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VOL. XLII. No. 49
Council Awards Second
Place to Alpha
Kappa, Alpha Delta,
hi, Pi Lambda Phi
Are Mentioned.
By Karl Seiffert
aternity decorations more
grate than any seen in Ann
r of late years blazed under
)licated lighting systems last
t. Judges in the annual
ecoming decorations contest
I Lambda Chi Alpha, 16o
htenaw avenue, first place
Alpha Sigma Phi, 1315 Hill
t scond.
CCLG I, 7 G a
Honorable mention was award-
ed to Phi Kappa, 1706 Cambridge
avenue, Pi Lambda Phi, 732 Forest
avenue, and Alpha Delta Phi, 556
S. State street, while Alpha Kappa
Lambda, 604 E. Madison street, and
Delta Upsilon, 1331 Hill street, re-
ceived favorable comment.
Theater Facade.
Rebuilt to ensemble a theatre
facade, the front of the Lambda
Chi Alpha house presented amdis-
play including electric signs, a reg-
ulation theatre canopy, box office
windows, and billboards. On either
side of the door were huge bills
picturing the Michigan and Minne-
sota teams as choruses, while on
the canopy colored lights flashed.
A replica of the "Little Brown
Jug," approximately 20' feet high
stood on the front lawn of the Al-
pha Sigma Phi house, while on the
front porch were built a group of
ten huge books of slightly, smaller
size, each painted with the initial
of a Big Ten school. The first, that
dedicated to Michigan, was in-
scribed, "History of the Little
Brown Jug." '
Make Two Judgings.
Judges of the contest, who in-
cluded Prof. James K. Pollock, of
the political science department,
Prof. Walter J. Gores, of the archi-
tecture school, and Ross T. Bittin-
ger, instructor of decorative design,
made two tours of the city yester-
day, at 11 o'clock in the morning
and again at 8 o'clock last night,
the latter trip being for the pur-
pose of judging lighting effects in
The winning houses were award-
ed $25 by the Superior Ice Cream
company for first place and silver
loving cups for first and second
p r i z e s by Goldman Brothers,'
cleaners and dyers.
'. of D. Defeats
Spartans, 20-13,
asJinx Survives
DETROIT, Nov. 21.-(/P)-Michi-
gan State College went down to a
20 to 13 defeat before its traditional
rival, the University of Detroit, in
the final game of its 1931 season
on Dinan field today.
The effective checking of State's
stellar halfback, Bob Monnett, and
the raggedness of State's aerial at-
tack were contributing factors in
the defeat. Eliowitz scored State's
touchdowns, making the first after
five minutes of play. Parsaca pro-
vided the major thrill of the game
when he made an 80-yard run for
'the Titans' final touchdown in the
fourth period.
Both teams tried 14 forward
passes. Five of State's heavesrwere
intercepted. State intercepted one
Detroit pass. State's passes were
completed for a total gain of 24
yards as compared with 58 yards
gained by the Titan passers.
Ragkocich, Detroit's dependable
line plunger, scored two of the
Titans touchdowns and added ap-
preciably to the Detroit offensive
throughout the game.
Score by quarters:
M. S. C.........6 0 7 /0-13
Detroit..........7 0 7 6-20
r '1
Marsha l If lected ,zrsident
of University Press Club
in Closing Session.
Schuyler Marshall, editor of the
Clinton County Republican-News
of St. Johns, was yesterday elected
president of the University Press.
club of Michigan in the closing ses-
sion of its three-day convention at
the Michigan Union.
The election of Marshall was a
distant departure from the Press
club's time-honored policy of pick-
ing as its leaders the editors of
big-city newspapers.
Other officers elected were: J. S.
Gray, editor of the Monroe News,
first vice-president; M. A. Gorman,
editor of the Flint Journal, second
vice-president; Charles O. Monroe,
editor of the South Haven Tribune,
third vice-president; J. L. Brumm,
University professor of journalism,
re-elected secretary and treasurer.
Prof. Brumm has served as the
secretary-treasurer of the organ-
ization for more than 12 years. Mr.
Marshall succeeds Lee White, head
librarian of the Detroit News as
Harold Titus, state conservation
commissioner, gave an address at
the final gathering, explaining the
work of the commission in forest
fire fighting and development of
land taken over by the state be-
cause of delinquent taxes.
"We have," Titus said, "the best
forest fire fighting service in the
Union, bad as we are, and $130,000
was appropriated last year for this
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 4)
Sophs Win Cane Spree
and Pillow Fight,
Lose Rush.
Yearlings Outnumber
Their Opponents,
Three to One.
It was mostly freshman eat fresh-'
man at the annual fall games to-
day. The sophomores were outnum-
bered more than three to one so
the freshmen had to fight against
themselves to have any fun. Need-
less to say, they won the games,
defeating the class of 1934 by a
score of 3 to 2.
Of course the frosh didn't mean
to fight against each other, but
there were so many of them around
the poles that sophomores were
hard to find and they had to wres-
tle with someone.
In the two dual events, however,
the second year men won easily.
Four - sophs were victorious in a
short pillow fight and only one
freshman. In the cane spree, four
second year men won, and one
frosh. There were four ties.
r Ahead at First.,
As each of these events counted
one point, the sophomores were
ahead, .2 to 0.
The flag rush was a different
story. The sophs, pitifully weak in
numbers, charged the middle pole
only to be tossed away viciously.
One man got his arms about the
pole but he was downed at once.
Foiled in their first attempt, the
second year men tried the pole at
the north of the field and met with
even less success. Their yearling
opponents, being reinforced with
men from the pole at the south,
completely held them at bay. Time
after time, two men fighting on the
side lines would discover that they
were both freshmen and, smiling
sheepishly, would go back to look
for sophs.
Have Lost Two.
The class of 1934 has now lost
two games and won only one. They
lost the fall games last year but
were victorious in the spring.
There were more than 400 year-
lings at the games, the largest
number in piany years. One man
even attended the games on his
crutches and with his leg in a cast.
He didn't take part in the flag
rush, though, because the frosh
didn't need him.
Following the contests there were
the usual number of bloody noses
and ripped sweat shirts.
The frosh marched back from the
field, excited by their victory, and
shouted their war cry that caused
a riot in Hill auditorium last night,
"To Hell With '34.
Brucker Will Discuss'
'Changing Problems
of State' Here.
Address Will Concern
Questions Bearing
on University.
Students and townspeople will
hear Governor Brucker speak on
"Changing Problems of State" to-
night when he presents a convoca-
tion address in Hill auditorium on
a program arranged by a committee
headed by Martin J. Mol, '34L.
Ending a week-end visit to Ann
Arbor, during which he addressed
the University Press club Thursdayf
night, the governor will consider
state executive questions, with par-
ticular bearing on the University.-
In addition there will be a musi-
cal program by members of the
University Men's Glee club, under
the direction of Gayle Chaffin, '32,
and an invocation by Rev. Freder-
ick B. Fisher, of the First Metho-1
dist Episcopal church, who has an-1
nounced that services there will be
cancelled for the night ofthe con-
vocation. A prelude will be played
by E. Willian Doty, School of Music
The convocation committee in-1
cludes E. J. McCormick, '32, Wil-
liam. Kearns, '32, Harry Benjamin,
'32, Martin R. Hudson, '32, Hugh
Conklin, '32E, Nathan Levy, '34L,
Varro H. Rhodes, '32L, Carl S. Ox-
toby, '34L, Howard Worden, '32,
Katherin Koch, '32, Dorothy Els-
worth, '32, Margaret Thompson, '32,
Jeanne Voorhies, '34, Jane Inch, '32,
Richard Tobin, '32, and David Nic-
hol, '32.
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 21.-(P)-
Indiana's powerful cross country
team ran away with the Western
Conference meet here today, tak-
ing three out of the first four
places. Wisconsin took second with
a score of 63, 25 points behind the
Hoosiers' 38. Michigan was third
with 76, Illinois got 91, Purdue 127,
Minnesota 134, Iowa 178, Chicago
184, and Northwestern 196.
Howell of Michigan was second
man in, following Capt. H a r r y
Brocksmith of Indiana. The next
eight men, in order were: Watson,
Indiana; Currell, Minnesota; Kemp,
I n d i a n a; Bertrand, Wisconsin;
Kirk, Wisconsin; Popejoy, Purdue;
Hornbostell, Indiana; Ostrander,
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 21.-(iP)
-Notre Dame's three years of vic-
tory came to an end here today as
Southern California struck out with
dramatic force in the final period
to defeat the Irish, 16 to 14.
TheTrojans snatched victory in
a last period drive, with Baker
kicking a field goal from the 24-
yard line as the furious battle was
drawing to a close. The Western-
ers scored all their points in the
frantic last period, crashing over
with two touchdowns and a field
goal. Shaver scored both touch-
downs for the Trojans.
Notre Dame, afterhbeingpushed
all over the field at. the' start, came
back to score two touchdowns, with
Banas and Martmonth Schwartz
registering the markers. Jaskwitch
kicked the extra point.
Facing defeat, the Californians
rallied like demons in the last per-
iod. Even after their two touch-
downs, it looked as if they would
lose as one of the extra-point kicks
was blocked by ,a Notre Dame play-
er. It was in the final minutes that
Baker got over his telling field goal.
Score by quarters:
Notre Dame......0 7 7 0-14
So. Cal. .......... 0 0 0 16-16
Booth 3, Wood 0.
CAMBRIDGE, N o v. 21.-(AP)-
Capt. Albie Booth's drop-kick from
the 12-yard lipe for a field goal in
the last three minutes of play en-
able Yale tondefeat Harvard to-
day, 3 to 0, and end a' three-year,
losing streak.
Yale outplayed H a r v a r d all
through the first half and its vigil-
ant secondary interveneda'e v e r y
time Capt. Barry Wood tried to pass
his team to a touchdown.
Booth accomplished but little be-
fore registering his winning field
goal. Yale advanced for this score
after Wilbur blocked and recovered
Wood's punt deep in Harvard ter-
ritory. Barres completed a long
pass to get Booth into position for
his =kick.
A crowd of 57,000 persons saw the
Elis win and send their followers
into a frenzied demonstration on
the field of the Harvard stadium.
Score by quarters:
Harvard..........0 0 0 0--0
Yale ...............0 0 0 3-3
Ann Arbor Preachers to
on National Holiday
Today's Talks.
Northwestern; 19, Iowa 0
Ohio State 40, Illinois 0
Purdue 19, Indiana 0
Wisconsin 12, Chicago 7
S. Methodist 13, Navy 6
California 6, Stanford 0
Georgetown 13, Villanova 6
Columbia 0, Syracuse 0
Lafayette 13, Lehigh 7
Army 54, Ursinus 0
Kansas 14, Missouri 0
Nebraska 23, Iowa State 0
Georgia 12, Auburn 6
Duke 0, North Carolina 0
Marquette 7, Creighton 0
Georgia Tech 23, Florida 0
Colorado U. 17, Colorado Coll. 7
Kalamazoo Normal 7, Central
State 6
Olivet 23, Hope 0
West Virginia 19, Penn State 0
Brown 19, New Hampshire 13
Tulane 40, Sewanee 0
Detroit Southwestern 12, High-
land Park 0
Sabatini, Creator of Scaramoucie,
to Open Lecture Series on Monday
Rafael Sabatini, w h o perhaps
more than any other modern writer
likes to seek romance and adven-
ture in that borderland where his-
tory and fiction ble4I, will open
the 1931-32 lecture series of the Or-
atorical association at 8 o'clock
Monday night in Hill auditorium.
The creator of Scaramouche and
captain of as fine a crew of swash-
buckling heroes as ever paraded
the pages of books, makes his first
appearance in Ann Arbor. His tour
this year of America is also'his first.
His topic will be "Fiction in His-
tory and History in Fiction." He
has been writing historical novels
for more than 25 years. As the au-
thor of such stories as "Scara-
mouche the King Maker," his latest
Minneapolis Aviator
Crashes at Air Port
Crashing at the Ann Arbor air-
port as he was landing his plane
yesterday afternoon, W. C. Grover,'
29, of Minneapolis, suffered cuts
about the face. He is at the Uni-
versity hospital, but his condition
is not serious. A companion, whose
name was not revealed, was un-
Grover, who had come to Ann
Arbor to see the Michigan-Minne-
sota football game yesterday, flew
his plane into a tree when he was
unable to land on the field. The
plane was considerably damaged.
Mich. Minn
Sermons in most Ann A r b o r,
churches this morning will touch
upon Thanksgiving. Tonight Gov.
Wilber M. Brucker will speak at the
convocation in Hill auditorium.
"Things and Thanksgiving" will
be the sermon topic of Rev. Merle
H. Anderson, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church. Dr. Frederick
B. Fisher is to speak at the young
people's meeting at 6:30 o'clock:
Rev. Edward Sayles, pastor of the
First Baptist church, will discuss
"Why Give Thanks" at the service
this morning. "Teeter-Totter Per-
sons" will be the theme of Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher's service this
morning in the First Methodist
Episcopal church.
Rev. Harold P. Marley, pastor of
the Unitarian church, will speak on
"A Scientific Basis for Altruism"
this morning in connection with
t h e community fund campaign.
Rev. Marley has had a considerable
experience in social work in con-
nection with the ministry and is
a member of the budget commit-
tee of the local Community Fund
At 7:30 o'clock, Dr. Jabez T. Sun-
derland will address the student