Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
No. 32
Presiclent and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University on the first two Wednesdayafternoons of each month from
4 to 6 o'clock..
Math. 49, 50, 52: All students in these three courses are to report to
Room 220 Angell Hall from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., Nov. 2 to 6, inclusive, for
appointment in tabulating instruction. Alan D. Meacham.
Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, Nov. 7, 1931, will be the
final day for dropping a course without-record. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the
instructor in the course. However, in special cases, for good and valid
reasons, permission to drop a course may be given after this date.
hillel Classes: Please note the change of schedule in the courses'
offered by the Hillel Foundation. The classes on "Jewish Ethics" and
"Jewish Current History" will meet on alternate Tuesday evenings, be-
ginning at 8 p. m. The course in "Jews and Medicine During the Ages"
will meet each Thursday evening, beginning promptly at 7:30 p. m. "Jew-
ish Current History" will be discussed this evening.
Junior Research Club regular monthly meeting scheduled to be held
Tuesday, Nov. 3, has been postponed to Tuesday, Nov. 10.
German Department: Regular monthly meeting at 4:15 p. m., in
Room 201 University hall.
Miss Margaret Whittemore, member of the Consultative Committee
of the League of Nations, will speak at Harris hall today at 4:15 p. m., on
"Equal Rights and the League of Nations:"
Mechanical Engineering 52-Accident Prevention and Safety Engi-
neering (G. L. Jensen): A special meeting of this class will be held at
7:10 p. m. This session will be devoted to a field trip.
Physics Colloquium: Mr. E. J. Abbott will talk on "Noise Specifica-
tions for Large Reduction Gears in 'T'erms of Physical Units," at 4:15
p. m., in Room 1041, East Physics building. All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
Forestry Club meeting, 7:30 p. m., Room 2039 Natural Science bldg.
Mr. Prank Ineson will speak on "How Forestry Students Live in Germany."
Junior Mathematical Society meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 3011 A.H.
Norman Steenrod, '32, will discuss "Some Elements of the Special Theory
of Relativity." Everyone welcome.
Junior Pharmacy Election of Class Officers and J-Hop Committee-
men at 5 p. m., in Room 300, Chemistry building.
Zeta Phi EtaP There will be a meeting of pledges and actives at"7:30
p. m. Everyone'is urged to be present.
Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
League building at 8 p. m. All students and faculty interested are in-
vited to attend.
Dcutscher Zirkel: Meeting at 8 p. m., in the Michigan League. Prof.
T. J. C. Diekhoff will speak.
Michiganensian Business Staff: There will be a meeting of the entire
staff at 4 p. m., in the Press building.
Ornithology Group Gives Books,
Reprints on Bird Study
to Old Collection.
Members of the Wilson Ornithol-
ogical club, an organization devot-
ed to the study of birds, are donat-
ing books and reprints to the Uni-
versity Museum of Zoology library
and will continue to do so, thus
giving Michigan some of the finest
bird book collections in the coun-
The club, founded in 1888 by Dr.
Lynds Jones of Oberlin College and
named after Alexander Wilson, one
of America's first ornithologists, is
also making the museum the de-
pository for several thousands of
quarterly bulletins, many of which
have already been shipped.
The donations will be housed in
the third floor library and will
greatly augment the collection of
bird books now on hand. It will be
open to the students, with the fa-
cility of mail service offered to
members of the club.
Freshman Pharmacy Election of
Class Officers Friday, Nov. 6., at 5
p. m., in Room 300 Chemistry bldg.
Sophomore Pharmacy Election of
Class Officers Thursday, Nov. 5, at
5 p. m., in Room 300 Chemistry bldg.
The Geological and Geographical
Journal Club will hold its first meet-
ing Nov. 5, in Room 4054 N. S., at
8 p. m. Professor R. Hall will speak.
His topic is "Geographic Notes on
Japanese Cities and Rural Com-
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
in Room 300, Chemistry bldg., Wed-
nesday, Nov. 4, at 4 p. m. Dr. J. O.
Halford will present ".Recent Ideas
on Acids and Bases."
University of Michigan Radio Club
will meet Wednesday evening, Nov.
4, at 7:30 p. m., in Room 248 of the
West Engineering bldg. Prof. S. S.
Atwood will explain and demon-,
strate "The Cathode Ray Oscillo-
graph." All interested are invited.
Music Section of the F a c u l t y
Women's Club will meet Wednes-
day evening at 7:30 with Mrs. G. G.
Brown, 1910 Hill Street.
Michigan Dames will hold a party
at the Women's Athletic building,
Wednesday, Nov. 4. Husbands will
be special guests. All wives of mar-
ried students are eligible for mem-
bership and are invited to attend
and to bring their husbands. Bowl-
ing, games, dancing, and bridge will
be the entertainment. Refreshments
will be served.
" ':1".:.a::..'". !/ te ."}
. :. :
- -- - - -- - - -- - -
Industrial leaders were told Sun-
day night in a national broadcast
by Senator Couzens, Republican,
Michigan, to stabilize industry or
prepare for government interven-
Gang Which Killed Three Rival
Hoodlums Hears State's
Star Witness.
DETROIT, N o v. 2.-(P)-T h e
state today began presentation of
evidence upon which it bases the
claim that Ray Bernstein, Harry
Keywell and Irving Milberg were
members of the gangland execu-
tion squad which shotand killed
three rival hoodlums in an apart-
ment house Sept. 16.
The jury was completed Satur-
day, seven men and seven women,
twelve of whom will decide the
fate of the defendants.
Solomon "Solly" Levine, who
claims to have gone to the fatal
conference with the three victims,
Joseph Lebovitz, Joseph "Izzy" Sut-
ker and Herman "Hymie" Paul, is
the principal state witness.
He was spared by the slayers, for
some reason never divulged, and
thereby lived to name the defend-
ants and Harry Fleisher, who still
is at large, as the gunmen.
Arabs Win Turkish Separation,
* But Recent Developments
Create Excitement.
New developments in the poli-
tical situation in the Arab world
were disclosed in an interview yes-
terday with John Khalaf, '33L, an
Arab student from Palestine,
Commenting upon the back-
ground of the present situation,
Khalaf said "The year 1916 marked
a great political awakening among
the Arabs, an awakening which was
manifested by King Hussein's de-
claration of rebelliori against the
Turks and by the alliances with
Great Britain and the Allies with
the purpose of emancipating them-
selves from the Turkish rule and
gaining the British help in the or-
ganization of a federation of Arab
states comprising Iraq, Syria, Pal-
estine, Hedjaz, and otler states in
the Arabian peninsula."
"However," K h a 1a f continued,
"after the war the Arabs met with
a disappointment. Instead of re-
gaining their hoped-for unity, they
found themselves divided among
France and England. Iraq and Sy-
ria falling under the manditory
rule of France and Palestine, Eng-
land, all classified as class ,A man-
dates-territories sufficiently civili-.
zed to be capable of freedom, but
not strong enough to maintain it
against the aggressiveness of other
During the last year a treaty was
concluded between Iraq and Eng-
land in which Iraq was given com-
plete home rule status, with almost
complete independence, qualified
only by certain privileges retained
there by Great Britain.
"Ever since that treaty was con-
cluded, a strong movement has.
been carried on by the Syrian
Arabs with the aim of gaining from
France the same political status
granted by England to the sister
state Iraq. This has led to the re-
cent development of strong nego-'
tiations involving Great Britain,
France, and the Arabs concerned,
which is expected to culminate in
joining the two Arab status, Iraq
and Syria, under the leadership of
King Faissal of ,Iraq.
"These late developments have
in turn caused a great excitement
in the Arab people, particularly
those of Palestine. Should Great
Britain live up to Its treaty with
the Arabs and shouid she help in
realization of the Arab hopes by
joining Palestine to the two men-
tioned states, under the leadership
of Faissal, they will have made a
great forward step in regaining
some of its old glory.
"Moreover," Khalaf concluded,
"this step will be of great interna-
tional importance, since the politi-
cal stabilization of those states will
remove ther great world problem
which was faced by Europe in the
Balkan states, in that they will no
longer be a source of trouble due
to the competition of the western
states in the political and econom-
ical prestige over those territories."
Elshuco Trio to Give
Recital on Wednesday
1 1
Large Audience Hears Talk
on Merits of Buddhism
and Hinduism.
Presenting the second of a series
of talks on the great religions, Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher, Sunday night
addressed a capacity audience at
First Methodist church on "Modern
"In Buddhism there is a unity
that Hinduism lacks," Dr. Fisher
said. Buddhism, he pointed out,
holds four noble precepts: that
existence is evil; that desire is to
be annihilated; that there is no
God; and that virtue is in with-
Budda, he said, propounded an
eight-fold path of life; this path
required right vision, aspiration,
right act, good speech, wholesome
living, sincere effort, accurate mem-
ory, and meditation.
Born in 560 B. C., Buddha spread
his doctrines over a world that now
embraces more than 100,000,000
people, Dr. IFisher said. While Tibet
is the strongest center of Buddhism,
the faith also has many followers in
China, Japan, Burma, Siam, and
Korea, he declared.
The next lecture in Dr. Fisher's
series will take up "New Moham-
medanism," and the final talk will
be on "Judaism and Christianity."
_ _ _ _ _
The Elshuco Trio, New York or-
ganlization founded by Willem
Willeke, will present the first reci-
tal on the series of the Chamber
Music society of Ann Arbor tomor-
row night in Lydia Mendelssohn
Your Doctor
Dentist, lawyer or photographer or profes-
sional men. Do you go to the cheapest one
and think you are saving money? There are
the extremely high priced or the very cheap;
but for the most of us-we take the ethical and
moderate priced ones, with an undisputed
reputation for results in their line.
Spend your money wisely.
w ,''
Senior Pictures Must
Be Taken by Nov. 21
Senior pictures, numbering 500 in
all, must be taken before the dead-
line, Nov. 21, Harry S. Benjamin,
business manager of the Michigan-
ensian, announced yesterday. Af-
ter that date, the receipts will be
at the discretion of the editor.
Receipts must be obtained at the
Ensian office in the Press building.
The office will be open daily from
one till five o'clock every afternoon.
Had your Ensian picture made yet?
Studio: 332 South State Street
sAbout 20 days left.
Dial 5031
Chamber Music Society
Jewish Students: Important and interesting meeting of the Jewish Michigan Socialist Club: Roy J.
irrent Histdry class at 8:15 p. m., in Hillel Foundation. Avukah mein- Burroughs of the Economics depart-
rs urged to attend. New students are invited. ment will speak at the meeting to
be held Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m.,
Adelphi House of Representatives: The meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- in Room 304 of the Michigan Union.
ght in the chapter room, fourth floor, Angell hall, will provide the last Differences of opinion invited.
portunity for tryout speeches to
given this semester.. All members-!
-e requested to be present. I 2
The EIshuco
Tau Beta dinner meeting at 6:15
p. n., in the Michigan Union.
Book Shelf and Stage Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
with Mrs. George A. Lindsay, 2015
Day Street at 2:45 p. m. Mrs. Koella
will be the assisting hostess.
A. A. U. W. Luncheon: Dr. Joseph
R. Hayden, Professor of Political
Science, will discuss "What Next in
the Philippine Islands?" at the first
A. A. U. W. International Relations
luncheon at 12:15, in the Michigan
League. Gentlemen, members of A.
A. U. W., and friends are cordially
invited to attend.
Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma
will hold its regular weekly meeting
tonight at 7:30, in the Alpha Nu
room in Angell hall. Prof. Robert B.
Hall of the Geography department
will give a talk on "Backgrounds of
the Manchurian Controversy," based
upon his travels in the Orient this'
last summer. This will be the last
meeting at which tryouts will be
November 4, 8:15 P. M.
Student Balcony Tickets ..........................
Single Admission-Main Floor....
Student Concert Series-4 numbers............
Regular Course Ticket-Main Floor............
Tickets Available at Box Office Afternoon and Evening of C
Established 1899
f _ _
..o.. -
Now Known as
T ren
4"The RITZ"
Is taking back the management and
will go under their name
Wednesday Noon.
Practical inexpensive
all-weather coats
Rubberized .............$4.95
Loose lined ... ........$7.95
Fleece lined ..........$7.95
First Freshmen Lecture in Hy-
giene For Men, will be given in the
Waterman gymnasium, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Nov. 4, 5, and
6, at 3-4 and 5 p m.
This requirement includes all of
the freshmen in the regular phys-
ical training classes, athletic squads
and others that have been excused
from these groups. G. A. May.
Used Microscopes
(As low as) 25
Convenient Terms If Desired
Medics and Dents
Here Is Your Opportunity
Tis Week Ony.
HODGMAN-LANGE-Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ........ . .............$2.75
GILMAN AND GILMAN-Organic Reactions ................................$..$3.00
HUDSON-The Engineers' Manual.......... . ..... ..................$2.75
cQrM Jr? .AYN OTHERS--Chemistrv in Medicine .............................$2.00
for hard use and plenty of it.
$7.50 up