wAiiz TOL. XLII. No. 35 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1931 PRICE FIVE C '.*.:n .. ; Five men were named by President Hoover to form his committee of vindication against charges made by William H. Gardiner, head of the Navy League. They'are Ernest Lee Jahncke (upper left), assistant secretary of the navy, Eliot Wadsworth (upper right), of Boston; Ad- miral Hugh Rodman (center), retired; William k. Castle( lower left), under secretary of state,. and John Hays Hammond (lower right), of Washington. Wadsworth and Hammond are members of the Navy League. Sta te Bulle Itins tRy Aisocitrd Press) 1 November 5, 1931 CADILLAC-A. L. Burridge, divi- sion engiieer for the state high- way department, has announced that 3,075 men are employed on highway projects in the 25 counties comprising the northern portion of the lower peninsula. PA R M A-The car of Earl C. Michener, of Adrian, representative in Congress, struck and killed Rob- et Moe, 8, on U. S.-12 highway near here late today. Rep. Michen- er said the boy apparently became confused and ran in front of his car. An inquest has been ordered for Friday.. DETROIT -.Sheriff Henry Beh- rendt was recovering today from injuries Wednesday When his car was involved in a collision. At first it was feared he had a brain con- cussion. GRAND RAPIDS-The price of milk was reduced by several large distributors today from 10 cents a quart to 9 cents, with a special price of 8 cents on purchases of three quarts or more. LANSING - The public utilities commission held a hearing today on the petition of the Railway Ex- press Agency for permission to operate a motor transport service between Ludington, Muskegon, Port Roaming through the ruins of a CAMDEN, N. J., Nov. 5.-()- civilization, dead for fifteen hun- Crashing .to earth on a golf course dred years! as it attempted to land at a nearby That was the experiences describ- airport, a Washington bound pa ed by Dr. Sylvanus C. Morley, the irpa bstonto as director of the Chichen Itza project senger plane burst into flames, and associate of the Carnegie Insti- killing five persons. The plane left tute of Washington in a lecture Newark at 5:48 . m. yesterday afternoon at the Natural Those killed, all burned beyond Science auditorium. Dr. Morley recognition, were Floyd Cox, Wash- spoke under the jointauspices of ington pilot; Elmer Smith, 58, lab- the history and geography depart- oratory director, Washington; Ver- mehitst-non Lucas, Washington; George B. Dr. Morley carried his audience Taylor, of the Washington Herald, back with him to the land of the and Francis R. Ehle, Riverton,14 ancient Mayas by means of an elo- J. president of the International quent description of his .explora- Resistence Co., of Philadelphia. tions aided by motion and slide The plane, a high-speed Lock-: pictures. A capacity crowd attend- head-Vega monoplane, owned by ed the lecture. the New York-Philadelphia-Wash- "The importance of the Mayan ington Airways Corp., apparently civilization lay," Dr. Morley aid, "in was gliding to a safe landing when its complete isolation. The Mayans it suddenly nosed to the ground on migrated at an early period to the the Cooper Creek golf course. Yucatan peninsula. Separated from the rest.of the world by the ocean Freshman Elections on three sides and an impenetrableBeN vl wilderness on the fourth they re to Be Held Nov. 2 tained a purity of blood greater than that of any other race. But Elections for the freshman class later they were poioned by their wil be held on Nov. 12, in spite of own unmixed blood and this led to the fact that there have been many their final disintegration." rumors that this date would be: postponed. Any first year student, wishing THE WEATHER to run for an office should present Lower Michigan: Fair Friday, a list of fifty names of freshmen continued cool; Cloudy Saturday, endorsing him, to Edward J. Mc- possibly rain north portions; War- Cormick, '32, president of the Stu- mer Saturday. dent Council. INDEPENDENT VOTING WILL RECEIVE TEST IN NEXT SESSION OF CONGRESS Prof. Pollock Sees Bi-Partisan 1 American parliamentary practice is Legislation as Result of in contrast to that of the British Close Party Lines. and the German where party disci- pline is nearly perfect. "It is idle therefore, to attempt HOUSE DEMOCRATS FIGHT OVER SPOILS OF NEWMAJORITY Floor Leadership, Chairmanships Sought by Northern And Southern Leaders. MAY TAKE SPEAKERSHIP Differences to Be Settled by Democratic Caucus on Dec. 15. WASHINGTON, N o v. 5.-(IP)- House Democrats today began a brisk skirmish for the spoils of vic- tnry, confident of a satisfactory di- vision before engaging in the con- Lest over organization. The prize of floor leadership and a number of chairmenships of im- portant committees is sought by both northern and southern mem- bers. The southern states have ranking Democrats on 29 of the 46 ccmmittees, and with the entire membershdp behind Rep. John N. Garner, of Texas, will take the speakership, if the party is success- ful in the voting on organization. Northern groups are supporting Rep. O'Conner, of New York, Ayres, of Kansas, and Rainey, of Illinois, for the floor leadership. The names of Rep. Byrns, of Tennessee, Grist, of Georgia, M. C. Duffie, of Ala- bama, and Rankin, of Mi'sissippi, have been endorsed by southern groups. Harmony Will Prevail. Assurances that harmony w ill prevail were made by several mem- bers today. The present differen- ces are to be composed at a Demo- cratic caucus Dec. 5. Rep. Ayres said "Since the lead- ership is going south, the leader- ship should go either north or west." He e x p r e s s e d confidence that the Democrats would present a united front to the Republicans in the organization battle and would win. IN MINESHARGE Governor of Kentucky Sends Troops to Coal Fields as Dreiser Starts Probe. FRANKFORT, Ky., Nov. 5.-(P)- A detachment of state troops was ordered to Harlan county today while a committee of writers led by Theodore Dreiser, novelist, as- sembled at. Pineville to organize before invading the coal fields to investigate what Dreiser calls a "reign of terror." Pineville is in Bell county, adjoining Harlan. Gov. Flem D. Sampson ordered out the National Guardsmen Wed- nesday night saying he was doing so "in order that there may be no doubt as to the safety of these visi- tors." Dreiser ha d telegra hed the governor saying he would old the chief executive responsible for any harm that might come to members of his committee. The troops, the governor said, would maintain the "status quo" while the writers are investigating reports of terrorism and suppres- sion of free speech. Dreiser's com- mittee plans to enter Harlan coun- ty Thursday and conduct a meet- ing of the National Miners' union to test the right of free speech. This is the second time this year troops have been sent into the Harlan mine area. Five months ago, after several men had been shot to death in labor-disorders there, approximately 400 National Guardsmen patrolled the area for several weeks before being with- drawn. M INN ESOTA PLAYER GETS DEATH INOTE MINNEAPOLIS, N o v . 5.-()- University of 'Minnesota officials today said Clarence Munn, football captain, h a d received a letter threatening to "get" him but that they planned no investigation. Munn was one of three Minne- sota gridders who received letters mailed from Madison, Wis., offer- ing $1,500 each if t h e y would WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.--(/P)-In the face of President Hoo er's word that falsehood had been uttered, the executive commit of the Navy League today supported William Howard Gardiner, his declaration that the chief executive was injuring the navy at the country's defense. With but one dissenting vote, the group, containing some ou standing figures in American life, issued a declaration of faith in th president of the league and support of the position he had taken. Henry Breckenridge of New York, former assistant secretar of war, dissented ,asserting he could not condone the'"unseemly at By E. Jerome Pettit From present reports it would appear that the Democrats will be able to elect a Speaker and organ- ize the next House of Congress, but their control will rest upon such a narrow majority that it will be quite as much a liability as it is an asset, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department stated yesterday. "Of course no one can wisely say what will happen when Congress meets," Professor Pollock said, "but since the overthrow of Speaker Cannon it has been difficult, if not impossible, to fix responsibility for the legislation of the House of Rep- to predict what will happen in this or in any other Congress. It is true that the Democratic whip cracked very effectively during the sin years of the Wilson administration but that experience is not likely to be repeated in the next Congress. "The control of the Senate as well as that of the House is also uncertain, so that the opponents of strong party rule will have an opportunity of seeing worked out in practice their theory of inde- pendent voting. "The efforts of the elections upon the Hoover administration w ill probably not be so important. The President's difficulties will scarce- 11