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November 22, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-22

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Volley Ball Playoff and Three
N~w Events to Keep Houses
Busy From Now on.
Dual Swimming Teams to Start
4cticn Tomorrow; Cross
Country Race Next.

Lightweight Champion
Wins Close Decision
Tony Canzoneri, lightweight box-
ing champion of the world, success-
fully defended his title Friday
night at Madison Square Garden



By Charles A. Sanford s
Inter-fraternity athletic activi-
ties on the Intramural sports pro-s
tni will swing into full action this
Wek is five events occupy the time
ad elforts of the competing hous-i
ei. The card includes a champion-f
ship playoff in volley ball and the
'tart o handball, dual swimming,
water poll, besides the annual fra-
ternity cross country run.
SPirigs for the title rounds in
tJle vlley- hail event were made
.Icy night and a double elimina-
tion tournament was drawn up ac-
cordingly. Ten teams are included
in this meet, each the winner of
s respective league, and the ar-
rgrnt is that a team must
J&en tWice before it is out of the
c mpetiton, The games will be run
off in the same manner as the first
rounds, each team playing two
games a night.
7 4 a Xi, Pi. Lambda Phi, and1
Vhi l ppa Sigma are all tied up
fZ dne league title, while Delta
&gm& ?i and Phi Sigma Kappa
old ihe honors in another togeth-~
' Tese will be cleared up first
nee the dates for play are uncer-
amn. due to the many other fra-
t4ity events running now.
Hanball to Start.
Handbal starts tomorrow night1
in a turney of 28 entries. Phi Beta
Deo;t93 winner, and Alpha Kap-
pa talba, runner-up, are back
agaIn to bid for honors. The play
wtfl consist of the usual two singles
1$tehes aid one doubles arranged
i t'ralight elimination tourna-
fnent play.
' 7:15 tomorrow night Delta Al-
ha silon meets Phi Kappa, Phi
pys eta Sigma Psi,
Ci tackles Theta Chi.
At 8:15 the games are: Theta Xi
%s. Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Mu Al-
pha vs. Phi Sigma Delta, Alpha
Kppa Psi vs. TIriangle.
Swimming to Open-.
The dual swimming e ent opens
with half of last year's field, only
92 entries. This is another straight
elimination meet with events as
Sollows: 25-yard free, 25-yard back,
5-yard breast, diving (four requir-
ed dives), relay (four men, each
swimming 25 yards.
Activities start tomorrow at 7:30
when Delta Phi and Kappa Nu
tangle in the pool with Tau Delta
Phi and Alpha Chi Sigma slated
for the same hour. An hour later,
-8:30, Nu Sigma Nu meets Tau Epsi-
lon Phi and Chi Psi opens against
Delta Sigma Pi. Alpha Kappa
Lambda and Pi Lambda Phi drew
byes in the first round. Phi Kappa
Po,' defending champions, are out
for moie laurels.
Cross Country Carded.
Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock
the fraternity cross country race
will be held with ten houses enter-
ed. The present title holders, Tau
Kappa Epsilon, are not entered, but
with such prominently athletic
houses as Alpha Kappa Lambda,
Delta Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Nu,
Theta Chi and Theta Xi numbered
among the entries this event should
develop p 1 e n t y of competition.
Nine qualifying runs are required
for this race, three of which may
be substituted 'by speedball games
under this season's rules.
Water Polo is the final event on
the fraternity program and is
scheduled to begin with three teams
clashing Tuesday at the Intramur-
al pool. This meet is run in con-
jnt1on with the dual swimming.

by winning a 2-1 decision over Kid
Chocolate, outstanding challenger
for the title.
The bout was an aggressive affair
all the way through, and the close
decision was booed by a capacity
crowd. Although Canzoneri out-
shone the challenger in the middle
part of the 15 round contest, the
Kid finished fast, and showed him-
self to be much fresher than the
Canzeroni scored the only near-
knockdown of the fight in the
fourth roind, when he smothered
the Cuban: with a rain of head
punches and almost had him on
the canvas. But the challenger re-
gained his feet and slipped out of
danger before Tony could press his

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S K~4t, TTREES ;4= IC--HT To
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! :

BOARD AND ROOM in . private
family. Four wanted. 702 Arch
St. $7.50 per week. Phone 5829.

fords. Sundays, evenings.
E. Ann, 514 E. William.



FOR RENT-Furnished apartment
with connecting bath and show-
er. Sunny rooms large enough
for three. Also double and sin-
gle room. Steam heat, shower,
garage. Phone 8544. 422 E.
Washington. 273c
FOR SALE-Paw Paw grapes, grape
. juice, sweet cider. Wyandotte
malt. Call 9534 or 22413. 173
FOR SALE-Home at 440 Highland
Rd. Owner must leave city be-
cause of poor health. House
consists of large living room,
study, dining room, kitchen, two
bedrooms and bath on first floor;
two bedrooms, toilet and lav-
atory on second; large basement
with fruit and vegetable room,
laundry, vapor steam heating
plant, oil burner, electric soft
water lift and garage. View
magnificent. Call D. S. McComb, i
317 Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. for
appointment. Phone 4812. 265
finance company for balance
due. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001.
FOR SALE-Ford roadster, model
A; engine just reconditioned and
guaranteed; new tires; a real
buy at $200. Reply Michigan
Daily. Box 10. 247


WANTED-Student laundry. Also
bedding. Reasonable prices. Soft
water. Call for and deliver.
Family Washings. Phone 707-
F-31. 53c
Called for and delivered. Phone
4863. 150
STUDENT representative wanted
for popular looseleaf memory
book. For particulars address
Intercollegiate Press, Dept. 3,
- Kansas City, Mo. 257
WANTED -Passenger to Florida
for Christmas holidays. Phone
3378, evenings or write P. O. Box
375. 262

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