III 1. r1.~I ESTABLISHED 1890 'r 4 &ii4 MEMBER ASSOCIATE PRESS t. I- VOL. XLII. No. 46 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1931 PRICE FIVE ( PRESIDENT HOOVER AND GRAND I SEARCH, FORAYTO PEACE R Seek Way to End World Trouble by Italian-American Cooperation. DISCUSS DISARMAMENT Cancellation of War Debts and Reparations Favored by Italy. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-(YP)- President Hoover and Foreign Min- ister Grandi of Italy spread the trouble map of the world before yhem tonight and searched for a wray to make it one of prosperous' peace. With Secretary Stimson, the two sought to define the world's diffi- culties in which international co- operation or Italian-American col- aboration could offer a solution. They spoke in English, uninter- upted by interpreters. Formality was abandoned. Secretary Stimson' aid they talked "like three human >eings." Conferences Begin Early. The conferences began early after signor Grandi had concluded his tay at the Secretary's h o m e, Shares Nobel Prize Asocieetat Press Photo Dr. Karl Bosch, German scient- ist credited with having made pos- sible utilization of Haber's synthe- tic ammonia process on an indus- trial scale, will share the 1931 No- bel prize in chemistry with another German, Dr. Frederick Bergius. FREI STUDE NTS Annual Thanksgiving Dinner to Be Attended by Faculty and Townspeople. dinner tonight at the use was to end in a Sof the Minister's con- with the President. bjects stretching into the s of economics and poli- up. Their attention, how- ered principally on the onomic ills, with their ent of inter-government- zdustrial'slumps, budgets peaks with all the remier Mussolini, of the debt pay- its. Italy approves var debts and re- Cancellation. woed to - 'ancella- Hoover proposed as a temporary re- rimarily to assist ttitude was that e toward debt or must come from rning's discussion, n reiterated this nited States will i any negotiations n Europe upon the Foreign students will be t h e guests of the University at the 9th annual Thanksgiving International' Banquet to be held at 5:45 o'clock Wednesday in the League.. The banquet is being sponsored by the Union, the League, the Stu- dent Christian association, the of- fice of the dean of students, and the office of the dean of Women. It is not, as in former years, being surscribed to in any way by indi- viduals, fraternities, and sororities, it was said. Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law school, will be the principal speaker. ] M~tan~hne{t will ~be furnishxed, by several foreign students who will give musical selections. All those attending are urged to wear the costumes of their native land. A large number of faculty and townspeople are to attend the din- ner to act as hosts and hostesses to the guests. One of the purpoes of the International Banquet is to give the foreign students an oppor- tunity to meet townspeople and members of the faculty.- State Editors to See Play, 'Scrambled Ego' "Scrambled Ego," a college farce written by Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department, will be presented tonight by Play Production in the Laboratory thea- tre for 250 newspaper editors fron Michigan cities who are attending the annual university press club meeting. , The play deals with a professor of creative appreciation who be- comes involved when his theories about the break down of inhibitions are put into practice by his wife and some of the members of his classes. The performance today will be preceeded by a reception of the delegates in the lobby of the theatre at which time President and Mrs., Ruthven will be hosts to the visit-, ing delegates. Professor Brumm is well known on the campus for previous plays. ADDRHESS BY WHITE WILL OPEN PRESS CONVE NTiON TODAY President Ruthven and Yoakum Will Give Talks at Dinner Tonight. 'GOVERNOR TO BE HERE Crime to Be Discussed at First Gathering of Editors; Wood and Slosson to Speak. The presidential address of Lee A. White, chief librarian of the Detroit News, will open the 1931 convention of the University Press club this afternoon in the Union. More than 200 delegates are expect- ed to attend the three-day session, Prof. John L. Brumm, of the jour- nalism department, said yesterday. Crime problems will engage the attention of the 'editors at the first session.' Prof. A. E. Wood, of~~he sociology department, will analyze the social aspects of crime, and Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, will make a compari- son of crime in America and abroad. The eastern question will be pre-, sented by Prof. J. R. Hayden of the political science department. To Talk on 'Super-University.' President Ruthven, at the dinner tonight, will speak on "The Super- University." This gathering will also be addressed by Governor Brucker. and Vice-President C. S. Yoakum, the latter speaking on "intelligence and Education." City governmet will be discussed at the Friday morning meeting. Prof. Roderick McKenzie, of the sociology department, will show the bearing upon city administration of the recent shifts in population. Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the poli- tical science department, will re- view failures attending present city government, and PQlice Commis- sioner James K. Watkins, of Detroit, will discuss some of the difficulties in police administration. Television and other recent mar- Sve scnti1 ltV-ey d' Iii-' vention will be explained and dem- onstrated at the Friday afternoon meeting by Dr.,L. F. W. Alexander-' son and Lawrence A. Hawkins, of the General Electric research lab- oratories. Open to Public. This exhibition will be the first showing outside of New York City of the progress made in television. The general public is invited to attend the demonstration. . The Friday evening banquet will be addressed by Paul Hutchinson, managing editor of the Christian Century, and by Junius B. Wood, foreign correspondent of the Chi- cago Daily News. Mr. Hutchison will speak on "Can Foreign News Be Made Intelligible?" and Mr. Wood's subject is "Soviet Russia Tells the World." Freshman Engineers Elect Conklin Head A sweeping majority yesterday carried David Conklin into the pre- sidency of the freshman engineer- ing class. More than 250 voted in the election. Henry Felker won the vice-presi- dency, and Everett Hersey named as secretary. Both received heavy majorities. The treasurer-ship went to Alvin Thomas by unanimous vote. The freshman class of the Law school will hold its elections at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in Room C of the Law building, WASHINGTON, ENov. 16.-(P)-. Three anti-prohibitionists in the House called tonight for Senator Fess to resign as dhairman of the Republican national committee be- cause of his newly-expressed stand for the Eighteenth Amendment. Republican Britten, of Illinois, led the attack upon the Ohioan in a formal statement demanding that he get out as their party leader or "resign from the directorship of the Anti-Saloon League and re- frain from being its spokesman." Reply Arouses LaGuardia. Representative La G u a r d i a, of New "York,and Schaffer, of Wis- consin, picked up the war cry- aroused by the Fess reply to James W. Wadsworth, of New York, that "I shall use my influence to pre- vent the party from committing a fatal blunder in asking for repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment." ST K ]S . WILL HOLD RALLY Oosterbaan to Address Rooters; James J. Otis, '12, to Lead Cheers. .. Students and the home-coming alumni will throng Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock tomorrow night for the Minnesota game pep meeting. Coach Benny Oosterbaan, former Varsity football star, will address the roote s as will Victor R. Patten- gill', '10, 'Varsity end in 1909, and halfback in 1910. James J. Otis, '12, former Varsity cheerleader, will be on hand to lead cheers. A large crowd is expected at the rally to take up 'the cry of "Beat Minnesota'" Since at the present time Michigan is one of the three teams tied for second place in the race for the Big Ten championship, there will be an unusual amount of interest shown in the game. sity band will marc r over to Hill auditorium from Morris hall. They will play some of Michigan's songs. All of the cheerleaders will be present. They will attempt to try a new cheer used at the Princeton' game.] Gilson Discusses Existence of Grod If There Is a God, There Must Be But One,' He States. ."If there is a God there must' be but one." That is the opinion of modern] philosophers, according to Dr. Eti- enne. Gilson, professor of mediae-' val philosophy at the University of Paris. Dr. Gilson gave the first of' a series of three lectures on "The Influence of Christianity on Phil- osophical Idea of God" yesterday afternoon at Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The topic of his first lec- ture was "The Christian God." A large crowd attended. "Philosophers pondered for cen-I turies upon the question of the na- ture of divinity. In the bible, which was not a philosophical worl they found their answer. 'God' said the Bible, 'is not a type of existence but the very act of existence itself. He i the complete actuality of be- ing. "If," said Dr. Gilson, "it is the only purpose of a being to exist, that being must be perfect. If there is something which that being is not he is not perfect. If you define something it must be all that is contained in that definition and nothing more. If God is to be su- preme goodness, he has a high state of perfection but is not abso- lutely perfect. So the Christian God is without determination. If we admit that God is existence it- self, those who say that God does not exist argue against the exist- ence of existence." Away from the furor, another movement was getting into swing to have a new chairman installed at the December aneeting of the Republican n a t i o n a 1 committee. This contemplates installation of Post-Master Brown as chairman. Mr. Brown, another son of Ohio, however, has balked vigorously at going into the chairmanship from the cabinet. Senator Fess declined comment on the attack upon him. It is in- dicated, however, he would not re- sign while under fire. The Fess statement to Wads- worth, former Republican senator from New York, was in reply to an appeal by Wadsworth to the Re- publican party to sanction a plat- form calling for a constitutional convention prohibition. Britten's Statement. The Britten statement said: "If Senator ,Fess wishes to obsti- nately and unreasonably attach himself to the losing cause of pro- hibition in the state of Ohio, that is his business, but when he says that he will use his influential na- tional chairmanship in the inter- ests of a costly legislative failure which is kept on the statute books only by false propaganda of those who for years have been making a living out of prohibition, then he is deliberately destroying the very object for which he has been elect- ed chairman."k Representative LaGuardia said: "Senator Fess -is the best asset that the Democratic party has." Parley to Discuss Aspects of Liquor University of Illinois Y.M.C.1. Sponsors Discussions. 1 (Rig Ten News Servic) URBANA, Ill., Nov. 18.--The Y. M. C. A., of the University of Illi- nois is sponsoring a parley to dis- cuss the aspects of the liquor sit- uation, the meeting to be under the leadership of Samuel J. Dun- Ch jasDciate. .editoc. l the Cicago Dafly News, Col. Patrick Callahan, southern business man of Louisville, Ky., will discuss the moral aspect of thc liquor question. Col. Callahan is well-known for his system of em- ployes profit-sharing in the earn- ings of the corporation, which has been a factor in keeping up a high wage scale during the present eco- nomic crisis. Robert E. Corradini, research sec- retary of the alcohol information committee of New York City, will discuss the economic aspect of the situation. Ben H. Spence, recently Washington representative of the Toronto (Canada) Star, will talk on some alternatives to the Amer- ican method of handling the liquor situation. Ten other colleges in the state will be represented at the parley. They are Chicago, Northwestern, Eureka, Bradley, Bradburn, Illinois Wesleyan, Elmhurst, Mt. Morris, Milliken, and Monmouth., Oliver to Lead Froshl AgainstClass of '34 Hurling the hatchet back at the Sophomores, the class of 1935 last night elected Russel Oliver captain of the fall games and drew up their battle plans. The freshmen decided to meet at 9 D'clock Saturday morning in front of the Union and to parade, led by a freshman band, to Ferry Field where the games will start at 9:30 o'clock. They were addressed last night by Prof. A. D. Moore, of the engi- neering school, Joseph Zias, '33, Student Councilman, and William Shephard, '35 president of the freshman clas. TSITSIHAR: Associated Press Photo Col,. James G. Mcllroy, United States military attache in Japan, has been authorized to accompany attaches of Great Britain, France and Russia on an observation tour of Manchuria, made at the invita- tion of the Japanese government. CO!URT DISMISSES Long Wins First Round in Court Fight to Retain His Governorship. SHREVEPORT, La., Nov. 18.- (P) ---Huey P. Long, today won the first legal skirmish in his battle to re- tain the governorship against the chalengeof'Dr. 'Paul N. Cyr, his elected lieutenant-governor. The Caddo district court ordered dismissal of Dr. Cyr's ouster suit, which was directed against Long on the contention that Long auto- matically vacated the go4rnor's chair when he certified his election to the United States Senate last spring .. !'Cyr alleged that Long was al- ready exercising prerogatives as' senator and that the state consitu-' tion prohibits a member of Con- gress from holding a state office but Judge T. F. Bell upheld Long's mo- tion to dismiss on grounds of "noI cause of action," based upon theI plea that Long had not yet taken his seat in the Senate. Cyr's counsel immediately an- nounced an appeal to the supreme court. Long was elected senator last November, announcing at the time he intended serving out his guber-- natorial term ending in May, 1932. Glee Club Will Make Appearance in Detroit! The first out-of-town concert of the season will be given in Detroit tonight by the Varsity Glee Club when it makes an appearance at the banquet given for employees of the Detroit Edison company. Special busses will carry the full organization to the city, leaving the Union at 4:15 o'clock this after- noon. , Besides the concert tonight the club will sing for Governor Bruc- er's program Sunday night in Hill, auditorium. A program for the Older Boy's conference on the 28th has also been arranged. David M. Mattern, conductor of the organization, will lead the club tonight and for the concert on the 28th. Gayle Chaffin, '32SM, presi- dent of the club, will conduct the recital Sunday night. THE WEATHER LOWER MICHIGAN: Increasing cloudiness Thursday; rain probably in west portions; Friday rain, cold- er in west portions in afternoon. Three House Anti-Prohibitionists- Ask Fess to Resign as Party Heaa FLEES TO NOR HTH Rout 50,000 Chinese in Bitter Fight in Cold. IN RUSSIAN~ZONE Control o Manchuria Asked of China by Japan. 'BULLETIN TOKYO, Nov. 18.--(P)-Un- qualified dispatches from Muk- den said that Tsitsihar and An- ganchi had been occupied by the Japanese, but Peiping re- ported receiving a radio gnes- sage from Tsitsihar saying both cities were in the hands of the Chinese. A telegram from the front, received earlier at Mukden, said t h e Japanese had occupied Tsitsihar station on the Chin- ese eastern railway, to the south of the 'city at that time, and that the Chinese were be- ing attacked along the railway. MUKDEN, Manchuria, Nov. 18,- (IP)-Japan's crack little army seiz- ed Tsitsihar tonight after a day of desperate fighting and sentr e Mah Chang shan's Chinse trop fleeing in rout to the north in a blinding blizzard. The Japanese conquered an army ten times their strength. They ad- vanced more than 18 miles, but in the d~awn-to-dusk battle they en- countered the best resistance Chinese force has put up in recent years. Japanese in Russian one. At the end of the battle - the greatest engagement since the Man- churian conflict stiarted 'last Sep- tember - teJ~e~w~ ao e h&hiese eserRaly and squarely: hi the zone of , s- sian influence. Mah's forces appeared to be so effectively shattered as to be in- capable of further resistance. So Japan seemed assured of maintain- ing her position in Tsitsihar, the capital of the northern province of Heilungkiang. Today's battle was fought in the bitter cold. The temperature was as low as 15 degrees below zero arid the Japanese advanced against a gale sweeping from the north out of Siberia. 4,000 for 50,000 to Flee. About 4,000 Japanese troops took part in the action. They turned Gen. Mah's 40,000 to 50,000 men into a rable,' fleeing across the Heilungkiang plains to get away from an assault carried forward with all the precision of a modern military machine. PARIS, Nov. 18.-(P)-The Jap- anese spokesman, Kenkichi Yoshi- zawa, presented to a secret session of the League Council late today new demands on China which were described in some quarters close to the League as a "policy to convert Manchuria into a political and eco- nomic protectorate -of Japan." This bold step, coupled with mili- tary developments in Manchuria, convinced League officials that the world was face to face with an impending crisis in which the sur- vival of the League's machinery for peace was at stake. UNIVERSITY TOGE OLD DIFIEREICS Tours War Zone JAPANESE SE 1 On the disarmament question the three found ready agreement. All believe a sincere effort must be made to reduce armament burdens at the coming general disarmament conference. Immediately after the morning conversation, the Minister cabled a full report to Premier Mussolini. He and Signora Grandi were lunch- epn guests of- Secretary Mellon. State Bulletins (By Associated Press) Wednesday, November 18, 1931. L A N S I N G-Stuart S. Morgan, freshman at Michigan State col- lege, fell asleep early Wednesday morning in the window of his room, his back was broken when he fell two stories from the window and hospital attendants said his recov- ery is doubtful. PONTIAC-Judge Parm C. Gil- bert of Traverse City, was appoint- ed today to conduct a one-man grand jury investigation of the re- cent floggings of three men sus- pected of communistic sympathies. The inquiry will open Monday. L A N S IN G-Governor Brucker, the attorney-general, and o t h er state officials left today on a deer hunting trip to Roscommon. ST. IGNACE-More deer hunters are in the upper peninsula this year than last. Figures of the state fer- ries 'show that 5,248 automobiles carried 8,265 passengers into north- ern Michigan from Nov. 10 to 15, compared with 5,001 cars and 7,- 680 passengers in the same period a year ago. IRONWOOD-Three days of ef- fort by searching parties number- ing as high as 40 men have failed to reveal any trace of Paul L. Mc- Dowell, Muskegon Heights, w h o Players Offer 'The Streets of New 'York' as 'Antidote' for Present Economic Crisis As an antidote for the present economic depression, Comedy club opens tonight at the Mendelssohn theatre with "The Streets of New York," an old time melodrama deal- ing with the panic of 1857. All the old songs and dances that'"wowed" Broadway in the pre-skyscrapers days will be used, Robert Wetzel of the English department, who is directing the show said last night. Weaknessess of human nature coupled with catastrophic acts of God. combine in the show to pro- vide a tragic evening of fraudul- ant banking deals, economic dis- tress, unemployment, devastating fires and murders. Rosemary Hay, Spec., and Fran- cis Billee Johnson, '32, play the feminine leads of Mrs. Fairweather and Alida Bloodgood respectively, while Robert C. McDonald, '32, two air compressing machines. A dense white smoke will be the re- sult of the combination of gases, according to university chemists who have developed the new pro- cess. Sets and designment are being done by Al Handly, '32, and Frank Harrison, '32. Other parts in the show will be taken by Glad Diehl, '33, Maxwell Pribil, '34, Clarence W. Moore, '32, J. James Raymond, '32, Robert Wells, '32, Stanley Donner, '32, and Helen Haapamaki, '32. A burlesque of the melodrama by Dion Boucicault will not be the Community Fund Workers Start Their Drive for $63,198 Today; Prof. Nelson in Charge Three for, Days Remain. Senior Pictures purpose of the production, accord- ing to Mr. Wetzel. The play, with its extravagant overdrawn elegance which characterized the period, is funny enough for modern audi- ences as it is without having it Three more days remain in which to purchase senior 'Ensian pictures, Harry R. Benjamin, '32, announced. Saturday noon will be the deadline for which cou- pons may be bought and the Michiganensian office will be open from 2 to 5 o'clock daily With legitimate welfare needs of unfortunate Ann A r b o r citizens greater this year than ever before, the Community Fund campaign drive will open this norning. .The combined needs of the mem- ber organizations total $63,198, with the budget "pared to the bone," Miss Edith Owen, secretary of the fund association, said. A dinner last night at the Mason- ic temple, attended by more than 500 persons, sent off the 340 cam- paign workers. Predictions of suc- cess were made by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the engineering school, tures. The distribution will be, Boy Scouts, $4,850; Dunpar Center, $3,- 150; Family Welfare Bureau, $8,000; Michigan Children's Aid, $3,080; Old Ladies' Home, $5,416;. Publidc Health Nursing Association, $4,173; Red Cross, $3,000; Salvation Army, $6,600; Y.M.C.A., $10,920; Y.W.C.- A., $6,000, and administration, $7,- 509. All of this relief will be provided in addition to that given by the city and county, which are strip- ping all departments of surplus funds to give work and assistance to the neediest families. The drive Fragments From Detroit Federa Building to Be Removed to Ann Arbor. Fragments of, the old Feder building, which for many yea housed the Detroit post office, w find their final resting place at tb University, according to Prof. En Lorch, director of the School of A chitecture. Professor Larch stated t ha wreckers had promised the schc one of the large stone eagles whic will be removed from the edge the roof, and also a portion of o: of the pillar formations which de orated the sides of the old buildir He stated that the University w