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November 20, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-20

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of Yea

m Has Respect for Passing,
Running Attack of

Michigan Gets 10 Places on All-American

Task Team,

Wolverines Must Stop These Men Tomorrow

NM~ate Work for All-Campus PN O
1 .IP St i3.r ra~ ar

Game With Gophers
larked by Tradition
Man ders Will Carry on Glory
of Minnesota Plungers.
Dv Sheldon C. Fullerton

shmen Run Through Gopher
Plays as Line Pointsr
for Opponents.
Lck Manders and Somers are
two best backs that Michigan
meet this year, Coach Harry
ke said before practice yester-
This statement along with like
>rts from the coaching staffe
Minnesota as the toughest%
onents the Wolverines will be
ed upon to meet this year.
asides fearing the Gopher's
ng running attack, Michigan's
n has respect for their passing
,ek, both lateral and forwards.
Munn, Manders, and Somers
n have their hands on the ball .s
he same play. Variations of this
, a lateral and a forward or a
yard and then a lateral, has
le four touchdowns for Minne-
, so far this season.
ichigan will again rely on their
Varit g had a short0 dunm Latent power in the huskies wI
mnmage against the reserves in linnesota has been outcropping th
effort to get their running at- ball foes tangling with the "Giants
down to perfection. Captain M Kin, gigar as guard, wI
me of Coach Fisher's freshman Manders, hard-driving fullback, ~
its pt rong inesGot ersey piloted the Gophers into the top br~
jsra throughthoGoughrkas- ______________
the benefit of the regulars in
her portion of the dummy MAPLE LEAFS TO Us
nmage. Michigans line is priM- i Wth LArGESt
efor th tougtte rrnin l-balfestzine plyiottheWITeLA GSTts
;ors. The forward wall com-
ely stopped these formations as Toronto Has Fine Hockey Team;
led out by the yearlings.F'
Gophers Passes Work. Finshed Hgh LsYear.
:ie strength of Minnesota's for-
t passes was seen when the Toronto hockey ans wi e
lings completed several of them treated to a new system of tean
long gains. Intricate handling play this season. Manager Connie
he ball that the Gophers can Smythe, who specializes in playing
io well, was not shown by the his team with the smallest number
men. Lateral passes mixed of men possible is playing his larg-
Sforwards and a crushing line est roster in history this year-
ck was whw Coach Kipke drill- The Maple Leafs finished high in
lis Wolverines to stop. .n the standings last season, thereby
arry Eastman and. Herman confounding the critics. A heavy,
shardus may be in Saturday's rued team, the boys played iron
.e, judging from the amount of man hockey all year. King Clancy,
ntion they drew In yesterday's stellar defense man and Happy Day
SEverhardus and Eastman were did most of the back wall work and
through a long kicking work- will do the honors again this year,
along with Jack Heston. East- with Red Homer, heavy youngster
r got off some long kicks that and Levinsky, who played a few
considerably higher than Hes- games late in 1930, in relief. Horer
s and allowed the ends time to bids fair to be the "Rockburn" of
r them before they came to the circuit The defense will be ef-

meet; Fan -crmminage
With Y"psilanti.
Thirty-two wrestlers made the
wrestling room of the Intramural
building a scene of activity late yes-
terday afternoon, when they held
one of the season's first stiff work-
outs under the direction of Coach
Clifford Keen.
Monday marked the real begin-
ning of the practice season, since
that day saw their mentor released
from his football duties in connec-
tion with the junior varsity. Many
of the grapplers, however, have
been conditioning and practicing
for over a month. Regular workouts
are on the bill from now on. The
immediate goal of the candidates
is the All-Campus meet to be held
about two weeks from the present
To Meet Ypsi Champs.
In this meet, all the wrestlers and
would-be wrestlers from e v e r y
class, including the freshman, will
meet to determine the supremacy
in each weight division. A. tentative
plan, eccording to Coach Keen, is
to scrihmage the Intramurn cham-
pions from Ypsilanti soon. The
meet would be of a decidedly in-
formal nature, with no admission
to be charged. This plan would en-
able the mentor to get a better
idea of his available material for
this season, and the medt would be
held here.
1928 Grapplers Return.
In commenting on his men's abil-
ity so far this year, and their show-
ing in previous seasons, Coach Keen
said that while the squad in gen-
eral was lacking in experience,
many of the candidates showed
considerable promise. Captain Dou-
govito, 165-pound champion of the
conference, and runner-up for hon-
ors in the intercollegiates last year,
will probably be one of the out-
standing members of the varsity
this year, while the mentor has an-
other star in Thomas, one of the
best grapplers of the 1928 season
who is back for more competition
this year.

Tia 'iten, in one way or another,
Eight Men Are Named for Each has come to be closeiy identified
c.f Light Events; Point with the game of football as it is
Basis Used. played in American universities and
colleges. Not only does the game
SCHMIELER TOPS LIST I itseCf cherish many of these time-
worn traditions, but separate col-
lege teams, over a period of years,
'Takes S17 of Team's Ten Places; have come to have traditions of
Ladc Kennedy, Miller, their own that have become famous
Raike Also Named. wherever football is played and
By Charles A. Sanford One of the oldest traditions
Michigan smashed through to tor surrounding any of the Big Ten
honors again in the world of sports, teams deals with Minnesota,
by making ten places on the All- the team that will appear here
America Intercollegiate Swimming tomorrow against the Wolver-
Ameria Intrcollgiate(Coninud nPage 7)
Team of 1931, selected by the Inter-
collegiate Swimming Guide, tieing
Yale for first place. Princeton fol-
lowed with six places while Rutgers,
Southern California, and the Naval
Academy tied with four apiece.
Eight men are named for each of I
the eight events. The Wolverines
closest contestants in the Western
Conference were 'Minnesota and
Iowa with two places apiece, with
Chicago and Northwestern trailing
on the strength of one place each.
At Top on Point Basis.
On a point basis, giving first
place eight points, second seven,
and so forth, Michigan stands alone
at the top with 421/2 points, diving
honors being divided evenly and
yielding the half point. Yale is thus4
relegated to second with a total of
41, while Minnesota and Iowa of
the Big Ten teams drop down to
nine, and seven and a half respec-
tively. .4t Ao
Rutgers' point-standing of third
is the work of George Kojak who
took firsts in the 100, 220, and back-
stroke, aided by Gariss who placed
in the diving. Next in order are -
Princeton, 27, Southern California
with 26%, and 'Naval Academy, 23.
Schmieler High Point Man.
Johnny Schmieler was the back-
bone, of Michigan's showing, ac- 310 South
counting for six of the ten places.
He was first in the breast-stroke,
second in the medley race, fourth
. (Continued on Page 7)

Twenty-Six Men Run
in Ail-Campus Race,
McMillan Is First
Twenty six men started the All-
Campus cross country run yester-
day afternoon'in competition for
the trophy awarded to the winnc ,
by the Intramural department. A
close race between McMillah an J
Howell netted the former a first
place in the time of 16:10; How-
ell's time was 16:15. The winner
of the next eight places were as
follows: third, Potchynak; fourth,
Bosworth; fifth, Heath; sixth, Che-
founrer; seventh, Walker; eighth,
Parker; ninth, Melnicker; tenth,'
McMillan will be aw rded the
Intramural trophy, Howell will re-
ceive class numerals for winning
second place, and the- next five will
receive medals.

ho play football at the University of
is year to the discomfort of all foot-
of the North." Photos above show
ho also is a smashing ball carrieri;
and Somers, quarterback, who has
-cket of the Big Ten Conference.



Hewitt's Tosses Improve.
11 Hewitt, who was picked by,
ch, Zuppke as All-Conference
back, has found his passing eye
several of his passes were com-
,ed. Harry Newman is also con-
ing with more regularity in the
week and Michigan will have a
ng passing attack to rely upon
enny Oosterbaan said that the
ndering herds of Minnesota will
in be in evidence. "They have
(Continues on Page 7)

,~l Li ~. l t r i.ll} Y++ v v
fective if Horner and Day, another
"bad man," can stay out of the
penalty box.
Chabot to Be Goalie.
Lorne Chabot and Benny Grant
will again divide the goal tending
duties. Chabot is the better of the
pair, but neither man is listed as
an A-1 net' minder. The Leafs could
profit by securing Alfie Moore, now
farmed out by the New York Rang-


At center ice position are Andy
air, who made a fine start in

idividual ice cream pies and fancy Thanksgiving moulds for
umpkins, turkey gobblers-and roast turkeys, corn' in husk,
and cranberry sherbet.
ry this special:
Nesseirode Pudding
Pi l nid s

1929 but slowed down a year ago.'
Joe Primeau, old timer from the
Canadian League will play relief'
position with Sid Howe, secured'
from Philadelphia in the great'
Many Available Forwards.
There is an outstanding crop of'
forwards. Ace Bailey, leading scorer
of the division two seasons back,
and old Harold Cotton are the reg-
ulars. Charlie Conacher, brilliant
youngster, and Harvey Jackson, who
played well in 1930, his first pro-
fessional season will again team up
in relief.
Frank Finnegan, formerly of Ot-
tawa, plays in the third set of
wings. His partner is Harold Dar-
ragh, of Philadelphia, Boston, and
even earlier, Pittsburgh, where he
was a teammate of Cotton's. Dick
Gracie, holdover, is being retained
as an extra forward but will pre-
'sumably be optioned out later in
the season.
PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov. 19.-(iP)
-Robert L. "Dink" Templeton, na-
tionally famous track and field
coach of Stanford, was seriously ill
at his home today. He is suffering
from an internal infection. In an
effort to offset the infection doc-
tors built up his temperature to 107
All programs are given in Hill
Auditorium u n l e s s otherwise
noted. The afternoon concerts
are g i v e n without admission
Nov. 22, 4:15.
THE REVELERS, James Melton,
1st tenor, Phil Dewey, baritone,
Lewis James, 2nd tenor, Wil-
fred Glenn, bass, Frank Black,
Director and Pianist, Dec. 3,
prano, December 6, 4:15.
THE "MESSIAH" by Handel,
University Choral Union, Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra.
Soloists, Earl V. Moore, Con-
ductor, December 13, 4:15. 1
CHESTRA, Ossip Gabrilow-
itsch, Conductor, Dec. 15, 8:15.
CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Con-
ductor, Jan. 13, 8:15.
CHESTRA, Dr. Rudolf Siegel,
Guest Conductor, Jan. 25,
Y DUIV8:15.

Sri .
. . ftt


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