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November 17, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-17

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[trl t gxn Dattly

Maid-In-Waiting, by John Galsworthy. (Scrib-
ner's) $2.50.
Mexico, by Stuart Chase. (MacMillan Co.) $3.00.
Soviet Russia, by Walter H. Chamberlin. (Little
Brown & Co.) $3.50.x

shed every morning except Monday during the University yea
3ard in Control of Student Publications.
ber of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
Assoclated Press is exclusively entitled to the use foar re
on of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and the local news published herein.


itered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
mnatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
aster General.
bscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.60
!lcea: Ann Arbor Dress Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
an. Phones: Editorial, 492G~; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
lal Director....... ..............Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor .................................Carl Forsythe
Ed'tor .... ...,...........David M. Nichol
Editor .............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
ni's Editor.... .....................Margaret M. Thompson
ant Dews Editor ................Robert L.. Pierce




B. Gilbreth
Karl Siffert

J. (Jul1en Kennedy James Inglis
JerAy M. Rosehal
George,. A. Stauter

Sports Assstants
J. )yer.s John W. Thomras !

iley W. Arnhcim
son E. Becker
mras Coiincllan
mel G. llis
eel L. Finkle
s B. Gascoigne

Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
lioland ?Martin
Ienry Meyer
tarion A. Milczewski
Albert H. Newman
. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
IElizabeith Long
Frances Miichester
Elizabeth Mann

~John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Retmhan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
illary Rarden
D)orothy Rurdell
Elnma Wadswortht
Josephine Woodha ms

y Brockman
ni Carver
ce Collins
nee Poster

Telephone 21214
RLES T. KLTNE. ......................Business Manager
RIS P. JOhNSON.......................Assistant Manager
Depa'rtment Managers
Iea nct angr rtising ...... ......... .................Vernon -Bishop
rtising ContractsY.........................Robert Callahan
>>tsing Service.......... ........Byron C. Vedder -
cations....................William T. Brown
dlation............. .Harry R. Begley
pnts. .. ......Richard Stratcneir
en's Business Mt~anager.........................Ann W. Verner

ene Cissel

John Keysee
Arthur F. Kohn
Jaines Lowe
Bernard E. Schnacke
Anne ilarsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin,,
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Hedaien Olsen
Helen Schmeede

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
Do)n Lyon
BernVd I1. Good
May Seefried
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare lngerh
Mary Elizabeth Watts

Night Editor-KARL SEIFFERT /


VIDENTLY someone is trying to create the.
-' impression that Michigan was afraid of North-'
estern. Stories early yesterday morning in the
etroit papers and in Chicago papers cited Field-
g H. Yost as "holding out" on a Michigan-
orthwestern game because he did not want it
ayed at Soldier's Field. r Fortunately, Mr. Yost
ent to Chicago with nothing else in his mind
her than such a game, but he was outvoted, 6-4.
orthwestern voted with the majority.
The pairings, as far as Michigan charity is con-
rned, were very unfortunately drawn. A Michi-
n-Wisconsin game will draw very few people.
Michigan-Northwestern game would have pack-
any stadium obtainable, and this should have
en considered when planning a game for sweet
arity's sake. But apparently wiser heads thought
at by splitting the two drawing cards, namely
e Wolverines and the Wildcats, twice as many
ople would buy tickets. This supposition is
liculous on the face of it, and will be borne out
the gate receipts next week. t
Evidently charity was not such an important
ctor in drawing up the schedules as many people
ere led to believe. Mr. Yost, while voting for
id publicly advocating a Northwestern game,
as quoted as having refused to sanction such a
ove, because he did not want the game to be
ayed in Chicago. We quote from the Detroit
ee Press and the Chicago Tribune: "Fielding H.
ost, director of atheltics at Michigan, refused to
nsider Soldier's Field." We quote Mr. Yost:
4ichigan voted against the schedule adopted, as
e wanted to play Northwestern at Soldier's Field
Michigan's student body is sorely disappointed
the result of the pairings. We doubt seriously
hether the present schedule will prove as attract-
e financially as the proposals of Mr. Yost and
e minority. Yet there is one consolation. A
>l conducted on the Wisconsin campus showed
e students to be overwhelmingly in favor of a
ine with Michigan. They, at least, are not afraid
playing one of the leading teams in the Con-
rence although they have been beaten twice.
ichigan will be assured that a group of true
>ortsmen wil invade the Wolverine campus on
ovember 28th with the idea of a good football
ame in mind. The gate receipts will not be as
rge as the charity directors may have hoped for,
it perhaps it will be a better football game.
A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
Appleton) 6$2.04.
American Beauty, by Edna Ferber. (Doubleday
oran) $2.50.
Lincoln Steffin's Autobiagraphy. (Harcourt Brace
Co.) $3.75.

To The Editor:
The criticism levelled at college papers for pub-
lishing articles on prohibition touches upon the
entire question of academic freedom. A college may
offer any number of subjects, but unless there is
complete academic freedom, no claim can be made
that there is real education. Let me illustrate by a
few examples at random: History taught from'the
patriotic or nationalist point of view is only a lop-.
sided affair since it sets forth only praiseworthy fea-
tures and omits the blameable ones in regard to each
country. Likewise economics taught from one point
of view only is most liable to lead to an incomplete
understanding of the problems involved. Economics,
like history, etc., being a most valuable subject for
the training of the mind, should be taught from as
many angles as possible, such as the capitalist and
the socialist, the free trader and the protectionist,
etc. It is only as these and practically all other
branches of study are presented to the student from
many sides, that he will become truly educated.
Moreover, such a method is exceedingly valuable
in keeping the learner's mind open to new ideas.
Now if it happens that "the powers that be" compel
teachers to present but one aspect of a given branch
of study, they not only suppress academic freedom,
but what is more, they keep the student from think-
ing for himself about the comparative merits of the
different viewpoints. In other words, they fail to
give the student what he comes to college for, viz.,
What is true of the teacher, holds good for the
student, The student should not bnly read on public
questions of vital interest to all citizens, but, as a
matter of course, enjoy complete freedom to write
(both for and against, as the case may be) on all
subjected without exception-short of advocating
revolution and the overthrow of government. To
claim that prohibition, the tariff, etc., are not campus
problems is equivalent to saying that universities
and life, for which latter the students are preparing,
are wholly separate things, a view entirely disap-
proved by the best thinkers of the day.
M. Levi, Profesor Emeritus.
"Palmy Days" and Eddie Cantor bring to the
Michigan the first entirely successful musical Oro-
duction the screen has shown for the past two years,
wth music as good as any of its type yet screened.
With not only Cantor at his best as singer, come-
dian, and dancer, but Charlotte Greenwood to make
the play complete, "Palmy Days" is a whirl of chor
uses-probably as good as any ever screened-and
songs, slapstick, and action galore.
Perhaps the best exhibition of judgment displayed
by the direction staff is the exclusion of any of the
superfluous love interest so characteristic of the old
school of screen musicals. Although Paul Page and
Barbara Weeks exhibit to some degree the soft-lights
heavy-sighs complex, the situations are few enough
to be satisfactory.
,Charles Middleton does very good work as a crim-
inally inclined mystic, with Eddie Cantor as the un-
willing understudy, who spends the greater part of
the picture as a fugitive from the wrath of his erst-'
while master.,
Because it's photographed .perfectly, and because'
Elissa I,andi and Lionel Barrymore are just about
the acme of the present motion picture scale, "The
Yellow Ticket" is a corking good show. The story
is fairly well put together, but it's trite in so many.
places that only a grand handling by Fox saves it
from becoming just another show.
The theme concerns a Jewish girl in Russia (dur-
ing the hectic days of the Czar and the Cossacks,
1913 if you can't remember) whose father is dying
in a St. Petersburg prison and who is forced to pro-
cure a 'yellow ticket' o get transportation thence
because nasty Mr. Barrymore has issued an edict
prohibiting the coming and going of Russian Jews.
This yellow ticket is a permanent passport-any-
where in Russia-because it signifies that the bearer
isn't much of a lady, i.e.-des avenues. Well, once
she has this ticket (although we are assured thrice
that she is still very much of a lady) she must be
placed in a class with some rather harsh looking
females who don't knock before entering a man's
room. This proves to become embarrassing when
Miss Landi falls in love with a young British reporter

who is covering the Russian situation from the 'in-
side'. He gets "this 'inside' information from her
eventually and then... . but you must -see the pic-
ture to find out.
When he meets her, just by chance on a railway
car, he tells her he's representing the Consolidated
press and he's just a poor reporter. Which is re-
Barrymore is perfect, as usual; and Miss Landi
comes into her publicized own. See it. And notice
the photography; Fox scores again. B plus.
(The Detroit News)
If you feel your problems are too much, maybe
you'd prefer to be a bellhop in a big London hotel,
paging "The Mahrajah Dhiraja Kameshwar Singh of

Music & Drama
A Review by Jerry E. Rosenthal
The much-talked of Yascha Yu-
shny's Russian Revue, "The Blue-
bird" (which, by the way is no re-
lation to the play by Maeterlink)
came to Ann Arbor Saturday night
and presented what is probably
one of the most entertaining pieces
any visiting troupe has even offer-
ed to local patrons.
It is not- a pretentious thing.
There are no gorgeous girls, won-
derful original tunes (those bor-
rowed from the masters excepted),
brilliant acting or extraordinary
singing in it, in fact if one tried
to take it in a serious wayat all,
he would think it quite bad. "The
Bluebird," however, is not meant
for serious people. It is a fare for
entertainment, for fun, and in that
capacity it succeeded exceedingly
Mr. Yushny did not try to im-
press his wonderful showmanship
nor any genius in presenting awe-
inspiring scenes. Intead he pre-
sented a revue which was whole-
some, natural and healthy. By
that, I mean he has woven into
his production a theme of fun of
comedy, not a forced attempt to
make people laugh-a spontaneous,
abstract something that keeps one
always in a good humor and never
in a state of tension or suspense.
I have already said that there
are no gorgeous girls in the show,
unless one can call buxom typically
Russian women beautiful, but they
are pleasing and natural. In fact,
everyone in the revue gives'the ap-
pearance of having a lot of fun and
the refult, naturally, is the same
reaction on the part of the audi-
The songs are nothing to write
reviews about, but they are lively
and entirely in keeping with the
whole atmosphere. True, when one
reads the libretto, he thinks that
many of the tunes smack of vul-
garity but they are far more clever
than naughty.' The singing as a
whole was not too good. Many
times, the chorus sounded a trifle
off-key and several soloists could
never get their names in the lights
as prima donnas but, nevertheless,
J. Jaroff, a basso, who, in "The
Evening Bells" represented a monk,
impressed his audience with more
than a little ability.
The scenes themselves were very
simple. The one really serious epi-
sode, that of a portrayal of "The
Volga Boatman" was decidedly im-
pressive and it was with difficulty
that 'one could not keep himself
from feeling that he, too, was lab-
oriously pulling and tugging at an
invisible boat. "With the Gypsies"
an episode which fairly made one
thrill at the gayety and spirit pre-
sented, offered some good danc-
ing on the parts of Mlle. Lelik and
M. Orlik who gave another exhibi-
tion of their skill in an earlier
scene, "The Dance of the Boyars."

To attempt a description of all
scenes is an impossible task, since
there are 15 of them. To say which
one impressed one the most is an-
other impossibility for they were
all good. One cannot say that he
liked "The Bluebird Museum" bet-
ter than "Gossip Around the Sam-
ovar" nor can one say that "Thp
Hurdy-Gurdy" was a more mirtl '
provoking skit than "The Washer-
women." One doesn't compare the

Telephone 7112

Even if you can't go
to Paris for your
clothes, you can
"have your dream of
Paris fashions come
Just select the pattern of the
frock you've longed for, the
material, and trimmings, and
have our professional modiste,
Mrs. Van Vlerah, help you
fashion your frock... which
will be a surprisingly faith.,
ful copy, except in its low
at a
Fashion Fabrip
Living Models

For Your Fall Shruberry and Lawns
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210 South Ashley Street

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Union Concert Series


November 18

S e v e r a l charming frocks,
made from Butterick patterns
expressly for this show, will
be' on display. You are cor-
dially invited to this revue.

Hill Auliitorium



Annex Store

COURSE TICKETS: 6.00-$8.00-$10.00-$ 12.00







$1 .00-$1.50-$2.00-$2.50

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of !Woolens . .

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After thirty years of laundering for Univer-
sity students the Varsity is well qualified to
give your socks the proper laundering treat-
ment. Then too they Varsity uses Ivory soap
exclusively insuring against wear from harm
f ul alkalise



Phone 23 123'

joys of going to an amusement
park with those of hearing a really
funny comedian.
It is inconceivable, moreover to
write a review of "The Bluebird"
without mentioning the part Yu-
shny plays in it. Before every scene
one sees his naturally comic face
and hears him explain in what is
probably theworld's worst Eng-
lish what the n e x t scene is all
about. To him goes the credit of
putting the audience in the proper
receptive mood for it was never
without a spontaneous and noisy
burst of laughter that he left the
stage after announcing the coming
scene. His stories, gestures and
macerations of the language are
perfect humor. If Mr. Yushly wish-
ed to, and he probably does not, he
could go on the stage himself and
become a truly acceptable comed-

For Call and Delivery Service


F nE
. ND.Y
Fifth and L iberty

The Manchurian crisis might be infinitely worse:
No American has given the State Department a sick.
headache by popping up in one of the armies with
a colonelcy.
Chairman Fess' optimism seems unshaken by the
many recent election upsets. Many are wondering if
he has taken up Alfalfa Bill's.-pastime of standing on
his head.



.. r

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