d4P win .AqUPP Itr "'W 0 ttl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS JI. No. 1 FOURTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1931 Pt LICE FIVE C DE 1 II I Bare Slaying by Companion 15 Celebrates Arrival In Ann Arbo BLACKSTONE MYST ERY SLAING Pencilled Note From Marquette Promises to Tell Rapp Of Smith's Career. A pencilled letter from Lifer No. 5381--David T. Blackstone, the ape- like negro torch killer, yesterday warned that police have not yet reached the end of the scarlet1 crime career of Fred Smith, arch-; killer of the three who on August '4 .10 killed and burned four young k 4 . '." people at Willis "I have been doing some detective work since I have been up here," says a letter from Blackstone, re- ceived here yesterday by Prosecutorf Albert J. Rapp, "and I have found Above are pictures of Fresh- out about another murder that has been committed. Fred was in it."t men leaving the train in Ann He will tell the story only to- Rapp, who plans to go to Marquette prison. Blackstone maintains that Arbor and thronging the entrance e now more factsmanha them x "in black and white." of the Union as early arrivals be- At the same time Rapp and Dep- . uty Sheriff Lynn Squires announced! , ,gan the annual Orientation peri- that they had just obtained con- fessions from two Ypsilanti youths, otd influx to the campus. At the that in the last year near and in icYpsilanti they robbed the home of Municipal Judge A.. M. Vandersall, left is a group of prospectivc another house and a grocery store, committed four armed stick-ups, Michigan students as they ap- stolen gasoline, and stolen cars in which to go to dances. The youths peared at the Freshman Rendez- are Ray Alexander, 19, and James .. f o- k.a.44 fi' k,' ypWagner, 19, both -of Holm es road, v,1s.1t Patters4n1;ake. .32 caliber revolver. The total loot from the stick-ups, officers said, probably totalled not more than $5. r aiy to Continue The boys fled from Ypsilanti re- Gently, telling a friend that "things Subscription Sale are getting too hot for us here," S D l t C taftr they read newspaper stories Michigan Daily subscriptions, L 1Y U i' [ that police would use a blanket sys- which entitle the subscriber to a 9 tem of fingerprinting suspicious; s elivery of they moningstud nt characters to reduce crime. The s to newspaper every morning except air had previously been suspected Mondays throughout the year UI LVIIof crimes by Deputy Squires. d y will continue to be sold at vari- The confession clears up anotherF ous points on the campus for Early Student Council Election crime career in the vicinity of Ypsl i termidrothwek'The lanti. At the same time officers are rnity sale of s bsestarted yesterday. Is Forecast; Reorganization protesting stories by a Detroitv reat Plan Awaits Approval. newspaper alleging that there havet a of Because of the fact that been 26 unsolved assaults around e of freshmen will be living in fra- beeilnt2inol. ssutaon I to- ternity houses, where Dailies are DORMITORY KEY POWER Ypsilanti. s as distributed, first year men are -- erg- expected to subscribe in greater Clean Freshman Election Seems EIOI numbers than in previous years. Possible Result of Delaying ition All local subscriptions will re- .g.g abor main at $4.00 for the year while Fraternity PledgNgED Y [ gov- the foreign rate is $4.50. Stu-0 an dents may subscribe by merely By Beach Conger, Jr.' .931" filling out pledge stubs and re- A rather violent shake-up, fol-r mitting the price at the Daily lowed by a period of comparative Students Over 28 May Procuree arp- office on Maynard street any calm, is the prediction for the poli- time during the next 30 days, as tical weather on the campus this gure well as by paying cash. year. The student council question, Others Exempt. s ,ten- _the Mosher-Jordan question, the tant .____freshman question, and party lead- Revising the previously existings ionst erships are the phases on which auto ban in favor of students 28v than the general lines of this year's ac- years of age or older, Walter Bs ent- nrnrEtivities can be predicted. Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-r like Soon after the first meeting of dents, yesterday made public at 4A fhRlf the student council, the first politi- lengthy interpretation of the regu- with cal pot is expected to boil. Last lation for the purpose of eliminat-t te June, the council elections were ing misunderstandings resulting at,, postponed on account of the over- from incorrect interpretation of the eat. , whelmingly favorable vote on the ban by students.s ap- High School Graduates, Passg reorganized council plan presented The ban itself read: "No stu-s n to Test, Enter Without by The Daily, and also pending the dent in attendance at the Uni-t rime Paying Fee. approval of the plan by the Uni- versity from and after the be-s _ley tversity Senate. Early council ele- ginning of the first semestert haih the selection by the Board tions this fall are expected in order of the University year 1931-v ac- with t fesee dtionbyteBud-to give the council its full quota of 1932 shall operate any motors med of Regents of seven additional stud- members to tide it over until the vehicle. In exceptional and ex-s busy ents from the hundred-odd appli- Senate shall take action on the re- traordinary cases in the dis-c cants and nominees for the Michi- organization plan. Comparatively cretion of the dean of studentsc gan Alumni scholarships the list of little electioneering will be possible, this rule may be relaxed."a we those accepted has been swelled to since the nominations will probably Rea stated that no student shall kforty-seven, this number of high be followed immediately by an elec- consider himself exempt from thes ek ystion, and will also come in the ruling until he has been declared Ie of school graduates throughout the midst of the class elections. so by his office. He listed the ex- le ofstate of Michigan now being certain Washtenaw Wins. emptions as follows: w i l l e m t o s a s f l o s for of receiving the honor of entering Mosher-Jordan dormitories last (a) Those who are 28 years of c to (Continued on Page 2) fall proved the nemesis of at least age, or older.w three classes in one party. With 450 (b) Those who are receiving drip- Gargoyle wo arerecparty.1 fifty Number of Gargoyle potential votes crowded into one credit for not more than five 1 rday housingunibt State r and hours of academic work per se--a PoiiosStl penWashtenaw factions did their ut- mser e most to sew up this particular mc) Those who hold Univer- 'd at IUnlimited chances for student group, acting on the theory that 50 city positions which entitler i humorists will be offered this year votes could swing any class elec- ty ton fac ratig by the Gargoyle, campus humor tion. In the senior elections, the in- tehi assi ty ritngquiv i - monthly, according to Thomas M. troduction of a second State Street ten ooolv TTv Ieditnr nf the nuhlicntinn +,me ir +..w- -i-t. ,1 .mina a al - SIZE OF NEW CLA5S XPECTED TO EXCEED LA1ST YEAR'S TOTA WI"TH1400 A[EADY REGISTERI Orientation Week Gets Under Way With Var Program of Lectures, Excursions, And Athletics. With additional throngs of students arriving in Ann A hourly by train, bus, and car, and freshman, admissions increa steadily to a point in excess of all official expectations, total en ment in the University for the fall term promised last night to ex( by far that of a year ago. More than 1400 prospective freshmen had already been accel for matriculation when the Registrar's office closed Saturday ni and since numerous additional applications are expected from tr fers, late registrations, and re-entering students, the total shoul well above the 1448 of last year. Although Orientation period begins officially at 8 o'clock morning, when entering students are to meet their advisors, ir SCRIMMAGE SHOW1S WOLVERINES READY~u PNIGcm Kipke Starts Substitutes With Regulars in Opening Game of Drill. SUBS SHOW GOOD FORM Centr am ral State Teachers College nd Ypsi to Play Wolves Opening Day. By Sheldon C. Fullerton ontinued afte.r Fall of Gold Standard Lead . A freshman emain at any Dropping of Differences ager than he All Political Parties. Allowed. LONDON, Sept. 21.- (1) - U week and con- for action in dealing with G ginning of ex- Britain's dramatic suspension shmen may be the gold standard, latest phas the fraternity the national crisis, was pledged will be held day by the house of Common on Wednesday factional differences were subm If Coach Harry Kipke was ex- pecting to uncover anything of a sensational nature in yesterday's gruelling scrimmage in the new sta- dium, he must ,have been disap- pointed, but at least he had the sat- isfaction of knowing that the Wol- verine squad is rapidly rounding in to shape for its opening games of the season on October 3. After sending the entire squad through a two hour drill under a broiling sun that sent the therm- ometers soaring up around 85 de- grees, the Michigan mentor put a' halt to the practice, with each of two teams victorious in one game. Numerous substitutions were made, however, and at one time or anoth- er practically every man had seen service on each of the two elevens. Many of the veterans that re- main with the squad from last sea- son demonstrated the fact that they will again be the favorites for the same positions this year, but several new men showed enough ability in their brief appearances in the csrimmage to warrant closer inspec- tion. Schmidt, Westover, and Stine- spring, all of them substitute backs, showed flashes of form throughout the afternoon. All of them saw service with the second stringers, but after playing for a few minutes with this group Stinespring, the smallest member of the squad, was sent in to run the Varsity; Each of these three men were good in open field running, while Schmidt also showed well in punting. The so-called regular eleven started out with a lineup composed largely of substitute material. Pe- toskey and Williamson were at the ends, Chapman and Bernard at the tackles, Douglas and Kowalik at guards, and Auer at center in the line. Westover, Fay, Everhardus, and Hudson made up the backfield. Later in the game, however, the rest of the regulars were sent in with Hewitt, Hozer, Morrison, La- jeunesse, Samuels, Debaker, Cox and Jack Heston playing with that team. freshmen were already swarming over the campus early yesterday in an effort to become acquainted with the University before the beginning of the strenuous week o orientation, registration and enroll- ment before them. Work Begins. Directed by a force of 93 faculty advisors and an even larger number of student assistants, the freshmen will begin a period of examinations President's Message To the Class of 1935: I am welcoming you to our campus. You will find here op- portunities for ypur physical and intellectual development such as your fathers and grandfathers, and in fact any who have gone before you, never enjoyed, how- ever favored by fortune. The University of Michigan in 1931-- 1932 is a greater institution, with better facilities, than it ever has been. Do not forget, on the other hand, that the world today ex- pects correspondingly greater re- sults from you. Your parents, your State, and your country have built for you and sacrifced for you, and it is your duty to justify the faith that has sent you here. Alexander G. Ruthven, President. conferences, lectures, concerts, in- spection trips, and competitive ath- letics that will continue until Sun- day afternoon, when the entire group will meet at a concert in Hill auditorium. Messages Issued. University administrative officers: issued messages of welcome to the class of 1935 last night, among them statements from President Alexander G. Ruthven and Ira M. Smith, Registrar. "The American public has faith in a college education for both men and women." This is fully confirmed by the increase in enrollment for 1930-1931, as compared with 1929- 1930. The increase represents ap- proximately three and one-half per cent over the total of 1929. This in- crease is somewhat larger for men than for women." Mr. Smith indicated that the pe- (Continued on Page 2) University To 'Sell' Self By Broadcasting Planning to co-operate with Prof. Waldo Abbot in selling the Uni, versity of Michigan by air, Regis- trar Ira M. Smith stated yesterday that he. hoped, by use of the facili- ties of station WJR in Detroit, to come into direct radio contact with prospective Michigan students by giving broadcasts that may be picked up in the assembly rooms of the high schools of the state. Three Airmen Found After Week Adrift HALIFAX, N. S., Sept. 21.--(P)-