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November 12, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-12

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VOL. XLII. No. 40




Change Ninth Week Dinner Date'
to Tuesday Night Instead
of Wednesday.
Nominate Delegates for National
Conference in New York
at Thanksgiving.
The Interfraternity Council last'
night passed a motion to increase
the number of freshmen to be per-
mitted as guests at the Wednesday
evening dinners at the fraternityI








1931-32 Student Directory
Goes on Sale Today.
What is that cute blond's tele-
phone number? Where does that
good-looking freshman live? Does
Johnny come from Kalamazoo or
Kankakee? Do' you think my Psych
professor is married? What is the
address of the Phi Gam or Kappa
All these questions can now be
answered for today, after seven
weeks of preparation, the 1931-32
Student Directory will finally go on
Wrapped in a striking orange'
cover, the directory includes an
alphabetical list of all persons on
the faculty or connected with the
University, ktudents of every col-
lege and a list of the various cam-
pus organizations. ,Addresses, class,
school, position, degrees, telephone
numbers and home towns identify
the faculty and students, while
everyforganization has listed its
complete membership.
i Directories, it has been announc-
ed by the members of the Michi-
ganensian staff who edited the
book, may be obtained any time
during the day from campus sales-.
men or at the office of the publica-
tion in the Press building.
House Gives Majority of 369 in
First Ballot Favoring


eginning with the ninth
his semester from 7 to 15.
decided that the ninth
ier shall be held on Tues-
t instead of Wednesday,
)f the close proximity of

The action of the council with
regard to the proposed change
is subject to the approval of the
judiciary committee, which is to
meet in the near future to discuss
the proposal. Announcement of
the meeting will appear in the
Daily Official Bulletin, it was re-
vealed by Howard Gould, the
secretary-treasurer of the coun-,
In acordance with previous cus-
om, nominations were accepted for
the election of a delegate to attend
the annual National Interfraternity
ouncil meeting in New York City
during the Thanksgiving week-end.
Howard T. Worden, president of the
council, was elected for the posi-
lion, and will attenddhe conven-,
Lion with expenses paid by the

Disarmament Committee Plans+
to Interest Students
in World Peace.
Manuscripts to Be Judged Upon
Soundness, Self-Expression,
and Originality.
A movement to foster student in-
terest in international problems
and world peace was, inaugurated I
yesterday with the formation. of
plans by the Student Disarmament
committee for a prize essay contest'
on the subject of disarmament.
Members of the committee said
that all undergraduates will be
eligible to submit manuscripts in
the contest, two typewritten copies
of which must be presented at the
Peace office in Lane hall on Decem-
ber 14 or 15.
Ten Topics Listed.
Ten topics upon which the essays
may be written have been selected.
They are as follows:1
1. Disarmament; Its History, Pre-
gent Purpose and Future.
2. Disarmament as viewed in the
Literature of Contemporay Writers.
3. Practical Possibilities of the
1932 Disarmament Conference.
4. The Economic Need for Dis-
5. The Relation of the United
States to a World Disarmament
6. Psychological factors in Dis-
7. The Relation of Disarmament
to the Practise of Armed Interven-
tion for the Protection of; Life and1
Property Abroad.
8. Germany and the Disarma-
ment Question.
9. The Moral Aspects of Disarm-
10. An American Peace Program.
No Attitude Favored.
Committee m e m b e r s declared
that manuscripts submitted to the
contest will be judged on the basis
of soundness, originality, and gen-
eral adequacy of expression. It was
indicated that no particular atti-
tude toward disarmament will be
Language Professor Will Give
Address Before Cercle
Francais Today.
Real facts about the life of Fran-
cois Villon, celebrated fifteenth
century French poet, will be told
by Prof. Charles A. Knudson of the
Romance language department in
a lecture given this afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in room 103 of the
Romance Language building. This
lecture is the first of a series on
the Cercle Francais' program.
Obscured by many centuries of
legend the real life of Villon has
been forgotten. "Such treatments
as it has received in the 'Vagabond
King,' for example are false in fact
and spirit," said Prof. Knudson.
This afternoon he will attempt to
set forth facts which\ have been
deduced from Villon's poetry and
by the labors of patient scholars.

Gould announced last night that
all party permits must be filled out
by representatives of the respective
fraternities and left at the council
officos now located in Room 306 of
the tnion. An asistant to the secre-
tdry-treasurer will be on duty in
the offices ev6ry week day from 2
o'clock until 5 o'clock.
All petitions for pledging, initi-
ating, and settlement of difficulties
subject to action by the judiciary
comrpittee, Gould declared, must
be presented in the office at leastl
three days before the committeel
Because of a mistake in anan.
nouncement of last night's meet-
ing, a bare quorum attended. The
meeting, originally announced for
last night, was later, by an error,
set for tonight.
state Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
November 11, 1931
LANSING - Dr. William J. 0.
Deacon, of the state department
of health, was elected president of
the Michigan Public Health Asso-
ciation today. Dr. C. C. Slemons,
state health commissioner, w a s
n a m e d Michigan's representative
on the advisory council of the
American Public Health Associa-
PLYMOUTH-Sheldon ,Gale, who
shot 18-year-old Richard Hanna at
Hallowe'en time, was acquitted of
an assault charge today. Gale saidt
he fired whenrhe saw a group of
boys near the bee-hive in his apiary
and feared they planned to tip
them over as a prank. Hanna was
not seriously wounded.

LONDON, Nov. 11. - (),-The
movement for t a r i ff protection
gained new headway today as the.
'ouse of Commons was giving the
Government a majority of 369 in
the first vote since it convened.
The only opposition, totaling nine
votes, came from Labor leftwing
members, the regular Labor Party
abstaining from the balloting. The
question at issue was a motion to
take the time allowed for discussion
of bills presented by private mem-
The tariff question was brought
up by Winston Churchill, who de-
clared his constituency was heavily
in favor of doing away with free
trade and trying a "substantial ex-
periment" in tariffs. t
Mr. Churchill said it was his be-
lief most of the members of the
House represented electors w h o
wanted protection. '
This speech was interpreted as
Mr. Churchill's announcement that
he was assuming leadership of the
protection movement. The Conser-
vative Party's high tariff groups
are known to be displeased with
Prime Minister MacDonald's state-
ment yesterday that there will be
no action on tariffs until an in-
vestigation is completed.
Badger Students Want
Game With Wolves
(Big Ten News Service)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 11.-Mich-
igan for the post-season charity
football game; oponent is the pre-
ference of Glen Thistlethwaite,
head coach of the University of
Wisconsin. In his choice, "Thisty"
follows the result of the student
preference poll conducted by The
Daily Cardinal. "We are willing to
meet Northwestern,' he adds, "but
the attendance would be greater at
the other event."

Campus Faction Offers M'Combs
for President; Shepard
Named by Union.
Union Patty Would Reduce Price
of Tickets for Annual
Frosh Frolic.
Freshman elections in the
Literary, College will take place
form 4:15 to 5:45 o'clock this
afternoon in room 25 in Angell
hal instead of the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. All students
intending to vote must have
their identification cards.
By Barton Kane.
With the Union party campaign-
ing on a platform for the first time
in recent political history, and the
Campus faction openly attacking
its personnel, the freshman elec-
tions this afternoon promise to be
the bitterest fought this year.
Fights Frolic Price.
The Union party, according to its
campaign managers,will campaign
on a platform of a, lower price for
the Frosh Frolic. "Every appointee
on the Fros*h Frolic committee,"
state Enoch White last night, "if
the Union ticket is elected, will vote
for a reduction in the Frosh Frolic
ticket price. The five dollars charg-
ed in previous years is too much,
considering the business conditions,
and -we believe that since the dance
is a class function this price should
not be prohibitive. Every member
of the class has the -right to at-
The Union ticket, which will be
opposed by the Campus ticket, is
headed by Bill Shepard, of Cleve-
land, member of the freshman
football squad, for president; Mary
Stirling, Detroit, Kappa Alpha The-
ta, and Betsy Barbour, for vice-
president; June Bassett, Monroe,
Helen Newberry Independent, for
secretary; and Wilber Blair,
Youngstown, Ohio, for treasurer.'
Move Will Be First.
On the Campus party ticket will
be Allen McCombs, of Detroit; Ruth
Bradner, of Detroit, Mosher-Jordan,
for vice-president; Jeanette Green,
of Owosso, Alpha Chi Omega, for
secretary; and Alvin Kohler, of
Monroe, for treasurer. Chairmen of
both parties stated that they were
confident of victory last night.
The move of the Union party in
campaigning on a platform marks
the first attempt ,of .this kind in
many years. . Although the chair-
manship this year will go to the
engineering college, the literary
school members constitute the ma-
jority of the committee so that the
election of the Union ticket will
probably bring about a reduction
in the Frosh Frolic prices.
Government in Doubt
on Democratic House
WASHINGTON, ,Nov. 11.-(IP)-
The administration wants to know
what the Democrats plan to do
with the House of Representatives.
That it concedes they will organ-
ize the legislative branch became
more evident today as Republicans
who held much of the power in
the last House dropped into talk
with John N. Garner of Texas.
Democratic choice for the speak-

Among those who sounded out
Garner on tiis legislative program
were Tilson, of Connecticut, and
Snell, of New York, Republicar
candidate for t he speakership;
Wood, of Indiana, chairman of th
last House appropriations commit-
tee; Parker,, of New York, whc
guided the Interstate commerce
. committee, and Underhill, of Mass-
achusetts, head of the account
group. Yesterday, WalterNewton:
one of the President's secretaries;
talked with Garner.
. New Pledges Elected
to SigmaDelta Chi
^ At a meeting of Sigma Delta Chi

by Japanese TroopS.

Associate.. rresa roto
Gen. Giro Minami, minister of
war, explained Japan's position in
Manchuria to Emperor Hirohito.
After a hard fought battle with the
Chinese troops the war office an-,
nounced that "positive and effec-
tive" 'measures would be under-
taken to cope with the situation.
National Government Meeting
Concentrates on Problem
of Large Cities.
BUFFALO, Nov. 11.-t( P)-The
widely discussed "urban-rural con-
flict in Government"' claimed the.
attention of the majority of dele-.
gates today as the National Con-
ference on Government entered its
third and final day.
Discussion of this subject by the
American Legislators' Association,
National Association of Civic Secre-
taries and National Municipal
League, was introduced by brief ad-
dresses by C. E. Merriam, of the
University of Chicago, and Malcolm
McDermott, of Duke University
Law School.
William P. Lovett, secretary of
the Detroit Citizens' League, pre-
sided at the joint session of the
three organizations, while Arthur
W. Bromage, of the University of
Michigan, conducted the discus-
Prof. McDermott urged the elimi-
nation of duplications and conflict
by the establishment of only one
local Government unit functioning
in each subdivision of the State.
Declaring that "the system of
representative Government breaks
down as far as many cities are con-.
cerned," Prof. Merriam advocated
establishment of "City-States" by
New York, Chicago, Detroit and
other metropolitan cities.
"Many metropolitan communities
are held in a state of servitude, not
unlike that against which our fore-
fathers rose," he said.
Four Students Fined
on Trespass Charge

Japan War Minister

PIEPING, Nov. 11.-(P)-Reports to the American Lega
today indicated that American troops were to join the French
British to'night in occupying defense positions at Tientsin.
Lieut. Willard G. Wyman, assistant military attache at
Legation was ordered to Tientsin to report on developments the
American, British, French and Italian military authorities h
agreed to the formation of an international patrol in the neutral;z
adjacent to the ' Tientsin-Ja
A l ese concession provided Ja
War Atmosphere and China approve.
" e Bomb Chinese Army,
M arks A rm stice Japanese troops in the Nc
DaYPri bridge area in Manchuria have
P3 oCee "s increased to 4,000 and have
sumed their advance and
bombedand shelled the'ret
Peace Overtures Drowned Out Chinese army, the Chinese Gov
by Hostilities in East. menrt declared Wednesday nigh
an urgent message to the Leagu
(By Associated Press) ' Nations.
Armistice Day No. 13, commem- The message said the Japa
orating the end of the world's most forces were h 20 kilometers alon
colossal armed conflict, passed into road to the Chinese controled
history in an atmosphere inflamed of Tsitsihar.
by acts of war and lulled by words 'Girl studentsattending the
of peace. School at Tientsin, operated
American Methodist missiona
Tokio-Emperor Hirohito order- were marched to the F'rench
ed a fresh brigade of troops, osten- cession to- get them out of the
sibly to replace the Satijued de- ger zone.
tachements from Korea and four Many of them were in a sta
destroyers sent to Manchuria to collapse from fear and the r
partidipate in a struggle which'al- of the long march when they
ready has cost the lives of at least rived. The Nankai School at T
1,197 Chinese and Japanese soldigrs. sin ,also was evacuated.
Nanking-A mob of some 3,000 An unconfirmed report said
men and women students paraded Japan had issued ari ultimatun
the streets of the Chinese capital mandngi the removal of all Chi
demanding that war be declared on soldiers from Tientsin. Negotia
Japan and economic relations be between the Chinese and Japa
severed. Martial law was, in effect were going on, it was authorita
in Shanghai and Hankow and a ly said, apparently on the bas
virtual state of seike existed in the substitution of a Chinese
Tientsin. gime friendly to Japan.
303 Killed in New Battle.
Washington - President Hoover Emperor Hirohito, of Japan
warned that peace was not fssured dered a fresh brigade and
13 years after the close of the World n a v a 1 destroyers tq Manc]
War and that it could not be main- after word was received of a h
tamed by resolution and injunction on a new front in which 300 Ch
alone. "The backwash of forces and three Japanese were killec
loosened by the great war," he said, In Nanking, 3,000 students
"has grown until during the past raded demadning war with Ja
two years the stability of manyana- Martial law was declared in I
tions has been shaken." kow and Shanghai as the resi
Geneva-The League of Nations continued anti-Japanese outbr
was disturbed by a threat that In Shanghai anti-Japanese or
China would take matters, in her izations looted Chinese shop
own hands if Japan was not de- Japanese merchandise and Ja'
flected from her present course. nationals were attacked in
Landon-While King George was streets. The conercial boyco
Lodo-hieiigteog ws ng all kinds of Japanese g
watching from :the windows o hittingalknso aaeeg
Whitehal, thePrinceofWaeslaiespecially cotton, sales of v
awieath at the foot of the Ceno- have dropped 80 per cent.
a wreat .aeftof the eno-a Repairs to the Nonni b
taph i obeisance to Britains war should be completed before the
dead. of the week, Mukden repo
Paris-President Doumer, whose Meanwhile, China continues i
four sons were sacrificed to the war, ing troops in the vicinity.

PNFO EES CUT Four Nati ons Move to Form Internati(

Patrol; Chinese



Four students paid fines of ten
dollars each- yesterday in justice.
court for trespassing dn a farm
while hunting rabbits near Huron
Hills Country club.I
Numerous reports of such viola-
tions have been received by Sheriff
Jacob Andres, who issued a warn-
ing to hunters, asking them to be
careful not to encroach on private

placed 'his token of homage on the
tomb of the Unknown Soldier of
France at the Arc de Triomphe.
Gen. Gouraud, one-armed military
governor of the city, rekindled the
the flame at the tomb.
Berlin-Germany dedicated the
day to anathema of what she re-
gards as where the "war guilt lies,"
in the Versailles treaty. Vienna did
likewise and the Balkan capitals
ranged with the central powers'in
the war maintained contemptuous
Lower Michigan: Showers and
warmer Thursday; Friday general-
ly fair and colder.

d ., , f; l ,y, d n yo Nola'



to Honor Those Killed in War

~GRAND RAPIDS-The municipal,
traffic commission has approved a
proposal that visitors be given
courtesy cards, permitting t h e m
unlimited parking privileges in res-
tricted zones.
DETROIT-Jacob Mack, deptty col-
lector of internal revenue, and Wal-
ter H. Reynolds, attorney, were ac-
quitted by a federal court jury to-
day of conspiring to register an
illegally entered alien.
SAGINAW-A franchise granting

As the city yesterday bowed its
heads in services to its World War
dead, man was told that future
sacrifice would be unnecessary if
his labor in the field of world peace
was motivated by the spirit of
neighborliness of his forefathers.
The city and University set aside
the day to consecrate the memory
of those who died for the flag, and
ceased its activities until afternoon.I
I$omage was paid, a rite perform-
ed since 1918. At East and South
ITUniversity aveues. a nirade form-

Alexander G. Ruthven, President of
the University, and Mayor H. Wirt
Newkirk reviewed the troops and
patriotic organizations as they
made their way into the ,auditor-
The Rev. Allen J. Babcock gave
the invocation. Tribute was made
to American, British, and French
veterans and the national anthems
played of the respective countries
I As the last of to;e tributes was
paid, Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the
political science department, con-


Democratic Society Will P
Governor in Race for
BALTIMORE, Nov. 11.-(/P)
"wide open secret" of Gov. Al
C. Ritchie's candidacy for
Democratic presidential nom:
tion is to be brought into the
here Jan. 8 by one- of the lar
political !clubs in Maryland.
Officials of the Concord De
cratic club have announced p
to launch formally the driv
Maryland's four-time governa
its annual Jackson Day dinne
which national leaders of the p
have been invited, both as spea
and guests.
Announcement of the club's ]
was followed by departure of
Ritchie for New York on the
ond-speaking trip in as n
One of the first engagen
scheduled by the governor w

James (Mailpouch)' Fulton, 52,1
renowned stone and wood carver,
is not sure why he is reposing In
county jail, though several other
persons feel they have legitimate
charges against him..
Monday night he stumbled into
a fraternity house, about 10:30, and
went to sleep on a sofa almost im-
mediately. His fuddled condition
was rather unfortunate for him,

bers said they would not press
charges against him.,A drunk and
disorderly fine may. be 1 e v i e d
against him, however.4
The culprit, who lives in Dela-
ware, O., was talkative when -inter-
viewed at the jail, denying the al-
legations and relating some of his
accomplishments and past adven-
"I never stole from a fraternity

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