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November 11, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-11

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ANN IBD OLDCampus Jugglers Going Strong
C [ TOUlN #With Petition Suspended in Air
The student council petition for ond petition was sent to the senate,
revision of the organization to beseeching that body not to remove
revamp it 'as a faculty-student it from the map of campus organ-
group, presented last year, is in the izations. New members were ap-
midst_ of a trip on what may de- pointed to fll out the roster of the
velop Into a long, long road. council.
University Groups to Cooperate It seems that the council decided So the senate said, "Oh, well,"
in Observance of Armistice last spring that the above-men- and returned the original petition
DayProgam tioned- revision would be in the best to the council. Yesterday it was
interests of the University; conse- learned from Joseph A. Bursley,
SOLDIERS WILL PARADE quently a petition to that effect dean of students, that thecouncil
SOLDERSWIL PAADE was submitted to the University has only one. course of action, if
--- senate, after the proposal was it wants to act at all. Of course it
Morning Classes to be Dismissed; passed by a ten to one campus vote. can stick the petition behind the
Banks and County Offices Planning to discontinue the old teapot in the China cabinet or
council, when e 1 e c t i.o n s came something, but the only thing it
Will Be Closed, around last spring campus politi- can DO is to refer it back to the
cal leaders decided not to elect any senate.
Ann Arbor today will pay tribute new members to that body to re- Now since the senate has already
to its soldier dead and honor those place those graduating, and await- referred it back to the council for
who fought for the Allied cause in ed a decision from the senate. action once, it is obvious that, in
the struggle 13 years ago. '.All summer long the petition was observation of its previous policy,
With appropriate services, mark- pigeon-holed, and then the other it will refer it to the council for
ed with simplicity, civic and Uni- day it was decided by the surviving action once more.
versity groups will unite in observ- members of the council that maybe The petition, it appears, is in for
ance of Armistice Day. From 10:25 they were wrong. Promptly a sec- a hard winter.
to 11 o'clock; public service will be. . .
held in Hill auditorium.
Military organizations, together
with auxiliary groups, will parade
prior to the ceremonies.S P AHW the S
lead of the procession will be a'
marshall and his staff, heads of
ofad thoit.vfO O P NENTS HA1 SCLOSE POLL
the various military organizations O
Flags the parade route, flags' will R. S. Ward, Campus Party Head, Herman Timpf Elected President
be displayed, at the request of , Invades Luncheon Meeting by Small Margin of
Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, who yes- With Charges. Two Votes.
'terday issued jhis' Armistice Daly
proclamation. Attacking the Union party ,of the By Barton Kane.
at East ad Sout Universstyeml freshman class asa "product of or- Politicians of the freshman phar-
nues, and proceed directly to the ganizations which have deviated macy class thronged to the polls
auditorium along East and North from their original purpose to dab- last week in one of the most bit-
University avenues. The units par- ble in plitical management," Rob- terly fought campaigns in the his-
ticipating will be, in the order ert S. Ward, Campus party politi- tory of the entire freshman class,
niam e d, the Varsity-R. 03. T. C, in etraivddhsopn
band; Company K, Michigan N clan, yesterday invaded his oppon- and elected Herman Timpf presi-
tional Guard, leading the troops; ents' territory to declare war at dent by a two-vote majority, it was
the R.O.T. C. and uniformed con- their luncheon meeting..revealed yesterday.
tingents as escorts to the veteran Ward, wha Nrwas president of his Robert Tilford made campus his-
organizations. class at Northwestern high school RoetTfrdm ecapsh-
Lreadin the units will be Henry in Detroit, referred in eloquent tory for unsuccessful politicians.
J.'Coliau, commander of the Vet- terms to the two women running He ran for president, vice-presi-
erans of t h e Spanish-American on the campus ticket. He stated dent, secretary, and treasurer, and
war, acting as marshal. His staff that they were, "individuals con- was defeated for every office. Each
will include Edgar J. Dwyer, com- spicuous because of the combia time he receive one vote
Aanderteofl theneteransxof Foreign -ti.n o. VWQ garcterics .generajr .
Wars,DL. Tappe, American Legion ly contrasted in their sex, namely AIthough the election was ex-
com andet, and representatives of pulchritude and initiative." tremely close, the Student Council
other'organizatiofs. The two women referred to are announced that there would beno
As part of the observance, the Ruth Bradner, Mosher Jordn, and recount as only four members of
- University will dismiss all morning Jeannette Greene, Alpha Chi Ome- the class voted. Even this number
classes.City hall offices will be ga. is a larger percentage of the class
closed intil 1 o'clock. Banks and Ward concluded, his speech with than is usually on hand for elec-
county 6ffices will be c 1os e d a flourish embodying the repre- tions. There were only seven first
throughout, the day, while special sentative platform of the campus year men enrolled in the phamacy
assemblies are planned ih the pub- party. were at the polls to see that their
i schools- s erespective candidates got elected.
At Hill ausdiorium addresses will Angelo Stori secured the vice-
A be made inoehuf, Aerican, niL U presidency by succeeding in getting
behalf of Americanthe opposition to split their ballot.
British, and French veterans, while He secured two votes and each of
the national anthems of the three his opponents' got one.
countries will be played by th Var- James Colliton also secured two
sity-R. 0. T. C. band. Col. A. H. votes to win the race for the sec-
Lovell, assistant dean of the' engi- vodety .ine as fotedse
'neering college and president of White, Sahlui, Martindale Pickedearysip. Alvin Sas posdone
the Ann Arbor Army and Navy by Seniors; Matthews Named and Tilford also gt his custiary
club, will preside. The invocation b
cl, will give b The Rev Aen as Junior Class Leader. Sass was more successful in' the
-will be given by the Rev. Allen J. ,race for treasurer and was elected
Babcock, and the benediction by In a spirited election marked by by a two vote majority.
the Rev. R. N. McMichael. close , balloting Malcomb R. Stir- At the present time there are
'Inton, independent, defeated William three students in the pharmacy
E. .hyoterschool freshman class who are not
IE. Tschumy for the presidency of class officers. They are, Cassie Ko-
the senior class of the College. of siba, William McCausland, and Har-
Architecture yesterday. old Skellan.
OSA c John J. White, J -rson the three-
Jcornered race for vice-president by ProfeJWorHwM ,hores-
outbidding Huston Colvin and WilA-dresses A
'Marriage of Convenience' Given liam R. Balbach, independents. In Apha Na
by Pla Production Before the, balloting for secretary, Hans ---
y ay Sahlin edged out Margaret Keeler Three interpretations may be
Capacity Audience. in a close contest. placed upon literature according to
For the office of treasurer, John Prof. Howard M. Jones in his ad-
Formally ushering in the 1931 D. Martindale won more handily, dress last night before members of
dramatic season, "A Marriage of defeating Donald Gilman 55 to 23 Alpha Nu.
Convenience" was presented last in the only sizeable margin of the An interesting but not a signifi-

night by play production before a day. Willard J. Wendt and Stan- cant point of view, Professor Jones
packed house at the laboratory ley Fleischaker were elected to stated, is the formal interpretation.
theatre. The gay French comedy, serve as senior representatives to This is done by comparing works of
of manners by Sydney Grundy, as the Architectural Society Council. authors and pointing out the dif-
adapted from a Dumas drama, was In the elections of the junior ferences of the mechanics in the
well received by an audience com- class of the architectural school, writings.
posed chiefly of faculty members Paul Mathews was named president, The aesthetic interpretation re-
and administration heads, accord- Sherman Hatch, vice-president, lates to the app;reciation one de-
ing to the statement of Valentine William Brown, secretary, and rives from reading a particular
B. Windt, directdr. James E. Appel, treasurer. Richard writing. The future of the economic
Play production a c to r s who Bailey and William Buderus, were type is doubtful, but it would prob-
brought to life the personalities of elected as representatives to the ably be based upon social psychol-
the nineteenth century play in- architectural society. Robert Bro- ogy. According to Professor Jones.
lude John C. La Doll, Grad., who die was chosen for the J-Hop com- the present period is of the most
played the part of -Le Conte de mitteemah. interest in the literature field.
Caudol, Martha E. Scott, '32, who -
was LaComtesse, and William But- MICHIGAN ORGANIZED FIRST UNION
C e aer de Va cl e par e- IN MID-WEST, SAYS EDWARD KUHN
Herbert Millike, '33, gave a ren-
dition of the part of Le General, The history, aims, and present which stood upon the site of the
while Ruth Stesel, '33, and Jack organization of the Michigan Un- present Union, according to Kuhn.
Nessle, '33, played the parts of Mar- ion were discussed last night by The new building was started in
tin and Jasmin. The single set for Edward W. Kuhn, '32, recording- 1917 to take care of the numerous
the play, an eighteenth century secretary of the Union, in an ad- meetings held there.
drawing room was designed by dress before Adelphi House of Rep- "The Union does an annual busi-
Orin Parker, '32. resentatives. ness of $750,000, most of which goes
(ther nlav nrnductinn sturents -urhn , qtha+Pr1 that the original to nav off the mnrteaae on the

M1 is P.A14;* MEETING
Convention Will Be Held Under
Sp'onsorship of Sigma
Delta Chi.
Discussion Groups Will Be Held
on Friday and Saturday;
Banquet at Union.

3 Men Injured in Auto
Crash Near Ann Arbor
In a head on collision at 7 o'clock
last night, 3 men were seriously
injured 9 1-2 miles west of Ann
Arbor on Pleasant Lake Road.
Manuel Stollsteimer, 38, of Pitts-
field township, was driving east to
Ann Arbor when he collided with
Julius Fritz, 59, of Saline. Stoll-
steimer had with him Fred'Gutek-
unst, of Pittsfield township, and
Fritz had as a passenger Charles
Stollsteimer, 58, of Ann Arbor. The
Stollsteimers are notrelated.
Gutekunst, Fritz, a n d Charles
Stollsteimer received severe bruises,
lacerations, and possible skull frac-
tures They are all in St. Joseph's
hospital. Manuel Stollsteimer re-
ceived minor bruises and lacera-
tions. Both cars were completely
Prof. Onderdonk

Selection of dates, appointment
of a general chairman and the
drawing up of a tentative schedule
for the annual meeting of the
Michigan Interscholastic Press as-
socation were announced yester-
day by Carl S. Forsythe, '32, prsi-
dent of the Michigan chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-,
sional journalistic fraternity, which
sponsors the convention.
The dates for the meeting were
set for Dec. 3, 4, and 5, with George
A. Stauter, '33, appbigted to act
as general chairman of the 1931
meeting. More than 200 high school
journalists are expected to attend.'
Changes Contemplatel. b
The program this year will be
similar to the one followed last
year, although several changes are
contemplated. Members of t'h e
journalism department of the Uni-
versity will serve As associate ad-
visors, while sub-chairmen will be
named within the next two weeks.
Letters to high school students, ad-
visors, and principals throughout.
the state will be in the mails by
that time.
Members of Sigma Delta Chi,
the journalism faculty, students in
journalism class, and participants
in past M. I P. A. meetings will
comprise the membership of the
committees. I
Banquet Friday.
The first day of the convention
will be given over to registration.
Discussion groups will be held Fri-
day and Sat-urda yhile a -banquet
will be held Friday night in the .
Union. Speakers will be announced -
at a. later date.
Forsythe and C. Hart Schaaf, '34,.
will attend the national convention
of Sigma Delta Chi which convenes
next Monday in Minneapolis.. They
will leave Ann Arbor Saturday, re-
turning the following Saturday.
University Students and Faculty
Are Invited to Attend
Meeting at Union.
Television will be demonstrated
before the thirteenth annual press
club convention Friday, Nov. 20.
This is the first time it has been
shown since the New York radio
Marvels in recent scientific dis-
covery will be expla'ined and dem-
onstrated by Dr. E. W. F. Alexan-
derson, consulting engineer of the
General Electric company, and L.
A. Hawkins, executive engineer of
the General Electric company. The
meeting will be held in the Union
ballroom, and will be open to Uni-
versity students and faculty as well
as the press of the state.
The University Press Club of
Michigan, including in its member-
ship 20 editors and publishers of
the state, was organized thirteen
years ago under the auspices of the
department of journalism. Profes-
sor John L. Brum, its original
sponsor and first president, and for
the past twelve-years its secretary-
treasurer, explained that the chief
purpose of the club is to bring the
press of the state into close con-
tact with the University.
Foreigners to Speak
at (OlderBoys' Meet
Several foreign students have ac-
cepteddinvitations to speak at the
State Older Boys' conference, it has
been announced by Dallas Dort,
'33L, chairman of the international
committee of the Student Christian
association. Topics of the talks will
be relative to social and political
problems of the ;speakers' coun-

ChineseMass Forces


Attacks Clique
for Causing War

"A clique of perhaps fifty per- intentons of resiginga r te ena
sons, caring more for the acquisi- of the current year. President Low-
tioh of glittering medals than the ell is now 74, and has been presi-
well-being of humanity was respon- dent of Harvard for the past 22
sible for the World War," declared years.
Dr. Francis F. Onderdonk, profes-
sot in the college of Architecture,
in an address which he delivered
yesterday before members of tile
Tolstoi league and the general pub-
"Th spark that started the GUILTY OF MIJFIDER
World War," declared Dr. Onder-
donk, "was inconsequential. If the
Archduke Ferdinand had not been Keywell, Milberg, and Bernstein
assassinated, some other agency Convicted of Slaughter
would very soon have touched off of Three Rivals.
the vast pile of disgusting rubbish
which militarism had piled to the DETROIT, Nov. 10.-(P)-Three
skies over all Europe. members of the once powerful
"Purple Gang" were convicted of
first degree murder today for the
slayingof three rival gangsters:
Those convicted were Ray Bern-
stein, Harry Keywell, and Irving
Milberg, named by the police as
'three of the four gunmen who
War Debt Payments Responsible killed Joseph Sutker, Hymie Paul,
and Joe Lebovitz,-Sept. 16 in an
for World Economic Crisis, apartment on Collingwbod A v e.
He Tells Parliament. Harry Fleisher, the fourth man
named, has not been arrested.
LONDON,' Nov. 10.-(IP)-Backedt The verdict against the men was
by an unprecedented majority, returned by a recorder's court jury
.M r o f after less than two hours of delib-
Prime Mmiister MacDonald faced eration. The men will be sentenced
the first full session of the House by Judge Donald Van Zile next
of Commons today and pledged the week. Defense counsel said they
national government's efforts to would appeal the verdict.
produce remedies for the world's The defense rested its case in re-
economic crisis acceptable to all corder's court yesterday without
nations. presenting a single witness. The
bulk of the state's case was based
He bitterly criticized a system4 of on the testimony of Solomon Le-
"'crazy economy" on reparations vine, friend and business associate
and war debts which he said had of the victims and an eye-witness
brought about the distressing ec- of the slaying. Levine identified
onomic situation into which the the defendants and Fleisher as the
'world has fallen since the World men who shot his friends after
War. calling them to the apartment for
"As long as the will of man forc- a conference which was expected
es an unnatural economic adjust- to iron out certain underworld dif-
ment upon the world," he said, "the ferences.
world will never succeed or pros-
per." I nter fraternity Group
The leader of the Labor opposi-
tion, George Lansbury, lashed the Meeting Date Altered
new government for what he term-
ed the vagueness of its progr-.m and The second regular meeting) of
flayed the prime minister person- the Interfraternity council will be
ally for the role he was playing. held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night
The members gasped as he waved a in the office at the Union instead
copy of King George's inaugural ad- of tonight as previously announced
dress and said, "This innocuous by Howard Gould, secretary-treas-
docufnent known as the .King's urer. A proposed change of the
speech is full of emptiness from be- date of the first Wednesday dinner
ginning to end." will be discussed.



"Three thousand years have lift-
ed us from Homer to movies."
With these words Dr. James J.
Walsh, noted author and lecturer,
speaking at Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre last night launched an at-
tack on the evolutionary theory of
human progress in defense of, his
theory that the thirteenth and not
the twentieth as popularly sup-
posed was the greatest of centur-
ies. Dr. Walsh spoke under the
auspices of the Newman club, Cath-
olic student organization. His topic
was "The Thirteenth, the Greatest
of Centuries."
"When we consider the great
works of the past in the fields of
art, literature, painting, architef-
ture, sculpture, . music, and the
crafts, we must concede that the
twentieth century is decidedly not
in it.
"If we are to decide what is the
greatest period in human history,"
Dr. Walsh said. "then we are quite


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