tt L. XLII. No. 31 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1931 L R NESiEAT PRINCETON. PRICE FIVE CEN H. Ann Arbor will become the focus of journalistic interest in Michigan Nov. 19 when 250 newspaper men s *.fromall parts of the state will as-1 semble for the University Press' club's annual meeting. Speeches and discussions on newspaper management, the de- pression, crime, and police admin- istration will occupy the visitors Capt. Roy Hudson, after being OUt the first two days of a three-day of action a week with an injured stay that will conclude with the back, gave a splendid exhibition Minnesota football game November against Princeton yesterday. He 21, which the club will attend as scored one touchdown on a 20-yard run, playing at right half and full- guests of the Athletic association of back. the University. back._thLee A. White, of the Detroit News, Hpresident of the club, .will speak at the first meeting Thursday after- noon. Dr. Preston W. Slosson of the T r ' history department of the Univer- sity, and Prof. Arthur, Evan Wood of the sociology department will also address the gathering on the subject of crime development in Boston Pastor to Be Guest at the United States. B Ruthven Will Speak. St. Andrew's Services; At the annual Board of Regents Dana Will Speak. dinner Thursday night; Dr. Alexan- der G. Ruthven, president of the Dr. Elwood Worcester, of Boston, University, will speak on "The Uni- forro etof ar uaversity and the State." After the Cuhha t city, isrq be teI.e dinner the editors willa ttend the Church that city, is to be the play at the Mimes theatre ,and a guest speaker at services this morn- reception given by Dr. and Mrs. ing in the St. Andrew's Episcopal Ruthven. church. He will discuss "Religion Friday morning's program will and Health." At 7:30 o'clock tonight include addresses by Dr. Robert D. at Harris Hall he will give anotherMcKenzie, professor of sociology, letur. on "The New Community and the lecture. Social Upset;" Professor Thomas H. Dr. Worcester is one of the fore- Reed of the political science de- most figures in the modern move- partment on "What's the Matter ment to show the intimate connec- with City Government;" and James tion between religion and health. K. Watkins, Police Commissioner of While rector of Emmanuel church Detroit,'on "Problems of the Police he developed, together with Dr. Department.", Samuel McComb, a method and Pulitzer May Come. technique which proved to be of Paul Hutchinson, editor of the value to thousands of persons. Christian Century, Chicago, will This work, which came to be give the main address at the Friday known as the "Emmanuel Move- night banquet. Fielding H. Yost, ment," was carried on with the co- director of athletics, gnd Anne operation of the medical profession. Campbell of the Detroit News, will The second address in a series of also speak. Joseph Pulitzer, jr., edi- talks on the place of the liberal tor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch church in the community will be and Arthur G. Hayes, author of given this morning in the Unitar- "Let Freedom Ring," may also be ian church . by Dean Samuel T. present. Dana, of the School of Forestry and Saturday will be devoted to dis- Conservation. His subject will be Sussyons becevted to- "Scince nd te Comuniy." cussions of conservation and for- Science and the Commumity estry led by State Conservation The second .of a special series of Commissioner Harold Titus of Tra- sermons by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher verse City in the morning and the will be given this morning in the football game in the afternoon. Fi .t Me hodist cihurch The morn- By Albert H. Newman. (Special to The Daily) LANSING, Oct. 31.--In a thrilling, hard fought contest this afternoon, Syracuse turned back Michigan State to remain one of the coun- try's undefeated teams. The final score was 15-10, but each team held the lead twice during the see-saw contest. The first score of the game came early in the first period, when State, stopped in her first march down the field, place-kicked from the Syracuse) 25-yard line. Monnett's educated toe lifted the ball high in the air, and the pigskin landed squarely on the crossbar bouncing over for a field goal. After an unsuccessful attempt at a field goal toward the end of the first period, Syracuse came back strongly in the second quarter with an unexpected forward pass from midfield, Stonebergi an end, making the catch on State's 25-yard line at least ten yards ahead of the nearest defense man. He'galloped over'for a touchdown. The try for the extra point went wide. Michigan State again took the lead in the same period by a con- certed drive down the field fromher own 20-yard line to the Syracuse 9-yard line from which point Mon- nett drove through the line for a touchdown. Resuming play in sthe second half, a determined Syracuse aggregation took the field, and taking advantage of a fumble which gave them the ball on their own 35-yard line, started a sensation4l string of runs, topped by Cramer's sprint of 45 yards from a lateral pass play. , State's line stiffened too late, and on fourth down Fishel of Syracuse skidded over the coner of' the field from theM :. C rdline, carry- ing the boundary flag with him as he did so. The officials ruled it a touchdown, and Newton succeeded in converting for thegextra point, (Continued on Page z) RUSIANSOCIALISM, Slosson Likens Russian Regime to Early Marxianism in Radio Broadcast. Varsity Outplays Tigers; Fay, Hudson and Hewitt Give Brilliant Exhibitio0 B ANDFORMATIONS IThe ConqueredEas _'+ The Lineups. AMAZE 1PINCETON Michigan Pos. PrincetonM K ICTI Petoskey ......LE.........Wister Auer..........LT.........Gill Intricate Maneuvers, Flawless Hozer. .........LG.. .:...Ganett Marching Provide a Sight Morrison ........C..... .. HinmanSophomreStar co for Sons of Nassau. LaJeunesse.. . R G. . .. .. .. Fisher ph m r t C Samuels .......RT.. .... Gahagen Two Touchdowns I By Jerry E. Rosenthal Williamson . ... RE..........Lee (Special to The Daily) Tessmer .......QB......... Craig In Game. PRINCETON, N. ., Oct. 31-Spec- Fay ........... LH ........Draudt tatIrs at the Michigan-Princeton Hudson........RH... McPartland By SHELDON C. FULLERTOI n Hewitt ........ .FB........ Ceppi (Special to The Daily) game today were given a pleasant Score by quarters: 2 N ALMER STADIUM, PRINCE surprise and an unusual perform- Michigan .........0 7 0 14-21 lA.Oct. 31-CoIM', et ane when Michigan's Varsity 103- Princeton.......0 0 0 0-0 N.J.e . .-Complete y piece band went through its man-- Touchdowns: Fay, 2 Hudson. Played, the Princeton T: euvers before the game and be- Points after touchdown: Petoskey; crawled battered and bru tween the halves. Newman, 2. back into its lair after b Upon marching into the stadium M i c h i g a n substitutions: First soundly trounced by the Mi before the game, the band formed half, Daniels for Williamson, Wis- gan Wolverine here this af itself into a moving "HELLO" and tert for Samuels, Goldsmith for noon before 25,000 people, 2 then "TIGER." The crowd, not ex- Auer, Kowalik for Hozer, Bernard A powerful line and t pecting the maneuver, was taken for Morrison, Newman for Tessmer, touchdown 'dashes defoo with surprise and applauded en- Heston for Hudson, DeBaker for thusiastically. Fay. Second half (starting lineup Nassauas Michigan for Between the halves, the Michigan restored), Daniels f o r Petoskey, T i g e r back on its hau band formed, in succession, a mov- Yost for Williamson, Goldsmith for throughout the entire game ing "MICHIGAN," "NASSAU," "U- Auer, Wistert for Samuels, Cantrill Again the Maize and I M," "P," and the traditional block for LaJeunesse, Kowalik for Hozer, substituted an aggressive i "M." The numbers played during Marcovsky for Kowalik, 'Bernard g kd these formation included "Vic- for Morrison, Newman for Tess- ning attack for its famed tors," "Varsity," "Cannon March," mer, Westover for Newman, Heston game to win. Stanley Fay, "Princeton Fight," and the "Orange for Hewitt, Everhardus for Fay, and Black." The last three are Cox for Hudson. The team accompanied by Princeton football songs. Princeton.. substitutions: F i r s t band will arrive in towp at. "yesterday, uponr marching from half, Ryckman for Ceppi, Armour this afternoon. the Grand Central station to the for McPartland. S e c.on d half Lincoln hotel, where it stayed last (starting lineup restored), Lane for sophomore halfback, was the night, the band startled hundreds Gahagan, Armour for McPartland, standing star of the game with of passers-by, when it formed a Bales for Draudt, Purnell for Craig, six-point runs of 40 and eight y "U-M" on 42nd street. Kellogg for Hinman, Van Dyke for and a total of 100 yards ga Armour, Seyfarth for Bales. from the line of scrimmage. A DARTMOUTH TIES Officials: Referee, D. W. Veery, tain Hudson sprinted 20 yards Y A L E, 33 TO 33 Penn State; umpire, T. J. Thorpe, tackle for the last Wolverine tol Columbia; head linesman, 'W. M. down. NEW HAVEN, Cann., Oct. 31.-(A ')Hollenback, Pennsylvania; fi e 1 d The 1931 Princeton team foi -Alth g An C n teir effort judge, A. W. Palmer, Colby. with all the grit and spirit that -Although failing in their efforts made the Tiger famous but it c to defeat Yale, the courageous not overcome the fierce Wolve Dartmouth football team today esterays es ts line play that held them witho i tthelmfought its way back from almost COLLEGES rst down for the full 60min ft w . bof play. Princeton lost one 3 certain defeat to tie the Blue, 33 Oregon 14, N. Y. U. 6. for the day's work by rushing to 33. Dartmouth 33, Yale 33. visitor's line, but gained 42 y For a moment in the fourth pe- Pennsylvania 3, Lafayette 0. from a barrage of passes in riod, Dartmouth appeared to have Navy 0. West Virginia Wesleyan later stages of the game. a good chance to win, McCall, Dart- 0. !.aJeunesse injured his leg b mouth back, intercepting a pass Pittsburgh 41, Penn State 6. in the second quarter after pla; intended for Albie Booth and ran Alabama 9, Kentucky 7. well for the first part of the g 50 yards for a touchdown which Georgia 33, Florida 6. Morrison played his usual g made the score 30-33. Vanderbilt 49, Georgia Tch 7. game at ce Later in the period McCall tried Tennessee 25, Duke 2. as he stooc to pass to another Dartmouth man Centenary 3, Mercer 0. the limeligh standing across the Yale goal but Army 27, Colorado College 0. defense by i was smothered before he could ge Oklahoma Aggies 13, Kansas 7. ing tackle y the ball away. Then, with the game Nebraska 10, Missouri 7. tackle nearly over, Morton dropped back S. Dakota 10, S. D. State 0. etoskey IV and put a place-kick 28 yards over N. Dakota 20, N. Dakota State 12. "igantssecta the Yale uprights to tie the score. sophomoeL SHGH SCHOOLS sophomore e iUGH SHOOLSalso stood o Pontiac 25, Ferndale 0.ha md -U.SBattle Creek 15 Ann Arbor 8. his brilliant Grand Rapids Union 18 Musfe- hies bi v eanc idon0. Time after IoGrand Rapids South 18, Grand LaJeunesse he Waded it RaisOttawa 6 end runs to take out all of the -Grand Rapids Central 8, Grand terference, if he did not make CMarriage of Convenience' Does Rapids Davis Tech 6. tackle himself,, so that Ca; Not Concernaw Eastern 6, Flint Central Hudson could sail up and t Companionate 0 the runner for severe losses. Marriage, Explained. Lansing 0, Saginaw Arthur Hill 0. The whole Michigan line . Bay City 7, Jackson 7. apowerful exhibition of footbi That "A Marriage of Conveni- Highland Park 13, Detroit North- ;hey open holes for the bac ence" is a modern problem play Iwestern 7. rush through and kept the I dealing with the subject of com- ! Detroit Southwestern 18, Central of the Princeton attack limit panionate marriage, was definitely Detroit 6. minus one yard. Their der denied last night by workers in Toledo Scott 6, Dayton Stivers 6. stration was largely responsib Play production who are engaged Toledo Waite 25, Woodward Tech the 218 yards Michigan mad at present in producing this well 8" rushing. known comedy of Dumas. Passes in.Background. A number of letters and phone Oregon Upsets N. Y.U. Although Michigan made 42 3 calls have been coming into the on passes the aerial game office of Play Production asking By Score of 14 to 6 oraed into the background b whether the play in question con- steady rushing attack. 'H e v cerned the Ben Lindsey kind of NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-(AP)-The Hudson, and Fay were the r 'marriage of convenience' or wheth- University of Oregon provided one springs of running attack. er it was some other kind. of the East's biggest upsets today son ran up a total of 60 Other persons phoned and start- when it plunged its way across the while his halfback mate mad ed criticising without first assert- Yankee stadium to defeat New York yards. alning that the play was a French University, 14 to 6. New York Uni- Tessmer had the edge in pa comedy manners, written in the versity had been rated one of the Newman throwing many in middle of the eighteenth century, strongest teams in the East. plete passes. With Hudson, H it was announced by Russel E. Mc- Tessmer, arid Newman as po Craken, '32, secretary to the direc- U. of D. Beats Loyola; passes, Princeton expected a tor 1 ,. " _ . - . , _ afternoon warding off an aerU EVANSTON, Oct. 31.-(/P)-North- I western's Wildcats ripped out four touchdowns in the first period to- day and coasted to a 32 to 6 tri- umph over Illinois. Northwestern completely o u t- classed the Illini, scoring 25 points in the first period. Illinois pulled itself together in the second per- iod and scored the first touchdown to be registered against the Wild- cats by a Big Ten team this sea- son. IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 31.-( P)- The University of Iowa turned its first touchdown of the seasoi into its initial victory today, defeating" George Washington University, 7 to 0. Harvard Substitues Outplay Virginia,, 19-0 CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 31.--()-The Harvard football team, composed mainly of substitutes, took the cen- ter of the stage today and defeated Virainia 19 to (0 ing service, to be broadcast over' WWJ, will be "Living Without Anx- iety." In the evening, Dr. Fisher will discuss "Modern Buddhism." "Life in the Laboratory" will be the theme of the sermon this morn- ing in the First Presbyterian church by Rev. Merle H. Anderson, while1 at noon the class in ethical issues in current events will be led by Pro- fessor L. 0. Andrews.1 The service in the Zion Lutheran, (Continued on Page 2) Community Fund Asks $63,000 for Next Year Officials of the Ann Arbor Com- munity fund yesterday announced a goal of $63,198 for the coming year's budget. This amount is more than $1,000 above last year's fig- ures, but is $3,000 more than the sum then actually raised. Ten organizations to which the community fund contributes plan to spend $111,003 in the next 12 months, and expect to earn ap- proximately $47,000, leaving $63,000 to come from the fund. 'Green Pastures' Topic of Lecture by Heaps An illustrated drama-lecture on [ ITHACA, N. Y., Oct. 31.-(IP)- Cornell whipped Columbia 13 to 0,l today in the race for Eastern foot- ball championship honors, due chiefly to the shining all-around brilliancy of two fiery youngsters, John Ferraro of Buffalo, sophomore halfback, and Jose Martinez-Cor- rilla of Jalisco, Mexico, spectacular end. These two gridiron d y n a m o s, combined to furnish driving force, to Cornell's attack as well as to fortify its defense in two of the finest individual performances wit- nessed in nAany years on historic Schoellkoft Field. They accounted for both Cornell touchdowns. Police Will Question Hammer Victim's Wife Police are holding Mrs. Josephine Stavros, 735 Gott street, for inves-, tigation in connection with the mysterious hammer assault Friday night upon John Stavros, her hus- band, which nearly cost him his life. Stavros, who was operated on. for fracture of the skull Saturday, is One of the biggest factors in Eastern European peace is Soviet Russia, which aspires, to expant. into a world state by instigating revolutions rather than by under- taking conquests, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department said in his fourth talk on the prob- lems of 'post-war Europe last night over radio station WJR. "In dealing with Russia," Profes- sor Slosson said, "we are dealing with a creed as well as with a nationality. That creed is an out- growth of Marxian Socialism, not the mild form of it represented by the British Labor party or the Ger- man Social Democrats, but the ori- ginal doctrine of the Communist Manifesto of 1848 when the party was in its fiery and revolutionary youth. "Na other dictatorship in modern Europe has lasted so long as the Bolshevist or communist dictator- ship in Russia. Its stability is large- ly due to the fact that its program does not rest on the whim of an individual dictator but rests on a definite philosophy." "Before the nations of eastern Europe there are open three paths, Professor Slosson concluded. "To the right, nationalist dictatorship with the danger of national wars. To the left, communist dictatorship with the danger of class wars. In between, the path of democracy, tiresome, humdrum, often disap- pointing, but the only certain road to peace. Irish Defeat Carnegie, 19-0; Schwartz Stars PITSBURGH, Oct. 31. - ( P) -- Notre Dame's powerful football ma- chine, that was led by the irrepres- sible Marchmont Schwartz, today hunmhled fiahtinaC neznPiP Tech