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VOL. XLII. No. 32
Council's Action on Question
One Week Away; Meters
May Be Ordered.f
'Must Revise Treaty'
Buick, Red Arrow Change Rates
to 25 Cent Charge; United
Increases Costs.
With city action on taxicab rates
due one week from next Monday,
some cab owners are engaged in a
price-cutting campaign in an effort
to get profitable shares of business,
which has fallen off considerably
this year.
Two operators have already re-
duced fares to 25 cents for one to
five passengers, and with the pres-
sure they are exerting may soon
swing others over to similar rates.
Another c o n c e r n, co-operatively
owned, has found its old rates of
35 cents for one to five passengers
unprofitable, and now is asking 35
cents for one, and 50 cents for two
to five.
McKain Leads Reductions.
Harry McKain, Buick Taxi Co.
owner, was the leader in rate rep.
ductions. Formerly charging the
highest prices in the city, his rate
of 25 cents for five ori fewer per-
sons, with 10 cents for each added
one, is now second only to that of
Red Arrow cabs, the other com-
pany to reduce its prices.
Red Arrow now charges 25 cents
fr one to five passengers, with on-
ly five cents each add1ed for more
than five. This is perhaps the low-
est price ever seen in Ann Arbor-
at least below any charge for sev-
eral years. A new company, the
Arcade Cab Co.,, also advertises 25
cent rates.
United Cab's increased p r i c e s
correspond With the most popular
of the changes p'oposed in the city7
ordinance. A meter rate and two
flat rates were drawn up as sug-
gestions for council members. The
meter charge is higher than the
present flat rate.
One Rate Higher.
One fiat rate, 35 cents for the
first passenger and 15 cents for
each additional one, though lower
than the present mnaximum, is con-
siderably higher than the charge
now generally in force. The other,
which has already been adopted by
United, since it is within the pres-
ent maximum, seems fairest to stu-
dents and owners.
This price of 35 cents for one1
passenger, 50 cents for two to five,
and 10 cents for each one over five,
prevents flagrant overcharging,s
and yet gives operators a reason-,
able margin of profit.
It was announced last night by
Common council that the amend-
ment would te presented at the
next meeting, Monday Nov. 16.
From statements made by various
officials and other interested per-
sons it seemed last night that the1
second and lowest of the fiat rate1
proposals would be put into effect.-
State Bulet in s
(By Assoiated Press)1
October 2, 1931
DETROIT-Suburban Hamtramckl
was unable to pay its salaried em-
ployees today, although it was pay-
day Mayor Rudolph G. Tenerowize
said the financial emergency would
pass shortly when the Crysler cor-
poration advances its $299,000 of
tax money which has been held up
by litigation.
PONTIAC - Charging incompe-
tence, the Oakland county board
of supervisors voted today to re-
move E. D. Spooner, S. L. Lessiter,
and S. Lee Park from the county
poor commission. The new com-.
missioners will be C. D. Stiffler, C.
D. Wilson, and A. R. Glancy, all
present or former automobile com-
pany executives.
KALAMAZOO-Circuit Judge
George V. Weimer today issued an
order giving Atty. William Holbrook
15 days to show cause why he
should not be disbarred. A comi-
mittee of the Kalamazoo county
bar association recommended his
disbarrment f o r unprofessiona)
Associated Press Photo
Senator William E. Borah told
French newspaper correspondents
in Washington that revision of the
Versailles treaty was imperative.
Machinery of New Nationalist
Government to be Set
in Motion.
L O N D ON, Nov. 2.-(A)-.he
pointing finger of te bewigged
chief clerk of the House of Com-
mons will be the signal tomorrow
for a parliamentary tradition that
will set in motion the enormous
national government machine con-
structed by the British electors Oct.
Amid complete silence, the clerk
will rise from his seat and solemnly
point to Sir George Courthope,
Conservative, who has sat in Com-
mons 25 years.
Sir George will rise and propose
that Capt. Edward Algernon Fitz-
roy, speaker of the last Parliament,
should hold the same office in this
one. When he sits down 'he clerk
will point again-this time at Will
Thorne, Labor member, who will
second the proposal.
This over, Sir George and Mr.
Thorne will walk up to Capt. Fitz-
roy, who will be sitting somewhere
on the Conservative back benches
as an humble and ordinary mem-
ber, and, taking him by the arm,
they will urge him gently in the
direction of the speaker's chair.
Parliamentary etiquette demands
that Capt. Fitzroy should make a
show of resistance, as if he were
unwilling to accept .the great hon-
or thrust upon him.
Then he will sit in the chair, tle
mace will be brought up from un-
der .the table, where it will have
been resting all this time, and the
new parliament will be officially
Enrollment Reports
Reveal 266 Decrease
A loss of 266 in the University's
enrollment was revealed yesterday
in the totals to Nov. 1. The figure
for 1931 reached 9,165, while last
year's total at the same time was
The heaviest loss was felt in the
Literary college, which fell from
4,214 to 3,996-. Considerable gains in
the Graduate school, which ad-
vanced from 1,160 to 1,394, helped
to offset this loss, however. Gains
were also recorded in the business
administration school and in the
forestry school, the former advanc-
ing from 108 to 121 and the latter
from 47 to 53.
Registration of men and women
remains in approximately the same
ratio this year, the report shows.
In 1930 there were 6,787 men and
2,644 women, while this year 6,612
Jug Bobs Up, Then'
Does Fade-out Act
Pack, Told It Was in Minnesota,
Wires, But Gets Denial.
For a while yesterday the where-
abouts of the 'Little Brown Jug'
was believed to have been discover-
ed by Michigan athletic officials.
But just in about as much time
as it took for this news to gladden
hearts in the Administration build-
ing, the jug made another fade-out
and remained today as much lost
as ever.
Athletic officials, told that it had
been seen reposing on a Minnesota
float in the American Legion pa-
rade in'Detroit in September, wired
the Minnesota department for de-
A reply came back, but in the
form of a denial.
At any rate, Philip C. Pack, pub-
licity director, received an offer'
from a Monroe, Mich.,' resident, of-
fering to replace the "valuable"'
piece of crockery if the
not found before the Minnesota-
Michigan game here Nov. 21. 1
Senate Reception to Be Heldt
in Union Ball Room1
New members of the faculty will
be welcomed by President and Mrs.z
Alexander G. Ruthven at the Sen-
ate reception to be held at 8:30
o'clock tonight in the Union ballt
The reception, which is a tradi-
tion more, than 20 years old on the
campus, was revived last year. For- .
merly, the, functions were held at F
the gymnasium and the reception
line was made up of the promin-
ent men on the faculty as well asr
the new faculty members and their d
wives. S
President' and Mrs. Ruthven willt
be the only ones in the receiving I
line this year because the long linet
proved cumbersome.
The reception will last from 8:30c
to_10 o'clock. During this time, at
string trio will play. Following this,
there will be a dance at which Don
Loomis and his orchestra will play.
Decorations for the affair willc
come from the botanical gardens
and will be under the supervisionc
of Prof. Wells I. Bennett, of the ar-
chitectural school, chairman of the7
decorations committee.
Other committee chairmen areo
Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the musicn
school, music, and Prof. Everett S.
Brown, of the political science de-
partment, general.
Ladies assisting at the tables,
where rereshments will be served,
are Mrs. unius E. Beal, Mrs. Clar-
ence S. Yoakum, Mrs. Shirley W.
Smith, Mrs. W. W. Humphreys, Mrs.
G. C. Huber, Mrs. J. A. Bursley, Mrs. P
Henry M. Bates, Mrs. F. G. Novy,a
Mrs. E. H. Kraus, and Mrs. M. L.1
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Mrs. i
C. E. Griffin, Mrs. Charles A. Sink,a
Mrs. James D. Bruce, Mrs. O. J. I
Wile, Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Mrs. Emil
Lorch, Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Mrs. H.a
A. Haynes, Mrs. W. D. Henderson,r
and Mrs. J. G. Winter.P
The University ;School of
Music will hold its annual elec-t
tion of officers at 4:15 tomor-t
row afternoon in the Music (
School auditorium;.-
President Hoove Names Experts
to Investigate Charges
of Ign rance.'
Secretary Adams Says League
Has Descended From
High Psition.
WASHINGTON, N o v. 2.-(P)-
President Hoover ftoday appointed
a committee of fi men to deter-
mine the accura of statements
by William H. G diner, president
of the Navy Leag e.
The appointees were: Admiral
Hugh Rodman, retired; John Hays
Hammond; Eliot Wadsworth; Un-
der Secretary Castle of the State
Department, and Assistant Secre-
tary Jahncke of the Navy Depart-
ment. Jahncke, Hammond a n d
Wadsworth were selected from the
membership list of the League sub-
mitted to the White House late to-
Accused by Gardiner.
Gardiner had accused the Pres-
ident of "abysmal ignorance" O
the needs of the navy.
A statement issued by the White
House said the committee would
"examine the accuracy of such
statements of President Gardiner
of the Navy League as may be
readily determined from depart-
mental records."
"This inquiry," the statementt
concluded, "is solely into the asser-
tions of fact made by President
Gardiner in his statement of Oct.
28, not into his opinion or conclu-
sions, nor into budgetary or generalE
policies of the Navy.";
Disapproves Attack.
Unqualified disapproval of the
Navy League's attack on the Presi-
dent was expressed in a formal
statement issued tqday .to Secre-
ary Adams. The. eretary said the
League "has descended from the
high plane of dignified discussion e
to that of personal attack upon the
commander in chief of the Nay,
the President, a procedure whicht
I deeply resent.
He added that in this opinion tie
was "supported by all leading naMal
officers" with whom he had talked.
This declaration of Secretary
Adams ended a period of absolute
silence on the part of the Navy's
officers and civil officials since ldstt
Thursday when President Gardiner
of the League issued the pamphlet
n question.-
Tiger Trainer Also Given Silver,?
Gift of Alumni.t
Keene Fitzpatrick, t r a i n e r of
Michigan's point-a-minute teams
and head trainer at Princeton since
1909, was presented with a silverl
scroll and a set of silver by Field-t
ng H. Yost, director of athletics
at the trainer's home in Princeton
ast Saturday.
More th a n 200 subscriptions
were received from Michigan alum-
ni and former athletes to the gift.
Many famous Michigan athletesI
were present at the presentation
The gathering of the contribu-
tions for the testimonial was under
the direction of Charles B. Du-
Charme, of Detroit, and Cy Huston,
also of Detroit.
By Norman F. Kraft
"Liquidate illiteracy in ten years."
This is the slogan adopted for
Soviet Russia by Lenin, said Lillian
Herrnstein, member of the board
of the Federation of High School
Teachers of Chicago and noted
traveller and lecturer, who spoke at
Lane Hall yesterday afternoon.
Miss Herrnstein, who recently re-
turned from an observation trip in
Russia, spoke under the auspices
of the newly-formed Social Science
Complete Elimination Impossible.
She explained that this rapid li-
quidation of illiteracy was of course
found to be impossible, but she
praised the noble sentiment that
had fostered it. It represents, she
said, the attitude of Soviet Russia
toward education..
"They are attempting," Miss Her-
rnstein said, "to put over this new
civilation as every other civilization+
h a s done-through the schools.,
Economics is a required course.1
Whether you are going to art, sci-
ence or literature you must take
economics. And of course this eco-
nomics has a decided communist
"The bright child gets a better
chance than one who is dull, but is
nevertheless held back by the group
idea. The Russian classroom is
noisy. They have a great passion
for\ projects. All around the room
you will see groups working on var-
ious projects. The teacher is merely
a helper and goes from group to
group giving assistance where it is
"Science is emphasized. There is
a contempt for organized religion.
The Russians believe they were en-
slaved by religion under the old
regime and that science is the way
out. There are no classes in athe-
ism but the whole atmosphere of a
class no tnatter what subject is
The Russian schools are badly
equipped, Miss Herrnstein continu-
ed, and there are not enough of
Five Vacated Places
House to Be Filled
In Elections.
Ohio, Michigan S e a
May Determine
-The nation is awaiting
morrow's "off-year" electi
to gauge the drift of the 1
presidential campaign and
learn whether the new Ho
will be Democratic or Rep
Soviet Regime Attempting
Liquidation of Illiteracy'
Seek to Force Outside
6. O. COT
to Pay $500 for Licenses;
Job Situation Acute.
No Russian Supremacy.
"There is no such thing as Rus-
sian supremacy or Russia for the
Russians," said Miss Herrnstein.
"Russian children are taught that
every race has made its contribu-
tion to civilization and that a Rus-
sian is no better than a German or
a Chinese or a Negro. Russia has
done the best job since the World
War in its treatment of minorities.
Polish children are taught in Pol-
ish, Germans in German, Jews in
Yiddish and so on. Later they must
learn the Russian language and
German and English follow because
of their scientifical value. French
has nearly disappeared.
"Doctors and dentists have be-
come socialized under the Soviet
plan. They work six hours a day
for the government-and may have
a private practice after hours sub-
ject to tax. All workers receive free
medical and dental service.
Roused by actions of out-of-town
contractors who import labor, ma-
terials, and equipment on local jobs,
the Common council moved last,
night .to force out all but the larg-
est foreign companies and give the
work to Ann Arbor men and firms
as far as possible.
Unemployment conditions gave
the council considerable concern,
with numerous agencies reporting
and several asking added assistance
for alleviating the misery consid-
ered certain to exist this winter.
By requiring a license fee of $500
or more yearly for other than Ann
Arbor contractors it is hoped to
save the local field for the Ann
Arbor builders. Alderman William
Ager, sponsor of the motion, said
Detroit companies are the chief
The ordinance committee will
draft the bill, which through this
indirect method will assist local
business. Ann Arbor contractors are
able to handle all the work in town,l
Ager said last night. The prohibi-
tive fee, he asserted, would elimin-
ate all outsiders but those able to
secure more than one job here.
The city committee on unemploy-
ment reported that the number of
jobless has been growing steadily.
Though temporary relief has been]
afforded by work on state and coun-
ty road jobs, it was said many fam-
ilies ordinarily self-supporting will
require aid before 1932.
The bureau for the unemployed
has been handling a large quan-
tity of clerical work, and has been
forced to ask for another clerk and
other aid amounting to $100 a week.
The request, made by E. E. Brown,
director, was referred to the budget
To assist city scrip workers who
need clothing, the poor commission
was instructed to introduce schemes
to enable them to buy second-hand
garments with their earnings on
city jobs. Until now they have been
able to obtain only food, rent, gas,.
and light payments with scrip.
Summer School Heads
to Meet Here in 1932
Ann Arbor will be the 1932 con-
vention city of the Association of
Summer School Administrators, Dr.
Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Sum-
mer Session, announced yesterday.
Next year's meeting will mark
the 15th year of the association's
organization. It was formed here
in 1917 by Dean Kraus and today
numbers 33 institutions in its mem-
At the same time, Dean Kraus,
at the annual meeting held last
Friday and Saturday in Charlottes-
ville, Va., was named secretary of
the association. Other officers elec-
ted include Prof. John Dolman,
University of Pennsylvania, presi-
dent; A. H. Rice, Boston University,
vice-president, and Paul C. Packer,
University of Iowa, statistician.
'.,, . «,.,,..., 17.1 l.,.J-2
.4. 1
Admittance to Give University
Eight Members, Largest
Michigan gained its eighth mem-
ber in the Explorers Club with the;
announcement yesterday that Prof.3
Carl D. LaRue, of the botany de-
partment, had been admitted to
Professo's LaRue's admittance;
also gives the University the larg-
est total in the club of any college+
or university in the country, it was+
pointed out.
The appointment of Professor
LaRue to a place in the club was
made on the basis of his work in
South America. Starting first as
the leader of an expedition to Sum-'
atra from 1917 to 1920, Professor
LaRue followed this by becoming
chief of an expedition of the de-
partment of agriculture of the
United States government to Bra-
zil in 1923 and 1924.
In 1927, Professor LaRue was co-
director of an expedition to Brazil
sponsored by the Ford Motor com-
Basis for selection is made for
some work of an exploratory na-
ture. It is not given merely for
travel, it was explained.
Included among the other mem-
bers from the University are Prof.
William H. Hobbs, head of the geo-
logy department, who a few years
ago conducted an expedition to
Greenland; Dr. Laurence M. Gould,
professor of geology, who was sec-
ond-in-command of the Byrd An-
tarctic expedition, and Prof. Ralph
Belknap, of the geology depart-
ment, who was a member of the
Hobbs-Greenland party.
Prof. R. B. Hall, of the geography
department, who has conducted
work in Haiti and Japan; Prof.
Donald M. Matthews, of the fores'-
try school, for work in Borneo and
the Philippines; Prof. Carl Guthe,
of the University Museum, for work
in the Philippines, Guatemala and
the southwest, and Prof. Melvin R.
Gilmore, of the Museum, an ethno-
botanist, for work among the In-
dians of the plains.
'Hard Times' Gargoyle
Goes on Sale Thursday
The Depression issue of the Gar-
Democrats are making ser-
ious threats for two of three
vacant Republican seats in the
House. If they won these the
12-year-old Republican rule of
that branch of Congress would be
Of course, the national Republi-
can administration has been a tar-
get of the Democratic attack. To-
morrow's results will inevitably be
interpreted as an expression of the
public attitude toward the presi-
New York Split.
Democracy has her worries in the
dispute in New York between two
of her most outstanding leader-
Alfred E. Smith and G6" rnki
D. Roosevelt. They are at odds over
a forestation amendment to the
state constitution to be voted upon
National Democratic leaders are
seriously pondering the effett of
this vote on the Demoatic presi-
dential race of next year. Go.v
Roosevelt is riding a Democratic
presidential boom. As the 1928
nominee, Mr. Smith is retaining his
titular leadership of the party.
Ohio and Michigan are the battle-
grounds which may determine the
control of the House which con-
venes next month. Reports received
at national headquarters 'of the
parties indicated close contests.
Ohio Decisive.
The first Ohio district, comprising
Cincinnati, was represented for
years by the late Speaker Long-
worth. Democrats have concentrat-
ed their attack on this seat and the
one left vacant in Michigan by the
late Rep. Vincent.
A hard fought battle is reported
from the Michigan district where
a prohibition modificationist, Mich-
ael J. Hart,. is the Democratic can-
didate against the dry-supported
Republican, Foss O. Eldred.
Five vacant seats in the House
will be filled tomorrow. Three of
these were held by Republicans. The
election of one Republican and two
Democrats is conceded by party
All Is Conjecture, Says Kipke-
May Meet, However.
No credence can be given at
present to the current rumors that
the Michigan Varsity eleven will
play Northwestern here in a post-
season game for charity, according
to Harry G. Kipke, head coach,.
Pairings for the five post-season
games in the Big Ten will probably
not be made until about a week
before the last game of the season,
Kipke said last night. If the Mich-
igan team wins the remainder of
its games and establishes itself as
Northwestern's closest contender
for the title, the two teams may
oppose each other here on the Sat-
urday following Thanksgiving, he
The pairings, Kipke said, will be
influenced also by the drawing
power of the teams, and may be
made in consideration of tradition-
al rivalries.
Ann Arbor Liquor, Tobacco Situation
Is Deplored by Majority of Parents
The Ann Arbor youth commis-
sion-a volunteer group probably
unique among cities the size of this
in the United States-made its first
report last night to the Common
council, which in December, 19205
authorized its establishment.
At no expense to the city, it has
been working, unobtrusively since
then under the guidance of Chair-
man G. R. Koopman, principal of
Tappan school. Director of Re-
search Lowell J. Carr, University
sociology professor, and Secretary-
Treasurer Mrs. Sybil K. Bennett,
Professor Carr presented reports
on four studies completed, concern-
inL invunnayi a icnhnv nf atif ij'
jected to by 56.3 per cent of those
answering, liquor conditions by 54.5
per cent.
Fewer than one-fifth found rea-
son for fault finding in regulation
of movies, care of neglected chil-
dren, propertyprotection, park su-
pervision, traffic regulation, and
health protection, so far as children
are concerned.
Though delinquency is scattered
throughout the city, it tends to ap-
pear in clusters, showing that a sort
of "infection" is common, with one
offender affecting his companions,
Professor Carr indicated.
The third, fourth, and fifth wards,
the latter in particular, have the
worst records. The seventh and sec-
ond rank above the others in ab-
on -.S anlin.-nn.r rnnrAq nn,
Houses Must File
Party Applicat