THE MICHIGAN DAILY IHE, MANCHURlIA, 'COLORING ' FEATURE PRESS CLUB SESI ood Says Newspapers Can Better Crime Conditions. UBLIC CENSURED irope, United States Contrasted by SIOQson. $y Norman F. Kraft )iscussions of crime, the Man- tinri situation and the 'color- 'of news stories featured the ""in g session of the University ss club yesterday afternoon at Michigan Union. the meeting was opened by e White, president of the club I head librarian of the Detroit ws with the usual words of .cqme and a few comments on spaper sensationalism. In four ne surveys conducted by the versities of Cornell, Washing- , Oregon, and Pennsylvania, it found, Mr. White said, that e fve per cent of the news print- was crime news. The public's V of newspaper sensationalism .,he said, from the fact that e of them gave front page pre- nce to crime stories. White ;, however, that he has no use papers that practiced such a ,cy as they catered to the inde- t and abnormal qualities of hu- a character. 'h first address of the after- n was delivered by Arthur E. 04, professor cif sociology, who e on the "Newspapers and the ake Problem." "'Thre are no unit causes of iime," Prof. Wood said, "that p e r a t e independently, and batever is the influence of the ress, it is exercised in a con- lexity of biological and social ' , all of which must be dd in any final account. ectin and emphasis in the n aionof n e ws stories renat t e r s G consciously orted policy with the press _s well-known that in s respects there are wide erences isplayed a m o n g qe newspapers of any of our r cities. If it be urged that mrican readers are not suf- c ently interested in interna- ' ll affairs so as to make 1m 'front page stuff' in our ative newspapers, as they of- ' are in the foreign lang- *ge newspapers, the answer is Iat by giving t h e m more uase, and less to local crime, he American press can make s r e a d e r s internationally dnded at any time it chooses i do so." rof. Wood recommended to the rspapers of Michigan the follow- principles for the betterment :rime conditions in the state: The establishment of charac- research bureaus in our prisons. The establishment of a central rd of parole with trained staff kers. The establishment of a cen- board of probation. The establishment of a cen- ized board for the purpose of vict classification. The establishment of a cen- ized bureau of crime statistics. rof. Preston W. Slosson of the ory department next spoke on ime at Home and Abroad." essor Slosson compared t h e opean and American crime sit- ons in the light of the facili- pf each in crime detection and vriction. nglish and American systems alike in that they offer the e great latitude in conduct- the examination. But English is better administered than erican. Trials are conducted i more celerity, the judges have ider discretion, appeals are not wed on trivial grounds, and the ce are more competent. But it NO0TICE! Fraternities, Clubs, Sororities Herman Simnms' HOT "PEP"PER ORCHESTRA Singing and Entertaining Furnishing Music for Dances, Parties, Banquets Phone or Write Walnut 277'5"W 6023 Scotten Ave.I Detroit, Mich. The HBU SANDWICH SHOP Serves Hot Plate LUNCHEON Daily from 11 to 1:00 RUTH YEN LECTU9 tS AT PRsS METI Continued From Page 1) offering extension courses to those who cannot afford to attend the university for the prescribed peri- ods of time, universities are extend- ing "the practice ol. the best schools' of refusing to admit that brains and opportunity to develop them are restricted to those persons who have adequate means." Education, he stated, does not end with college, although organ- ized and supervised study may be abandoned, he added, with the last examination. "If the university may appropri-. ately supervise study during andI even prior to the college period, it isI difficult to see why it may not as justifiably take an interest iii the! welfare of its graduates to the ex- tent ,of aiding them in continuingI their intellectual growth." Alumni, however, arednot the on- ly adults who can and should use the university's facilities. "The university as the highest school in ou r system is the one to which most adults must turn for' instruction, and the institution is not doing its full duty to society if it does not recognize the education. of adults as at least a legitimate function. The alternative point of view means duplication of effort and waste of facilities." Another highly important func- tion of the "super-university," Pres-c ident Ruthven said, was the en- couragement of research and the1 services which follow from inves- tigation. He said that the function of investigation is now generally granted to the universities. "The hope of our society is to be found in no small measure inc the labors of scholars, embued with1 a love of truth for its own sake,1 to extend the bounds. of human knowledge in all directions regard- less of results. It is only in the uni- versity that these labors can be carried on continuously throughJ the .years, and it is in the Univer-; sity that the results can be accum- ulated and preserved as a vast her- itage for future generations." BRILLIANT SON T G R HOP OOD AW rDS Results of Years of Research Incorporated; Designed for Teachers. A course recently begun by the extension division of the University ric ar n ivt hvkin c nnintn are being incorporated in the neW course, and it is expected to devel- Contest Committee Votes $300 Prize Money for Freshmen. fadesUgneda to give sc ooi superin ien- Extension of the already large dents, high school principals, and number of prizes to be award- teachers, the latest advances in ed from the money in the hands curriculum planning for highs of the Avery and Jule Hopwood schools has met with immediate prize contest committee was mades we Tuesday evening when the commit- success, according to a bulletin is- tee voted to release $300 for utiliza- sued by the Bureau of Alumni Re- tion in awards to freshmen. lations. S it x-s announced that the - trd wr ean ced thatd e Forty-one men have enrolled in awaord. were established to add en- tefrtsmse ftecusi thusiasm and zest to the regular the first semester of the course, m work of" the freshman courses in which classes are held in Traverse composition, but that the prizes City, Cadillac, and Manistee, on were to be awarded for outside alternate weeks. Associated Press Photo work of freshmen as well as for This is the first time an extension Eugene Gladstone 0'Neill son of work done in the classes. Profs. course has been held so far from Eugene' slpayw hh Howard M. Jones, Roy W. Cowden, the University, as well as being an Eugene O'Neill, playwright, h ass and Bennet Weaver were appointed unusual attempt to bring the re- been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, as a committee in charge of the s;arch work and resources of the honorary scholastic fraternity, at administration of the freshmen University to bear on a problem of Yale. awards. the greatest importance to high Final announcement of the mem- school executives. For a number of bers of the elimination committee years the Bureau of Educational M'Burney Is Satisfied for the minor awards was made. Reference and Research of the Uni- After Albion Debates The committee consists of Profs. versity has been compiling infor- Roy W. Cowden, Norman E. Nelson, mation about high school courses, Kenneth T. Rowe, Arno L. Bader, student preferences, grades made Satisfaction with the efficiency Theodore Hornberger, and Sigmund in 'various subjects by different and showing of the Varsity debat- K. Proctor. types of students, and other data ing teams was expressed yesterday on school problems. by James H. McBurney, coach, when Many Colleges Show Interest Results of these studies, a$ well by Ja-ms H. Mc :tahtrAid,wh-nI as much other material in the field, EXTENSION DIVISION OFFERS COUF IN SECONDARY CURRICULUM PLAN op better educational programs and methods for the students. Dr. George E. Carrothers, director of the University Division of In- spection of High Schools, and Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, are the men conducting the course. Despite the trips which two-thirds of the class must make each week, there are very few absences, and the two-hour meetings are filled with active discussion. Handball, Pool EventP to Start Next Week Next week will see the opening of competition in three Intramural indoor sports of the interfraternity division. Dual contests in swim- ming, handball, and water-polo will feature the season starting Monday. \ Volleyball winners of the various leagues will commence their play- offs next week to determine the in- terfraternity championship. This year, these final rounds of the tour- ney are to be played in a double elimination system; a team will have to be defeated twice before it is eliminated from the playoffs. Joseph R. Hayden must be said in fairness to the United States that it has a more cosmopolitan population to deal with and there are more automo- biles and firearms." Diverting the crime topic, Joseph R. Hayden, professor of political science spoke on the Manchurian situation. His address was entitled "Highlights of the Eastern Situa- tion." Prof. Hayden explained that there is a great natural enmity be- tween the Japanese and Chinese. "Japan," Prof. Hayden said, has a good military grip on Manchuria that cannot be broken, due to their powerful army and navy which can be put into Manchuria at a mom- ent's notice. Japan has abso- lute control of the eastern seas and Russia cannot fight at the far end of the Trans-Siberian -railroad." speaking of the first two debates of the season, held Wednesday af- ternoon and night, with Albion col- lege. In the no-decision debates, Mc- Burney said, the two Michigan teams revealed their mastery of the question and their ability to uphold their sides of the argument. Al- though these debates were no real tests for the Michigan team, be- cause Albion's late starting debat- ing season made them less prepared for the meet than Michigan, var- sity debaters were given ample op- portunity to exert themselves to the utmost. The affirmative team that dgbat- ed Wednesday meets the University of Detroit tomorrow in Detroit. in ..reai ve r uV ng LwA . , A . * A new light in cooperation be- tween universities was- revealed by Prof. B. Weaver, English profes- sor in charge of the administration of the Avery and Jule Hopwood creative writing contest, when he said that letters had been received from several universities and col- leges throughout the country ex- pressing interest . in the creative writing situation here, and offer- ing to cooperate with Michigan in advising special cases to attend the university with a view of en- joying the privileges presented by the Hopwood contest. Among the schools that have written to Prof. Weaver are Har- vard, University ' of Illitois, Uni- versity of North Carolina, Univer- sity of Washington, and Univer- 4ity of South Carolina. The best day of the year on which to show our appre- ciation of the things our families and friends !ave done for us. There is no better way than to Uiniversity Flower 5'hop, Inc. WISCONSIN LOST AND FOUND BUREAU HANDLES MISCELLANY IN BIG WAY By Karl Seiffert i, The University of Wisconsin is a wonderful institution. Of course the University of Mich- igan is a wonderful place, too, but Wisconsin has at least one depart- ment that far outshines anything Michigan can offer. The University Lost and Found office in Madison really does things. The Daily Cardinal, which publish- es a weekly official report of stock on hand, reveals the fact that the bureau retrieved a total of 28 mis- cellaneous articles from November 11 to November 17. Tabulated under the heads of "Pins, Jewelry, and Miscellaneous," "Clothing," and "Books," the bu- reau is holding everything from a case of dissecting tools to a "visor," whatever a visor may be, in the o chance that someone will come in and present a claim for the lost goods. But it isn't as easy as all that- no, sir - you have to be able to identify anything you want to take home with you, which, in the case of a set of dissecting! tools, would certainly prevent anyone but a medic, at least, from illegally ab- sconding with the article in ques- tion. Under the "Pins-Jewelry" head there is actually only one pin list- ed, but there are enough other things to make up for the lack of jewelry. Beside the dissecting tools and the visor, the bureau is holding a cigarette lighter, a fountain pen, a pencil, a purse, and a necklace, the last probably being the excuse for establishing a jewelry depart- ment. The. prize package of the lot comes in the book department, .where one finds that, aside from the common notebook and copies of "A Short Table of Integrals," the kind of books the average student loses track of are Keats' poetical works and More's "Utopia,"- all of which isn't so hard to understand. Puri y Marke*t mmmml 122 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 7996 Saturd~ay Special BABY BEEF ROAST I - T PER LB........J. . PIG PORK -mAl PORK STEAK LB ,2C I ROAST LB. ...... T-BONE STEAK LB. ... 2 '-'... JL - VEAL CHOPS LB. SALT PORK LB. lac Lamb Chops.....19c Lamb Roast... .15c SLICED BACON PER LB. 2-LB. ROLL BUTTER LB. ........... q _ SADDLE-HORSES Moonal ht Ride A 2-lour Ride and Refreshments Mullison Saddle Stables 326 East Ann and Fair Grounds Phonme 7418 Oysters, fancy, per qt............ Before you buy get our quotations for yoi Thanksgiving Poultry. UV.49 - , - - _--_ _ r 'STATE m rawor I II of The Fa dl" Balzac's racicst story reaches the screen as the year's spiciest comedy! BLBE DANIELSWARREN WILLIAM "It Speaks for Itself" Not only is THE PARROT the ideal place for dining, but its fountain service has proven equally as popular. After the play, movie, or concert drop in at j the fountain as do the rest of Michi- gan's students and enjoy its quality foods and excellent service. A Can pus Tradition ON THE STAGE Home Cooking 40c I , ,r~w w u~ U ~ Y U~AN* T%.~i 11 ill