I ,y ATLY' N, SAMM lY SQUIRT: THE WI.DE >OPEN SPACES By Lichty I ________ Vit iT 1S . :'fE O1wD t OW 'you 6uYS'L..v. S~e~ ep Y100V.ONJE LASTS 'U44.'1_E4 _ U 2c LOST - MciSE:- 6i:1. 'THEICES, Tt- 1FgNT- ILU CVER-.THE tEQRt)- OVR T t IN AI M -GTfNG T'o 1807- T4ET11 i N Tke Epo~, Sic N.-~' S(~UI2T vvLca. YOUR liKNOW b T '.CE ACK1aTCE 2 GutsLu~l~c~ -THESE TAE THE' IBcic - vwew, 06&VI a wVJA~ (4w~. wH T ZR -T, S DSCR~EEN US - 'M cot -.ciG7{/ Z . Q ~ - 'TrUFSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, ®rr r rr A \GOO PLACE TO EA' THENEW CAMPUS STEAK HOUSE 611 East William Street Operated under the guiding hand of Dave Willits, for 25 owner and operator of the famous Oyster Bay Cafe, the where Michigan's famous point-a-minute football team got; driving power. My MOTTO, not how. cheap, how good. Try it, you will like it. 17 years place their _ mm #= t Hl I For Your Fall Shruberry and Lawns Imported GranulatedE ALSO I; DRIONURE-VIGORO--VERT BONE MEAL-SULPHATE OF AMMONIA HERTLER BROS. 210 South Ashley Street ALL KINDS OF LAWN SEED ='ij 'i I I ! l I f President Glenn Frank and 'Wisconsin Faculty Assailed as Teachers of Atheism, Communism (ig Ten ,Nees Sereec~) terns, calling religion a, soothing MADITSON, Nov. 23-Vigorously syrup, and classed religion, liquor, flaying the University of Wisconsin insanity, and the movies as means from half"'a dozen sies, John B. of escape from reality," Chapple, '21, editor of the Ashland, Mr. Chapple continued down the (Wis.,) Daily Press, speaking here line, sparing few. Replying to his on "Destructive Forces at Work in attacks in the open forum, which the University," named 16 faculty followed, verbosities were tossed SCHOO-LS CONTlINUEI DEBATIN _PROG AM Schedule Sponsored" by Detroit Free Press, Extension Division. GA, ..ate .. Kuth. a t..' Iaatt-ert.on -l communism, free love, atheism, and loose moral standards. "Mr. Chapple, brought herc by the recently organized League for the Defense of American Princi- pies, urged a "thorough going housecleaning at the university to end these insidious teachings." He spoke of the triple attack at work on the religion, the morals, and the economics of the students. pace. anL o 11 in nbreU rui- DbtI em f h 5 co menu well into the night.Deaigeasoth25,Tewoefarwsltrcasd in the Michigan High SchroolT)- De Theabsrwho lyffairPwas.latr asedbating League, sponsored h as absrdsily,"by res FrnkUniversity Extension Division tanidI and faculty mhembers, who refused the Detroit Free, Press, have pa -sed I to express further sentiment to the the first round of preliminary dc-, question. bates and are preparing to mee t Mr. Chapple has been promised their second opponents poeto yplc rmp on Dec. 4 adeuat prtecionby olie fom Each school will uphold the samzef crowds, in case he returns again to side of the question for the sec-ond his alma mater and hinds atempts series as in the first, but thle 1 ti to interfere with his constitutional which held debates at home fIcy:, the right of freedom of speech. first round will visit, 'Ltecether -- _____- schools for the next contest.- Daily Official Bulletin The question being Oobt ((O1ty the high schools is: "Resolvwed: (Continued from Page G) That the state of Michigan :1. ,iold day, Nov. 29, at 4:30 p. m. A buffet adopt a system of com-pulsor y m- supper will be served, employment insurance." For the first time this' year the Chinese Students' Club: Group League, with the endorsement of pictures may be inspected and or- the Michigan State Principal's As- dered at the business meeting on sociation, the Michigan Conference Thursday. of School Superintendants, and a Chinese Students' Club: Impor- majority of schools in the league,, tant business meeting Thursday has changed the type of debates (Thanksgiving Day), 8 p. in., at the used in its contests~ and is trying Lane Hall auditorium. Meeting is the new style in the second and contest. third rounds of' this preliminary: in I mince a Lady' i o II "FOOTBALL PICTURES~ See.Hewitt's Run! I ---TURSDAY Lawrence Tibbe t in" "Cuban Love Siong"ft PA r _ . . :........ I I protect my voice with LUCKIES", "It's that delightful taste after a cup of coffee that~mctkes Luckies a hit with me. And naturally I protect my voice with Luckies. No harsh irritants for me . .. I reach for a Lucky instead. Congratulations on your improved Cellophane wrapper. 1 can open it."', Who can forget Edmund Lowe cis" Ser- geant Quirt" in'"Wh at Price Glory?"~ That mighty role madem Eddie famous in filmand-and he's more~thanv held his own in a long line of talkie triumphs. We hope you sawhim in "The"Spider."And be sure to see. him in the Fox thriller - "The Cisco Kid." i Made of the finest tobaccos The Cream of many Crops -LUCKY - STRIKE alone offers the throat pro-sr{: tection of the exclusive "TOASTING" Process which includes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays- the process that expels ,certain harsh, biting irritants naturally present, in eeY tobacco leaf. "these expelled .: Irritants are not present in your LUCKY STRIlKE. "They're out -so they } :"rr can't be in!" No wonder LUCKIES areM1 always kind to your throat - The t 0 4