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November 03, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-03

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blished every morning except Monday during the University year
Board in Control of Student Publications.
miber of the Westcrn Conference Editorial Association.
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
tion ofhallanews dispatches credited to it or not otherwAle
d in this paper and the local news published herein.
ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by. Third Assistant
-ster GeneraL
scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.60
ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
an. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
al Director............................Beach Conger, Jr.
dilto r............................... Carl Forsythe
Edtor ... ......... .........David M. Nichol
Editor.............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
at News Editor..........................Robert L. Pierce

B. Gilbreth J
Karl ISeiffert

J. Cullen Kenn

edy James Inglis
Jerry .Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

Yet, in thirteen years of life, we are no nearer
a solution than we were in 1918.
There is the student who in class has heard
time and again the question of prohibition put
up for discussion. The popular assumption is
that it has been and still is a failure. He asks
questions about it, and is seemingly interested;
but its impact uponi the economic, political, and
social welfare of his life does not seem to him
to be of any practical consequence. He re-
mains aloof. It is, he argues, a matter for the
governmentto solve. But if he has no inten-
tion of being a participant taut merely a spec-
tator, then he ought to be held responsible for
its failure to provide a solution that will meet
with public favor. Prohibition is one of two
problems which Lord Northcliffe, who visited
America a few years ago, said would remain'r
before the American public for decades to
This lack of interest is the deplorable factor
of student life. It reminds us of the time a
student from India, studying here, was asked
what he was going to do when he left the Uni-
versity. "Help India gain her freedom," he
replied. He was charged with an obligation
that he would seek to fulfil at all costs! So fair
the puriose of a college education for the
youth of today has been the improvement of
his economic and social position. But if the"
undergraduate were to take an interest in the'
affairs which are so vital as to affect his very
life, corruption and vice would be considerably
lessened. He would not be called upon to
assume -the burdens which arise out of issues
such as this problem' of prohibition. When the
time conies for the student to interest himself
in matters other than social and economic,
then lie will have made possible a better coun--
try in which to live. And that time is now.

J. Myers

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

ey W. Arnrheim Fred A. Huber
;on E. Beckler Norman Kraft
as Connellan Roland Martin
el G. Ellis henry Meyer
ci L. Tinkle arion A. Milczewski
B. Gascoigne Albert H. Newman
L. Jerome Pettit
ty Brockman Georgia Geisman
im Carver Alice Gilbert
ice Collins Martha Littleton
e Urandall Elizabeth Long
Feldman Frances Manchester
mee Foster Elizabeth Mann

John S.ATownsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Bart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R.sSnyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elmna Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhama

Dear Smiley, Oscar, or whatever
your silly name is:
Will you please inform me as to
how a frosh who never wears a pot,
tells the women he's a junior, and
is in* general a big-shot should be
Yours in pursuit of learning
B.N. M. T. H. F.
Dear Pursuer of Learning:
Frosh such as you describe
are to be treated in two distinct
ways. First with utter scorn
and contempt because they
haven't the nerve to attempthto
succeed as a member of their
own class. Second with letters
to the Michigan Daily or the
Student Council giving ixfor-
mation as to the name and ad-
dress of the offender. Both of
these methods of treatment are
. strongly recommended if not
positively obligatory.
Dear Sir:
Knowing your kind and helpful
nature, I am seeking your aid in
the biography of Mickey Mouse.
But never have I been able to find
out even that most elementary of
personal details, his age. A little
while ago in desperation I wrote
to his manager, Ikey. But like most
managers, Ikey was very loath to
betray the age of his popular film
star. He did, however go so far as
to answer my question in a"round-
about way. Let' me quote from his
"Mickey," says Ikey, "is twice as
old as I was at the time when Mic-
key was as old as I am now."
And that, Mr. Editor, is the prob-
lem which has been wrecking my
health and souring my disposition.
Could you please with the help of
your readers figure out for me the
answer to this highly important
and universally interesting ques-
Humbly yours,
Pemberton Popcock



more people pass each day,

are the





who faithfully present their products to




the pubhlic.

This is as true in Ann Arbor

through whose doors

Telephone 21214
LES T. KLiNE. ....................Business Manager
RIS P3. JOHNSON.................Assistant Manager
Department 'Managers
rising.... ...................... ... .Vernon Bishop
rtising Contracts . ..... ........\. ...,...Robert Callahan
rti sing Service ..,......... ... ... ,.....Byron C. Vedder
cations...... .... .................... illiam T. Brown
ation ....................................Harry R. Begley
nts ....................................Richard Stratemeir
en's Business Manager .... ..... ............Ann W. Verner
[Aronson Johnl Keysee Grafton XV. Sharp
t E. Bursley Arthur F. Kohn Donald Johnson
tClark ,lames Lowe 'ion Lyon

as i Oshkosh or Newark.
Mark Twain, the famous humorist, n support of the public proclaiming
of merchandise once wrote:
"When I was a newspaper editor, a subscriber wrote me, saying he had found
a spider in his newspaper. He asked if it was a good or bad omen. I replied
that it was neither a good nor a bad omen. The spider was there in its own
interests. He was looking through the advertisements intent on finding out who
did not advertise. When he discovered a tradesman who did not advertise, he
was going straight to his shop to ,spin a web across his front door, and for
evermore live an uninterrupted life."


We Thank

rt Finnd
a Becker
ha Jane Cissel
sieve Field
ine Fischgrund

Bernard E. Sehnacke
Anne IHarsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher'
He eien Olsen
Helen Schineede

Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

The Princeton ians



and Prohibition: I.
IT has been said by a noted educator that
nothing is more striking than the contrast in
interests of European and American university
students in the political life of their time. To
this same observer, a professor at Yale Univer-
sity, the game of politics is, perhaps, the major.
non-academic activity of the European under-
graduate. On the other hand, the political in-
difference of the American student is extremelyj
apparent. Although. lie may know the issues
that are on the political horizon, he feels no
responsibility for them; they are remote, not
out of the reach of his knowledge, but beyond
the extent of his interests.
Wihen we pick up a newspaper and scan
the pages and rend of student riots'in Cuba',
in Spain, and in the South Aniericai1 countries,
we realize the profundity of this truth. Not
that riots have been foremost of student activ-+
ities in ,these countries. In England and in
France, contributions of students to politics'
Would fill volumes. There are American pro-t
fessors of governilent who will say that the1
knowledge and insight of students on present-
day problems is of a remarkable kind. If this
is so, and we know that it is, what reasons can
be advanced for such a passive attitude?
We have said that it is not a lack of knowl-
edge. Perhaps it is .because that in a political'
career the roads to success are few, the efforts'
are slow in coming to fruition and the rennmin-
cration negligible. Perhaps it is because there
is not the romance a business career has to.
offer; or, lietter yet, perhaps the student's
islealismn will not permit the prostitution of his
mloral Principles. Whatever the reasons, it is
not difficult to see that for the American stu-
dent politics has been made secondary in his
life. His first thought, upon leaving school, is
egrning a living; and to that end lie calls forth
all his energy in securing a business position
the remuneration of which is in most instances
far more than the game of politics, can and is
Willing to offer.
There is much to be said in favor of this
Jack of interest, but there is equally as much
to be deplored. Politics in this country is not
entered inito for the "love of the game," as in
England, for graft is so onimon that for the
naive idealist to associate himself with ma-
chines which exist in New York, Chicago, Pitts-
burgh, and Philadelphia, would only serve to'
dirty his, lialds. But at the samie time, if the
undergraduate is so to remove and entrench
hiniself from problems which affect his very
well-being, then if the course of action which
is bound to follow is not to his liking, who is
to blame? Only himself; he has not been con-
cerned -with their solution.

HE Princeton game -last Saturday marked
the inauguration of another intersectional
football relationship. Although Michigan was
favored to win the game, Princeton rooters
displayed none of the grudge so often present
at games which are supposed to be settled
before the whistle blows. Furthermore, the
Princeton team fought hard to win.
Both schools can gain from athletic coinpe-
tition with schools of other.-sections. The
Harvard home and home series in 1929 and
1930 marked the beginning of a more cordial
relationship with Eastern schools. The recep-
tion accorded Harvard when they first came
out here so amazed the Easterners that it was
commented upon editorially in many papers,
and Boston reciprocated royally last year.
After attending both of the out of town games,
we can only hope that we will be able to do as
well next year when the Tiger visits us.
Phillip D'Andrea, Capone bodyguard who was ar-
rested while carrying a pistol in federal court, threw
himself on the mercy of the court. We would like to
have Mr. Capone and his little playmates throw
themselves on the mercy of an outraged mob, or in
the river, pr somewhere.
Pleasant, diversified entertainment best labels the
current show at the Michigan wherein Max Fisher's
Califopnians on the stage and "Sporting Blood" on
the screen seemed to please Sunday's audiences to
no little extent.
The picture revolves about the rejuvenation of a
horse and girl, with the steed winning the Derby and
the gal getting her man. There is little doubt that
the direction and production are by far the best yet
witnessed ill a film of this type, for the expected
triteness and melodrama are happily missing. Even
the climax has an unexpected twist rare in a sport
Madge Evans and Clark Gable have the leading
roles, with Ernest Torrence and a colored boy stealing
the acting laurels, although both Gable and Miss
Evans do well with their parts. Torrence, likeable as
ever, is seen as a Kentucky horse breeder.
Fisher and his Californians are easily one of the
most versatile and entertaining bands ever heard
here. They offer 'a fast-moving program of popular,
and semi-popular melodies with a number of vocal
interludes by a pair of talented singers. Fisher's
humor is weak in one or two spots, but on the whole
the presentation leaves little to be desired. The;
orchestra is staying all week with a change of pro-'
gram Thursday.
The combined show rates a B+.


Dear Pem
I don't care

Dear Toasty-
Now don't you like that name
better than any of the others you
have adopted? It sounds as if you
were warm-hearted and generous
and comfortable and kindly, doesn't
it? But that isn't at all what I
wanted to talk to you about, its
just this:
It seems to me that you ought to
appoint an investigation committee
to look into the matter of girls'
hats. Don't get scared, I'm not
suggesting that you attempt to
change the styles--but as long as
the men of the Freshman class
have to wear their distinctive head
gear-why not the Freshman girls?
They might wear little grey tams
with buttons on them to markT
their college, you know what I
I've been talking with sophs and
upper-classmen and they all agree
that it would be a fine idea. Then
when the cold days come the soph
girls might wear a red and white
toorse like the boys' (in the good
old days when sophs were sophs
and had some class spirit) toques.
The man who wrote the editorial
the other day about Michigan men
coming to class looking less like
fashion plates and more like com-
fortably dressed college boys-was
on the right track. A while back
the engineers wore flannel .shirts
and corduroy trousers °.nd now
they all look like the rest of the
gang. You see, there's an awll
lot to do-if you have any respon-
sibility for your position on the
campus. An editor can do a great
deal to mould public opinion-why
not start out and do something
really worth while?
Then see what you would do to
help Hoover end this depression
period-start the manufacturers to
make the girls' tams. Why, I'm just
getting excited just thinking about
All the good you will do-and there
isn't a true Michigan man orwo-
man on the campus who wouldn't
stand right back of you and cheer
-"Fight 'em Rolls."
Yours for real Michigan spirit.
Special Co-ed.

I _ .



Nothig is more essential to good appear-
ancethan a well laundered shirt.



Shirt pressing at the



distinct pressing operations and evolves



perfectly Wrklbless collar)
most satisfactory job.





. i s 1i i i e i

Sparks Fly Upward, by Oliver LaFarge. (Hough-
ton Mifflin) $2.50.
Maid In Waiting, by John Galsworthy. (Scrib-
ner's) $2.5Q.
Two People, by A. A. Milne. (Dutton & Co.) $2.50.
My Father, Mark Twain, by Clara Clemens. (Har-
per Bros.) $5.00.
A Buried Treasure, by Elizabeth Madox Roberts.
(Viking Press) $2.50.

Phone 23123.
For Call and Delivery Service

Maid In Waiting, by John Galsworthy. (Scrib-

Dear Spec.:
This department has been
running campaigns on clothing


1 1



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