.1 Cr
P AN ODCAHIlES Wom anakes Lesson in Chemistry;
IIPT' ISIIDOflT Wrong Mfedicine Makes Her Sicker
B L~i. U U I By Glenn R. Winters contrary to the customary function
P Y There are all kinds of salts. of medicines, it served only to
Some of them have wide differ- make her very ill.
C1NSE rOences in behavior, if not in appear- As her discomfort rapidly in-
Military Campaign Organized in
China to Oust Nationalists
From Disputed Area. I
Denial of Giving Aid in Mukden
Made by Russian Commissar
L. M. Karakhan.
TOKIO, Oct. 30.-(AP)-Patriotic so-
cieties throughout Japan were or-
ganizing -public opinion today in
support of the government's Man-
churian policy, while dispatches
from Mukden told of the start of,
a Chinese military campaign to.
drive the last vestiges of the Na-
tionalist Chinese regime out of
southern Manchuria.
The Soviet foreign office today
maiptained its insistence that" it
is not aiding the Chinese in Man-
churia with guns, airplanes and
instructors, flatly denying contrary
reports laid before it by Koki Hir-
ota, Japanese ambassador.
Agreement Mentioned.
The reports of Russian aid were
based, the ambassador explained,
upon statements of Gen. Ma of the
Chinese forces at Tsitsihar: Gen.
Ma quoted by the ambassador as
having said an agreement exists
under which he receives military
airplanes, anti-aircraft guns and
aviators from the Soviet Union and
that there are Soviet instructors in
his army.
L. M. Krakhan, aeting foreign
commissar for foreign affairs, re-
plied that the Japanese statements'
were based on unfounded inven-
tions and on rumors emanating
from "irresponsible persons who ap-
parently are interested in spread-,
ing provocative propaganda about
the situation in Manchuria."
No Instructors.
There are no Soviet instructors
at Tsitsihar or in - any Manchurian
providence, he said, and no arms or
ammunition are being sent from
Russia. The Soviet Union adheres
to its policy of non-interference, he
said, not because '°such a policy
pleases or displeases any one, but
because the government respects
international treaties signed with
Recount Causes Tie
in Medical Election
in one of the closest elections
that the Michigan campus has seen,
110 votes out of a possible 125 were
cast in the freshman medical com-
petition for class offices.
Gordon Balyeat was chosen presi-
dent, Ferming Barbour, vice-presi-
dent, David Drummond secretary.
In no case did any of the candi-
dates win by more than two or
three votes. Two recounts were
necessary for determination of the
treasurer of the class, due to three
contested votes which changed
Charles Cory's lead of three votes
to a tie with Isador Hauser..
ante. Tnese facts, known to every
chemistry student, were brought
out in the suit of Mrs. Margaret
Dunn against William Parker in
circuit court this week.
Mrs. Dunn's husband, it appears,
entered the Broadway pharmacy,
of which Mr. Parker' is the owner,.
in quest of Epsom salts. He point-
ed out the package which he sup-
posed to contain the desired com-
modity, had it wrapped and took
it home. That night Mrs. Dunn
took a dose of the medicine, but,
Streets of New York' Will Be.
Presented November
19, 20, 21.
Swinging into their 1931 drama-
tic season, Comedy Club started
work yesterday on "The Streets of
New York," a melodrama popular
during the last half of the last
century by the well known Dien
The. production, which will be
presented' November 19, 20, and 21,
will be given in the manner of the
period with the songs and dances
which were the traditional features
of the nineteenth century produc-
tiofns-4f the, current .melodyaf:J
"The Streets of New York," or
"Poverty is No Crime" was first
presented to New York audiences
about 1857.
The New York Repertory com-
pany is at present producing the
same play with Dorothy Gish, well
known .cinema actress, and Rollo
Peters, formerly connected with
'dramatic work here at Michigan
playing in the cast.
The revival of a late nineteenth
century drama was chosen partly
because of the historical value of
the production and partly because
such revivals are at present enjoy-
ing vogue all over the country,' it
was announced by the committee.
Tryouts for this first presentation
were held last week, and at present
the actual work of producing the
play has been started.
Mayor, City Attorney, Municipal
League and Organizations
Working Out Plans.
creased it occurred to Mr. Dunn
that all might not be well with the
medicine bottle, and an investi-
gation justified his suspicion, for
it was found to contain not Epsom
salts but saltpeter.
After Mrs Dunn recoveredfrom
the effects of potassium- nitrate
taken when magnesium sulphate
was intended, she filed suit against
the druggist for $10,000, on the
charge of negligence in selling the
medicine. The jury awarded her
White House Gets in First Dig
at League; Naval Body
Remains Silent.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-(P)---
With public vindication and an
apology as prizes, both President
Hopver and officials of the Navy
League fired tentative shots today
in preparation for their engage-
ment over t h e Administration's
naval policy.
The White House,, seconded by
Secretary Stimson, s c o r e d first.
From the executive mansion there
issued a statement attributing a
"tissue, of falsehoods" to the League.
The Secretary of ,State aided there
had been' "fgrant misstatements
evidently deliberate." The Navy
League countered in silence. De-
clining to amplify the statement in
which its president, William How-
ard Gardner, accused Mr. Hoover
of an "abysmal ignorance" of naval
needs, the League issued a call to
its executive committee to meet the
counter charges.
Throughout the Capital today
there was much talk of the unex-
pected way in which the President
last night challenged the League's
claims that he w a s trying to
"starve" the Navy, in detriment to
its comparison with the fleets of
England and Japan.
Although the Navy League has
had many a tilt with Government
leaders. over naval policy, no case
similar to the present could be re-
called. The biggest difference lay
in Mr. Hoover's call for. an apology'
William Edison Charges Undue
Pressure Brought to Bear
by His Step-Mother.
Will to Be Contested in Court;
Son to Be Aided in Suit,
He Says in Charge.
WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 30.-(W)
- William L. Edison, one of the
three children of the late Thomas
A. Edison by his first; marriage, 'an-
nounced today that he would con-
test the will of his father on the
ground of undue influence by his
step - mother and half - brother
Edison said he would not be alone
in the contest, but refused to say
who would join him.
"I have decided to contest the un-
fair will of my father, the late
Thomas A. Edison," said the son.
"Undue influence was brought to
bear on my father by Charles Edi-
son and my step-mo ther, Mina Mil-
ler Edison.
"The codicil attached to the will
was made only a few months before
my father's death, which in itself;
knowing he was about to die, show-
ed what influence my step-mother
and Charles hac over him.
"Every invention of importance'
that my father made and from
which he gained such a reputation
was conceived long before he met
his second wife;-noile of great im-
portance was created after his mar-
raige to Mina Miller Edison.
"I do not care to say who will
join me in the contest, but you can
be assured I will not be alone."
Edison said he had retained coun-
sel but declined to say who it was
or when a definite move would be
made to start the contest.
William L. Edison, who lives at.
Westover Hills, a suburb, is retired
from business. He is about 55. He
is an inventor, and has been pursu-
ing electrical research work, prin-
cipally in connection with radio.
Of Thomas A. Edison's six chil-
dren, three were born of his first
marriage and three of his second.
William L. Edison, Thomas A.
Edison, Jr., and Mrs. Marian Ozier
were the children of his first mar-
Charles and Theodore were be-
queathed the bulk . of the Edison
Princeton Freshmen Prefer
Phi Bete to Letter.
PRINCETON, Oct. 30.-(AP)-A Phi
Beta Kappa Key means more to the
average Princeton freshman than a
varsity letter, according to the an-
nual questionnaire submitted to the
entering class at the University by
the campus newspaper.
Education was named as the
prime factor in causing members
of the slass to come to Princeton,
with a total of 327 votes.PReputa-
tion of the University lured 163,
and family tradition were responsi-
ble for 70 contacts.
One freshman said he came to
Princeton because he "couldn't get
in anywhere else."
For his ideal girl the Princeton
freshman requires brains, beauty,
personality, sense of humor, danc-
ing ability and money with a high-
priced car thrown in.
The questionnaire shows that
more freshmen smoke than those
who do not, while the non-drinkers
hold the majority by a margin of
165 votes.
Story Shows Gorman
A Keen 'Book Lover'
William J. Gorman, last year's
literary editor of The Daily, and
recipient of one of the principal
Avery Hopwood awards last June
Was revealed yesterday as being a
book lover whose attraction toward
literary works has passed even be-
yond the dreams of his most admir-,
ing readers. Gorman, it seems ac-
cumulated enough late returned
books during last year to run his
total bill with that institution up to
the neat figure of $79, according to
the story related by his friends.
Members of the library staff re-
fused to comment on the story;
however, it was reported that -Bill
settled the .account.
Search Continues for
Long Lost 'Brown Jug'
The "Little Brown Jug" is still-in
hiding, more elusive than it has
been since its disappearance.
Search for the famous 28-year-
old grid trophy of Michigan and
Minnesota, is still going on, but
Athletic officials last night were as
much puzzled as ever.
Lost or stolen, the jug was first
missed from atop a trophy case in
the Administration building three
weeks. Its disappearance was kept
secret until Wednesday, when news
leaked out that it was gone.
Officials said that the search will
continue, adding that they hoped it
would turn up by Nov. 21, the date
of the Wolverine-Gopher contest.
Game to Be Played in East Today Will Sl
Whether Running Attack Has Come
to Stay; Tigers Weakened.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
(Special to The Daily)
PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 31.-For the first time in 50 y
Michigan will face Princeton on the gridiron when the two to
clash at Palmer Stadium here today in the renewal of the nati
oldest intersectional rivalry.
The Wolverines, fresh from their decisive 35-0 victory ov
band of fighting Illini last Saturday, will be trying again toda
prove that they really have a running attack that is almost impos
to stop. Princeton, on the other hand, will be trying for its
major victory of the season, having dropped three straight 'ga
since its triumph-over Amherst to open the present campaign.
Several thousand. Michigan students and alumni are expe
to be among those present when
Rescuers Reach Men Buried Six
Days After Explosion
Closes Tunnel..'
MOCANAQUA, Pa., Oct. 30.-(IP)
-Rescue workers shortly after 6
o'clock this morning brought out
alive two of the six miners entomb-
ed last Saturday by an explosion
at the local mine of the West End
Coal Co. The others were dead.y
Those rescued are John Thoma-
shunis, 40, father of seven children,
and Joseph Matzoni, '22. Mine of-
ficals said both were in excellent
condition considering t h e y had
been buried alive for five and a
half days. Both will survive the
ordeal, physicians said.
The dead were John Molitoris,
35, father of three children; Jacob
Tinus, 45, father of four; Henry
Ceglarski, 23, single, and Paul .No-
vak, 40, whose wife is in Europe.
'Hope for the men had ebbed
slowly away when a faint tapping
was heard on the pipes run through
to the spot where .the miners were
entombed by an explosion. The,
rescue party that had toiled cease-
lessly since the cave-in said a mes-
sage tapped to them Thursday
night indicated at least some of
the men were still alive.
Early today more signals came.
from behind the barrier. They
were received by means of blows
struck on the coal ribs, from which
the sounds have reverberated. None
of the messages revealed the men's
At daybreak the men had been
entombed more than 133 hours.
the referee's whistle heralds
beginning of play against the
ers. Michigan's Varsity band
also be on hand to show ea:
football fans another exhibit
as they displayed to thousanc
spectators at the Michigan-
vard game last season.
Way back in 1881 a Wolv
football eleven clashed with
Princeton Tiger and came of
the battle on the small end
13-4 score. In that season M2
gan only played three games
other two being with the othez
members of the so-caled Big T'
Harvard and Yale.
Hudson at Halfback.
Troday's battle will see Ca
Roy Hudson leading- the -Mais
Blue against Al Witmer's e
prepared to even up the long
y ferred series between these
schools. Back in the regular li
as a halfback, Hudson is exp
to supply even more punch V
backfield than was shown ag
Zuppke's eleven at Urbana
Bill Hewitt, in his newly I
role as a fullback, is expect
be the most closely watched :
on the field this afternoon. Al
news of his prowess as display
Princeton Contest
Will Be Broadch
state Bullein
(By Assocdated Press)
October 30, 1931.
DETROIT-The Community Fund
campaign ended today with sub-
scriptions totaling $3,056, 763, which
amounts to 83 per cent of the $3,-
660,000 goal set for the drive.
DETROIT-The retiring" federal
grand jury for the district of east-
ern Michigan today sent to the
judges a resolution suggesting that
prohibition officers "spend less time
searching out petty violators." R.
T. Brokaw, of Ann Arbor, was a
member of the jury's committee
which drew up the resolution.
MUSKEGON-A prediction that
the Democrats will organize the
next national House of Representa-
tives and elect John H. Garner, of
Texas, speaker, was made today by
If plans of various civic commit-
tees and city officers of Ann Ar-
bor go through, the city will have
a municipal court next year.
Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, City At-
torney William Laird, the Munici-
pal league and other organizations
are working o u t plans for an
amendment to the city charter to
provide for the establishment of a
regular municipal court, its judge
to have jurisdiction extending be-
yond that of the present justices of
the peace. A meeting has been set
for November 11, at which time ,a
draft ' of the amendment will be
submitted for approval.
Among the proposed qualifica-
tions for the office of municipal
judge are three' years' practice as
attorney and five years of residence
in Ann Arbor. The term of office
would be six years; the judge would
receive a salary of from $3,500 to
X6,500 and would be under a bond
of $5,000.
Voters will have the amendment
presented to them at the city elec-
tion next Spring.
Payment of Council
rom Gardner after a Presidential estate.I
,ommittee. h a s investigated his Thomas A. Jr., said today that he University Checker
laiin. would take no part in any attempt
to break the will. Club Defeats Ypsi
Although the President set no to bre ty w"ill
lefinite time for. the appointment " loved my father too much," he
finte i e rto pinvestigate said, "ever to question any act of The University Chess and Checker
af the committee to inleti his." ' club defeated the Ypsilanti Checker
G-ardner's claims, he said late this _______heker_____nh__ a
fternoon he was waiting only "to' club at checkers last night, by a
~ecure a list of members of the RV2[ IIfPAVscore of 37 to 27. Individual. tallies
Navy League before taking this were as follows:
tep." . .*-Michigan: Dr. Guide won 5, lost
"As soon as this list is obtain- 0, drew 3, points 13; Harter won 3.
able," the .President told 'news- lost 2, drew 3, points 9; Carson, won
>apermen, "I shall select repre- 2, lost 1, drew 5, points 9; Ross won
sentation from the membership on 3, lost 5, drew 6; points 6.
a committee which will be able to Prof. Reed Expresses His Fears Ypsilanti: DT. Paton won 2, lost
establish the untruths promulgatedE1 drew 5 points 9; Zimmerman
by the president of that body." at Eighth Educational won 1, lost 2, drew 5 , points 7; All-
Conference. ward won 2, lost 5, drew 1, points 5;
Hewens, won 3, lost 5, drew 0,
LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 30.-(JP)- points 6.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the poli-
tical science department of the Dr. Little Becomes
SC IT C LUniversity of Michigan, and chair- Father of Baby Boy
man of the policy committee of the
American Political Science depart- Dr. Clarence Cook Little, former
Recovery of Hammer Victim Is ment, told the eighth annual Ken- president of the University, is the
Still in Doubt; Doctor tucky Education conference tonight proud father of a baby boy, accord-
that "democracy is in greater peril ing to a report received in Ann Ar-
Performs Operation. today than ever before, in spite of bor from Boston. The child was
the fact that we fought only a few born October 24 and both he and
The recovery of John Stavros, years ago to make the world safe the mother are reported to be doing
735 Gott street, who was attacked for democracy. very well. Mrs. Little is well known
and robbed in his garage late Fri- "Democracy is attacked on the in Ann Arbor as Beatrice Johnson,
day evening, was still in doubt last right by Facism and on the left formerly the assistant to the dear
night according to a report by Dr. by Communism, both of which de- of women.
I. D. Loree of St. Joseph's Mercy ny the right of majorities to rule,"
hospital. Professor Reed said. He added that David Wheeler Chosen
In an examination yesterday af- both Facism and Communism "rely Chse
ternoon, Dr. Loree discovered a'upon dictatorship based on force Junior Law President
serious fracture of the skull, and as a means of government."
performed an operation immedi- "In America we cannot claim im- David Wheeler, '33L, was unan-
ately afterward. Fifteen small bits munity from this threat to demo- imously elected president of th'
of bone were removed from the cracy," he warned. "Our parties, junior law class at the election held
area surrounding the point of im- though nominally two in number, yesterday afternoon, according to
U.S. Demands that Powers Join;
that Present Construction
of Ships Continue.
The Michigan-Princeton gal
at Princeton this afternoon Vv
be broadcast over nation-wi
hook-ups, including WWJ a
WJR, Detroit, it was made kno
last night.
The broadcast will start
1:45 o'clock. Bill Mundy, N1
announcer, will give a play-b
play account of the game.
For convenience of studen
the Union will install two radi
one in the ballroom, which v
be occupied by the Cajiuolic S
dents' Colub, and the other in t
hall on the third floor. Cha
will be provided.
Fay, if present plans of Coach ]
ke are carried through. In all p
ability Hudson will assume the
of kicker for the first time- in
college career, providing that
can show the Michigan me
that he can get his kicks off qu
enough w i t h an opposing
charging at him.
'Teaming up with Hudson
Hewitt in the Wolverine back
will be Harry Newman and Sta
game. Petoskey and Williai
will be at the flanks, Auer and
tert at the tackles, Hozer and
Jeunesse at guards and Mori
at center. The only possible ch
in that set-up is a substitutic
Samuels for Wistert at one t
Tessmer Will Play.-
Tessmer, however, may take
the quarterback assignment
Hudson is in the backfield, at
that is the case he will take
of the kicking duties. When
Heston is playing it is likely
he will handle the punting.
Ever since the first of the
Princeton has been steadily
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - (P) -
Two "ifs" conditioned America's ac-
ceptance of the League of Nations'
invitation to join in a one-year
arms holiday.
The United States is ready and
willing to take this step, provided,
that other principal military and
naval powers do so, and that the
truce shall not apply to construc-
tion already begun or under con-
These reservations were set forth
in the note of acceptance dis-
patched last night to Geneva. State
Department officials were highly
confident they would meet the ap-
proval of the other nations as the
points had already been under dis-
cussion, with agreement indicated.