School: Students enrolled in the Graduate School will not
permitted to drop courses after Thanksgiving. A course is not offi-
ly dropped Until it.is reported in the office of the Graduate School,
4 Angell Hall. G. Carl Huber, Dean.
Student Council: There will be no meeting this week.
Edward McCormick, Pres.
Freshmen-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Will all
himen who have secured progress report blanks please turn them over
iediately to their instructors, if they have not already done so.
R. C. Hussey, L. G. Vander Velde, Assistants to the Dean.
Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under
'dordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Nov. 26 will be re-
led with the grade of E.
Engineering Freshmen "How to Study" Group: I will be available in
office (239 West Engineering building) this afternoon and evening
those who have not yet had an opportunity to talk with me. Classes
not be arranged until all interviews are completed. G. L. Jensen. .
An Exhibition of the work of local artists is now being held on the
>nd floor of Alumni Memorial Hall, to be dpn through Nov. 26, under
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association'
A number of original drawings by Louis H. Sullivan, architect,litho-
phs and etchings by a group of artists, including Samuel Chamber-
Louis Rosenberg, Alfred Hutty and .Otto Eggers are hung in the
and floor corridor cases, Architectural building, daily from 9 to 5 this
k. Public is cordially invited.
Lenin-Tolstoy-Gandhi: Dr. Fred. B. Fisher will lecture at 4:15, in the
ural Science auditorium, on "Lenin-Tolstoy-Gandhi." The public is

University Girl's Glee Club: Re--'
hearsal today at 4:15 p. m., instead
of Wednesday.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Arrangements
for a serenade have been made for
this evening at10 p. n. Please re-
port at Morris Hall.
Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma:
Meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Al-
pha Nu room on the fourth floor
of Angell Hall. Dr. Donal H. Haines
of the Department of Journalism-
"The world's foremost authority on
lead soldier warfare"-will speak on
Limbering Classes will be held
today from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock at
Barbour gymnasium.
Sigma Delta Chi will meet at
luncheon today. It is important that
all members and pledges attend.
Carl Forsythe.
Men's Physical Education Club
meets at 7:30 p. m., in the Michigan
Union. Coach Yost will speak.
Harmon Wolfe.
Pan-Hellenic B a l1 Committee:
Important meeting at 3 o'clock,, in
the Undergraduate Office of/ the
League. Jean Bentley, Chair.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma business meet-
ing at 5 p. m., sharp, 301 Eng. An-
nex. Must adjourn at 5:30 p. m.
Athena: Meeting at 8 o'clock at
the League. See bulletin board for
room. Please be there to discuss
Initiation Banquet.
Zeta Phi Eta: Meeting of pledges
I and aptives at 7:30,p. r.


of Chemistry and Physics
................. ....... .$2.75
cal Tables from Handbook of
a nd Physics ..................$1,25

the hut


gifts of beaten brass and


copper-potteries that
different--when you

are totally



choose such things-they can pro-

vide great joy

. . .

-at the house of good Food

. . .

fingerle operated restaurant.

. ..

,te a -

Special ---Thanksgiving

Somebody is bound to hold the lucky number-and it might just as well be you who takes home

C% :-_ f = ti

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