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September 30, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-09-30

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____"__"__ H E' MIC HIG AN DAI LY WED

Newer and More
Expensive Books!

i I

Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exelusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General_
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
News Editor..............................David M. Nichol
Editorial Director'.............................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor ....................................Carl Forsythe
Sports Editora.....................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Wvoren's Editor...........................Margaret M. Thompson
Screen Relflections.............. ............Bertram J. Askwith
Assistant New\s Editor................... ....... Robert L.. Pierce
Frank B. Cilhreth J. Cullen Kennedy
Roland Goodti kIvl Penton C. iune JerryE. Rosenthal-
JKarl Seiffrt George A. Stauter

Wilber J. Myers
Brian Jiones

Stanley Arnheim
Sain Bagley
Lawson E. Becker
Thomas Connellan
Ralph R. Cooper
Lester M. Harrison"
Morton Helper
Joseph Hofiman
,Joeephine Woodhams
Annette Cummings
Dorothy Brockman
Alma Wakworth
Marjorie Thomson
Georgia Geisman

Sports Assistants
John W. Thonias
Jamcs rotozyner
11oh I't Merritt
llenry Meyer
Marion M ilezewski
Albert Newman
.leroine Pottit
,hohn .Pritchard
.losph Renihan
Beatrice Collins
Ethel Archart
Barbara Hall
Susan Manchester
Margaret ('Brien
Louise Crandall

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William That
G. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Parker Snyder

Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blunt
Elkanor Itairdon
M artha Littleton
Prudence Foster

Telephone 21214
CHARLES T. KLINE...........................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON........................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising..............)..r......... .........Vernon Bishop
Advertising.............................Robert B. Callahan
Advert.isinig............................William W. Davis
Service ..................Byron C. Vedder
Publiations...............................William T. Brown
Circulation ......................... ........Harry t. Begley
Accounts: .........................Richard Strateinciier
Womens Business lsnagr<.......................Ann W. Verner
Orvil Aronsen Willard Freehing Thomas Roberts
Gilbert B. JBursley Herbert Creenstone I,. A. Saltzstein
Willard A. Combs Cohn Keyser Bernard . Schnacke
Allen olark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
Gustave Dalberg Bernard II. Good Cecil E. Welch
Robert E. Finn James Lowe
Kathryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer 1elen Olsen
Donna Becker Ann JIarsha Marjorie Rough
Genevieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
Maxine Fischgrund "Dorothy Laylin
Students who have reason to believe that
they have been overcharged by taxicab com-
paniesA are invited to communicate. with the
editorial director, giving license number of
cab, if possible, company, amount charged, .
number of passengers and distance of ride.
Address Editorial Director, Press Building,
Maynard Street, City. Names will be held as
Does The.
Legion Drink?
TAST YEAR, criticism was levied against the
Harvard Crimson because of its account of
an American Legion convention, which was
termed "collegiate desire to show off" and "imma-
ture judgment," and, was generally branded by
Legion leaders as so much foolishness. 'Attend-
ance at the American Legion convention in Detroit
by members of The Daily staff, however, leads
one to the conclusion that the undergraduate
criticism was justified. Alleged college drunks are
mere children's parties compared to some of the
sights which were witnessed in Detroit.
Why a city should ever consider inviting such
a convention is beyond our understanding. Re-
spectable citizens were afraid to venture into the
heart of the city while the loyal defenders of the
country were engaged in their annual brawl.
Drunks of various sorts, in various stages of in-
'toxication, littered the streets. Men strolled down
the streets with steins of beer in their hands.
Crap games were in progress in many a doorway
in Washington boulevard. Cars attempting to pass
on this, street were severely shaken by men who
rocked the automobiles on the bumpers. One
pugnacious Legionnaire with a cane ferociously
attacked bystanders because of some fancied in-
All in all, we can see why the Legion voted
predominantly wet on the' prohbition question.
Yet the feared return of the saloon would be
nothing in comparison with the debauche staged at
the convention. Leaders scornfully repudiated
alleged acts of drunkenness by pointing proudly to
the manner in which the Legionnaires marched in
their parade. But the convention lasted four days
instead of one afternoon, and the leaders rode
around the city in cars protected, fortunately, by
police and equipped with sirens.
When the Legion was organized, it was ex-1
plicitly stated that the groups were not to use+
their strength politically. Although there remains1
some doubt as to whether or not this provision
has been lived up to, it appears that the organiza-
tion was more interested in drinking than it wasf
in politics - and hence combined the two.t
We sincerely hope that the Legion will neverr
rise to the heights that the G.A.R. reached. Domi-
nating Congress, the Civil War veterans were
largely instrumental in installing four rathers
mediocre presidents in office. The Legion does nota
want Presidents, but prefers bonuses. If they are
not able to obtain the latter. they will seek to

IN THE DAYS of prosperity, students used to
complain bitterly about the cost of textbooks,
both new and old, in Ann Arbor. Frequent changes
in editions, changes in usage of standard books,
discontinuation of former books, these factors
always seemed to make a book used one semester
worthless, although book stores offered to "throw
it away for you." And now, in the depression, to
find that the same conditions exist, that the prices
of books are still as high as ever, new as well as
used it is discouraging to the student to say the
Two years ago, the Union petitioned the Board
of Regents to permit the installation of a book
exchange in the Union. Thee petition was refused
on the grounds that the Regents did not wish to
place the Union in competition with the Ann
Arbor merchants, who, they forgot, exist in most
part solely by virtue of the presence of the Uni-
versity. The Regents also forgot that the Union,
with its ballroom, its dining room, its cafeteria,
its magazine-cigarette-newspaper-stand, and its
billiard room is certainly offering competition to
certain classes of Ann Arbor merchants. Why not
permit that organization to maintain a used book
exchange? One was started last year by an inde-
pendent grot~p which, however, did not have the
facilities to continue with the project. These facil-
ities are available to the Union, and should be
made use of.
In all fairness, however, we must admit that
the fault lies in part with the faculty. Last June
,many a student was dismayed to find that certain
expensive books, which they had bought new in
February for the reason that the books were being
used for the first time, were not being used this
year and hence would not be bought by the book-
stores. These frequent changes of texts by faculty
members is in most cases unnecessary. And in
many cases, a new edition of a book - usually the
addition of a few paragraphs, is used as a pretext
for discontinuing the use of a text which would
serve the purpose just as well.
We should be loath to assume that both faculty
and merchants were profiteering, and such is prob-
ably not the case. Most faculty writings, to our
memory, were rather dull monographs on highly
technical subjects and merely serving the purpose
of showipg the learnedness rather than the teach-
~ing ability of the writer.t
But the cooperation of the faculty is undoubt-
edly necessary to the solution of this problem. If,
for the next few semesters - at least until most
of the students find they do not have to pinch
pennies in order to live -it could forego giving
them the very latest books, and permit them to
absorb the latest developments by means of lec-
tures or outside reading, it would find a grateful
student body.
The Legionnaires have taught us toat there are
kinds of joyful sounds we never had dreamed f-
Detroit Free Press.
- 0


We always get kind of depressed Telephone 7112
(yes and distressed too) at the
sight of so many new cheerful new__
faces on the campus. If the Fresh-
men would only stop looking a TRY THIS!
new world bravely in the face and
try to act in a manner more in Fine Home Cooking
keeping with well, maybe that's
asking a little too much. Yes, it is 3 Meals Per Day
asking too much. WE'LL just for- 905 East Washington
get all about it. $5-TWO MEALS
* * *
Today we were coming back
from the golf course; Route,
State Street North toward
Pac rd. Just as we were pass- EN AVANT ever forward A
ing by the entrance to Ferry A A
Field a very small Freshman, A A
ad pot, carrying a clarinet A A
case approached us and asked
where, please, was the base- Bur att
ball diamond. We were kind urr, trson
Me odad oeagat Fvriirfe l ty ew l i
of bewildered, could only gulp Detroit, Michigan & Welervile, Ontario
and point. "Thanks ever so A A
much" was the quick retort, For your convenience
a n d there we were. We AAnS r A
haven't been able to figureAA r oror e A
that one out yet, but then A 603 Church St. A
we've always heard that Frtsh- F R A N K O A K E S M sr.
men have queer ideas.
* * *
Pet Notion
Ever since we came to this Uni-
versity we have had a fearful urge
coast in a coaster wagon up and
down the lovely sidewalks on the
campus. Ask any skilled coaster
and he will tell you that the plur-
ality of crosswalks found on the
campus make a well-nigh perfect
coasting ground. It isn't a very
good idea to count on enjoying this
healthful, zestful sport, because
after all these years the nearest
we have gotten to coasting on the
campus walks is riding a bicycle up
and down the front steps of Angell
Hall. We seem to have a hazy rec-
ollection of making a midnight
tour of the campus on roller skates
but we won't mention that.
S * * *for
For some years it has been the
voiced opinion of many trained ob-
servers that the average degree of
feminine beauty on the University
of Michigan campus is notably low.
Rolls became incensed at these re-
peated slurs upon the fair names
of Michigan and forthwith ap-
pointed an investigating commit- 14 i
tee to look into the matter. The
results of this committee's efforts
are publisheed herewith. Using a 27
very complicated, but of course
basically sound method of detetr- unexcelh
mining averages the committee
was able to compile the following
Girls in the movies..........97%
Gsin stories--.............91%
Girls on magazine covers......90%_m ade p o
Girls-you know what.......83%
Girls' Friendly Society ........77%
Girls, 15 to 18............ 110 lbs.
Girls on Michigan Campus....40%
Girls back home............37%





(The Wisconsin Cardinal).
T IS IN this period of financial stringency, as in
no other period in the history of the university,
that the Wisconsin Union could perform a public
service to the student body perhaps unequalled in
genuine value.
We refer to the establishment of a Student Non-
Profit Book exchange. A year ago the Student Social-
ist club decided to put some of their theories into,
practice, and also perform a genuine public service
by successfully undertaking this book-exchange pro-
ject. Over $1,000 was exchanged and members of the
Socialist club served without pay in order to make
concrete an idea which they thought, and rightly,
thought, would be an immense step forward.
One year has passed since this far-sighted group
attempted their plan of practical service. During that
year the financial incomes of the majority of stu-
dents have been seriously decreased. Since the pur-
chase of books and supplies constitutes from $15 to
$50 a semester in the budget of the average student.
it is plain that any reductions along this line would
effect a very material saving for the eight thousand
students in the university.
Although it is too late now to put any such idea
in effect, now is the time to prepare for next Febru-
ary. The plan could be worked out very easily. Mem-
bers of the Union Board Assisting staff could be
recruited for a few hours a day. Students desiring
to sell textbooks would turn them over to the Ex-
change with the desired price attached. Prospective
purchasers would ask for a desired book and state
the price which they can pay. The transference is
simple, convenient, economical.
This year the various book-stores have determined
to do away with the so-called "rebate" slips which
entitled the purchaser to a 5 per cent credit on all
purchases. No doubt their reasons for taking this
action are sound. However, why should the student
bear the burden of this increase in prices? In other
words, what we have been witnessing in Madison
this past week is an increase in book prices when all
other commodity prices have fallen from ten to
twenty-five per cent. The situation is intolerable and
can easily be remedied if the Union Board under the
presidency of Alexander Cannon will only make the
Avid campaigners for campus offices have nailed
this book-exchange plank in their platforms during
numerous campaigns. One gets used to looking in
vain for the realization of pre-election promises, but
in this case the student body should loudly and per-
sistently demand the actual carrying-out of a valid;
and economically sound proposal.
Jimmy Walker wanted no demonstration in New

t -r

Girls ou kno . . .. . . . . . . . . . .3-%
Girls you know......... ......30%
Girls we know ...............30%
(Editor's note: Must be the same
Girls about town. ...........27%
Diameter of Sun..............10%



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Noting these results
with considerable
alarm the Rolls In-
vestigating Commit-
tee made several rec-
ommendations. First:
Rolls does not favor
the repeal of the
Nineteenth Amend-
ment (or is it the
eighteenth)? Second;
Resolved that a com-
mittee of judges be
appointed to select
one Michigan Co-ed
to be named "Miss
Michigan Co-educa-
tional Student," and
that said co-ed be
used as a standard in
a11 further efforts I

along the lines of campus beauty.
Said committee was appointed and
"Miss Michigan Co-Education" has
already selected. Her photograph
is shown on the left. (Suitable for
The technique of professional
baseball is becoming more and
more evident in college football.
Now we are having double-header

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