0 ___THE MCICHICAN D AIEY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. ELAered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postae granted by Third Assistant P~stmaster General.. ceed under the state of mind which exists in the world today. * LAST VWEEI'S BEST SELLERSr DR. F. G. NOVY (Editor's Note-This is the first of a series of articles on outstand- ing members of the University fac- ulty. Others will be published in this column on Wednesday of each week.) By E. Jerome Pettit To his colleagues on +ie faculty, Dr. Frederick George Novy, profes- Subscription by carr er $4..00; by' mail, $4.50 I Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Kichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492.5 MANAGING EDITOR *RICHARD L. TOBIN Editorial Director...........................Beach Conger, Jr.' City Editor ............................. .Carl Forsythe ews Edtor..................... ..........David M. Nichol Sportls Edltor............................Sheldon C. Fullerton Wornen's Editor. . ..................Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor ..........................Robert L. Pierce Slater's Mourning Becomes Electra, by Eugene O'Neil (Horace Liveright) $2.50. A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich (Appleton) $2.00. Twelve Secrets of the Caucasus, by EssA-Bey (Viking Press) $3.00. All, Ye People, by' Merle Colby. (Viking Press $2.50., Beyond The Pyrenees, by Marcel Aurousseau (King) $3.50. / Wahr's The Waves, by Virginia Woolf. (Harcourt Brace $2.59.' Shadows on The Rock, by Willa Cather. (Alfre Knopf) $2.50. Hatter's Castle, by A. J. Cronin. (Little Brown $2.50. Inheritance; by John Drinkwater. (Henry Holt $3.00. Sparks, Fly Upward, by Oliver LaFarge. (Hough- ton Mifflin) $2.50. 2. 1. frank B. Gilbreth Rolar'd Goodyman Bari S(iffert NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis' Jerry E Rosenthal George A. Stauter WVlber J. Myera jrian Jones Stanley W. Arnheim Lawson E. Becker Thomas Connellan Samuel (. Ellis Samuel L. Tinkle LouisB3. ascoigne Dorothy Brockman Miriam Carver Beatrice Co1ins Louise Crmndall Elsie Feldman Prudence Foster Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Jiuber Norman Kraft Roland Martin henry Meyer f ,Marion A. Mlczewskl Albert H. Newman 1. Jerome Pettit Georgia Geisman. Alice Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Frances Mrnchester Elizabeth Mann John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford john W. PrItchard Joseph Rnnihan l. FA rt Seitumf I racldey Shaw Parker 1R.Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rarden D)orothy Rinideld Elma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE..........................Business Manager NORRIS P. JOIINSON.....................Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising........... .. .......................Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts.............................Robert 'Callahan Advertisirg Service.......... ................... .Byron C. Vedder Publcations.. ..............................Willi m T. Brown Circulation .... ........ .................Harry R. Begley Accounts.....................................Richard Stratemeir Women's Business Manager......................Ann'W. Verner I WHAT'S GOING ON MICHIGAN-"Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise' with Greta Garbo and Clark Gable. MAJESTIC--"The Phantom of Paris" with John Gilbert and Leila Hyams. WUERTH-"East of Borneo" with Charles Bick- ford. PIJAY PRODUCTION-"A Marriage of Conven- ience" by Dumas. rvil Aronson ibert E. Bursley len Clark obert Finn nna Becker artha Jane Cissel nevieve Field axine Fischgrund n Galrimnyer ary Harrinyan Assistants John Keysee Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Bernard E. Scimacke Anne Harsha Katharine Jackson Dort by Layi Virginia Mc~omb Carolin Mosher ie glen Olsen Pelen Schmeede Grafton W. Sharp Donald Johnson Don Lyon J3ernard H. Good May Seefried, Minnie Seng Helen Spencer Kathirn Stork Glare lnger Mary Elizabeth Watts Night Editor-KARL SEIFFERT THURSDAY, NOVEliER 12, 1931 New 40 mistice ARMISTICE DAY, for the thirteenth time, will be commemorated today with the appropriate ceremonies by citizens all over the country. Par- ades, speeches and neswpaper editorials will mark the day's activities and everyone's thoughts for the time being will be given over to the memory of those who died in the war. Tomorrow everyone will go back to work. This is a fitting time to briefly review 'the world's affairs. Since the war ended. in 1918, it has been estimated that the "war to end war" gave rise to more troubles between nations than any other conflict the world has seen. S$krmishes have been frequent in the Balkans, strife is con- stant in the East, South American revoluvtions are! comm9n. European countries are still jeaus and! fearful of each other, and the war has not been a minor cause for our present economiccondition. We have constantly heard, ever since th war ended, that the only way to end hostilities is through disarmament and pacifists have been e x- tremely loud in this claim. They, hpwever, are idealists and this is not an idealistic world. Of course, no ope wants another world war. Civilization probably couldn't stand one, at least for a few more decades. Extreme disarmament, however, with a drastic curtailment of navy power in the United States would be suicidal but the ardent pacifist is adamant in his. claim for this condition. A weakened navy which, many are advocating removes the protection of our coasts, opens the door for Japan and other jealous nations to come into the Philippines, Guam or any other Pacific American possession. A small and ineffi-' cient navy also takes away the guardianship of the Caribbean and South American countries, which our navy has always effected. We do not want the American navy to become aggressive or become a source of fear to smaller countries but we do want it to become an organ- ization capable of making jealous and aggressive nations respect it and be a real protection to Amer- ica. , . The burden placed upon the taxpayer to sup- port a large and efficient army and navy is exag- gerated and decried by the pacifist. He does not, however, say anything about the money the tax- payer pays which goes for the futile enforcement of an amendment and law no one will obey. The cost of that enforcement is several times that of supporting a decent navy and army. The aivocation of war and aggressiveness is, of course, not a policy for any newspaper to fol- low. No well-thinking individual or organization will seriously consider such an attitude as sane or even serious. War, is, however, an ever present evil and it is still a condition which must be con- sidered with the utmost intelligence. Armistice Day, though it is a day for commemoration, must also be a time when the future of the political world must be considered. It is necessary to con- sider the arguments of both militarism and paci- fism and it is conclusive that the policy of pre- ILI To The Editor: Modern history tells how very easily a powerful military element, like apoisonous parasite, dissi- pates manpower, wealth, and civilization. Millions upon millions of dollars were squandered in the brief period of 1914-18 on devices whose sole purpose was to reduce the human being to a lifeless rotting heap. Unfortunates who met the customary tragic fate in our last defensiv'e war we are to honor Nov. 11th, most appropriately. Yet, without disparagment to the hapless victims and in justice to our civilization, we must admit that war, like the Mississippi flood and other maligiant phenomena, can in a large measure, be successfully avoided. (Yes, defense we must have; but that is beside the point.) Therefore. why would it not be most patriotic and fitting that we express the optimistic view that perhaps these men died to introduce an era in which common sense and public welfare have at last a fighting chance to prevail over the blood-stained, time hon- ored form of pseudo-patriotism that thrives on the lives of citizens while pretending to preserve them? When by virtue of a national holiday the dead vic- tims of our ,national policies are once more -brought' into the limelight, it seems little short of barbaric narrowness, to exclude from a public Armistice Day gathering any representation whose objective is to show that the warlike method of hero making with its tremendous inevitable losses offsets tenfold public and private gain. Rather let us utilize the occasion to point out that the lives of dear ones were not sacrificed that we might stand by, unappreciative of their suffering, without passing thought of how we might guard another generation from a similar ghastly mistake. F. W. M. '34L. To The Editor: War is serious economic loss to any country, whether it be victorious or defeated, is the opinion of Dr. Howard S. Ellis, assistant professor of economics of this University. Except in a case of a nation con- quering a backward people and incorporating their resources, there is no profit to be gained, he believes, and even in such a case-if for example, Japan were to get Manchuria at the cost of an expensive war and the loss of many lives-the end would not be worth the effort. Salvador de Madariaga estimates that the nations of the world spend on their "defense" budgets about $3,856,000 per year. He states that if the total ob- tained by adding the defense budgets of the members of the League for one year were set aside, the capital' thus secured would meet the present expenses of the League of Nations, 'including the World Court and the International Labor Office, for about six centur- ies. This means that the world, even when we ex- clude the nations not in the League, is nowadaysa spending in preparing for war six hundred times the sum it devotes to preparing for peace. This being the case how can we expect the League to be as effi- cient as the military systems in the individual na- tions? Does any nation have a Peace department in its government? How can we say that peace methods are a failure until we give them as fair a trial as wea do those of war? How are these vast sums for "defense" spent? They are spent for men and material. These costly" guns, aeroplanes and battleships, how long- do they last? The number of shots a gun can shoot is smaller than the number of dollars it costs. The life of a battleship can be represented by a number of years smaller than the number of millions of dollars which' went into its making. The skill and labor which goes into the production of armaments is not only directed to wrong uses, but to fleeting uses. The defense expenditure is so huge that it would suffice to pension off all workers employed in war industries and yet leave a substantial surplus for the nation's treasury. The United States now spends approximately seven hundred millions annually on the current ex- T. sor of bacteriology and member of the executive committee of the ) medical school, is a modest, unas- suming, and amicable personality - who has spent the greater part of his life bettering conditions fo'r hu- manity. To his students he has al- )ways been a most popular tdacher and yet a severe enough supervisor d to arouse the admiration of all. To the University he is a man who has ) preeminently represented the in- stitution for more than 45 years. ) Michigan knows him as the foun- der, with Dr. V. C. Vaughan, of the - first hygienic laboratory in the United States, an untiring worker in connection with the purification of the state's water supply, and one of the leading authorities on the science of the germ theory of disease. To the world he is one of those remarkably few individuals who have made the sacrifice of devot- ing an entire lifetime to the study of human problems. Doctor Novy was born Dec. 9, 1864, at Chicago, Ill. By the time he was 27 years of age he had earn- ed four degrees at the University of Michigan, BS., M.S., Se.D., and M.D. While acquiring those four degrees he also studied abroad, un- der the famous Koch in Berlin, and at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Since then he has received an L.L.D. and honorary letters from other institutions. His first position with the Uni- versity faculty was taken in 1886 SwhenDoctor Novy became an as- sistant in the department of or- ganic chemistry. From there he advanced to an instructorship, and then became, respectively, assist- ant professor, associate professor, and professor. In 1902 he was made full professor in the department of bacteriplogy and Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the Uni- versity, both of which positions he is still capably filling, as well as serving as Director of Pre-Clinical medicine and spending much of his time on research activities. I1 4901, the United States Gov- ernment appointed Doctor Novy a member of the commission to in- vstigate plague. He was, for a two-year period, a member of the state board of health. He is still a member of the National Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of the Harvey Society of New York, and of the Pathological So- ciety of Philadelphia. He also be- longs to numerous other scientific organizations, both in this counfry and abroad. Perhaps one of the most out- standing of the numerous honors which have been bestowed upon the distinguished scientist is the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He was awarded this degree in 1924 by the French Government in rec- ognition of his extensive achieve- ments in the field of bacteriology, especially in consideration of his prominent participation in t h e Pasteur Centennial, and work in the Pasteur Institute, as well as in the organization of the Interna- tional Congress of Public Hygiene, held in Strassburg. This degree, which is conferred for contribu- tions to th advancement of civili- zation, is the highest honor bes- towed upon a foreigner by any na- tion. In 1926, Doctor Novy was made the recipient of the Henry Russel lecture award of this University and last year he was selected Kober lecturer at Georgetown University. Both of these tributes were made on a basis of contributions to sci- entific investigation. Two years ago a magnificent portrait of Doctor JNovy was pre- sented to the University by his friends. Many of his former stu- dents were notified of the fund which was being raised for the pic- ture and it was so over-subscribed that many sums had to be returned to the donors. ;The presentation took place on the Doctor's sixty- fifth birthday, and the portrait now hangs in Alumni Memorial hall. Last year Doctor Novy received the Decoration of the White Cross of Czecho-Slovakia. A week later he was one of three faculty mem- bers to be honored by a joint ses- sion of the Michigan State Legisla- ture. Doctor Novy has all his life been AM r ., ', ;, A 3 I m' , --, e o ,.