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November 15, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-15

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VOL. XLII. No. 43











Getting Reidy for Hoover Dam



f t
Governor Will Address Student
and Civic Body Here on
State Problems.
Martin Mol Names Heads of All
Activities to Complete
Convocation Plans.

His Punts Exceptional

Ohio Defeats Badgers
to Share Second
Chicago Finally Wins;
Sends Illinois to

Monnett Fails to Break Through; Hudson l
Quarterback in Revamped Backfield;
Punting Features Contest.
For the secpnd straight season Michigan and Michigan
handicapped alike by a steady downpour of rain that turn
stadium gridiron into a quagmire, battled through four quar
gruelling football to a 0-0 deadlock in the Michigan bowl yes
More than 50,000 persons braved the rain and the cold rav
to see the annual battle between these two state institutions.
Their offenses rendered impotent by slippery, footing in th
stadium grass, both teams were forced to resort to straight f
and trust to breaks throughout. Consequently the long ex
battle between two sterling backfields that had been ma
through their late opponents almost at will was turned into a
game that was interspersed at times with brilliant bits of ind:

1 7 - . I



Big Ten Standings




Ohio State.......
Purdue ..........

4 0
3 1
3 1
3 1
2 1
2 2
1 3'
1 3
0 2'
6 5



STON; Nov.

1 4.~(IP)~~~

margin of a point after
own, Northwestern today
A Indiana, 7 to 6, to remain
e undefeated team in the
n conference. -
Hoosiers gave the Wild-
big scare, scoring early in
cond period and holding
vestern more than even un-
in the third quarter, when
sellierashed -over and Potter

sociated dress


Here is a view of the four tunnels through which waters of the
Colorado river will be diverted around the site of the Hoover darn, main
unit of the world's largest irrigation and power project. This tunnel,
as yet only half opened, is on the Arizona side of the river, which forms
the "Arizona-Nevada boundary.'

Negro substitute
I the way for the
own after a brilliant
[oh brought the ball
n's four-yard line.'


MADISON, Nov. 14.-(IP)-Ohio
State university earned second place
in the Big Ten by defeating a hard-
fighting Wisconsin team, 6 to 0, be-
fore aHomecoming crowd today.
The lone touchdown came late in
the first period when William Bell,
left tackle, fell on the ball behind
the Wisconsin goal, after Martin
Venner, left guard, had blocked a
Wisconsin punt.
CHAMPAIGN, Nov. 14-()-Chi-
cago defeated Illinois, 13 to 6, today.,
achieving its first victory over the
downstate team in nine years and
burying the Illini in the Western
Conference cellar.
The Maroons got all their points
at the close of the first half. Vin-
son Sahlin, of Chicago, and Stanley
Hamberg scored the touchdowns on
sprints and Wien place-kicked the
extra point. Stan Jansen, Illini
lineman, made his team's only,
touchdown when he fell on the ball
behind the Chicago goal early in
the second quarter.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 14.-()-
Purdue defeated Iowa, 22 to 0, to-
day without much effort, although
the Hawkeyes threw up a stubborn
defense in the first half.
The Iowa line held the Boiler-
makers to one touchdown in the
first half, but the Purdue team fin-
ally solved the Iowa defense and
swept through the westerners easi-
ly. Line smashes by Purvis, Hecker,
and Horstman were the deciding
factors in the Purdue victory.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 14.-(R)-
Minnesota ran rough-shod over
Cornell college of Iowa here today,
47-0, as the Gophers took a rest be-
fore meeting Michigan next week.
The powerful Gopher backs had no
trouble in piercing the lighter Cor-
nell line at will, with Jack Manders
again showing the way to the rest
of the ball carriers.
First Quarter March
Gives Harvard 7-0 Win
CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 14.-()-The
undefeated Harvard football team
today was forced to extend itself
tn uefeat . strong Holy Cross team.

Blocked Kick in Early Part of
Game Is Deciding; Sloppy
Field Slows Play.
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 14-A block-
ed kick in the opening minutes of
play gave the Wisconsin Junior
Varsity football team a 6-0 victory
over the Michigan "B" eleven here
today, as the two teams battled in
a sea of mud under a heavy rain
that made the day fit for anything
but football.
The Badger's victory was decided
by the breaks of the game, one of
Lindsay's punts being blocked soon
after the opening kickoff and re-
covered, by Wisconsin on the Wol-
verines' five-yard line. In two at-
tempts at the center of the line
,Westedt took the ball over for the
only touchdown of the contest.
In the first minute of play Bob
Miller, one of the Michigan half-
backs, received a broken nose and
was replaced by Hazen.
Lindsay, playing his last game at
quarterback for the Michigan elev-
en, and Harry Stinespring, diminu-
tive halfback, were the outstanding
players for the Maize and Blue.
Both of these ball carriers showed
up well in carrying the ball and in
returning Wisconsin punts.
The vaunted passing attack of
Coach Courtright's eleven was prac-
tically useless in the sea of mud.
In addition to Lindsay, McCrath,
Michigan, tackle, was also playing
his last game in the uniform of the
Maize and Blue.
University Symphony
Plays This Afternoon
Following the program which it
broadcast last night, the University
Symphony orchestra, with Earl V.
Mattern conducting, will give a
concert at 4:15 this afternoon in
Hill auditorium as one of the week-
ly faculty concerts.
The organization will journey to
Saginaw Tuesday for an appear-
ance there.
Seniors Have Week
for Yearbook Pictures

ATHENS, Ga., Nov. 14.-(iP)-Tu-
lane's powerful football team con-
tinued its march toward national
title recognition today by handing
Georgia its first defeat of the sea-
son to the tune of 20 to 7.
Fist fights along the sidelines
during the final period as thous-
ands of spectators encroached on
the playing field delayed the finish
of the game.
Don Zimmerman's passing, with'
the superior kicking and line play
of Tulane proved decisive. Passes
led to two of Tulane's touchdowns.
Georgia's only score came on ,the
most sensational play of the game,
a 60-yard pass from Homer Key to
Buster Mott.
Cornell March Ended
by Dartmouth, 14-0
HANOVER, N. H., Nov. 14.-()-
Dartmouth pushed Cornell from the
list of undefeated football teams
today with a score of 14 to 0.
Bill Morton's stellar passing, with
McCall on the receiving end, was
responsible for both Dartmouth
touchdowns. The first touchdown
came toward the end of the half
and the second early in the third
period. Cornell made drive after
drive into Dartmouth's territory
but failed each time to come within
scoring distance.
Lower Michigan: Partly cloudy to
cloudy Sunday and Mondays show-
ers probably Sunday and in north
portions Monday; warmer Sunday.+

Plans for a convocation here on
Sunday, Nov. 22, at which Gov.
Wilber M. Brucker will address a
student and civic body on "Facing
Problems of State," went forward
last night when Martin J. Mol, '34L,
general chairman of the convoca-
tion, appointed a committee of 16,
students to assist with the arrange-
The Governor will come here to
address a general audience for the
first time in 20 years, taking up in
his talk the problems that face "a
state executive in the fulfilling of
his duties.
Glee Club to Sing.
In addition to Governor Bruck-
er's talk, there will be a musical
program by members of the men's
glee club.
Mol selected the following stu-
dents to complete arranegments for
the convocation:
Edward J. McCormick, '32, pre-
sident of the Student Council; Wil-
liam Kearns, '32, president of the
S t u d e n t Christian association;
Harry Benjamin, '32, business man-
ager of the Micl-iganensian;. oy
Hudson, '32, captain of the Varsity
football team; Hugh Conklin, '42E,
president of the Union.
Nathan Levy, '34L, president of
the Oratorical association; Varro
H. Rhodes, '32L, president of the
Law club; Carl S. Oxtoby, '34L;
Howard Worden, '32, president of
the Interfraternity Council.
League Head Picked.
Katherine Koch, '32, president of
the League; Dorothy Elsworth, '32,
president of the Women's Athletic
association; Margaret Thompson,
'32, women's editor of The Daily;
Jeanne Voorheis, '34, vice-president
of the sophomore class; Jane Inch,
'32, of the League Judiciary Coun-
Richard L. Tobin, '32, managing
editor of The Daily; and David M.
Nichol, '32, president of the senior
class and news editor of The Daily.
Kearns will be in charge of pro-
grams for the convocation and Mc-
Cormick will be chairman of the
publicity cdmmittee, Mol said. -
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher announc-
ed yesterday that services at the
Methodist church will be cancelled
for the night of the convocation.
Panthers' Claw Cadets
in Onesided Game, 26-0
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 14. - ()P) -
Far outclassing their golden-hel-
meted opponents in every depart-
ment of play, the Pittsburgh Pan-
thers defeated Army, 26 to 0, today.
It was the first meeting on the
gridiron between the two schools.
Inability to solve Pitt's passing
attack caused the defeat of the
cadets. The high spot of the game
came early' in the second period
when Collins, Pitt end, completed
a long pass to Reider, the fast Pitt
back, racing 50 yards for a touch-
down without being touched.

Associated Press Photo
Jack Heston added to his punt-
ing reputation yesterday in spite
of the difficulties of handling a
slippery ball.
To Interpret Christianity From
Two Different Viewpoints;
Chicagoans to Talk.
The WLy Christianity is iAter
preted by two different faiths will
be told at the evening service in
the First Methodist Episcopal
church today. The theme of the
worship, "An Adventure in Better
Understanding," will .be discussed
by Rabbi Bernard Heller, who will
speak on "Christianity as a Jew
Sees it," and Dr. Frederick B. Fish-
er, who will talk on "Judaism as a
Christian Sees It."
The morning service will be in
charge of Dr. Fisher "Gaining
Love and Approval" is. the sermon
At t h e First Congregational
church the sermon this morning
will be given by Ruth Isabel Sea-
bury, educational secretary of the
American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions. Her subject
will be "Our Fellow Christians."
Dr. Sydney Bruce Snow, of Chi-
cago, president of the Meadville
Theological S c h o o 1, will have
charge of the services in the Uni-
tarian church. He will speak on
"The Clergy of Tomorrow," a fore-
cast of the likely types of persons
who will lead the church move-
ment in the future.
"Tabernacles and Taverns" is the
topic of a sermon to be given in
the First Presbyterian church by
the pastor, Rev. Merle H. Ander-
son, while at the First Baptist
church, Rev. R. Edward Sayles will
speak on "The Challenge of Christ."
At the Zion Lutheran church,
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak on
"The Resurrection of the Dead."
Rev. C. A. Brauer, at St. Paul's Lu-
theran church, will discuss "Gain-
ing and Losing the Soul-What
Does It Profit?" "Mortals and Im-
mortals" is the "topic of the ser-
mon to be given this morning in
the First Church of Christ, Scien-
tist. At the Bethlehem Evangelical
church, "The Christian Sabbath"
will be discussed by Rev. Theodore
R. Schmale.
Sample Hears Appeal
for New Keller Trial
Katherine Keller's appeal for a
new trial was heard yesterday and
taken under consideration by Cir-
cuit Court Judge George W. Sample.
Miss Kellar's attorney, W. D.
Grommonp nresented the motion.

Twice in Two Years


MICHIGAN . Pos. M. S. C.
Auer ........LT..Buss
LaJeunesse ...LG........Gross
Samuels......RT ......Brunette
Williamson, .... RE... Vandermeer
Hudson .......QB...... Kowatch
Heston...... L H ......Monnett
Fay. . .....RH........Jones
Hewitt ........FB... ...Eliowitz
Substitutions: Michigan, Kowalik
for Hozer, Cantrill for LaJeunesse,
Wistert for Samuels.
Purdue 22, Iowa 0.
Minnesota 47, Cornell (Iowa) 7.
Alma 13, Kalamazoo College 6.
Olivet 32, Detroit City College 0.
Colgate 21, Syracuse 7.
Columbia 9, B5rown 7.
Carnegie Tech 19, Temple 13.
Rutgers 26, Lehigh 12.
Detroit 0, Villanova 0.
Pennsylvania 21, Georgia Tech 12.
Marquette 21, Butler 0.
Ohio Wesleyan 60, Wabash 0.
Detroit Central 40, Detroit West-
ern 0.
Fordson 6, River Rouge 0.-
Highland Park 7, Redford 0.
Detroit Northwestern 7, MacKen-
zie 0.
Ann Arbor 20, Owosso 0.
G. R. Union 2, G. R. Central 0.
G. R. South 13, Holland 7.
G. R. Creston 12, G. R. Davis
Tech 0.
New York University
and Ford ham Tie, 0-0
SNEW YORK, Nov. i4.--(P)--While
a crowd of 80,000 looked on, New !
York University and F or d h a m
fought to a scoreless tie today in
their annual football encounter.
The Fordham team made eight
first downs and so did New York.
New York gained 178 yards rush-
ing the ball and Fordham 129.
Fordham completed several passes
for substantial gains.
Ramblers Romp Over
Midshipmen, 20 to 0
BALTIMORE, Nov. 14.-(/P)-The
raiding Ramblers of Notre Dame
continued their winning streak to-
day be defeating Navy, 20 to 0.
The Miiddies put up a stubborn
defense which was effective in
three of the four periods. All Notre
Dame's points were scored in the
second period. The Ramblers' aerial
attack was the deciding factor.
M. M.S.C.


J.LJ. Kep9 t n Sat
territory during
the major part o1>
the period. In the
second half, how-
ever, neithei
team had a great ; <
advantage o v e i
the other, both of
the field leader
choosing to kick
soon after com-
ing into posses-
sion of wthe ball. Morrison
During the latter two period
the game the ball continued
fluctuate back and forth,
neither team risking fumbles
attempting to carry it any r
than necessary.
Fumbles Frequent.
Fumbles were frequent throe
out the game, both of the sa
men especially having a hardi
holding the ball when catcl
punts. At that bothwFay and N
nett did exceedingly well, both
ing able to recover any fun2
they did make without consi
able loss.
With the condition of the
prohibiting passing or succes
attempts to circle the ends, it
necessary for both elevens to re
to line plunging and to off-ta
plays to gain ground. In this
spect neither of them was ov
successful, as the offensive 1
could not charge fast enough
open holes in
ward walls.
On several
casions, how,
runners - b r
through for
liant gains a
line plunj
Monnett of S
khowed why
has been ratE
highly among
nation's grid
LaJeunesse on several
bucks, smashing and twisting
way through the Wolverines
gains ranging from 10 to 20 y-
The best line plunger of ei
eleven was Hewitt, who ga
(Continued on Page )
Sophomore Presiden
Announces Commit
Twelve members of the Sol
more Prom committee to repre
the Literary college were appoi
va s ., s..h r ick-.-m .. rn.-,,,.



and team play.
Despite the difficulty of
ing the ball on the rain-s
field, the highly touted Bob
nett and Abe Eliowitz o
Spartan eleven and Bill I
and Captain Solly Huds
Michigan all were able to i
impressive gains for the afte
Hewitt was the best ground
on the field with 73 yards, M
second with 55 yards, and
witz third with 39 yards, jus
more than the total gained
Wolverine captain.
Throughout the first half

Jupe Pluvius Reigns for First Time
in Four Years as Fans Get Soaked

The Weather Man must have
been peeved.
So the spectators at the game
yesterday afternoon thought as
they sat shivering and drenched
watching the mud-colored football
teams on the field. For this was the.
first time since State played Mich-
igan four years ago that he has let
it rain for more than five minutes
at a home Michigan football game.
True, it has snowed, hailed, and
blown, sleeted and even drizzled for
short periods during the many
games which have taken place in
the Stadium since it was erected
hut nevr hna it rained excent that

one instance, tiie covers, were
brought into use for protection
against the elements.
Concessionaires, who are used to
doing a rushing business in candy
and cold drinks, sold out of coffee
and hot dogs while alert young
salesmen of umbrellas and other
forms of rain-protectors reaped
small fortunes on the weather
The health service is preparing
for a rushing business tomorrow as
a result of the game and has laid
in a new supply of cough medicines
of all colors and beautiful pink
nills for ar-les for thoe sewho

,First downs;..........5
Yards gained
hv° rnnninf 19.2


a i

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