it 34ZU
VOL. XLII. No. 47
Help in State Relief
Programs, Pleads
Prosperity Returning,
Is Executive's
Governor Brucker last night
ppealed ,to the people of Michi-
an to support the administra-
on's ,taxation and unemployment
elief programs and declared that
the state's road building pro-
ram is unhampered in its devel-
,pment approximately 30,000 un-
mployed would be given work
essing a meeting of state
in session here, the gov-
aid tribute to the press'
titaining optimism in the
economic crisis and asked
ence in restoring to norm-
necessary assistance from
s in the matter of revenue.
rosperity Returning.
state executive said that
s every reason to believe
asperity is returning. The
Aind has been brought to the
psychological point, and
e of mind is necessary be-
overy can be effected. We
aped the bottom and we
ur way up."
ig out that the main source
tate's revenue is from the
and the license taxes of
ie latter is periodic, Gov-
rucker stated that, if the
Modern University Is
Brain of Society,
He TellsClub.
Institutions Cannot Be
Mentally Exclusive,
He States.
By George A. Stauter
The University as an institu-
tion is "rapidly becoming the
brain of society" and, as such,
should never fail in adjusting and
directing the activities of society
through any "narrow conception
of its sphere =of usefulness." Pre-
sident Ruthven told members of
the University Press Club last
Addressing more t h a n Zoo
Michigan editors at the Regents'
dinner of the club in the Union,
the President asserted that the
niodern university cannot become
intellectually exclusive.
"It serves the whole body, and
throughout life should guide it,"not
selfishly, nor for the good of any
part at the expense of another, but
for the sole purpose of securing
and insuring the welfare of so-
President Ruthven took as the
title of his thesis the "super-uni-
versty," using the term, he ex-
plained, to direct attention to the
evolutionary processes now in these
institutions. The scope and func-
tions of these schools, he said, are
undergoing attempted redefinition.
In commenting on the nature of
the "super-university's" functions,
President Ruthven stated that, al-
4ssocdated Press _Poto4J
Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet Commis-
sar of foreign affairs, lodged a pro-
test at Tokyo against Japanese mil-
itary activities in the vicinity of
Tsitsihar and the Chinese Eastern
Selects Faculty Members
to Handle Program
on Sunday.
Four Men Driving Cadillac Drop
Trophy at Tuomy Hills
Gas Station.
Yost Will Pass on Authenticity
Today; Car Thought to Be-
from Minnesota.
Further examination of the
"little brown jug," practically
proved the authenticity of the
trophy. Phil Pack of the Ath-
letic association after a minute
examination of the jug and a
comparison with old photo-
graphs, early this morning stat-
ed that he was becoming more
and more convinced that the
jug was the original.
Apparently frightened by the:
knowledge that their secret posses-
sion of the coveted little brown jug
had leaked out, the organization or
individuals behind the theft of the
jug three weeks ago ridded them-
selves of the fateful Minnesota-
Michigan trophy last night by
dropping it from a car near the
Tuomy Hills gas station at the east
edge of town.
Four men in a large Cadillac
touring car pulled up at the side of
Washtenaw road at about 7:15
o'clock last night and rolled the old
brown water jug out on the ground
at the point where the Jacksi
cut-off leaves Washtenaw r o a d.
K. D. Smith of Ann Arbor, the at-
tendant at the station, believing
the car was seeking directions, came
out of his station just in -time to
see the bi'g touring car pull rapidly
away down the cut-off.
Four Leave Jug.
The four individuals all had hats
pulled down over their eyes and
the licenses of the machine were
.daubed with mud to prevent recog-
nition, according to Smith's testi-
mony. Because of this he was un-
able to identify either the car or
its occupants. However, it is strong-
ly suspected by many that the li-
censes were from Minnesota as
Smith stated that he was sure the
plates were narrower than those of
this state.
Absolute certainly as to the au-
thenticity of the jug has not as yet
been determined. Phil Pack, of the
Athletic association, stated that he
was not at all convinced that the
jug found is the original. Judgment
must be reserved until a more com-
plete examination can be made, he
Stolen in 1903.
The ill fated water jug was first
Stolen from a Michigan team in 1903
following a Michigan - Minnesota
football game, and since then it"
has been the center of numerous'
plots and crimes.
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, will be called upon today to
pass upon the authenticity of the
jug, Pack stated.
z autc
wtoU o the saes
ak, which ordin-
efore the first of
returned to the
re, then the ad-
gram can be made
He described taxatin as similar
to the depression, asserting that it
was a 'vicious circle." The greater
the demand for revenue, he ex-
plained, the greater the delinquency.
He- urged the press to support
every program that is "sound in
the direction of relief" as a step in
maintaining optimism in the future.
Freshman Law Class
to Open Polls Today
Freshman Law students will hold
class elections at 4:15 o'clock today,
in room C, Law building.
Junior Business Administration
elections will take place at 4:15
o'clock next Tuesday in room 206,
Tappan hall.
State Bulletins
(By Aemociated Press)
Thursday, November 19, 1931
BAY CITY-Bodies of Everett M.
Hales and George Whaley, both of
Plymouth, have been found in Sag-
inaw 'Bay nearly a month after
t h e i r outboard motorboat was
swamped while they were on a duck
hunting trip. Two companions res-
cued themselves when ;their boat
went down on Oct. 25.
'JACKSON-Mrs. S. B. Moffett, of
Flint, was elected president of the
Michigan League of Women Voters
today in the annual convention.
Mt. Clemens was chosen as the 1932
convention city.
PONTIAC -Financiers from all'
parts of the state were here today
for the annual convention of the
Michigan Bankers Association. Sen.
Arthur H. Vandenberg, of Grand
Rapids, was the day's principal
MT. CLEMENS - James McCoy
and James Overstreet waived ex-
amination in justice court today on
a charge of robbing the First Na-
tional Bank here of $14,000 on Sept.'
16. Their trial was set for Nov. 24.
Overstreet has confessed to a num-
ber of other robberies in the West.
for following the controversies of
educators and laymen.
Universities proiaily never will
conform to a single pattern, he
said. "Many of the differences in
policies and practice depend just
now upon the point of view adopted
upon the importance and place of
extra-mural actiyities, including
extension work, adult education,
and service. No study of universi-
ties can provide dependable results
which' ignores the resources of the
Embraces All Fields.
He deplored as "futile" the at-
tempts' to prove that universities
should exist for "the sole purpose
of training scholars or of providing
a cultural background for others."
In reply to the criticism that uni-
versities should not offer vocational
training in every necessary field of
endeavor, President Ruthven said
this was "impracticable."
"One may be excused for smiling
at the inclusion of dress-making
and canoeing in a university curri-
culum, but logically he cannot ob-
ject to departments of forestry,
pharmacy, journalism, and busi-
ness administration and at the
same time admit the traditional
schools of law and medicine. Sub-
jects of instruction proper to the
unversity are those which provide
a strict and regular mental and
moral training comprehending the
communication ofknowledge, the
cultivation of manners, and the'
regulation of practice."
Commenting on another of the
"super-university's" functions, in-
tra-mural and extra-mural instruc-
tion, the President said that by
(continued on Page 2)
Faculty members who will serve
on the committee for the Gover-
nor's Night program, which will be
held at 7:45 o'clock, Sunday, Nov.
22, in Hill auditorium, were named
last night by Martin J. Mol, '34L,
general chairman of the group
which has procured Governor Bruc-
ker to speak at that time.
Those selected are: Dr. Charles A.
Sink, Dean H. C. Sadler, Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus, Dean J. B. Edmon-
son, -Dean Henry M. Bates, Dean'
J. A. Bursley, Dean J. R. Effinger,
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr. John Sund-
wall, Dr. James D. Bruce, Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, Prof. Thomas C.
Trueblood, Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
Prof. James K. Pollock, Prof. Waldo
M. Abbott, Prof. H Y. McClusky,
Prof. Fielding H. )cost; and Prof.
F. N. Menefee.
This program will be the first
time in more than 20 years that a
governor of the state of Michigan
has come to Ann Arbor to address
a combined audience of students
and townspeople. The Governor
will discuss questions that confront
executives of the state in fulfilling
the duties of their office..
The program will include musical
selections by the members of , the
Varsity Glee club. Both the student
council and the Student Christian
association are among the organi-
zations on the campus that are co-
operating in holding the meeting.
Students of Spanish
Plan Sociedad Revival
At ameeting of twenty five stu-
dents of Spanish, held at the Mich-
'igan [eague last evening, plans
were made for the revival of the
Sociedad Hispanica.
The meeting climaxed the efforts
of a committee composed of Caro-
line Cook, Henrietta Witwer, Olive
Lagdon, Ernesto Angles, Don Coop-
er, Arturo Pard, Marion Milezew-
ski, and William Merhab.
Temporary officers are, president,
William Merhab, a n d secretary,
Caroline Cook. The group set De-
cember 2 as its next meeting date.
Hoover Should Not: T
Seek Presidency in E'~WA
1932 Says SenatorGad a
m~ss..t, raduate
CHICAGO, Nov. 19.-(RP)-United
-States Sen. Hiram W. Johnson said
today that President Hoover would
have "the undying gratitude of the
rank and file of the Republican
Party" if he followed the lead of
Calvin Coolidge and decided not to Thousands to Gather
become a candidate next year. at Pre-Contest
The California senator, pausing a r~.O~5
en route to Washington, was induc- Meeting.
ed to-make a brief statement, and,
in the interests of accuracy, not BAND W ILL PLAY
only wrote it out in longhand, but
signed it, Here it is: Vco atnilt
"T",he deciso of Mr. Coolidge not Victor R. Pattengill to
to become a candidate next year Be Principal
entitles him to the highest praise Speaker.
of the American people. _a_ .
"If Mr. Hoover were to make a "Beat Minnesota" will be the
like decision he would have the un-
dying gratitude of the rank and cry ringing from thousands of
file of the Republican party." throats tonight w h e n students
That, said the fiery Republican and homecoming alumni pack
Progressive, was the sum total of Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock to
what he wanted to say at this time cheer the football team on to an-
about national politics. When ask- other victory.
ed about his own aspirations for Victor R. Pattengill, 'lo, of
t he presidential nomination, he Lansing, former varsity end, half-
told the reporters they were being back, and president of the M club
"coy will be the principal speaker on
fthe program. He will compare
Michigan football and spirit of 20
years ago to that of today.
Oosterbaan to Speak,
Coach Benny Oosterbaan, former
iIIvarsity star, will also address the
rooters. Edward J. McCormick, '32,
will act as chairman.
S Michigan'sfighting varsity band
- will be present to play the famous
;inspiring songs of "The Victors,"
"The Yellow and Blue," and "Var-
City Join. Thousands of Other sity" for the students and alumni.
American Municipalities James J. Otis, '12, former varsity
in Relief Work. cheerleader, will be on hand to lead
the alumni in yells and to show
the students the way they used to
SOLICIT CONTRIBUTIONS shout in thet good old days. Otis
occasioIally leads cheers at the
Many Michigan Towns Report stadium and always receives the
Satisfactory Responses support of all of Michigan's rooters.
Saisacor RspnssVarsity Cheering. X
to Pleas for Aid. Besides Otis, the entire varsity
cheer-leading staff will be present
Ann Arbor yesterday joined the to help lead the yells.
thousands of American cities that A huge crowd is expected at the
are coucting their annual ,com-Jrally since the ibgan big ten
munity . fund campaign when 330 standinft "depends almost entirely
solicitors began an intensive house- on the result of this game.
to-house canvass for the purpose At the present time Michigan,
of securing funds for 10 local wel- Purdue, and Ohio State, are tied for
fare and relief organizations for second place in the race..
the coming winter.
With needs more pressing than Sunderland Attends
for many years past, generous re- Law School Meeting
sponses have been the rule in many
cities, numerous funds exceeding Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the
their quota by several thousand law school faculty, left yeste
E n 1 i s t m e n t of the students Afor Philadelphia, where he will at-
is sought by Prof. Nelson in a let- tend a meeting of the Executive
te i thCommittee of the American Law
benefit show being presented at School Association.
the Majestic theatre at 11:30 to -________________
night. The letter follows:
"To the students of the Univer- Crowley Will Coach
sity: Tiger F obl qa
"Our community has never be- Football Squad
fore asked its student members for Head Football Coach James
any help in raising its funds for Crowley, of Michigan State Col-
social welfare and relief, but in the lege, has been signed as head
face of this year's emergency I am football coach'at Prinetn Uni
personally suggesting one way in versity, according to the editor
which yumgtcoeae
hT u might cooperate. of the Princetonian, s t u d e n t
"The Majestic theatre is giving newspaper. Crowley was one of
a special midnight show tonight, the famous "Four Horsemen" of
the entire proceeds of which will;
go to the Community Fund to be Notre Dame.
used for unemployment relief. If-
our student friends will support THE WEATHER
this project and help us fill the Lower Michigan: Rain Friday and
Majestic at 11:30 tonight, I shall Saturday, possibly turning to snow
certainly appreciate their help. Saturday in north portions; some-
Cordially, what warmer Friday; much colder
J. Raleigh Nelson Saturday.
Lennox G. Robinson, director of
the Abbey theater at Dublin, Ire-
land, will speak here Tuesday un-
der the auspices of the University
Play Production group.
Mr. Robinson is one of the most
noted of modern playwrights. He
is recognized as the greatest of the
young Irish dramatists. Among his
more outstanding works are "The
Whiteheaded Boy" and "The Big
Robinson visited Ann Arbor two
years ago as ,the guest of Play Pro-
ductions. At that time he put on
the "Whiteheaded Boy" with a stu-
dent cast. He will be in Ann Arbor
Monday and Tuesday. His Tuesday
lecture ? be on the topic, "The
Abbey Pia; ers and their Work."
Mr. Robinson is on an extended
tour in the United States witg his
Abbey players. He will bring the
company here on December 7 for a
series of four plays to be given in
Gilson Compares Christian
Greek Philosophies
in Lecture.
The Soph Prom committee is
having quite a time with its music
for the dance, not that the music
has been selected yet, but that's
just the trouble.
The.-committee believes in giving
the public what it wants, or so one
is led to believe by the innovation
of an entirely new scheme for the
selection of a band for the event.
The idea, germinating in the
mind of some sophomore commit-
teeman, and rapidly finding favor
with other members of the group,
was to pick out four orchestras and
let everyone who contemplates at-
tending the dance vote for his
ing of the original four was, that
directed by Mr. McKinney.
Incorporated in an advertisement
appearing in this issue of The Daily
is a ballot which may be used to
vote for the candidates, now listed
as Husk O'Hare, Fletcher Hender-
son, Del Delbridge, and the above-
mentioned Mr. McKinney.
Boxes for the straw vote are to be
located in the Engineering arch and
on the diagonal in front of the
library, and will be open to voters
between the hours of nine and
three o'clock today.
Undoubtedly the system is a very
nice one, but the suggestion might
"In the Greek philosophy, the
universe loved God but in the
Christian philosophy God loves the
That is the essential difference
between the ideas of Plato and
Aristotle and those of the Christ-
ian philosophers, acgording to Dr.
Etienne Gilson, professor of phil-
osophy at the University of Paris.
Dr. Gilson gave the second of a
series of three lectures on "The
Influence of Christianity on the
Philosophical Idea of God," yester-
day afternoon at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre. The topic-of the sec-
ond lecture was "The Christian
"To Plato," Dr. Gilson said, "the
Universe was but an image of the
ideal world. Things that deserve
the name, of being have neither
past, present or future. The sen-
sible world does not deserve the
name of being.-
"The philosophy of Aristotle is