-ddL A6 AW t a--, I p t XLII. No 42 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1931 PRICE FIVE( TTLE chigan Grid Captain Is Offered $2,000 Bribe g Coal Area TGovernor of State jIIIUULIUHII PANll to Give Talk Here IN GRAVE DISCORD A~l 0 J 0OVER SPEAKERSHIP Author Theodore Dreiser is shown here during his survey of condi- tions in the Kentucky coal fields. He headed a committee which investi- gated charges of political terrorism in the southeastern Kentucky strike area Where several miners anddeputy sheriffs have been slain. Dreiser (at right, wearing cap) is talking with Capt. Frank McAuliffe outsido a miner's soup kitchen. I November 10 Dear Captain Hudson, We are writ- ing this letter to you as a busi- ness letter only. The material to follow will be concerning the game which will be played Sat- urday. This game, financially, means a great deal to us. If by your ef- forts or the equivalent by your team-mates results in a Michi- gan State victory, we will reward you with a gift of two thousand' dollars. Your play in the game will be enough proof to us pro- viding State wins. We suppose you will.be inter- ested in our offer and if you are your money will be waiting for you at" the leading hotel of your city. Merely askfor Mr. Van- Swerigan who will be registered at above hotel. Very truly yours, A "Seminar in Religion," designed to take the place of the Religious Emphasis week which was conduct- ed last year, is to be conducted this year under the auspices of the Council of Religion, made up of the various student church groups, and the Student Christian Association, according to an announcement of the preliminary committee which I met in. Lane Hall last night. The Seminar is to be conducted for four days beginning March 2. Differing in objective from that of last year, the Seminar is to be conducted on an all-Campus, non- sectarian basis with meetings scheduled in Hill Auditorium and Natural Science Auditorium. Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor of Riverside Church, New York City, Reinhold Niebur will attend. The three topics about which the Seminar is to be conducted are "The Contribution of the Races to (Continued on Page 6) By Karl Seiffert Things were bad enough f o r James Fulton, 52, known 'as "Mail- pouch" to college students from coast to coast, when he was arrest- ed Monday for investigation on complaint of students who told po- lice that $50 was missing from a fraternity house where he had been doing some table-top calving. Arrest for investigation permits police to hold a suspect 48 hours. without charge, and Mailpouch fig- ured that when that time was up he would again be free. And just at that point things be- gan to get tough for Mr. Fulton. Yesterday, (Friday the Thirteenth, by the way) it was revealed by Sergeant Louis W. Fohey that since the time limit for holding the un- fortunate Mailpouch on the drunk- enness charge which was placed Wednesday night was up last night, a new charge was to be placed un- der which the suspect could be held for still another two day term. Besides there seems to be no pos- sibility that the police department will run out of charges to place against the prisoner, whose immed- iate future looks not particularly bright. Snell Pitted Against Tilson in Contest for House Leadership. SIDES EVENLY MATCHED Party's Election of Speaker Is .Regarded as Almost Hopeless. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-(P)-- Discord among House Republicans over the party's speakership nom- ination today produced confusing claims of superior support for two outstanding candidates. Backers of Rep. Snell, New York; called his nomination assured. Supporters of Rep. Tilson, of Con- necticut, claimed the votes of ap- proximately half of the party mem- bership. A caucus Nov. 30 will set- tle the question. The party has about lost all hope of actually electing Aa speaker. So in reality the prize at stake is party leadership. Tilson was selected floor leader at the Republican. February cau- cus. He holds that action stands. On the other hand, Snell's friends contend that if he is nominated for speaker and defeated, he automat- ically would become minority lead- er. Ir'the last Cong* with the late Nicholas Longworth as Speaker, Tilson was floor leader and Snell chairman of the rules committee. The caucus which nominated Til- son as floor leader renamed Long- worth for the speakership. BLUE BIRD' REVU I U I1'T02BE SHOWN HERE Performance to Be Given Twice Today at Masonic Temple; 50 Russians in Cast. The Russian Revue, ''Blue Bird" will make its appea'nce here to- day with two presentations, a mat- inee performance at 2:30 o'clock and an evening appearance at 8:15 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. This unusual prodution which is being sponsored by the Ann Arbor Commandary body of the Masonic Order is something of the nature of the Chauve-soiris, being made up of about 20 scenes which range from the despairs of the forlorn, out of key urchins who sing with the hurdy-gurdy in the street, to the sublime comedy exposed in the afternoon tea conversations of mat- rons discussing one of their mem- bers not present. The cast of 50 Russian principals includes its own orchestra with N. Gogoloff conducting whose attain- ments upon the piano are especial- ly laudable. Conferencier Yushny with his unique command of the English language is also particu- larly brilliant. CURRENT EVENTS ANSWERS Answers to the first monthly set of current events questions of the New York Times intercol- legiate news contest have been received by P r o f. Everett S. Brown of the political science department, who is in charge of the local contest. These answers, which appear on page four of today's Daily, are to the questions which ap- peared in the Saturday, Nov. 7 issue. In the future the answers will appear on the day follow- ing publication of the group of questions. Dumas' Drama to Have Townspeople 'and Students to Meet Monday at Fireman's Charity Ball Fconomi Distress Keynote of Play to Be Offered Here by Comedy Club throughout, exactly like it appears in The Daily. The 'envelope con- tained only typed directions besides the stamped postmark. A sensational Detroit newspaper made known the story late yester- day afternoon. After that it was admitted that both LaJeunesse and Hudson had received letters. Last night it was denied that Omer had received any such letter. The first reports said nothing of LaJeunesse, did not state the amount of the bribe offering, and gave another name than VanSwerigan. "Van- Swerigan" is not listed in the Lan- ino dirrtnrie sand the other name It's one thing to dance 'quietly and intimately with a few friends, and it's quite another thing to. get out and bump shoulders (not to mention toes) with a melee repre- senting half the town. For those students and townspeople w h o haven't had such a chance for months, the Ann Arbor policemen and firemen are providing an allur- ing opportunity. It's going to mean more than just a lot of good fun, too. Tie en- tire proceeds of the Fourth Annual Policemen's and Firemen's ball will be turned over to local charity and relief work. Alice E. Lloyd will grant special permission to co-eds to stay out late that evening. If it's old-time music you crave, a whole floor has been reserved for your entertainment, and the ground floor at that. Reginald Eastlake and his Original Old-Timers will be the downstairs musicians. No old-time dance is complete with- out someone to "call" the dances, and 0. H. Cady has been enlisted for that job. Itchier toes will meet their chal- lenge upstairs w h e r e Benson's eleven-piece orchestra will provide