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November 13, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-13

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Unsympathetic Audience Hears
Health Service Director
Discuss Problems.
B I a m e s Misrepresentation of
Truth for Difficulties;
Opposes Separation.
By Karl Seiffert
Probably the least sympathetic
and intelligent audience ever as-
sembled to take part in a Univer-
sity forum sat in Natural Science
auditorium y e s t e r d a y afternoon
while Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di-
rector of the University Health
Service, discussed the problem of
bisexual' relations a m o n g college
students. The lecture was under
the auspices of the Student Christ-
ian 'association.
Considering one of the most
pointedly pertinent s u b j e t s
before the college student to-
day under the subject "Sex and
the College Student" in a
straight-forward s c i e n t i fi c
manner, Dr. Forsythe found
difficulty in emphasizing his
major points because of the
fact that his audience repeat-
Although the meeting was sup-
posed to be one of questioning and
discussion, the audience gave the
speaker time to answer only-one
query before it broke up at the con-
clusion of his speech and left, leav-
ing only a handful of the original
throng that packed the auditorium
to finish the discussion. Attend-
ance was estimated at 700 persons. '
D'r. Forsythe characterized
the sex problem as "+os7of theJ
m1any social problems that have
come about through the bio-
logically unnatural existence-
which we call civilization."
Criticizing in a series of scath-
ing remarks the practice on the
p a r t of ,Y. M.C. A. organizations
and other bodies in 'close contact
with young boys and girls of mis-
representing the ..facts of sex and
the problems attendantupon sex-
ual actcivity, Dr. Forsythe said:
'Such lies and rot, bound up
closely with the influence of re-
ligious institutions, have done
more direct harm to our youth
than any good they may have
accomplished by advising inhi-
bition of sexual impulses."
Dr. Forsythe blamedsocial segre-
gation of the sexes among adol~s-
cent children for many of our sex-
ual troubles and said:
"I am distinctly in favor of
allowing children to mingle
with members of the opposite
s e x. Their bisexual interests
should be encouraged. I believe
they should become accustomed
to associating with each other
and find "for themselves the
problems presented by such as-
sociation. M u c h unhappiness
among married people may be
traced to the fact that individ-
uals have built up unreasonab-
ly high expectations of marital
bliss that. are never satisfied."
He declared also that segrega'
tion tends to increase homo-
sexual tendencies in young chil-.
"Ideas in regard to sex are grad-
ually changing," he d e 1 a re d.
"Think what would have happened
to me 10 years ago for conducting
an open forum of this type.

President IsJust-
One of the Fellows
to Thisophomore
Alexander Grant Ruthven may
be the president of the University
to the campus at large, but he's
just another one of those fellows
over in U. Hall to at least one mem-
ber of the class of 1934. 1
A D.O.B. notice was the cause
of it all. The sophomore who
works on the business staff of the
Michiganensian, went to Dr. Ruth-
yen's office to have the notice ac-
After leaving the announcement,
he wandered up to the President's
desk and asked to use the phone.
The president said, "certainly."
"You don't happen to know the
phone number of Miss Wallington,
secretary to the dean of the Den-
tistry School?" said the man from
the 'Ensian staff.
Dr. Ruthven said that he didn't,
but would look it up. The sopho-
more thanked him.
After the call had been made,
the sophomore asked Dr. Ruthven
the number of Dean Wahr's secre-
tary. Thepresident told him this
without looking it up.
"Thanks," said the sophomore, as
he went about his 'Ensian duties.

Says American Fleet Will
Suffer Losses in Ships
or Man Power.


WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(AP)-
With assurances that the American
fleet would not suffer loss of ship
or man, President Hoover announc-
ed tocay tha t.the navy, budget
would call 'for only $343,000,000-
aU of $59,000,000 less than the serv-
ice originally requested.
This represents, if left alone by
Congress, a reduction of about $15,-
000,000 from the total of the supply
bill passed last year. An additional
$30,000,000 was appropriated f o r
battleship modernization.
The budget cut will not involve
abandonment of a single navy yard,
nor will it cause a single combat-'
ant vessel to be decommissioned,
Mr. Hoover said. The enlisted per-
sonnel of the navy will not be de-
How the economy is to be affect-
ed, the chief executive did not say,
preserving to this extent the cus-
tomary secrecy which surrounds
budgets up to the time they reach
French Deputies Hear Request
for Added' Naval Construction
PARIS, Nov. 12.-(P)-The Cham-1
ber of Deputies in opening its aut-
umn session today gave Premier
Laval a note of confidence and
heard proposals to advance $6,000-
000 in credits for supplementary
naval construction on the 1933 pro-
The Premier put as a question of
confidence a proposal by the radi-
cal wing to begin discussion of
railway deficits tonight and the
Deputies backed him up by voting
311 to 272 against the motion.
Finance Minister Flandin and
Minister of the Budget Pietri in ad-
vocating the additional credits said
they could not avoid the appro-
priation without compromising the
renewal of the fleet and causing
considerable unemployment.

Committee for Semi
Ball Increased to
15 Members.
Richard Racine Chos
Secretary in Place
of Benjamin.
Permission for the fratern
houses to hold parties on.
nights of class functions, c
plete removal of the plan foi
revised Senate Committee on 1
Student Affairs, and the incre
of the Senior Ball commit
from 10 to:15 men, were decti
last night by the Student Coun
following a meeting in which 1
council members and Joseph
Bursey, dean of students, w
closeted for more than two hor
It was also announced that
faculty men had been selected
President Alexander G. Ruth'
and six by the council from wh
two men will be chosen to get
an advisory capacity at the cour
There are to be 17 men on 1
Sophomore prom committee, It
announced. The committee will
composed of 12 students from I
literary college and fiye from
engineering school.
Remove Committee Ban.
The removal of the ban on f
ternity parties on the nights
class -functions, seuch ase the J-H
the Sophonoerom, and the$
ior Ball, was effWcted after cofl
men stated that class functi
should be able to exist unassiste
if they were worth 'having.
Complete 'removal of the plan
the revised Senate Committee
Student affairs followed a reso
tion that the Council had sent
the University Senate asking'th
that request for the change, p:
posed by the council last year a
approved by the council last y
and approved by an all-cam
vote, be 'dropped.
To Investigate Plan.
A committee was appointed.
Edward J. McCormick, '32, pre
dent, to investigate the propo
change with the intention of pic
ing out the best parts and inat
urating them into the constitut
of the present council.
Membership onthe Senior"B
,committee wil consist of nine lit
ary students, three engineers, c
medical, one law, and one den
Richard Racine, '33, was elec
to the secretaryship of the coun
folowing the resignation of Aa
Benjamin, '3.
Student Treasurers Reminded
Order to Submit Books
for Auditing.
Response to the ruling that'
books of all student organizatil
must be submitted for auditing]
been satisfactory, but not compli

it was stated yesterday by Wal
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of a
dents and newly appointed audi
of these accounts, who issuedt
order at the beginning of the
Activities included under the ri
ing are official class social comn
tees, honorary societies, and
various class organizations of
University, the treasur'ers of wb
were notified at the beginning
the semester that their accou
must be submitted to Rea for a
Fraternities May Hav
Only Seven at Dinne
Fraternities are not allowed

Union Plans Historical Collection;
Display Will Be Placed in Lobby

DETROIT-Thomas M. O'Connor,
former teller in a Peoples Wayne
county branch bank, was sentenced
to serve five years in Leavenworth
prison today by Judge Charles C.
Simmons in federal court. O'Con-
nor was convicted of embezzling
$1,000 of bank funds.

uspect Shoots elf;
eaves Innocence Plea
Fifteen minutes before he was to
have faced examination in justice
court here Thursday,.Harry E. Jef-
fers, 58, left a message on a black-
board -in the Cornwell building at
111 West Huron street which read
"Not guilty-Jeff," and then calm-
ly took his own life with a revol-

Announcement of t inm e s and
places of four Law and Medical
school elections was made last
night by t h e Student Council.
Freshman law elections will take
place at 4:15 o'clock Thursday in
room C of the Law building.
Election of the J-Hop represen-
tative of the junior medical class
will be held at 4 o'clock next Fri-
day in the Hospital amphitheatre.
The seniors in the medical school
will name their officers at 5 o'clock
in the same place.
Sophomores in the medical school
will vote on their class officers at
4:15 o'clock Thursday in the North
lecture room of the East Medical

Triangles, honorary junior engi-
neering society, initiated fourteen
men yesterday. In the banquet
which followed at the U n i on,
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students
spoke for the faculty.

Plans to inaugurate a museum
which will contain articles of Uni-
versity and Union interest, were
announced last night by Hugh R.
Conklin, '32E, president of the Un-
The objects will be placed in
glass cases and displayed in the
Union lobby and in the lounge. The
collection will be the first of its
type in the history of the Univer-
It is expected that articles for
the museum will be contributed orl
lent to the Union. Several old
manuscripts and pictures pertain-

mens of historical interest can be
preserved and exhibited. Speci-
mens are quite as important as
books as records of an institution
and are more important than books
in that they convey to the student
impressions which are hard to give"
by description."
Articles that are desired by the
Union are such things as cuts and
pictures of t h e campus, plans,
drawings, and photographs of cam-
pus buildings, and early athletic
trophies. '
In the opinion of Conklin, there
are many people in Ann Arbor who

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