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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
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dltorlaI dilrector ..........................Boah Conger, Jr.
City Editor......................Carl Forsythe
News Editor..................................David M. Nichol
SportN Editor..................... .Sheldon O. Fulerton
Women's Ed iore. .... .. .........Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor. .......... ........Robert- L. Pierce
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if
From the looks of things, it would
seem that, all inadvertently to be
sure, we had started something
that may prove of real use to the
Campus. Letters are pouring in
from all sides to ask us about
things which have been puzzling
students for to these many moons.
Today we got one that almost
floored us, and it necessitated about
four hours' intensive research be-
fore we could even approximate an
answer. The query appears below.
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Did You,
!a !
To The Editor:
F'rank B. Gibreth
ROIArrd Goodman
Karl Seffert
J1. Oulleu Kennedy James Ioghsa
Jerry E, Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
J. Myers
Stanley W. Arnheia,
Lawson L. Bccker
Thomas Connellan
Samuel GI. Ellis
Samuel L. inkIle
Louis B. Gascoigne
Sports Assistants
Sohn~ W. Thomas
rred A. Huger
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Henry 3Meyer
Marion A. Milezewski
Albeit H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisvaa
Alice Gilbert
Martft Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances M Anehester
Elizabeth Mann
John S. Townsend
Oharles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph R enihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackiey Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret OWBrien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothiy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhans
During the past few weeks there has been the
usual annual criticism of campus politics carried on
in the pages of The Michigan Daily. This year it has
taken the form of two editorials and an article in
the Campus Opinion column. The first editorial
attacking the present situation immediately brought
a rejoinder in the form of a letter from a self-termed
"unsuccessful politician," who refuted these age-old
Charges. A few days later another editorial appeared,
again attacking the current system. However, in all
this discussion, I believe that no one has more than
touched upon the real advantages of campus politics.
In the first place, it is generally conceded to be a
"very interesting" activity. It is spectacular, drama-
tic, and full of the unexpected. Yet, I admit that
this is only incidental and does not in itself make
it worth-while.
However, it fosters leadership and develops execu-
tive ability. Who can deny that the secret of winning
Dear Oscar:
What ' is the building
right across from the Michigan
Union with the columns and
things on the front? I have
asked all my friends and they
always m ur m ur something'
about "Alumni" and then wan-
der vaguely off without telling
me what it is for and who lives
in it. It looks darn suspicious
to me, and I want to demand
an investigation right away.
Edgar the Enquisitive
* * *
Dear Ed:
Ask any of our
m a n y friends.
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Women's Business Manager ........................Ann W. Verner
elections is to "get out the vote?" And who dares
affirm that campus politicians in getting out a higher
percentage of voters than participate in our national
and especially state elections are lacking in leader-
ship and political sense?
Those who are not the party leaders have oppor-
tunities to do active campaigning, to develop sales
talk and most important to mane many new friends.
And who can fail to realize that the organizing
ability of the politicians receives the greatest possible
pit Aronson
ert F. Bursley
°n Clark
na Becker
tha Jane Cissel
evieve Field
ine Fischgrund
y Harriman
John Keysee
Arthur F. Rohn
Jtnies Lowe
Beinard . Schnacke
Anne Harsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Garolin Mosher
110 i~ien Olsen
llelen Sehmneede
Graf ton W. Sharp
Donald Jobnon
Don Lyon
Bernard H.',Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork.
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watta
i Prohibition: V
H YPOCRISY has been present in the prohibi-
tion question ever since the amendment was
placed in the Constitution, apd today plays an
important role in the non-enforcement of the
Volstead Act. If the American citizens, who vote
dry and drink wet would act as their consciences
dictate, the Constitution might be rid of this pro-
vision which has caused so much trouble in the
Jnited States.
Among the arguments advanced for prohibition
at the time of the passage ofd various anti-liquor
jaws was one which set forth the claimn that the
,working man's family would be protected. No
longer could he squander his week's wages at the
saloon Saturday night before returning home. In-
stead, he would save the money for the welfare of
the family. No longer would the wife and children
of the habitual drunkard be subjected to beatings
and ill-treatment while the husband and father was
inder the influence of intoxicating liquors. T1fe
mian would be able to work more efficiently, ad-
vance more rapidly, and thus the family would
benefit by prohibition.
At this point is where hypocrisy first entered.
rhe workman, by prohibition, might have worked
more efficiently. But this efficiency was not sought
for the benefit of his family. It was sought by the
employer for his own benefit rather than by the
employer for the employee's benefit. And what
was the result? The workingman has been forced
to spend more money for less liquor, and liquor of
a far inferior quality; or else he has been driven to
consume many of the poisopus concoctions which
are known as, home brew, cut liquor, or even pro-
ducts which have been detined for machines, but
ultimately find their way into a field for human
consumption. What advarktage has the- work-
ing class gained from this law? Where it has
pot brought' about prison sentences, it has often
broug-ht sickness as dangerous as those before
prohibition, or blindness. Nor has the employer,
who Advocated such an act for the benefit of his
factory under the guise of solicituie for his work-,
ers' families, benefited to any perceptible degree.
But this hypocrisy, which was present at the
very beginning of what has been termed "the great
experiment," has endured to the present day. Many
are the United States citizens who sincerely
believe that others cannot control their actions
after drinking liquor, and that therefore prohibi-
tion is a good thing. But when the law is applied
to themselves, they are equally sincere in their
self-confidence and belief that they have enough
will power to control their actions. This voting
dry and drinking wet has made many an American
his "brother's keeper." Is this what the Eighteenth
Amendment intended? If so, it is contrary to
American principles of equality and freedom, am-
hiA-iiniirhaese +hn h h p Tf n+ + hen +he1
stimulus, a stimulus even greater than business com-
petition; namely, the certain knowledge that' their
efforts are going to be measured in an all too tangi-
blee form at the polls, and that the less able organiz-
ers will have none but themselves to blame?
And as to foresight and ingenuity, half the game
is in outguessing the other fellow. Not only clever
publicity but new publicity is required at each elec-
tion. This year postcards, tags, and posters played
an entirely new part in the class elections. All these
things must be thought of and put into use at the
psychological time.
"Psychological"-there in a word is another of the
many aspects of campus politics.nThe elections must
be studied, appeals to the voting groups carefully
prepared, and issued in no uncertain fashion at the
opportune time.I
But, without question, the greatest value of cam-
pus politics lies in its function as a student-mixer.
Every individual has one full-fledged vote, conse-
quently class distinctions must be at least partially'
broken down. Jews, gentiles, negroes, independents,
snobs, and social outcasts in addition to all your
fraternity, sorority, and dormitory groups are of a
necessity thrown together. All have this same thing
in common-one vote-and that vote the political1
leader should attempt to muster. The representativesj
of some 25 fraternities at the party caucus, in addi-
tion toqmeeting each other, are thrown into contact1
with members of all these other groups, and thisj
broadening influence helps qualify all concerned to
aid in settling campus problems of a sdcial or eco-
nomic nature. In most cases now it is customary forJ
representatives of these heterogeneous organizations
to participate in the workings of the caucus.
Yet of course there are evils in campus politics-
evils that all alike join in deploring. But,' just what1
political system has ever been found to be perfect?
Or to judge from the criticisms we hear, anywhere
near so?
Campus politics are largely based on the spoils
system, yet so are politics elsewhere. If a political
leader swings his votes to a Congressman, does thatr
Congressman forget said political leader when elect-
ed? And, incidentally,; campus politicians never
being re-electqd to office are even less tied dwn
than are those politicians who struggle in what some
call "the outsie world" and to whom tenure of officej
means as much as life itself.
Graft and crookedness have no chance to infest
campus politics. No monetary rewards are ever at
stake and the finances of the senior committees and
class parties are closely checked by the Dean's office.
Unfulfilled promises or dishonest tactics invitably
react upon the offending party at the following year's
Others charge that the class officers are not neces-
sarily the choice of the majority. Then neither was
Hoover, necessarily, the choice of the American peo-
ple. In each case the candidates are picked from the
leaders of the party and in each case the two-party
system prevails. Furthermore, what is so bd ,about
such a system? I challenge anyone to put up a a etter
list of class presidents than Dave Nichol, Ned Turner,
Herm Everhardus, and Bill Shepherd and to name9
a better student council president than ,Ed. McCor-
mick. Of course these men aren't known by all their
classmates, yet isn't it better to have them the nom-
inees of a group of recognized leaders who have every
incentive to pick a good man, rather than the can-
didate of a small clique of personal friends?
Because of all these tangible benfits of the present
system, I think~ that we should consider well .the pos-
sible losses involved in its elimination; that we should
remember that attacks on it are usually made by
disappointed office-seekers or publicity h~ounds; that
it naturally is far from perfect and should be the
subject of condtructive criticism, yet that we might
all relax for a few moments and say "Three cheers,
for Campus Politics'!.
I would also like to thank The Daily for its in-
You certainly pick e d a
whang-dilly of a question to be
asking a busy man. We had to send
out the Rolls Pherret, the Rolls Ar-
tist, and five squads of Ann Arbor
Policemen at five men per squad
to find the Pherret and the Artist
before we had even made a fair
start. The actual facts of the case
seem to be that no one knows what
the building is for, and the best we
could do was go and observe every-
one who went into it and take notes
on what they did there.
The first group of people
went in the morning talking
about something that sounded
flke "Fine Arts." We trailed
them carefully and they all
went into a room and went to
sleep in uncomfortable chairs
while a nice man stood up in
front of them and recited what
seemed to be a sort of tuneless
'lulaby. That finished its work
for the morning except for a
few gents who wandered into a
place called the Alumni Of-ice
and we couldn't olow them in
there. From their looks when
they came tut, we are just as
The really exciting event of the
day came about three o'clock when
a whole lot of gents in perfectly
outrageous looking hats sort of
slunk into a little room downstairs
labelled ]Faculty Club, a n d sat
around inpl e a t herupholstered
chairs or played terrific games of
billiards and told stories about
travelling salesmen and things un-
til about five o'clock. Then, after
trotting upstairs for a last look at
the lovely naked statues in the lob-
by, they all went home. That is
all the dope to date, Ed old man,
but we are all on the trail, and it
really looks as if we might uncover
something for you pretty soon.
Yours in hopes of future pat-
ronage I remain,
ra&Compony, thm
0 der: executed on Al ox.
changos, Accomts carried
an conservatave margin.
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* * *
And once more we are visited by
the old-time ROLLS POET'S COR-
ONER. He has come back to our
midst after heroic
least he tried to make us think so..
and is now ready and willing to
clutter up our column with lousy
verse once more. A specimen fol-
lows, but we wish it understood
that this doesn't mean it is here to
stay. Just a few letters of protect
will finish hm off for good, and
we will guarantee to take steps to
see that he never returns.
* * *
See the football teams about us.
Big and Strong...weak and
For charity they play together
It's a fine world after all, but
there is some question as to
how many people are going to
be interested in a cinch game.
And that ought to be about all
lajestic: Laurel and Hardy in
"Pardon Us."
Michigan: Ruth Chatterton in
"Once a Lady."
Wuerth: Anna May Wong in
"Daughter of The Dragon."
Lectures: "T h e Abbey Players
and Their Work" by Lennox Robin-
son, director of the Abbey Theatre,
is a matter of utmost iportance to o
appearance; The Varsity's shirt ironiug pro-
cess involves nine distinct operations and
produces the most immaculate ppcarig
collar of which modern laundry methods are
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For Call and Delivery Service
--- o
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