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November 17, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-17

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i A19iO I






a F __

I No. 44




itors Watson, Smoot State
Increased Levies Are
iocrats Are Still Formulating
Plans; Will Probably
Sanction Move.
LSHINGTON, Nov. 16-(IP)-
ressional Republican leaders'
ulated today to the adminis-
m)f's conviction that-taxes must
aised to bridge the yawning
>f a billion dollar treasury def-



revision at the coming ses-
f Congress became certain
nnouncements from Senator
z, of Indiana, the Republi-
ader, and Chairman Smoot,
Senate finance committee,
creased levies are "inescap-
on reached his decision after
with President Hooyer. Lat-
ecame known that the ad-
ation will. present a plan at
set of the session.
crats,, who probably will
the House, where revenue
ion must originate, are still
ating their plans. There is
iction at the capitol that the
will sanction some form of

Associated Press Poto
Japanese forces are shown occupying the city of Mukden in theJ
much disputed area of Manchuria. The occupying force is searching all
the baggage of the outgoing Chinese civilians in order to prevent them
from carrying arms or military secrets to the enemy. The civilians;
forced from their homes by the war, are about to leave on the Peiping-
Mukden railroad.

'sal of position wask
ily as definite in-
r. Hoover and Sec-
ll recommend new
treasury vaults.
for tax revision
demands from all
ling Watson and
reduction of gov-

new revenue
is going to
question on

m the larger in-
tate taxes. That
;t certain.


Japanese Position on Nonni Riv-
er Menaced by Onset of
Enemy Forces.
TOKIO, Nov;16.--(P)-A dispatch
from Harbin today said Gen. Mah
Chan Shan at daybreak launched
an attack on the Japanese position-
at Tahsing, on the Nonni River.
Severe fighting was in progress, the
dispatch said.' .
The Japanese War, Office indi-
cated its readiness to go into action
in the Nonni area if compelled.
Gen. Mah, it was said, is plan-
ning a general offensive against
the Japanese with the support of
30,000 troops of Chang Hsueh Liang,
deposed governor of Manchuria,
n o w concentrated at Chinchow.
This,-drive, the War Office declared,
is set to take place before Japanese
reinforcements arrive at Mukden
Gen Honjo, Japan's Manchurian
commander, told t h e Associated
Press Monday that if a major con-
flict develops in the Nonni area he
may push his line as far north as
Tsitsihar, Chinese stronghold.
Asserting chaos would result if
Japan evacuated, he said the next
move depended on Gen. Mah Chan
Shan. There is no direct proof
that Russia is helping Gen. Mah,
Gen. Honjo said, but there is "much
reliable evidence" that indirect aid
is being furnished.
The Council of the League of
Nations, meeting in Paris on the
day when Japan's evacuation was
to have been completed, pressed
peace negotiations in private after
a brief public session. There- was
no indication of change in Japan's
Lower Michigan: Increasing in
cloudiness and continued mild on
Tuesday; showers by afternon , or
night Wednesday; probably show-
ers Tuesday and Wednesday possi-
bly turning into snow flurries Wed-
nesday; much colder Wednesday.


Fiction in History and History in I
Fiction' to Be Given ,
by Noted Writer.
Styled the modern Dumas, Raf-
el Sabatini, famous author of ro-
iantic novels, will open the 1931-.
2 lecture series of the Oratorical
.ssociation Tuesday, Nov. 23, in
[ill auditorium:
Sabatini's subject will be "Fiction
i History and History in Fiction."
le has been writing historic and
>mai'tic novels for 25 years, and,
ue to his creative genius, has a
irge following.
The author of "Scaramouche,"
Sea-Haw;," and "Captain Blood,"
e has- added two more novels to
is list, "Scaramouche, the King
[aker," said to be the greatest of
is works, and "Captain Blood Re-
His tour of America will be his
rst. He is a British subject, al-
hough he is of mixed English and
alian descent.
)rinking at Princeton
Bad, Says Dry Leader
(Big Ten New Service)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 16.-
Student drinking at Princeton is
'ose than at any other university'
z the country," Dr. Leigh Colvin,
ational Prohibition Party leader
aid in an interview today. Dr. Col-
in is here in connection with the
rohl bition Conference sponsofred
y the University Religious Coun-
Only six American universities
ave the problem of student drink-
ng to any large extent, Dr. Colvin
sserted. He refused to name the
ther five. He blames the condi-
.ons at Princeton more on the
lumni who return to campus cele-
rations than on the student body.
Business School
to Hold Election

Committee Decides to
Unlimited Number


Badger Coaches P eeer to Meet
Minnesota il Tilt
for Charit,.
Thistlethwaite Prefers to Play
Final Contest of Year
at Home Field.
MADISON, Nov. 16-(4)-Wiscon-
sin does not want to force Michigan
into a post-season charity football
game, Coach'Glenn Thistlethwaite
of the Badgers said today when
informed that Michi an athletic
authorities objected to the game.
"My players would prefer to,play
Minnesota, and we will gladly re-
lieve Michigan fromi the game if
another acceptable opponent can
be selected for us," C9;ch Thistle-
thwaite said. "Wiscosin is not
anxious to make a trip to Ann Ar-
bor or any other school for this
charity game. Like any other team
we prefer to play at home.
"Two schedules were Voted upon,"3
Thistlethwaite said, "and the Wis-
consin delegation voted against the
schedule providing for the Wiscon-
sin-Michigan game. The schedule
for which Wisconsin voted provided
for a charity game between Wis-
consin and Minnesota at Madison.
This schedule, however, was defeat-
Gas, and Acid Will Be Cast in
Comedy Club Play.
Ammonia gas and sulphuric acid
will be cast. for the rst -time in
theatrical history to play stellar
dramatic roles when Comedy Club
puts on its climactic fire scene in
'The Streets of New York," sched-
uled to open Thursday evening at
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Two compressed air machines will
shoot streams of the respective
'gases together, producing billows
of dense white smoke. Prof. Rob-I
ert J. Carney, of the chemistry de-
partment, and Robert C. McDonald,.
'32, business manager of the show,
worked all yesterday morning per-
fecting the insidious combination
of gases that will give the desired
This process for producing the
smoke, admitted by its inventors
to be an experiment, is one of the
first advances that has been made
from the- traditional smoke pots
that are part of the usual stage
S i n c e the chemical equipment
has been installed at the Mendel-
ssohn theatre, comments have been
nade as to the possible fire hazard.
Editor Advocates Abolition of
All Militaristic'

Fraternities may have an unlim-
ited number of freshmen at Wed-
nesday night dinners, it was de-
cided last night at a meeting of
the Judiciary coinmittee of the In-
terfraternity council.,
The first Wednesday night din-
ner, scheduled for November 25,
the day before Thanksgiving, was
changed to 'Tuesday,,;Nov. 24, be'-
cause many men plan to be out of
town over the week-end.
Dates for the -second ppen house
were announced again to be as fol-
lows, group two will hold open
house today; group three, tomor-
row; and group one, on Thursday.
State-Wide Campaign for Crowd
at Michigan-Wisconsin
Game Announced.
Ticket sale for the Michigan-Wis-
consin post-season football game
will be conducted in 25 to 30 Mich-
igan Central railroad ticket booths
through-out, the state, the Board'in
Control of Athletics decided yes-
terday afternoon. The Detroit Ath-
letic club and the University club
will take charge of distribution in
There will be no radio broadcast
of the game, it was decided. In-
stead the radio booths will be sold
for $25 each. The regular tickets
between the 20-yard lines a r e
priced at $3. Between the 20-yard
line and the end-zone the price is
$2 and the end-zone tickets will
be sold for $1, general admission
with no reserved seats in these




Associated Press Photo
Reed Harris, student editor of the
Columbia University Spectator,,be-
gan a spirited controversy when he
published an editorial, reprinted in
The Daily, last Sunday charging
members of his college team with
Sophomore Class
to Hold Meeting
for Fall Games
Sophomores are out for blood be-
cause the freshmen don't like to
wear their 'pots.'
For this reason, tie largest sopho-
more gathering in the history of
class games will assemble at 8
o'clock tonight in, the Union to
elect the captain of the class for
the fall games which will be held
Saturday morning as a feature of
At the meeting, the presidents of
the various sophomore classes will.
speak as will Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
of the political science department.
Smokes will be furnished by. the
The freshmen hold their meeting
at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night.
On Saturday morning the fresh-
men, decked in their' traditional
green war' paint will march to
South Ferry Field where they will
engage in several individual games,
with their traditiona rivals and
will climax the morning ' by at-
tempting to prevent the sopho-
mores, painted in red, from getting
one of the three flags in the flag
Gabrilowitsch to Present Third
Choral Union Program
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, well-known
pianist and conductor of the De-
troit Symphony orchestra, will give
the third concert on the Choral
Union series at 8:15 o'clock tonight
in Hill auditorium.
This recital will mark the artist's
seventh appearance as a solo pian-
ist in Ann Arbor, two of which
have been with the Detroit and
Chicago Symphonies on May Fes-
tival programs. He has also ap-.
peared here 22 times as leader of
the Detroit orchestra.
His program tonight is the same
one for which he received consid-
erable favorable comment in New
York last week.
Included in his selections are:


the authority 0.1 GCairmanAristide
Briand, of the League Council.
An announcement f r o m t h e
League secretariat under M, Bri-
and's signature said that some 50
governments had' declared their
willingnes, to accept, and conse-
quently the truce had become an
established fact.
A number of governm'ents made,
their acceptance conditional on re-
ciprocity, It was pointed out, and
such reciprocity had been achieved.
Class President Appoints Groups
'to Lead Second-Year
Engineers. -
Committee appointments for the
sophomore engineering class were
announced last night by Fred L.
Johnson, president.
John Boden, William McRoy, and
Phillip Dalsimer, will serve under
Charles Burgess on the Sophomore
Prom committee.t
William Hanway was appointed
chairman of the advisory commit-
tee. Other men on the committee!
are Robert Blackwell, V. D. John-
son, Spencer Rockwood, Erwin So-
mogyi, Richard Speer, Joseph Ben-
nett, August Hershey, Harold Leg-.
atski, and V. C. Williams. I
Athletic committee chairman is
Clifford Friend. His committeemen
will be Alfred Little, James Con-
over, and R. F. Mitchell.
Stewart Cram w a s appdinted
chairman of the finance commit-'
tee. Under him are Fred Huntoon,
Richard Liskow, Glenn Winters.
The junior Jacket committee is
composed of Richard Snyder, chair-
man, and Taylor Drysdale, Steinar
Vaksdal, and Charles Nisen.
On the social committee is Wes-
ley McMullen, chairman, Edward'
Woodruff, Richard Carbeck, and
Richard Smart.
The publicity comnittee consists
of Joy Burnett, chairman, William
McDowell, William Hertzog, a n d
Archibald Beach.
Seniors have only four more
days in, which to get their re-
ceipts for pictures for the Mich-
iganensian. The receipts may be
obtained in the Michiganensian
office in the Press building on
Maynard Street.
Scores Treatiesf
.aause of Depression
the war it was found that the food,
clothing and shelter for the aver-
age workingman came from 32 na-
tions. We must discard this idea
of national independence. We must
cooperate. The United States fear-
ing dumping has erected tariff
walls against the impoverished na-
tiQns of Europe.
"They in turn have copied the
idea and erected tariff walls against
each other which because of the
n P, hnnfarv lina a aa s it a

Michigan Athletic Director Scoffs at
That Wolverine Football Team Feai
to Play Northwestern Eleven.
By Jerry E. Rosenthal.
Following the statement which Fielding H. Yost release
terday saying that he had desired the charity game between.:
western and Michigan on Nov. 28 at Soldier's Field in, Chicag
had voted so at the athletic conference held Sunday, student c
blatfiing Michigan's athletic head turned on the 'athletic dir
conference as a whole Ind vented- its dissatisfaction of that
move to have the Wolverines play Wisconsin here on that da
It had been universally expected that Michigan would
Northwestern when the directors met to draw up the schedul
when the report was issued in several newspapers yesterday
ing that Yost was unfavora
Announce Arms Truce a game with the Wildcats i
cago, the criticism of the v
to Go Into Operation coach's action was expressed
mously by students.
GENEVA, Nov. 16.-(4)-A one- In a statement which Yost
year truce in armament construc- however, the reports whic
tion, dating from Nov. 1, went in- been circulated were decla
to international effect today on be erroneous. The statemeni
tn int rional 4effecttoAy onas follows:

"The charity gam
was arranged by a
vote of the athletie
the Big Ten. Michi
against the schedule
we wanted to play :
ern at Soldier's Field
go. All agreed that
western game shouli
in Chicago and I r
suggested that we p
western in Ann Arbo
.been reported to ha
In explaining the s
further, Yost said that
tor present drew up
schedule of games in
'Irawing the biggest g
Each schedule was list
upon. Michigan's sch

The attention of our readers
invited to the editorial on pa
down and the schedule which 1
Michigan meeting Wisconsin i
approved by a majority. Yost vc
for his own schedule, he said.
"It would have been foolish
simple," Yost stated, "for anyonE
think of taking Northwestern
of the largest city in the conf
ence and expect a game playedel
where to draw as large a crowd
the Wildcats would in Chico
Naturally I wanted the game
Chicago where it would draw
biggest crowd."
Yost also said that he ,thou
the reporter who wrote the art
in which he was reported to h
not wanted the Northwestern ga
in Chicago Was reerring to
favorable conditions which char
terized -the last Northwestern-Mi
igan game in 1925 at Soldiers Fi
Northwestern won that game, 3
2, in a sea of mud, by an int
tional safety after being outpla
by the, Wolverines. At the time,
athletic director, who was tl
coach, expressed his dissatisfaci
of the ednditions surrounding
Plans Under Way.
"It is impossible," Yost sta'
"to make any changes in the sch
ule now.' We are disappointed
not being able to meet NorthwE
ern but we must abide by the c
ference's ruling."
Rumors, which have been cir
lating throughout Conference
Iles, have it that Northwestern
the school which did not want
game and preferred meeting I
due or some other team in a p
season game.
The Wisconsin students and Co
Glenn Thistlethwaite of the E
ger institution welcomed the i
of the game between the two i
versities. In a campus poll condi
ed several weeks ago, student of
ior favored a game with the W
erines by a large majority. This
thwaite also expressed the opli
last week that he would like
have his charges meet the M
and Blue.
Arrangements are already gc
ahead for the post-season ga
The Governor's committee on
intercollegiate and interschola
activities will meet Friday at
Union and there complete plans
the ticket sale will be organized
Everyone, players and those c
nected directly with the te

University Press Club Will Hold
Meeting Beginning on Thursday

The University Press Club of
Michigan will meet this year at
Ann Arbor for the thirteenth time.
Sessions are planied for Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday of this
In the fall of 1918 a convention
of the American Association of
Schools and Departments of Jour-
nalism was held at Ann Arbor. The
late Prof. F. N. Scot was then presi-.
dent, and Prof. J. L. Brumm of the
journalism department secretary.
Professor Brumm took it upon him-
self to invite editors of the state
to attend the meetings of the con-
Following the convention Profes-
sor Brumm called the editors pres-
ant together. and suggested that

Press Club" was founded.
M a n y distinguished speakers
have attended the conventions.
Among them are the late Melville
E. Stone, then president of the As-
sociated Press, Kent Cooper, pres-
ent president of the Associated
Press, James W. Brown, editor of
Editor and Publisher, Marvin E.
Pew, of the "Editor and Publisher"
staff, Erie C. Hopwood, one-time
president of the American Society
of Newspaper editors, and editor of
the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and
David Lawrnce, Washington corre-
spondent. W. P. Beazell, manag-
ing editor of the New York World,
V. V. McNitt, of the McNaught
newspaper syndicate, Willis J. Ab-
bot, editor of the Christian Science
Monitor. and Frederick Rov Mar-.

"Air and Variations, E Major" by
COLUMBUUS, Noe v. S 6r-"The Handel; "Sonata in D major, Opus
greaestMenace.,ofvanind-wThn 10, No. 3, by Beethoven; Schubert's
the next 12 months is"the danger N "IM u inA C amnoro," "M
of the overthrow of the Govern- ent Musical in A fat major,'' and
ment of Germany," said Rev. Kirby "Impromptu in F minor;" Schu-
Page, New York, author and editor man's "Sonata in G minor;" and
of "The World Tomorow," in his two Etudes, in E major and C mn-
talk Sunday afternoon at the Ohio or, by Chopin.
State University before an audience
of about 800. German
"The World War was caused by Professor
an economic and political systemf
in which all the nations were in- After W ar as C
volved," stated Rev. Mr. Page. He
pointed out that neither Germany
nor the Kaiser started the war, and Bya orman Kraft.
that Article 231 of the Versailles The causes of the present world-
peace treaty was false. wide depression hark back to the
"The R. O. T. C. should be abol- ,World War and the treaties fol-
ished because it tends to make the lowing it which in effect Were ac-
people believe in the war system," tually not peace treaties but at-
Rev. Mr. Page said. He believes tempts on the part of war-like
the R. O. T. C. and conscription, parties to crush forever the van-
through international agreements quished nations.
and by making the war system This was the opinion of Dr. Ger-
illegal. h a r d t von Schultze-Gaevernitz,
Rev. Mr. Page stated that there 'professor of economics at the Uni-
nrp+m.a- fmrQpn IMuol'l ar hn abnnversity of Freiburg. Germann. in


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