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November 08, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-08

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. u

Tradtion and Personality Rivalry
Will Make This Encounter
of Major Interest.
(Special to I helee aily)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 7.--
Indiana's battle-scarred grid war-
riers renew their rivalry with
Northwestern next Saturday when
they invade Dyche Stadium for
their second trip to the Windy City
this fall. The Hoosiers first ap-
pearance in Chicago was highly
successful. TheyacrushedeChicago
Game is Large (Order. -
The order against Northwestern
is a considerably larger one. In-
diana and Northwestern extend
their football tradition back to 1899
when the two teams met for. the
first time. Since then they have
clashed 19 times and the count s
rather evenly divided, with Indi-
ana winning 8 and losing 11.
Strange to say, most of the Indi-
ana victories have been in recent
years against the powerful Wild-
cat machines.
Both teams have old debts to
settle. The Wildcats' haven't for-
gotten the beatings handed them
in 1927, 1928, and 1929 when the
Crimson built up their famous jinx
winning streak. It hasn't been
easy either for Indiana to forget
the 1930 homecoming celebration
marred by Northwestern 25-0.
Hoosier Chances Slim.
Indiana coaches, fans, and play-
ers make no pretentions about
thinking Indiana stacks up favor-
ably against the Cats in pre-game
dope, but it is true that the Wild-
cats have no more edge this year
than in the three games previous
to last year. The Hoosiers are pre-
paring to make a real stand.

Wolverines Triumph
Over Indiana Eleven
With 22 to 0 Score
(Contiiued From Page it
The remaining two Michigan
touchdowns were the result of two
long passes, both by Harry New-
man, which incidentally were the
only passes completed by the Wol-
verines all afternoon. The first, a
long 30-yard heave to Williamson,
was thrown from the 45-yard line,
the Michigan end dashing the last
15 yards for the score. This time
Newman's kick was partially block-
ed on the attempt for the extra
Michigan had a great chance to
score lat in the final quarter when
it took the ball on the five-yard
line ith four ow1-s in which to
push it across. At this point, how-
ever, the Crimson line tightened,
and Indiana took the ball on downs
when it was only two yards away
from its final chalk mark.
Immediately Jones kicked out of
danger, but Everhardus, playing
back with Newman, returned the
kick to Indiana's 15-yard marker,
from where, several plays later,
Newman tossed the pass to Hewitt
that scored Michigan's final touch-
down. This time Newman's try for
extra point was successful.
The work of Maynard "Doc" Mor-
rison, Michigan's potential All-
American center, was outstanding
in the line. Playing a roving cent-
er, his great weight and uncanny
ability to diagnose plays, enabled
him time and again to back up the
line and to stop Indiana runners
that had broken through the first
wall of blue clad tacklers. He also
was instrumental in breaking up
the Hoosier's short passing attack,
and at one stage of the game inter-
cepted a pass that gave Michigan
the ball.
Williamson and Petoskey, at thee
ends, both did great work on of-
fense and defense. Williamson con-
tinued his brilliant work in break-
ing through to block opponent's
punts, the veteran flankman get-
ting through twice in this game,
just as he has several times before
in previous games, to block the ball
before the kicker could get it off.
For Indiana the work of Jones,
Dauer, and Anglemeyer was out-
standing. Jones handled all of the
Crimson's punting in addition to
carrying the ball on attempts to
rush the Michigan line. Dauer
looked good both as a ball carrier
and as a passer, while Anglemeyer,
a substitute in the line, stood out
on several occasions when he broke
through to nail Wolverine runners
for a loss.

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the public has shown its whole-hearted

4 to 1 Victory, Margin
Campus Team Win in'
Soccer Match.

of All-






(Continued From Page 6)
Campus group being awarded a
free chance at the goal,. Sidhu
kicking past Araujo, goal, for the
score. Their final score came on a
long kick by Eapen, left forward.
Furgeson Stars.
Furgeson, center forward, was
easily the offensive star of the game
being responsible for much of the
success of his team. Valverde, cap-
tain and right halfback for the
South American team, played a
stellar game on defense, ably as-
sisted by his goal tender, Ararjo.
Marchinco, All-Campus goal, also
played a good defensive game.
The second match of the series
will be played 4:30 Tuesday at
Ferry Field. The players are also
hopeful of playing a match with
Oberlin college next Saturday.
Group is Cosmopolitan.
Over twenty different countries
were represented in the match yes-
terday morning, most of them from
South American nations; India,
Scotland, and the United States
were also represented.
Soccer is the main sport in which
other nationalities are represented
at Michigan, soccer being a more
universal game than football, base-
ball or basketball. In the city of
Detroit, over 30,000 high school
children are playing the game in
addition to the major team.
Tryouts for Freshman Tennis
are to report at Waterman gym-

Eighty Contestants
Enter Ring Tourney

by giving ofdrnan Bros. the greatest
volume capbusiesspeg capita, of any
dry clea ner in the whole nited States.

(Continued From Page 6)
man team while the Sophomore
class will fight the Seniors. The
winners in each individual bou;t
will meet in the finals about two
weeks later. Awards will be in-
tramural sweaters for the winers
and special medals for the runner-
ups. Each bout won will give that
team one point and the tea' score
will be determined by the class re-
cording the most points.,
I$Urr, Patterson & a
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