___THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University yeal the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fo r e- tication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise lited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second s. matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant tmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, bigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN oral Director .......... .Beach Conger, Jr. yEditor...................................Carl Forsythe' as Ed tor .... ..... ....................David M. Nichol its Editor ...... ... ....: Sheldon 0. Fullerton men's Editor .. rgaret M. Thompson istant News Editor.........................Robert L. Pierce ments, the two are advocating cuts in armament expenditure. Laval's visit this fall was the second meeting in which the President's foreign policy program and financial difficulties were talked over. The results of that conference cannot be known for quite a while. And now Fascist Italy's foreign minister, Mussolini's right hand man, will talk over Italy's, and probably Germany's, difficulties with the President. What Hoover's position is in these conferences is not clearly understood. It is not wholly likely that these men trained in the finesse and intrigue of European politics would come to an ex-engineer for advice although that may be precisely the reason. It is our opinion that the aid of the United States is asked in every conference. Both France and Italy want to have their war debts either! reduced or suspended or even completely wiped out. Great Britain wants to be able to count on America's aid in her many internal and imperial problems. These conferences, at least, can do no harm. They do mark, however, a departure from the precedent set by Hoover's two predecessors. Both Coolidge and Harding, although they were repre- sented in armament conferences, did not appar- ently take much of a part in our attitudes on foreign affairs. Now, however, the administration is decidedly. active in them. The United States today is the most powerful nation in the world and other na- tions realize it. They look to America as her leader for advice and progress and naturally ex- pect aid. Hoover, experienced as he is, has real- ized the position the United States is in and is taking advantage of the fact. There ought not to be any danger that he will overstep his bounds -the President nows his politics. 1 Moses Gomberg 1I She prefers (Editor's Note-This is the second of a series of articles on outstand- ing members of the University fac- ulty. Others will be published in this column on Wednesday of each week.) i A PIPE /O (For you) By E. Jerome Pettit Amid the test tubes, beakers, and crucibles of Michigan's chemistry department, dividing his time be- tween teaching and research, dili- gently labors one of the world's foremost' chemists. Dr. Moses Gom- berg, head of the department of chemistry, h as for thirty-seven years devoted his time to satisfy- ing the desires of science by disre- garding all monetary and mater- ial personal gains to the end of creating one of the leading de- partments of chemistry in the country. First recognition \f this man's extensive study of the science of chemistry came when his position was firmly established as the dis- B. Gilbreth Goodman Karl Seiffert NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Jerry E. Rosenthal George A. Stauter. ier J. Myers Jones ey W. Arnheim on E. Becker is ConnelIan el Q. Lllis el L. Finkle B. Gascoigne thy rkmran Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Iluber Norrman Kraft Roland Martin ]teary Meyer Marion A. Alilczcwskt Albert H. Newmans E. Jerome Pettit Georgia Geisian Alice Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long IFran ces Mvnchester Elizabeth Mann John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Joseph Renihan C. Hart Schaaf Braeldey Shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Barden Dorothy Runden Elma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams H ER name is Ruth. She's a popular co-ed on a famous campus. Yes, she'll have a cigarette, thank you (and smoke it very prettily). But for you she likes a pipe. That's one smoke that's still a man's smoke. (And that's why she likes to see YOU smoke a pipe.) There's something companionable aboutapipe.Friend- ly, cool, mellow.. . it clears your mind, puts a keen edge on your thinking. And you sound the depths of true smoking satisfaction RUTH when you fillup its bowl with Edgeworth. There, men, is a REAL smoke. Choice mellow burleys, cut especially for pipes -blended for the man who knows his fine tobaccos. It's cool, dry, satisfying -and you'll find it first in sales, first choice of smokers, in 42 out of 54 lead- ing colleges. We'd like nothing better than to drop in tonight and toss our own private tin across your study table. But since that can't be, just remember YOUR smoke- that you can get Edgeworth at your dealer's -or send for free sample if you wish. Address Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. E DG E WOR TH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge- Discoun t On All Laundry Just bring your work CASH AND CARRY to our nearest branch office where it will receive the best attention that up-to-date laundry. can be had in an a urnLaaI Feldman nee Poster Branches at BUSINESS STAFF 'Telephone 21214 ARLES T. KLINE.......................Business Manager KRIS P. JOHNSON.....................Assistant Manager Department Managers ertising. ...."paen"ag...............Vernon Bishop ertising Contracts........................Robert Callahan ,ertising Service.. ........ .......Byron C. Vedder lications ...............................William T. Brown ulation ............... Harry R. Begley unts ....s..s.......................Richard Stratemeir men's Business Manager.. ............... ..Ann WV. Verner Press Building 609 Packard Street Phone 21280 Maynard Street Open until 8 P. M. Phone 21816 Ypsilanti: II1 North Washington Street Phone 1567 ChId Crime in )nson Bursley; nn cker ne Cissel Field ischgnund "eyer rriman Assistants John Keysee Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Bernard E. Schnacke Anne Harsha Katharine Jackson Dorothiy Layin Virginia McComb Carolin "Mosher I ellen Olsen Helen Schmeede Grafton W. Sharp lDonald Johnson Don-Lyon7 Bernard H. Good May Seefried Minnie Seng Helen Spencer; Kathryn Stork Clare Ungert { Mary Elizabeth 'Watts NIGHT EDITOR-JAMES INGLIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18,,1931 Prohibition and Liquor Consumption: IV TEN YEARS of "prohibition" have had their effect on the collective mind of the American people. No longer does one see a private citizen aroused by the outrages perpetrated in the name 'of "tem- perance" or by the violence done for the sake of enforcement. People get used to things; the American people are getting used to reading of gang wars, of river piracy; they are becoming accustomed to buying their liquor from smugglers and drinking it behind locked doors. And someone is profiting. Let the enforce- ment crowd kill a few unfortunate 'leggers; let the gangs wipe out each other; let poison liquor flood the market; someone reaps the revenue. Prohibition, dry authorities tell us, is a success. Such men as Amos W. W. Woodcock, admin- istrator of federal prohibition enforcement, and the Rev. R. N. Holsaple, head of the Anti-saloon league of Michigan, point to the fact that the old- time saloon is gone and aver that liquor sales are on the decrease. Actual figures prove that this is untrue; on the contrary several statisticians have noted a dis- tinct increase. According to a statement of Col. Ira L. Reeves, former administrator of the fourth enforcement district, the nation's annual drink bill has increased from $I,817,ooO,ooo in 1913 to $2,848,- ooo,ooo in 1930. These figures represent the actual cash cost of liquor sold in the United States. From another reputable source we find that New York City, at the time prohibition went into effect, had a total of 16,ooo licensed saloons. In 1929 a survey was made'which revealed the aston- ishing fact that these places had been replaced by 30,000 speakeasies, none, of course, licensed, and none, obviously, paying federal taxes. How, in the face of such facts, can anyone, as ignorant as he may be of crime conditions, main- Lain that liquor sales are on the decrease? Col. Woodcock told Michigan students that he could give no accurate figures on the subject because of the fact that his department had never made a survey of that type. Is one to believe that a federal department em- ploying thousands of men and spending millions of dollars annually is ignorant of conditions of this sort? Can it be possible that, after 13 years of organization anh investigation, the federal enforce- ment officers should remain innocent of knowledge that might lead to the success of their - under- taking?, Or is one to arrive at the conclusion that the result of the enforcement department is not really enforcement after all, but the maintenance of a highly-paid organization because of an unenforce- able law? Our Enlightened Era ITHIN the past year, the number of murders by very young children is difficult to take into account. They are like an epidemic, breaking out and spreading until a check can be made. The check in these cases, however, seems to be 'a re- birth of legal revenge, a thing which penolgists hoped had long been turned aside. It is difficult to ascertain why people act in different ways; yet when the bounds are exceeded, the penalty is exacted. Four instances of murders by youths within the last several months hav brought severe penalties. Russell Williams, 17, his been sentenced to death in Illinois. Jesus Borja, a i5-year-old orphan, must serve a life sen- tence in California. Herbert Niccolls, only 12 years old, faces the remainder of his natural life in prison darkness. The fourth youth, only 16, awaits the electric chair in the death house at Sing Sing prison. The United States was one of the first countries to bring about penal reform. One of the most notable advances in this movement has been the feature which distinguishes from minds which are mature and those which are not; and, in the latter case, seeking a remedy m reformatories and juven- ile courts. In its report on penal institutions, the Wicker- sham commission recognized this distinction. It urged the improvement of reformatories, juvenile case work, probations, and paroles. To execute minors or to cast them into prison for life is to retrace the steps which led to twentieth century Ienlightenment. Corner Catherine and Detroit Streets Phone 4117 Main Plant White Swan 1. , i' I CAMPUS OP[NIOH I 11 1 , - -' To The Editor: The radio review of campus news over station WJR Sunday afternoon mentioned an interview with Professor O. J. Campbell which appeared in the Daily. It seems that Mr. Campbell voiced his ideas on the college man's reading and expressed opinions to the effect that college men never bought or read good books. If this is true, it strikes me that it is a severe indictment of Professor Campbell himself and his colleagues in the English departments of our colleges and universities. If college men do not purchase and read good books it must be because their college English professors have failed to arouse in them a desire to read good books. Perhaps things have changed in the last six or, seven years, but at the time that I took courses from Professor Campbell and his associates in the English department they were so busy craming a certain prescribed amount of material down our throats that if we ever did read books after graduation it was in spite of their teachings and not because of it. They taught us to hate and not to love books. Perhaps Professor, Campbell would do better to spend some of this time considering how to improve the college man's reading and book purchasing habits rather than criticizing them. Sincerely yours, An alumnus., -RentchlerPhoto worth's distinctive. -Rontschler Photo and exclusive elev- coverer of trivalent carbon. This enth process. Buy achievement demonstrated that the Edgeworth any- old order, holding that atoms must where in two forms be of constant valence, was not --EdgeworthReady- true, and consequently revolution- Rubbed and Edge. All ized the study of chemistry. This sizes, 15pocket one accomplishment marks Doctor package to $1.50 Gomberg as one of the men who pound humidor tin. opened the way to our modern con- ception of atomic structure. Born in Russia, coming to Ameri- ca, working his way from the posi- tion of laborer in the Chicago -_-- stockyards to that of one of the leading men in the field of chem- istry, Doctor Gomberg has had one of the most colorfulhcareers of ing America educators. He was born in the small town of Elizabetgrad, Feb. 8, 1866, and received his earlier education at the gymnasium there. His father was accused of being a political4 conspirator and his property be- ing confiscated, he fled to the Unit- ed States, settling in Louisiana. The son followed three years later when he was 18 years of age, and through the aid of friends, came to Chicago. Lacking a knowledge of the Eng- lish language, both father and son were forced to make a living by working at any thing they could find. By attending night school the younger Gomberg was able to re- ceive his high school education and also, following the death of his father, support his mother and younger sister, Sonia. One of his instructors had a bro- ther attending the University of Michigan and, becoming interest- ed in the perseverance and ambi- tions of the yoing man, advised him to take entrance examinations for this institution. This Doctor Gomberg did and he matriculated as a freshman in 1886. While attending the University he became assistant to Prof. A. B. Prescott, one of the American pio- neers in organic chemistry. After his graduation he remained as a graduate student and received the degrees of M.S. and Sc.D. Two years after receiving the latter degree he was given a leave of absence and went to Europe for further research activities. There he spent two semesters in Baeyer's laboratory at Munich and one se- mester at Heidelberg under Victor Meyer. He received much praise at both these institutions for his suc- cessful attempts to solve chemical problems which had bothered stu- dents of the science for some time. Since 1904 he has been head of Michigan's department of organic chemistry and in that capacity has 2 received recognition as one of the leading eminent chemists of the ,-.\ world. He is one of Michigan's three faculty men who are members of1 GXRADj cc I I'l Lau ndry and- DRY CLEANING CO. WHAT'S GOING ON I Our New WEDNESDAY Michigan: "Palmy Days" with Eddie Cantor. Majestic: "Side Show" with Winnie Lightner. Organ Recital: by E. William Doty, at 4:15 in Hill auditorium. nI'r'lr-mfrr~ I