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November 10, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-10

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VOL. XLII. No. 38,



- I..

i .

Distribute Pamphlets Containing
Former President's
1928 Speech.
Senators Predict' Congressional
Investigation of Whole
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-()-
Still incumberect by controversy
with the White House, the Navy
League broke once more into print
today, using this time not its own
words, but those of Calvin Coolidge.
With Armistice Day approaching,
the League distributed to newspap-
ers a pamphlet repriniting in whole
the address made by the farmer-
president on the 1928 anniversary'
of the world's war ending. Para-
graph after paragraph of the text,'
calling attention to the need for
considerable naval armament, has
been printed in bold type to stand
out from the rest.
Expect Gardiner Reply.
Publieation of the booklet was in-
tended long before President Wl-
11a m Howard Gardiner of the
League brought upon his head the3
wrath and investigation of the
White House by denouncing the
Hoover naval policy. Gardiner is.
expected by his friends to make,
a reply within two days or so to
the report of the Hoover five-mana
committee which held his attack
unsound and. full of inaccuracies.
It appears certain this will not be
an 'apology but rather a cou'ter-
The gathering hosts of CongressI
brought some more- comment to
bear during the day on the Gard-
iner-Hoover in ident. .
Senator Swanson, Virginia Dem-
ocrat, and Senator Couens, Re-
l ;cjn l 'ign, redcted~ aT
Congressional inve'igation 'of the
whole question..
Couzens held that any charges
against the President should be ex-
amined by Cbngress, and his re-
mark was interpreted as carrying
an implied criticism of the Hoover
appointed investigation.
Senator Lewis, Democrat, Illinois,
also made this, oberservation.
"I was surprised to'see the presi-.
dent give such heed and import-
ance to the incident. I supposed
the Presidert would let his policits
answer the accusation."t
Slate Bulltins
Monday N ember 9 1931 *
DETROIT-With a parade of war
veterans and Appropriate exercises,
D e t r oi t Wednesday will observe
Armistice Day. The line of march
for the procession is expected to
be the largest to parade here on an
Armistice Day in the last decade.
ESCANABA-Pur ch ase by the
Ford Motor Co. of 500 acres of
muck land near Gladstone, to be
divided into home sites and fam-
ily farms for workers in that pro-
posed Ford plant at Gladstone, was
announced here today. One hun-
dred men, selected from the unem-

ployed of Escanaba and Gladstone,
will be put to work clearing the
HOWELL--Martin John McPher-
son, 90 year old banker, died at his
home here today. He was president
of the McPherson state bank and
had many other business interests.
FLINT-Theodore Cotharin died
today from a revolver wound in-
flicted, police say, by Alfred Kim-
ball in a quarrell several days ago
in the restaurant where Kimball
was a waiter. Kimball said Cothar-
in began throwing bricks after be-
ing iejected from the restaurant..
LANSING-Fifteen hundried dele-
gates are expected to attend a
three-day conference on c h i l d
health which opened here today,
on call of Gov. Wilber M. Brucker.
JACKSON - Officers made their
annual report today at the annual
convention of the Michigan W. C.-

Gov. Long Acts As His Own Counsel

Huey P. Long, governor of Louisiana and senator-elect, who brushed
aside his staff of attorneys and argued his own case in court at Shreve-
port when Paul N. Cyr, lieutenant governor, brought ouster proceedihgs
claiming that Long had vacated executive office to become United States:
senator. Long is shown in court with J. G. Palmer of Shreveport, one'
of his attorneys.
Major Edwards Denies He Refused
Slosson Part in Armistice Program

Reports that the Armistice Day
exercises planned by the Army and
Navy club would be used as a means
to conduct a debate on disarma-
ment and that Prof. Preston W.
Slosson had been refused a place
on the program ,as a speaker for
"the other, side," were denied last
night by Maj. Basil D. Edwards,
R.O.T.C. commandant of the Uni-
The controversy was first opened
last Saturd'ay when two represen-
tatives, one each from the Council
of Religion and Committee on Dis-
armament, called nIMajor Edwawrds
and requested that Professor Slos-
son be permitted to speak for "the
other side."
T h e representatives, Mj. Ed-
wtaa said;,'Wreerefrred"to Alfred
H.'Lovel, assistant dean of the En-
gineering college, who is president
of the Ann Arbor Army and Navy
'Not in Charge' Edwards Says.
"I told them that I was not in
charge o( the exercises, and told
the.m who was in charge. I had no
right to 'refuse' their request and
did not refuse it. I did tell them
that the program for the exercises
had been completed."
Professor Slosson did not make
such a request Major Edwards said,
and added that the history profes-
sor hed been asked by a group of
students to present an address "if
The statement of Major Edwards,
however, was followed by one is-
sued by Elizabeth M. Norton, '33,
of Ann Arbor, in which she said
that the committee intended "no
Dr. Onderdonk to Describe First
Hand Impressions of Events
Leading to Combat.
First hand impressions of the
events directly connected with the
assasination of Austrian. C r o w n
Prince Franz Ferdinand will be
described by Dr. Francis S. Onder-
donk, professor in the College of
Architectuhe, in a lecture to be giv-
en under the auspices of the Tol-
stoi league at 4:15 o'clock this af-
ternoon in room 231, Angell hall,
the topic of which will be: "The
Spark That Started The World
Dr. Onderdonk was studying in
the University of Vienna during the
summer of 1914, and has many per-
sonal recollections of the event. He
was also a friend of the Archduke's
secretary, and was able to gain ac-
csafter the assasination event,
to correspondance which had been
taking place. He is thus thoroughly
familiar with his subject. In his
lecture, he will present many phas-
es of the occurrence which are not
universally known.
Engineer Graduates
to Listen to Worley
A graduate luncheon for chemi-

Conference Called
An advertising conference for
advertisers in The Daily will be
held at 3:30 o'clock this after-
noon in the Press Building, May-
nard street.
The conference w 11 be in
charge of Charles T. Kline, bus-
iness manager of The Daily.
Problems pertinent to both The
Daily and the advertisers will be
discussed, Kline said.
attack against the courage of World
'War 'heroes."
"In as much as the Army and
Navy club had planned a program
for the morning of Nov. 11," Miss
Norton said, "it was believed that
the R.O.T.C. group and the disarm-
ament group could well meet to-
gether to honor those who died in
the last war and that it was appro-
priate to include in the program
a talk stressing the need for work-
ing for peace in the future. I
'Compatible With Proclamation.'
"Such a talk," Miss Norton add-
ed, "is fully compatible with Presi-
dent Hoover's official proclamation
on how Armistice Day should be
Miss Norton charged Major Ed-
wards with misconstruing the term
"other, side," declaring 'hat "the
only purpose was to bring before
the audience the fact that the dead
heroes had died to end war and
that this objective should not be
In answer to Miss Norton's charg-
es that he had "miscontrued" the
term "the other side," Major Ed-
wards said that, when asked by the
representatives that "the o t h e r
side" be presente'd, he could con-
ceive of no "other side" except a
position that World War soldiers
andtsailors "ought not to be hon-
"Consequently one desiring to in-
troduce a speaker into this pro-
gram to present the other. side', is
similar to an atheist asking that he
be permitted to debate with a min-
ister engaged in holding Easter
services in his church.
Sophomore Engineers
Elect Class Officers
In an election marked by spli
ballots, Fred L. Johnson, running
on a non-partis'an ticket, won te
presidency of the sophomore engi
neering class yesterday by a fiv
rvote m ajority. t f
Richard McManus, progressive
was elected vice-president; West
* over Lewis, progressive, won the
secretaryship, and Arthur Effers
on a non-partisan ticket, treasurer
Because of the closeness of th
race for the vice-presidency, whic
McManus won by one vote ove
James Doty, a recount was held.
Johnson defeated Albert Little
59 to 54, while McManus beat Doty
56 to 55. Lewis won over Stewar
Crane,,62 to 50. Effers' margin ove
Richard Lishow was 10 votes. 59 t

Aims of Government Laid Down
in Radio Broadcast
by Premier.
With Fulfilling of Traditions,
Commons Will Get Down
to Active Work.
LONDON, Nov. 9.-(RP)-Amid the
most gorgeous display of pageantry,]
Great Britain can muster, King1
George V will open Parliament to-
Then, the traditions fulfilled, the
new House of Commons will get i
down to work on a program made,
public tonight by Prime Minister
MacDonald in a speech at the Lord
Mayor's banquet at the Guild hall.
His address was broadcast to the
United States.
Cabinet to 'Serve Nation.'
Pointing out that the cabinet had
been formed "to serve the nation in
overcoming special difficulties," Mr.
MacDonald enumerated these six
cardinal aims:
1. To stablize the pound.
2. To balance the nation's trade.
3. To maintain a balanced bud-
4. To participate in the dominion
conference at Ottowa, with a view
to closer empire cooperation.
5. To work for the success of the
disarmament conference.
6. To give India a workable con-
Accompanied by Queen Mary, the
King will set out from Buckingham
Palace at 11 a. m. in the state
coach which, in its splendor of gold
and glass and painted panels, is
one of the most ornate vehicles in
existence. Behind the coach will
come the household cavalry in sil-
ver breastplates and helmets with
tossing plumes.
King to Lead Speech.
The final scene ,will take place
in the glittering debating chamber
itself where, standing on the throne
and wearing crowns and robes, with
the Queen ever more resplendent
beside him and the Prince of Wales,
also robed, a little lower on the
dias, his Majesty will read the
"King's speech" prepared for him
by his ministers. Then Parliament
will be declared open.
Koella Unravels Mystery; Windt
Accepts Explanation.
rA father, god father, and a step-
father arose yesterday to claim "A
Marriage of Convenience" as their
Following the announcement on
Sunday that an author for the play
was missing, further investigation
by Charles E. Koella, of the French
department, revealed that Alexan-
der Dumas with the assistance of a
collaborator wrote a drama entitl-
ed, "Un Mariage sous Louis XV."
Based on this play, it was said,
Sydney Grundy wrote the "Mar-
riage of Convenience" in English.
The fresh discovery came as a
surprise to Play Production as its
director, Valentine Windt had al-
ready become reconciled to the pre-
sentation of a play of alleged illegi-
timate origin.
'Haphazard Activity'

HindersSpeech Field
There is altogether too much
"haphazard activity" being con-
ducted that fails to serve any pro-
per objective in the field of speech,
Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of the
speech department, declared over
t WJR yesterday on the first pro-
gram of "Speech Week," directed
eprimarily to the Michigan high
-school students.
What is needed most in schools
and colleges ProfessordO'Neill said,
is a carefully planned adaptatior
lof facilities available to objectives
that should be sought.
. First Exchange Forum
e Scheduled for Nov. 23
h **
r The first of a series of exchange
forums, sponsored by the Student
, Christian association will be 'held
, Monday, Nov. 23, in Lane hall au-
't ditorium. Professor Harrison, of Al-
r bion college, will speak on "Relig-
o inn in Humnmnism."

.Leaders Plan Early Conferences
to Form Legislative
House Control Likely; Hoover
* Asks, ReceivesSupport
on Program.
WASHINGTON, N o v. 7.-(P)-
Party plans for the coming session
took clear outline today, particu-
larly those of the Democrats-al-
most in control of Congress.
With the Democrats almost cer-
tain to organize the House, Sena-
tor Harrison, of Mississippi, gave
notice that if any vacancies occur-
red during the session to give his
party a plurality in the Senate, it
would take over the reins there.
Heartened by the trend of recent
elections, Democrat leaders in both
the House and Senate plan early
conferences to frame a legislative
program. It will be directed prin-
cipally to a party policy bn taxes
and the tariff.
May Control Revenue Bills.
Democrat control of the House
would put the party in command
of the powerful ways and means
committee which originates all rev-
enue raising legislation.
President Hoover has asked and
received bi-partisan support on the
emergency economic program in-
volving revision of the federal
banking system and the one-year
moratorium on war debt payments.
,While he will urge non-partisan
consideration of measures aimed at
meeting an economic emergency,
there is no indication that any
coalition rule will be sought.
This Congress, meeting less than
a month hence, will run until the
national party convention of next
June and with a presidential cam-
paign ahead the party leaders will
be keeping a close eye on making
the 'record for ,the election drive.
Senator Robinson already h a s
advocated tariff revision at this
session. This may be undertaken
by the Democrats should they com-
mand the House but there is little
liklihood that such action could be
made effective over a certain veto
by President Hoover.
Against Tax Revision.
Tax revision is another trouble-
some issue. Senator Harrison has
declared against any increase in
tax rates.
Many of his party colleagues,
however, disagree with him.
The Republicans made a plural-
ity of one in the Senate but the
tendency of the Democrats and
western independent republicans to
jpin on important issues has made
their control a: flimsy thing in the
Short Time Remains
for Senior Pictures
Eight days are left in which
seniors may purchase E n s i a n
coupons entitling them to pho-
tographs in the yearbook. The
official photographers are Dey,
Spedding, Rentschler, and Arm-
The Ensian office in the Press
building, where coupons may be
obtained will be open from 1 to
5 o'clock daily. In a d d i ti o n
booths will be set up in both the
dental school and hospital for

the convenience of dental and
medical students. The booth at
the Hospital will be open from
1:15 to 2:15 today, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday in the rear
of the amphitheatre on the sec-
ond floor. The dental booth will
be open at 5 o'clock on the same
days in the lobby of that build-

'Pots', Council Decrees;-,Freshmen
Told to Wear Caps or Miss Smoker
A "pot" is all you need to go to for the entertainment of the first-
the freshman smoker at 8 o'clock year men. There will also be sev-
tonight in the Union. eral members of the Varsity fenc-
The Student Council is sponsor- ing squad who wi hold matches
ing a get together for first year, with the foils, saers and epees.
men where class unity, Midhigan Varsity wrestlers aid tumblers will
spirit, and "pot" wearing' will be also put on exhibitions.
stressed. Cigarettes, cider, and dogghnuts
There won't be any admission will be given as refreshments. One
chare but freshrAen hive to show of the purposes of the smoker is

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