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November 04, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-04

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1 .

VOL. XLII. No. 33




Governing Body Makes Drastic
Reduction Totalling Over
Changed Scale Will Not Impair
Quality of Service,w
Says Director.
Drastic reduction of rates at the
University hospital, amounting to
approximately $52,000 a n n u a li y,
were authorized yesterday by the
Board of Regents. New rates are
to apply for state and county
The reduction, which is the sec-
ond within the four months since
July 1, will be e'ffected from sav-
ings resulting from the decreased
cost of hospital supplies, through
the inaugeration of new economies,
and through a cut in the annual
income of the hospital ammount-
ing to more than $20,000.
Pay Patient Rates Unchanged.
Rates for pay patients are to re-
main virtually unchanged while
public patients in the convalescent
wards, will be charged $3 instead
of $3.25 a day; those in four-bed
rooms, $5 instead of $5.50; and
those in two-bed rooms, $5.50 in-
stead of $6.-

Margaret Witttemore Explains
Rights for Women in Industry

By Elsie G. Feldman
"Our greatest contest is getting
equal rights for women in indus-
try," stated Miss Margaret Whitte-
more yesterday afternoon in her
talk on "Equal Rights and the
League of Nations" which she gave
at a Harris Hall tea. Miss Whitte-
more is one of the 16 members of
the Women's Consultative Commit-
tee of the League of Nations at the
present time.
"The reason for this opposition,"
she continutd, "is that women have
largely worked for nothing. Our
principle is that benefits should be
placed on merits rather than on
the sex- of the worker.' There is a
Greeted by Record Government
Representation, Small
Minority Party.
LONDON, Nov. 3. - (P) - The
strangest scene which any speaker
of the House of Commons ever has
loked upon during the five and a
half centuries of that office, today
greeted Capt. Edward Algernon
Fitzroy when, chosen for the third
time' he took his seat as presiding
He saw a record government rep-
resentation of 554 out of 615 mem-.
bers, with a tiny opposition of 61
composed mainly of Labor members
who were huddled in one corner.
And he saw 473 Conservatives-
the largest representation any par-
ty ever has had.'
Scores of the faces were new and
most of those with which he was
familiar were among the members
shpporting Prime Minister Ramsay
MacDonald and his national , gov-
The majority filled their own side
of the House and oyetlQoped into
'the opposition seats against the
tiny remnant of the erstwhile huge
Labor representation.
On the government bench sat the
prime minister amidst the members
of his late national cabinet, all of
whom had been loudly cheered as
they entered the House.
Play Production to Give French
Author's 'A Marriage
of Convenience.'

law now that women should not
work at night. This a great disad-
vantage and it shows that women
are protected out of more desirable
positions. Protection is not protec-
tion when applied to women alone."
The chronological story of the
world wide organization of women
was given in some detail by Miss
Whittemore. She told of the older
associations and how they began
and also the newer associations
and the work they are doing now.
Miss Whittemore told how in 1923
the League of Nations passed a
convention in spite of the protests
of women that a woman take her
husband's nationality. The work of
the committee at present is to se-
cure the ratification of this con-
vention. If 10 countries sign this
will be ratified.
"We want a world code based on
equal rights," she said. The world
of womnen agree on one thing and
one thing only and that is they do
not wish a world code on the wrong
principle. We are opposed to the
Hague convention because it differ-
entiates between men and women
in nationality. For the first time in
the history of the world a woman's
committee has been appointed to
draw up a report on nationality of
women. We are proud that women
have the spirit to shake the foun-
dations of world law," she conclud-


to $4.99,
the cou
ice had

rley A. Haynes director of
ital stated that although
Dge daily hospital cost for
atients had been reduced
o.ne of the lowest rates in
try, the quality of the serv-
>een in no way inpaired.
:s seeking to alleviate the
which the state and the
overnments will be expect-
ar, in demand for welfare
he University Hosnital is.


Concert of Chamber Music'
Society to Begin at
8:15 o'Clock.

Group of Students Will Issue
Nine Questions Today
on Campus.
Hope to Get Opinion of Over
Two Thousand Michigan
A questionaire for the purpose of
revealing the student attitude to-
wards disarmament and for world
peace will be on the campus today
sponsored by the Michigan student
disarmament comittee.
It is hoped that over 2,000 stu-
dents will be questioned, giving an
accurate cross section of the entire
Ask Nine Questions.
The questions to be asked are:
1 Interest in world affairs-very
much, moderate, little.
2. Is war inevitable; a part of
the unending struggle for survival
in a crowded world?
3. Should war debts and repara-
tions be simultaneously reduced,
4. What is your attitude toward
taking part in war? Willing to bear
arms, non-combatant service only,
no service at all.
5. Should wililngness to bear
arms be a requirement of citizen-
6. Do you favor the policy of
armed intervention?
7. Is military preparedness so
essential to security?
8. Should America take the lead
in world disarmament?
9. Do you favor the R. O. T. C.?
17 Organizations Participate.
'A complete tabulation will be
made' to determine to just what
extent students are interested in
these affairs. The work is in charge
of Frank Harrison, '32. Question-
aires will be distributed about the
the campus today and . Thursday
and will be obtainable at fraterni-
ties, sororities, and dormitories.
The committee itself is composed
of delegates from over 17 different
organizations on the campus. It is
a part of.the Intercollegiate Dis-
armament committee, of which
there are over 40 branches in var-
ious universities about the country.
Elizabeth Norton, '33; is chairman
of the Michigan committee as well
as chairman of the intercollegiate
- _
British Consulate Says Sophie E'
Deliberately Attacked
by Coast Guard..
BOSTON, Nov. 3.-(IP)-The Bri-
tish consulate today made public
an assertion by Capt. James Bell-
man, of the British-registered pow-
er boat Sophie E, that the coast
guard patrol boat Harriet Lane de-
liberately sank his craft 19 miles
off Cape Ann last night.
James A. Brannen, British vice
consul, said Capt. Bellman told him
the Sophie E was lying 19 miles
off Cape Ann and flashing signals
to "contact boats" from the shore
to come out and get the liquor
cargo on board. Bellman, he said,
felt within his rights inasmuch as

he was seven miles beyond the 12-
mile limit.
He further alleged that the flash-
ing attracted the coast guard boat
and that it bore down upon the
Sophie E and deliberately sank her.
Bellman also set forth that he had
been informed several weeks ago
by the captain of the Canadian
schooner Fire Light, seized last
winter and later released, that he
had been on watch for the Harriet
Lane because her captain had said
he intended to sink the Sophie E.
Comment could not be^ obtained
from Boatswain Maurice D. Jester,
commander of the patrol boat
which brought the crew of the
Sophie E into port today, reporting
that it had accidentally rammed
and sunk the Yarmouth, N. S.,
craft. The Harriet Lane had re-
turned to patrol duty off the coast.
When the 80-foot powerboat's crew
of nine was brought in the coast
guard officials explained that the
suspected rum runner was running
without lights when struck.

within the coming year, he stated
that it was probable that it would
continue at the present level.which
justified the new rates and would
permit the hospital , to operate
without a deficit.
"On July 1, Dr. Haynes said, we
tried the experiment of eliminat-
ing special nurses and so arrang-
ing the work of the general and
floor nurses that the same efficient
service could be given without the
additional cost to the patient. The
plan has worked out very well, to
hte approval of both patients and
attending physicians. This is but
one example of the means we are
taking to reduce the hospital bills
which must be met by the tax pay-
trs of Michigan.





State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
November 3, 1931
PAW PAW - E. 0. Hoodemaker
resigned as sheriff of Van Buren
county today in the midst of ar
grand jury inquiry into an automo-
bile accident a week ago which,
resulted in the death of Richard,
Williams, Elkhart, Ind., and injur-
ies to three others, including Sher-'
iff Hoodemaker. He was said to be
the youngest sheriff in Miehigan.
LANSING-Frank D. Fitzgerald,
secretary of state, announced today
that malt tax stamps of a new
design would go into use Wednes-
day and that frequent changes in
design would be made to frustrate
MT. CLEMENS - Twelve Army
pursuit planes of the 94th squad-
ron took off from Selfridge late
today in an attempt to maintain
formation at an altitude of 20,000
feet in a flight to Washington, D.
C. The fliers were equipped with
oxygen masks and tanks.
DETROIT-The birthplace of Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh here became
a free lodging house for needy per-
sons today when the Detroit Gospel
Tabernacle took it over.
JACKSON-Inmates of the Mich-
igan State prison will grow 100,000
trees this winter for beautification
of Michigan highways. The trees
will be transplanted starting next

The formal opening of the cam-
pus drama season will be ushered
in with the first showing of Dumas'
"A Marriage of Convenience" to be
presented November 10, at the lab-
.oratory theatre.
Dumas' drama presents the sit-
uation of a husband who falls in
love with the woman he has mar-
ried in the French manner of con-
venience marriages. The situation,
it is said, involves many amusing
complications, the unraveling of
which constitute the chief action
of the play.
The box office ticket sale for the
entire run will begin today and will
continue to the opening of the show.
Tickets may be procured at the
laboratory theatre from 10 o'clock
until 12 and from 1 o'clock until 6
every day, it was announced.
Reservations for the show may be
made by phoning the office of Val-
entine B. Windt, director of the
play production laboratory theatre.
The laboratory theatre is the old
mimes play house located behind
the Union.

The Elshuco Trio, famous New
York organization, will. present the
first concert on the Chamber Music
society of Ann Arbor series at 8:15
o'clock tonight in Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre.
Karl Kraeuter, violinist, Willem
Willeke, violincello, and Aurelio
Giorni, piano, comprise the mem-
bership of the trio and will present
the following program: Trio in B
Major, Opus 8 (second version) by
Brahms; Allegro con brio, scherzo
(allegro molto), adagio, allegro;
Litaniae (Litanies) by Juon; Trio
in B flat major, Opus 99 by Schu-
bert, allegro moderato, andante-un
p o c o mosso, scherzo (allegro),
rondo (allegro vivace).
This will mark the fourteenth
season of the organization which
was ,founded by Willeke.
To Hold Re-Election
Re-election of the freshmen
class officers of t h e Medical
school will take place at 4:15
o'clock Friday afternoon in the
north lecture room of the east
medical building.
Junior Dental elections will be
held from ten till eleven o'clock,
Monday, Nov. 9 in the Dental
college building. The room will
be announced later.

Associated Press Photo.
John B. Hollister, Republican,
who leads Sen. David Lorbach in
the returns of the first Ohio dis-
trict. The seat contested is the
congressional post of the late
Speaker, Nicholas Longworth.
McKenzie, Everhardus Are Rival
Candidates for Presidency
of Class.
By Barton Kane
Washtenaw and State Street pol-
iticians will mass their forces at
4;15 o'clock today for the sopho-
more class elections when the all-
campus political pot will be played
off. in the Natural Science auditor-
ium. Each 'party has tasted vic-
tory once this year, Washtenaw
drawing first blood in the senior
elections, which they carried with
a full sweep, and State Street in
the junior elections when they fill-;
ed eight of the nine positions with
men from their ranks.
Herman Everhardus, Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, is the State Street
party's candidate f o r president
while Robert McKenzie, Lambda
Chi Alpha, is the choice of the
Elinor Allen, Alpha Chi Omega,
and Josephine McCausey, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, are the Washtenaw
candidates for the vice-presidency
and secretaryship respectively.
State Street candidates for these
positions are Isabel B o n i c a v e
Mosher-Jordan, and Jeanne Voor-
hies, Betsy Barbour and Kappa Al-
pha Theta.
For treasurer, Washtenaw named
Irving Pearlstone, Pi Lambda Phi
while State Street picked James =
Wineman, Zeta Beta Tau. The for-1
mer party has conducted caucuses
under the directorship of Robert
Howard while Gilbert E. (Peko)
Bursley has been managing the
campaign of the latter faction.-
The election will continue until
5:45 o'clock. Identification cards
must be presented before a ballot
may be obtained.
Registration in Union
Tourneys Close Today
Registration for the Union all
campus ping-pong and pocket bil-
liard tournaments will close at
noon today, according to the house
committee of the Union. Play will
begin immediately following this
Lumbermen Will Hold
Convention at Union
Lumbermen from all p.arts of the
state will gather at Ann Arbor Nov.
5, 6, 7, to attend the fifth annual
Timberland Owners convention.
Only men owning forest lands in
Michigan are member of the or-
ganization. All meetings are to be
held in the Union. First luncheon
will be Thursday noon.

Max Demorest Elected to Body
,Through Work Done
on Greenland Trip.
. .
Max Demorest, 33, a member of,
the Greenland exploring party,l
which was headed by William, S.
Carlson, received word yesterday
that he has been nominated for.
membership in the Explorers Club.'
Eight other members of the Uni-
versity have already been admitted
to membership in this organiza-
On the trip, Carlson studied the
movements of glaciers while Demo-
rest, his assistant, studied the
movement of air currents. In ad-
dition, they both did exploration
work in that territory.
The Explorers Club was organiz-
ed in New York City in 1905 by a
group of men who were active or
interested in exploration of un-
known parts of the world, in muse-
um work, and in the natural 'sci-
This club possesses a library
which contains 11,000 volumes of
exploration and allied subjects, a
large collection of maps and charts,
a volumi ous file of pamphlets,
clippings, and other unbound ma-
terial relating to exploration, and
a wide range of geographic and
scientific journals. This material is
all at the disposal of the members.
The Explorers Club flag has been
carried to all parts of the world.
Carlson and Demorest took one of
these flags on their expedition to
Greenland. Only after strict scrut-
iny of the aims and nature of an
expedition is the right to carry the
flag granted by vote of the Club.
Up to the end of 193A only 38 flags
had been issued.
Lower Michigan: Fair Wednesday
and Thursday, colder Thursday.

Murphy Far Ahea
DETROIT, Nov. 3.-(IP)-A
ently headed for one of the
overwhelming victories in Det
political history, Mayor Frank
phy had 79,381 votes to 46,43;
Harold H. Emmons on the stre
of reports from 457 of the
895 precincts in today's may
Entire Question of Germ
Condition Discussed in
Two Hour Meeting.
PARIS, Nov. 3.-(P)-Actir
the understanding he reached
President Hoover in Washin
Premier Pierre Laval re-opene
entire question of Germany's
ancial situation today at a
hour conversation with Dr.
pold von Hoesch, the German
Immediately after the confe
Dr. von Hoesch reported by
phone to Chancellor He in
Bruening in Berlin and anno
that as soon as possible he
have another neeting with th
Details of the negotiation,
tween the ambassador and Ma
val were not made public b
a brief communique saying
the German representative
been informed of M. Laval'
cussion with Mr. Hoover.
One of the points .agreed
by the premier and the pre
was that initiative in the n
of reopening the question of
governmental obligations r e
with the European countries
interests were involved. Co
t a t o r s expected the Lava
Hoesch negotiations to dete
when and by whom that ini
is to be exercised.
U.S.S. 'Akron' Car
207 People, New A
-The U. S. S. Akron, larges

Surprise Manifested at Democratic Lands
in Eighth Distiict of Michigan; Predict
Two-Vote Supremacy.
(By Associated Press)
Democratic capture of the much-wanted eighth Mic
district was conceded quickly last night in the opposition r
giving rise to expectation that the Republicans will lose co
of the House of Representatives.
Much weight had been given the outcome of this vote,
with' that for the first Ohio district seat held for a quar
a century 1)y the late Nicholas Longworth. Early retui
Ohio indicated the Repul
forces were more than ho
Yov. 21 Is Deadline their own.
if0"* 2tatPctr' Meanwhile, the contests :
for Ensian Pictures second Pennsylvania, the s
New York, and the twentieth
November 21 will be the limit went as had generally been e
that seniors can purchase re- ed- the first seat named w
ceipts for their Michiganensian a Republican, and the latte
pictures, it was announced yes- practically certain to stay
terday by Harry S. Benjamin, cratic. On this basis the Hous
business manager of the yearA up stood at 216 Democratic
book. After that date receipts 214 Republican.
will be sold at the discretion of Democrats Even Amazed
the editor. After the elections just a
There are 1,000 picture re- ago the Republicans held 218
ceipts to be sold before that time. in the House as against 216 f
The office of the publication will Democrats.
be open from one till five o'clock Even the Democrats in Mi
every afternoon for this purpose. were amazed by the lead r
F o u r official photographers rolled up in the eighth distr
are listed, Dey, Rentschler, Sped- Michael J. Hart, opposed by
ding and Randall comprising 0. Eldred.
those chosen. Hollister Practically Assui
The headway realized by J
Hollister in the initial return
the first Ohio was such as t
the Republicans to take succe
At Washington, D. C., the
news of the standings was wo
by the .White House and
headquarters. Many membie
Congress personally inquired
the standings.



"Backgrounds of the Manchurian ese and Koreans had successively
Controversy" was the title of an attempted to colonize the area,
address presented by Prof. Robert withthe result that the popula-
B. Hall of the Geography depart- tion is now largely Chinese and
ment at the Alpha Nu meeting last Korean, although Japanretains
night; in which he presented the extremely v a 1u a b 1 e commercial
concessions, including the South-
historical and geographical factors ern Manchurian Railroad, which
that related to the present ques- date b a c k 'to Russian-Japanese
tion. War.
Professor Hall pointed out desir- He stated that the League of Na-
ability ofManchuria to an eastern tions deserved credit for preserv-
power due to its tremendous re- ing peace insofar as it had been
sources, stating that its agricultur- kept in the province, but that the
al possibilities ranked it with the League could not be expected to

A once familiar sign will again located in a building at the corner
hang out over State Street today of State and Washington streets. It
with the reopening of Chubb House, is believed that the practice of hir-
famous student eating place for ing student waiters originated on
nearly half a century. The old the campus with the coming of the
establishment will be personally
run by Mrs. Edith L. Chubb, who Chubbs.
first began to cater to student Mrs. Chubb is reluctant about

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