7 ot__ ___ __E_ MICHCA N DNItY rublishd every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively enttled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news published herein. - Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mater. Special rate of posta;e granted by Third ant I'oatmaster (General, Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Kichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; 'Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF- Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editorial Dirocter...................... ..Beach Conger, Jr. City Eeitor............. ......... r Forsythe News Editor .................................David M. Nichol Sports Ed~tor.................Sheldon 0. Fullerton Wolmn'o Editor......... . . . ..............Margaret . Thompson Assistant News Editor.. . .................Robert 1. Pierce confident and are losing the fear which has so crippled business and buying power. Of course, it isplm.ost impossible to point tol any one thing which might have brought this rise in prices for it is probably the combination of i number of events. Nevertheless, the economic outlook is brighter and that, after all, is the result wanted. The American gold standard is virtually impreg- nable, says Dr. Edwin Kemmerer, financial wizard of Princeton University. A swell way to keep it that -way would be to leave that gold right in the sock. England once had a pretty good gold standard once, too. . The Ann Arbor board of public works is offering a reward of $10 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone damaging a city street sgn. It should be worth $50 at least to find out who has the Little Brown Jug. Current ..Events Questions (See Story on Page 1.) I Identify the following, indicat- ing briefly tl'e part each played in the news of the past month: 1. General Honjo. 2. Oliver Baldwin. 3. Prentiss Gilbert, 4. William E. Borah. 5. Dino Grandi. 6. Sir Oswald Mosley. 7. Erik Axel Karlfeldt. 8. George Washington Memorial Bridge. 9. Patrick J. Hurley. 10 Jnhn L~nnr 1ii frank B. Oilbreth l ,rsolareGoodman Karl Seiffert NIGHT EDITQ J. uiten Jienn tely James Tinglis Jerry . o*ot hal George A. Stnuter Wilber 47. Myera Mrian Joneb Stanley W. Arnheim Lav son E. Becker Thonmas Coitriellaii Samuel Q. Ellis samnue] L. Pinkle Louis B. Gascoigne rorothy Brockmnan N~iriarn Carver Beatrice Collins Louise Crandall Elsie 'eldmar Prudence Foster Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Iluber Norman hrat Poland Martin hIenry Meyer Marion A. Milezewski Aibet I. Newman E. Jerome Pettit Georgia Geisman :Alic~e Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Frances Manchester E'lizabeth Mann John S. Townsentl Charles A. Saifol'd John W. PrIfebard J oseph tRenihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Iillary Barden Dorothy Iundell Elma Wadsworth Joelphine Woodharns Recent new Igh levels in the Chicago grain pits were caused by speculative buying, mark~et experts tell us. Wasn't it something of that same general nature that caused what people spoke of as "the crash" in 1929? S- S' {.. CI CA~WU~ OF~IINII~N tI I I To The Editor: BUSINESS $ATAFF Telephone 21214 No RRIS P. Jf)hNSON ..,.... .... .......Assistant M1'anager Departm~ent Managers Advertising ......... .................. .....Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts ............................Robert Callahan Advertising Service............ ...........Byron C. Vedder 1'ublications... ............................ .William 'T. Brown Circulation............. ...... ..... H arry R.. Bogley Accounts....................................Riejard Stratemcir Women's Business Manager........................Ann W. Verner Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Film Donna Becker Martha Jane Cisrel Genevieve Field Maxine Fiscbgrund Ann Gallmeyer Mary Harriman Assistants John Keysee Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Bernard E. Schnacke Anne Ilarsha Katharine Jackson Dorothy Layin" Virginia MicComb Carolin Mosher iHe tdien Olsen Helen Schmeede Crafton W. Sharp Donald Johnson Don Lyon Bernard H. Good lMfay Seefried 14fnnie 'Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watts Night Editor-KARL SEIFFET SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1931 Be Careful WAith The Football Cards fTWO things come to mind in connection with the. football game today, two things in which the student body should be interested. The first is the football prbgrams, the other the cards used in the cheering section. In the past , it has been customary to charge 50 cents for a combination program and athletic review for one game, and 25 cents for all the other programs. This year, due to business conditions, allprograms were priced at 25 cents. But, due to the fact that the prices were not printed on the' programs this year, many complaints were re- ceived by spectators who had been charged 50 cents for programs, and had found out later that the official price was half that amount. The price of today's\program will be twenty-five cents, and there should be no reason why students should Piave to pay more than that. The cheering section, as it is at present admin- istered, provides adequate color for Michigan's football gam'es. The formations, worked out by the Student Council, come near to perfection, and provide a pleasant and stirring spectacle for the spectators in the other parts of the stadium. The cards, however, were too heavy this year. It has been customary in past years to throw them in the air as soon as the third stunt was done with, or when a touchdown had been made by the Var- sity. Unfortunately, due to the heavy quality of the .cards this year, numerous complaints have ben received that the cards when landing have caused injuries to other spectators. If the students wish to maintain their colorful cheering section, it would be a measure of consid- eration not to throw the cards around as caresly as has been done in the past. We appeal to the students to withhold their exuberance over victory iuntil after the game, and then to display it in some manner. Next year, we have been promised, the cards will be much lighter, and may be tirown away safely by those possessing them. In the in eantime-safety first. Having just finished reading another ' of those periodically precocious editorials (this one entitled politics or politicians) that appear in The Daily, I wonder if it would be deemed out of place to point out one or two of its innumerable fallacies. The question is asked in the editorial, "What is the good of the party?" and this is labelled the spoils system. Does The Daily actually believe that under any system, those elected would not bestow the offices on those who were most instrumental in. the process of getting them elected? We can assume that The Daily is not so naive and on that assump- tion alone we can feel that this letter is not too futile. I wonder if the editorial was not written by a defeated politician? It has the disparaging tone all the losers take on. As a matter of fact, is this not true? Incidentally, the letter in defense of politics is also written by a defeated politician, but one who feels that in general the present system is justifiable, and that those most deserving usually get office. The editorial mentions the good old days when political factions did not control but the most popu- lar men were elected in a more ideal system. Why harp back to the stone age? Conditions are differ- ent today . . . but is it necessary to explain this to you, Mr. Editorial Director? You write, "Originally it was attended." I wonder if you know what our national electoral college was "orginally intended" to be. That our national system has adapted itself to the times is fine, you will probably agree. Is this not true of pur campus political institutions too? Thez editorial expounds the evils of the bargaining for votes. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson found this necessary in the first congress. Campus and national politicians are doing the same thing today. And the editorial ends with the statement that the U. S-abolished the spoils system 50 years ago. I wonder if the greater evils have not only been insti- gated by the Civil service system-which applies only to lower offices-and which 50 years ago was not even acted in its weak form. Ignorance was rampant in the editorial tinged with an outraged idealism, and-oh well. A READER. P. S. Congratulations to The Daily for establishingI its new policy-reporting political caucuses, etc. t The Daily naturally does not expect all to agree with its editorial opinions, least of all a politician of the present type. The Daily has for the last fewI years continually opposed the current political sys-s tem. The editorial was not written by a disappointed candidate. The editors. To The Editor: -- Since the first of the semester we have come tot look upon The Daily as the champion of the student body, a defender of righteousness, the advocate of the oppressed ever ready to fight a courageous cam-t paign for a worthy cause. So it is with some feeling of confidence that I call your attention to 'the fol- lowing condition, The department of athletics is discriminating against the student body in the sale of tickets for the Indiana game. At the begining of the present fttball season the athletic department requested the. dtudents to send in their applications for studentI I ilets. The price quoted on all tickets for the In- diarjagame as you remember was three dollars. Last week, however, due to the lack of public interest in'J football the athletic department decided to cut the; price of tickets below the 20-yard- line to two dollars. This was a good business step but their decisionc not to allow students to exchange their extra three dollar tickets for two dollar tickets was decidedly bad, at least from the viewpoint of the student. This' is evidently a case of discrimination against the stu-C dent and his friends who purchased tickets throught him. No legitimate business concern would conscien- tiously withhold their customers' privilege of ex- .t change unless they were about to go into bankruptcy and since the University of Michigan is a state insti- tution it is difficult to conceive an honest reason why this decision was made by the athletic department. Someone has suggested that the athletic department has been hard pressed of late by the demands of' their protegees for incentives and bonuses. This isz just a facetious comment, of course, but there must1 be some pernicious reason why the athletic depart- ment will not allow the exchange of three dollar tickets for two dollar tickets. We repeat that we do not think this is fair to the students, that our friendsI will cry discrimination,and that we are sorry sucha a thing should happen at the University of Michigan.I iv. jovn n eonar Marti n. Answer the following in a ward or phrase: 1. Who is the Director of the President's Organization on Unpm- ployment Relief? 2. What football player received fatal injuiies in the Army-Yale game? 3. Who is the president of the American Federation of Labor? 4. Who is the campaign daughter of the British prime minister? 5. Who 'wrote "Mourning Be- comes Electra?" 6. Who is the president of the Bank for International Settlements at Basle? 7. Where is the "Radio City?" 8. What importantaevent tpok place on October 27? 9. What world-famed dealer in tea died in October? 10. Who is the Democratic candi- date for Speaker of the House of Representatives? III Indicate which one of the follow- ing "multiple choice" answers is correct in each case: 1. Helen Hicks-aviatrix, actress, champion golfer, member of Parlia- ment . 2. Jose Laval-gave the new flood lights for the Statue of Liberty, a recent guest at the White Iuse, President of Mexico, a movie star. 3. S e a h a m-constituency of a British cabinet minister, a breed of terrier, a Long Island shore re- sort, an American flying field. 4. Bluenose-seaplane, gangster, race horse, fishing schooner. 5. Don Moyle-Spanish politician, aviator, columnist, noted jockey. ) WANT ADS PA Y SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY --Tn FIRST METHODIST EPISGOPAL GHURCH Car. S. ,State and E. Washington Sts. Frederick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair Ministers 1Q:30 A. M--Morning Worship. "PRISONERS OF SELF." 7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship. "THE NEW MOHAMMEDANISM" THE WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets WESLEY HALL 12:00 M.-Classes in Religion. Fresh- men "Training for Leadership," Prof. Carrothers. Undergraduates "Religion of Jesus," Dr. Blakeman. Graduate Forum Chairman, Torn Pryor '26. 6:00 P. M.-Guild Meeting. "Per- sonal Adjustment," Dr. Blakeman Fellowship Discussion. A By Kirke Simpson I WASHINGTON -W h e n Gifford Pinchot dropped into Washington to discuss unrevealed matters with Senator Brookh'rt et al. of the progressive subdivision "on t.h e hill," naturally the Pennsylvanian's supposed presidential aspirations were assumed to have motivated his visit. What more natural than a man hopeful of at least favorable men- tion by the progressives for the, republican nomination next year should call on the lad who has been loudest in shouting "Any- body but Hoover?" Yet the governor's coming may have had quite different portents for a fellow Pennsylvania long res- ident in Washington. It is not of record that Mr. Pin- shot and Senator "Puddler Jim" Davis found anything to talk about. Yet if some astute observers of things political in Pennsylvania udge the signs aright, Senator Davis should be far more concern- ed than anybody else in -Pinchot's comings and goings. A Job .To Do. For the senator, it will .be re called, despite his decisive defeat' of Joseph Grundy -in the last sena- torial primaries and the subsequent smashing victory he recorded at the polls, has it all to do over again. He goes out in 1933, therefore mnust run again next year if he wants to stay in the senate. Yet here is the governor stir- ring about in lively fashion just' now among other things, setting up road camps for the unemployed. That he would like to be nom- inated for the presidency goes without saying. That he expects to be in 1932 is not probable. That he may hope to be in 1936 is quite possible. Pinchot seems already assured of HILLEL FOUNDATION Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the Director Sunday, Nov. 8 11:15 A. M.-Services in the Chapel of the Women's League Building. Rabbi Heller will speak on "What May the University Exect of Its Students?" 8:00 P. M.-Open Forum. Profes- sor Leonard L. Watkins will. dis- cuss "The Crisis in Americai Banking." Conservative services each Friday evening 7:30 P. M. at the Founda- tion. FPMRSIBAVIIS'O GIURCM E. Huron, below State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard :i. Ch4pman, Minister for Students. 9:30 A. M-The Church School Mr. Wallace Watt, superintendent. 10:45 A. M.--Mr. Sayles will preach on "THINGS NOT SHAKEN." 12:00 M.-The stident group wilt meet at Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr. Chlpman will speak on "Confstructiv forts for Peace." 5:30 P. M.-The Young People's Friendship Hour. 6:30 P. M.--Evening meeting. Dr. Ora S. Dufiendack, AssistantkPro- fessor of Physics, will speak on ZiVN LUIHERN CHURCH. Washington Street and 5th Ave. E. C. Stelhorn, Pastor 9:30 A, M.-Bible School. 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv- ice. Subject: "An Aid to Spiritual Growth." CONsISTENT IN YOUR RELIGION FIRST PRESBTiRIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. M~erle 1,LAnderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate 9:30 A. M.-Bible Class for Fresh- men students at theChurch House, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Subject: Bugles or Trumpets- Which?" - 12:00 Noon-Class in Eethical Is- sues in Current Events for Upper- classmen. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P.' M.-Young People's Meet- ing. Leader: Prof. L. 0. Andrews on "World Peacf FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Allison Ray Heaps, Minister 10:45 A. M.-Morning Wohip. Heaps will preach an Armistice Day Sermon. Subject: "The Un- finished Task." 10:45 A. M.-Kindergarten -and rimary departments. 9:30 A. M.--Church Schodi. 5:30 P. M.--Ariston League will meet in Pilgrim Hall. Professor George Carrothers will give an ad- dress and lead a discussion on "Life's Open Door" 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship Social half hour. 6:30 P. M.-Professor Preston W. Slosson Ph.D., will give a lecture on "Downing the Tools of War." Special music. FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv- ice. Sermon topic: "Adam and Fallen Man." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening Testim'onial Meeting. The Reading Room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank Building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) TIIrd and West Liberty Sts, C. A. Brauer, Pastr. Sunday, Nov. 8 9:30 A. M.-German Service. 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 3' ATTEND CHURCH REGULARLY Following The Stock 'Market ' RADUALLY it seems, we are extricating our- selves from the Depression. Although the process is slow, it is, nevertheless, sure and already the most optimistic zre forecasting better times in the very near future. One of the best indications that business is re- turning to a higher plane is the stock market. Hav- ing been in a slough for two years, signs of life are beginning to appear and where losses in stock' quotations were a daily occurrence a few months back, slight gains here and there are becoming nore frequent. Also showing signs of increased activity is the TlE "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASS For all "Michigan" Men. The Class that is "Different." Every Saturday Evening, from Seven to Eight O'clock. "Discussion" Section meets Sun- day Morning at 9:30. 7 1