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October 30, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-30

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publcations.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or, not otherwise,
credited in this paper and the local news published lhereir},
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistsjit
P ostmaster General..
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br, mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 0925; jsjnese,:J4 4
Editorial Dirctor ..... ........................ Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor............................ .Carl Forsythe
News Editor.... ............................David 'M. KWchol
Sports Editor............................... Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor......................... Margaret 19. Thomlpson
Screen Reflections............ ....Bertram J. Askwlth
Assistant News Editor..... ....................11tbert L. 'Pierce

Frank B. Glbreth
Roland Goodman
Karl Seifi

* Wilber J. Myers
Arian Jones

Stanley W. Arnheim
Lawson E. Becker
Thomias Uonnellan
Samuel G. Ellis
Samuel L. Finkle
Louis B. Gaseoigne
])orothy Brockman
Mirim Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall
Elsie Feldman
Prudence Foster

J.. uilen Xenn~
Sports Assiatai
John W. Thoma
Fred A. Tfubear
Norman Kraft
Roland 'Martin
Marion A. 'Milezew
Albert H. Newma
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Xtizabeth Long
Frances Mancheste
Elizabeth Mann

edy James Inglis
Jerry E.ftUosemr hal
George A. Starter
John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley thaw
vskj Parker R. Snyder
n G. It. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary RHarden
Dorothy Rundel
lima Wadsworth
r Josephine Woodhanis

Telephone 21214
CHA~RLES T. KLINE ................ ...... Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON........... ....... ...Asitak air
Department Managers
Advertising...................................... Vernon Bishop
Advertising................................. Robert B. Callahan
/dvertising..................................William W. Davis
Service .....................................Byron C. Vedder
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Circulation ..:......... ...................... Harry R. Begley
Accounts ............................. ...liard Stratemeer
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Willard A. Combr John Keyser Bernard E. Schaclk
Allen Clark Arthur F. ohn Grafton W. Sharp
Gustave Dalberg, Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
Robert . Fimi Jmes Lowe
Donna Becker Anne Harsha May Seefried
Martha Jane <Cissel Katharine Jackson Minnie Seng
Genevieve Field Dorothy Layin Helen Spncer
Maxine Fischgrund Virginia MComb Kathryn Stork
Ann Galmeyer Carolin Mosher Clare Unger
Mary Harriman lie Alen Olsen Mary Elizabeth Watts
Helen Schmeede
FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1931t
Michigan Leads
In The Radio Fieldr
sT HE Cornell Daily Sun bemoans the lack oft
topics on its University radio programs;
laments the choice of such intellectu~al exposesc
as "'Breeding and. Feeding 'of Rhode Island
Reds' or "Fertile Fields 'Frever"; and asks fort
help) from the faculty.i
Tile Cornell radio station might well inves-
tigate the Michigan niversity of The Air."f
~With listeners near Ann Arbor *b ar e'not w
predominantly agricultural in intenet, Ptrofe&-
sor Abbott 'and his student assistants have built
up a series of programs which j utifv the name
of the venture. Ment of prominence in felds oft
literature, politics, history, and scieces giver
daily talks which are awaited eagerly by thou-f
sands of listeners as "oasis in a desert of jazz,"
to quote one fani letter. Interesting topics areI
given by exp~erts who do not confine themselves Y
to those singularly dry hobby-talks we ae
privileged to hear every so of ten on other sta-
In adldition to the week-day talks, a longer
program is givenl every Saturday, whie a Par-
ent-teacher address with a news (digest is pre-t
D~ared for SundIay. Thus, through the radio()
facilities offered by thle University, many tier-t
sons interested inl current problems in varoust
fields are enabled to hear expert dianoisan
Professor Abbott and his assistants dserve
~praise for the'nianner in which they have con-
dluctedI and organized the broadcasting. And
dlue credit shouldi go to the University for fin-
aneing thle programns, refusing to accept tie
inane and boring advertising Wktin which so
often sp~oils the best of broadcasts.
The Team!
THE send-off giveln the football teanm by Stu-1
Sdents yesterday afternoon as the Varsity
left for its intersectional clash Saturday with
Princeton was a comi lete success. 'true, the
rally might hlave been attended1 by a few more:
ttulen ts; but anyone ,\ ho stood onl the steps or1
01n tihe lawnl of Angell hall cannot but feel that
the weather' inl1o0«way tempered the sirit that
prevailed. It was a throng eually as large as
the send-off given the teaml last year before it'
left for Cambridge to (10 battle with the Crini'
s0on of IHarvard.
Student supjport, especially in mlatters that
comei close to the heart of the undergraduate
body, is invaluable; and being invaluable, its
absence would serve imore as al demoralizing
factor' than any othler possible device. And its
importance 'is reflected in the words which

winl, this encouragement is lacking. Pleading
by the cheerleaders results only ill grunts and
groans, and these for the miost iMarl fromn upper-
cassul ci.
So it is in all walks of life. Words of en-
couragement knowv 1o barriers. No task is so
difficult that it canniot bie accomplishled. It may
be so with the team tile remaind~er (f tile sea-
son: they mnay, and the chances are that thley
will, come through undefeated. Whether they'
(10 or not, it is no reason why the studenlt body
shlouldl not be back of the leam. And1 by back
of the teaml, we iliacan ot a mal. Tile last mea-
suire of instilled p~unch is the most destructivet
to the foe.
Thte Press and
The Depression
E CONOMlsTrs, sociologists, poli1ticians and~
joiurnalists have looked lon~g and far for the3
past six monthis for a p)ossible cure for Depres-
sion, fever, and( have been unsuccessful except
for tile general understanding that confidencet
must be restored ill the Consumer's 111n1(1 before"
general conditions can iprov'e. They have
not beenl able to find a wav to do this. Whlat
might possibly be a method for accomplishing
this has been .discovered1 in the last few wees
witih the energetic andl active particip~ation of
the press of the nation in the varioius economict
events taking place.4
Only recently, two banks in Fvansvile fail-
ed andl two (thers ini the same town liquidated.I
The fact that banks have failed or liquidated
is not news anymore. That has becomne'a nearlyt
daily occurrence in cities all over tie worldi.
The piarticipiation, hlowever, of the Press illtie
restoring oif public confidence in spite of these
discouraging happenings, however,; is of value'
and merits nieten' 'oll
As is always thme case, citizens of Evansville,t
as soon as they heard of the predicaments of
their banks, hegan to wthtraw their depos0its
from the remaining ba ks. 'Naturall, businiessr
came to a standstill.' The Evansville Courier,t
through its editorial colnlas, optimistic news
stories and atn enre'ti'c. lersolal tcampaign
immediately 'tookt,-he initiatve to' restore thex
banks' credit. fiusiness men were persiaded r
to accept checks onthe aforemientioned banks,
credit was exVtended' to those whlo had lst,t
confidence and optimism was restoredl to tiea
popiulation, business shot upward, and insidea
of a week, all, except one, of the defunct banks s,
were opiened andl planted solidly onl their feet. b
A similar incident (ccurredl in Houston,
Texas last week. Depositors in that city begana
to make heavy withdrawals from remainingp
banks when two failed. Immediately theIHous- p
on papers, tihe Light, Expressand News print- ti
ed froiit page editorials, banner headlines andP
general news stories and inside of a few days,N
he withdrawals were checked and~ confhience S
ini business was restored.
Thelpower (if tile Ipresshas been d(ebated onl h
[or vears. In many cases this power is derided t
and( justly so. '\Vc d(o not claim that the lmod-c
orn press is a tremlendous coercive force inC
every field. Its p~ower, hlowever, can be great
and is coercive ill situationls like thlose 1ineu1-"
ioned above. If people can be moved by a
newspap)el' in times ike these, there must le
faith and confidence in tihe peoplesmind.'
We realize tlhat the actual condition of the
Press is far from the idteal for whichl it stands.
Tbhere is censorship, sensationlalisnm, graft anid
politics connected with j ourn alismn everywh'lere.
TO combat all these and remain financially su-
cessfulI is ahnlost all impossible feat. To, more-o
over, inlstill confidenlce in its readers is a dili- C
ctt task, especially ] il ies like these. Thus
we congratulate tile newspapers andt niaga- f:
tines Who()are doing;'it and enceourage others to r
take uip the battle. Fromi all indications it is a
[he only way (out. i

By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON -This thing of
being a presidential, or even a vice
presidential, possibility h a s its
Look over the list of the faith-
ful compiled by the democratic na-
tional committee in making up its
nation-wide committee for the 1932
"victory fund" drive just launched.
About everybody ever mentioned
for possible nomination honors
next year gets a place.
The three R's, Reed of Missouri,
Ritchie of Maryland, and Roosevelt
of New York, have front seats.
Newton Baker and "Jimmie" Cox
lead off the 01io group. "Al"
Smith is in the New York line
First, The Deficit.
The highly optimistic remarks of
John W. Davis as chairman of the
drive organization on the "almost
impregnable" political, position of
the party at this writing do not
alter the fact that there is almost
a million dollars' worth of "deadl
horse" to be worked off before you
get down to the actual size of the
proposed "victory fund."
Still, the fact that the democrats
are taking the job nearly a year
before the nominating convention
meets is symptomatic.
It shows, at least, that party
leaders think they know some-
And success depends, according
to the notion of the national chair-
man, John J. Raskob, as to where
the money is to come from, on
what the o rd in a ry democratic
voters think about 1932 prospects.
They rub shoulders a nd talk
politics every day_ with republican
If they have been getting tht no-
tion that lots of these neighbors
are going democratic next year for
various reasons, t h e y may dig
down~ to put up that popularly sub-
cribed "victory fund" Mr. Raskob
has in mind.
Among all the past or present
aspirants for highest democratic
party honors, the one man who has
never been mentioned as a 1932
presidential possibility, as far as
he Bystander ever heard, was
picked to head the drive.
He is John W. Davis of New
York and W es t Virginia, 1924
tandard bearer.
It might have been thought that
Having made that hopeless race on
he heels of the stormy New York
onvention, Mr. Davis would be ex-
msed from further difficult party
A New Yorker
at Large


K e om:nt ng
Orders executed or, a11 ex-
changes. Accounts carried
on coniservative ma~rgin.
Telephone 23271


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Phone 23181


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, 3

Chocolate---Orangc Ice- Chocolate

' f1
t %


Showing Friday

Your opportunity to view the newest in dresses-from
spo.rtz to fo rmals--will come Friday. O~n this day, a
reps ce,.ntativc of a welI-known dress house will be at
Ja.cobsons. Her models wiul shyw you what's being
worn . . and why . . nd hnow. The selection of
dresses to be shown will include sport, street,, 5 O'clock
and for u als. Orders will be taken duringr the demon-~

i I
_- '





1 i







, _ ,

(Daily Illini)
Although Big Ten officials have thus far remained,
silent on the manner ink which charity football gamesI
will'be played this fall, Eastern colleges, urged on by t
the national unej;nployment committee of President
Hoover; have agreed to stage a 'football rodeo to'take
pilace in New Haven and New York. Each game will
be for 20 minutes and an active dlay of football gamesG
is planned for the spectator.
Under present circumstances, it is not altogether
improbable that the °Big Ten might adopt a plan
similar to that' in the EastI It would simplify mat-
ters as far as numbers is concerned, and would prob-
ably alleviate considerable preparation on the part oft
the various schools. Yet,- it' wouxld' probably not be as
remunerative as individual charity games would be.
In addition, under th~e Big Ten system, the charity
games wil undoubtedly be used to determine thes
championship, inasmuch 'as it would seem severalI
teams ate offering rather strenuous competition.
The E~aste'rn' system of 20-minute games would
make it impossible to' determnine accurately the stand-
ing of each team. Dissatisfaction would be bound to
arise on either side. Financially, too, it seems im-
practicable to hold the abbreviated style rodeo games.
Games in five centers of the Big Ten would certainly
attract larger attendance than the rodeo in one or
two centers.

By Mark Barron
NEW Y 0 R K - Correspondence:
"Pity my fate," writes 0. C., "that
of a young man who knows so
much he can't get a job.
"Several weeks ago I returned
from a tour of South America and
needed work urgently. I answered
awant-ad calling for an insurance
investigator, and discovered that I
was one of 247 who wanted the job.
"They gave all of us one of those
psychology tests such as colleges
give to freshmen students. When
a. student at Columbia University I
had taken dozens of these, so I
sailed through the insurance com-
any's test with little trouble.
"A few days later I was sum-
moned to their offices and told that
I had made the highest mark of
the group, a 98. They congratulat-
ed me, and I was very happy inanf
ticipation of working again, al-
though I hadn't the slighest idea
about the duties of an insuranceI
"Just as I was thinking about thef
grand dinner I would buy in cele-
bration, the manager said: 'Of
course, you know we can't give you
the job. It is not good enough a!
job for a man of your intellect, so'
we can't insult you by offering it to
you. Again, my congratulations,
and good afternoon!'
"Well, I'm going back to that in-
surance manager and offer to trade
my intellect for one good thick
steak smothered in onions."
Short Review.
"Did you ever hear," inquires M.
E. C., "of the one-line criticism,
written by Richard Little when he
was doing dramatic reviewing in


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