Local Resident Beaten, Robbed by Car
Pounded with a hammer
in his garage last night,
.John Stavias, 735 Gott St.
was subjected to a crushing
blow on the head last night
about 12 o'clock and is ex-
pected to die, according to
reports from the Ann Ar-
bor police. Stavias was put-
ting his car away when the
car thief entered the garage
and made the attack, it was
Authorities at the St. Jo-
seph Mercy hospital stated
that the condition of the
patient was very serious."
School Officials Term Offers
Efforts to Disorganize'
Gopher Team.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct . 29.-(P)-
Letters received by three Univer-
sity of Minnesota football players,
offering them money to "throw"
the game with Wisconsin here Sat-
urday, were termed tonight by
school officials as efforts by forces
not connected with either institu-
tion to discredit and disorganize
the Gophers.
The letters were received by Capt.
Clarence Munn, Kenneth MacDou-
gall and Jack Manders. Written on
stationary of a Madison, Wis., ho-
tel, and mailed there, they offered
$1,500 if the players would "do their
best to throw the game away to
the Badgers."
The missives were signed "W.
Coach Notified.
The players notified Head Coach
H. O. Crisler, who called the Madi-
son hotel but could not locate "Bur-
zik." Crisler said he had been un-
able to find anything indicating the
letters had been written in a ser-
ious vein and he rediculed any pos-
sibility that gamblers might be at-
tempting bribery.
Dean J. C. Lawrence, assistant
to thenpresident at Minnesota, said
he regarded the letters as an ef-
fort "by some outsider to discredit
and disorganize the players."
Attempt Absurb.
"The attempt is absurb and ob-
viously made without epecting the
players-to accept," said Dean Law-
rence. "It is probably from some
outsider, not connected with either
At Madison, Coach Glenn Thistle-
thwaite of Wisconsin, was quoted
as saying "it is so silly on the face
of it, that no serious person would
do it."
It was indicated Minnesota offi-
cials would do nothing furthe
about the matter.
Original 'Burglar' of Jug Wires
He'll Aid Hunt, Find Grid Trophy
Still another day and the "Little
Brown Jug" has not been found.
Far and wide, high and low, ath-
letic officials, the sheriff, the chief
of police, students-these and many
and many more have conducted
collective or individual investiga-
It is lost. That is evident, very
evident, in fact. Perhaps it was
stolen. But lost or stolen, into what
hands or to where has it strayed?
That is what is so puzzling. There
is also mystery surrounding the fa-
mous trophy's disappearance which
seems to deepen each hour.
The mystery is precisely this: Os-
car (What-A-Man) Munson, the
original "burglar" of the jug, only
laughed Wednesday night when in-
formed of its disappearance and
said he had a replica in his posses-
s i o n in Minneapolis. Yesterday
Munson offered to aid in the search,
declaring that within an hour af-
ter his arrival in Ann Arbor he
could find the most publicized grid-
iron symbol in history.
Which to Michigan authorities,_
especially those in the athletic of-I
fice at the Administration building,
seems out of tune. So out of tune,
in fact, that W. Henry Hatch,
equipment manager, saw cause to
issue the following statement: ,
"IfMunson can findthe jug so
soon after, coming to Ann Arbor,
he can produce it only by actually
bringing it with him."
Mr. Hatch is suspicious. Every-
body is, more or less. But Mr.
Hatch is so suspicious that he be-
lieves -the original is in Minneap-
olis-and has been since it disap -
peared from its resting place atop
one of the trophy cases in the ath-
letic office more than three weeks
Mr. Hatch actually believes that
Mr. Munson, discouraged with the
*Gophers' prospects of reclaiming
the jug, may have been involved in
the theft.
"He took our water jug back in
1903 and told us to come and win
it back if we wanted it. Why could-
n't he have taken it again?"
Rumors were current on the cam-
pus throughout the entire day
Wednesday that the jug had been
found at the Union, but they were
unfounded. It was only the jug.
however, that the Union puts, on
display each year during the Min-
nesota game.
The loss of the jug was meant
to be a secret. Fielding H. Yost.
athletic director, and Philip C.
Pack, publicity director planned on
replacing it before the .Minnesota
game Nov. 21.
Now their plans have go awry.
Both are worried, and rightly so,
they declare, for if it isn't found;
what's to BE DONE?
Wage Cut Plans for All Lines
Abandoned; Executives
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-(AP)-
Rain Keeps Large Crowd From
Gathering at Meeting;
Ruthven Speaks.
Kipke Thinks Illinois Victory
Was Direct Result of
Ohio Debacle.
To Act on Committee
at Hoover Conference
Announcement Calls $7 Day Wage Instituted
by Ford in December 1929 An
'Emergency Rate.'
DETROIT, Oct. 29.-()-The Ford Motor Co. announced
late today that its shops have returned to the $6 a day minimum
wage which was in effect before Henry Ford increased it to $7
on Dec. 1, 1929.
The announcement, which said the change was made three
weeks ago, referred to the dollar added in 1929 as a "depression
dollar,' 'and to the $7 rate as an "emergency rate." The increas-
ed wage, it said, cost the company $35,176,101, or an average
of $1,600,000 a month during the 22 months it'was in effect. The
Michigan Manufacturers Meet
With University Research
The Michigan Manufacturers' As-
sociation held its annual conven-
tion in Ann Arbor yesterday under
a program especially arranged by
member professors in the school of
engineering in the University. The
manufacturers were particularly
interested in research in engineer-
ing and transportation and during
the day attended a morning assem-
bly, a luncheon in their honor at
the Union, and finally inspected
special exhibitions shown for them
in the various laboratories of the
engine school. At the morning as-
sembly presided over by Dean H. C.
Sadler, they were addressed by
Prof. John S. Worley, professor of
Transportation; and Prof. A. H.
White professor of Chemical engi-
Ruthven Talks.
President Ruthven pointed out in
his short address that industry and
research organizations are depend-
ent upon one another. Industry
utilizes the discoveries of research
and in turn is dependent upon re-
search for solution of many manu-
facturing problems. In regard tc
the present economic stress Presi-
dent Ruthven pointed out that it
may be looked upon from two an-
gles. First, as a temporary condi-
tion which can be alleviated a1
present by relief organizations and
charity football games until a re.
turn to that status termed 'normal
(Continued on Page 2)
Freshman Candidates
Administration plans for helping
railroads have been shunted aside7
for negotiations between transpor-
tation officials and the Interstate
Commerce Commission.
The proposal that revenues be in-
creased by imposing surcharges
and that income derived be pooled
for the use of all lines is the sub
ject of the discussions.
It became known today that ail
plans of wage cuts have been aban-1
ddned for the present by railway
executives. The heads of the rail-
way brotherhoods will meet here
Monday for their semi-annual con-
ference. Insofar as could be learned
the wage question will not be dis-
The method of procedure fixed by
Federal law requires 30 days no-
tice of any pending wage change.
Within 10 days .after notice s given
a date must be set for a confer-
ence. This meeting must be held
within the original 30 days. The
mediation board could be called in
or could step in of its own accord
and try to bring negotiators to-
Failing an agreement arbitra-
tion would be available. But should
either side refuse to arbitrate, the
President has the power to take
charge, appoint a special board to
investigate and report to him with
a solution.
James A. Farrell, president of
the United States Steel Corp., told
a Senate manufactures sub-com-
mittee today activity in the steel
industry is on the up grade.
Employment in the steel corpor-
ation, he said, had dropped from
94 per cent of normal in the first
part of this year to 77 per cent in
August and September, but is now
beginning to show an upward
He said the Steel Corporation be-
gan operating a plant Monday
which had been idle for a long
time and would open a plant em-
ploying 4,000 men next Monday at
Braddock, Pa.
Scarcely 800 shivering students
gathered before Angell hall in the
cold drizzle yesterday afternoon to
send a confident Wolverine team
off to Princeton and to hear the
band play the victory song for the
last time before the football special
steamed out, eastward bound.
Threatening, overcast skies and
rain prevented the crowd, which
was expected to outnumber any
previous send-off gathering, from
assuming large proportions, but its
enthusiasm made up what it lacked
in numbers, and the team, the band,
and the speakers were greeted by
lusty and prolonged cheers.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
first to address the crowd, said, "We
only hope the best team may win,
and we're sure we have that team.
Goodbye and good luck."
Capt. Martin Roy Hudson thank-
ed the students for their support
and expressed the hope that their,
enthusiasm might be repaid by a
1i1lf ,ti t $n ' He was followed
by Coach Harry G. Kipke who said:
"The victory at Illinois was the
direct result of the defeat at the
hands of Ohio State. If last Satur-
day's performance proves anything,
it proves that the team has bene-
fited by that experience. I do not
care whether we win by a score of
7 to 0 or 3 to 0, as long as we can
be on the winning end of that
Not more than 200 students fol-
lowed the band down to the depot,
and by the time the train was ready
to leave at 5:15 only a handful were
gathered on the platform to see the
team leave.
Thomas H. Reed, professor in the
department of Political Science and
director of the Bureau of Govern-
ment, who will attend President
Hoover's conference on home build-
ing and ownership.
City's 18,000 Instructors Have
Not Seen A Pay Check
Since May.
CHICAGO, Oct. 29. - (P) - The
mails tonight carried one month's
pay to Chicago's 18,000 school teach-
ers and other employees who keep
the school house running. Many of
them had not seen a salary check
since April.
One month's pay was all that the
school board, representatives of the
city and county governments and
civic leaders were able to find in,
the treasury, so empty because of
delayed payment of Cook County
taxes since the 1928 reassessment
that the city and county have had
to pull in their belts.
The financial move that made
possible this one month's check re-
sulted from the city's purchase in
cash of $4,600,000 in 1931 school tax
anticipation warrants.
To the teachers the prospect of
the one check brought hope of fu-
ture paydays and back paydays.
The Board owes them $17,b)00,000 of
which they accepted $6,000,000 in
Alumni of University
to Honor Fitzpatrick
Before the Wolverine-Princeton
football game Saturday, Michi-
gan alumni will honor Keene
Fitzpatrick, former track coach
and athletic trainer at the Uni-
Fielding H. Yost will give him '
a set of silver and a scroll. The
latter represents the sentiment'
of Michigan alumni and athletes
from almost every states.'
Cy Huston and Charles du
Charme, representing the U. of'
D. Club of Detroit, acted for the
organization. Mr. Huston said he
received voluntary contributions'
from more than 300 former var-
sity athletes.
Choice of Successor to Snowden
First Task Facing New
Prime Minister.
LONDON, Oct. 29. - (JP) - Prime
Minister Ramsay MacDonald today
began the task of selecting the
cabinet ministers on whom he will
rely in his fight to re-establish com-
plete international confidence in
Great Britain's stability and to put
the nation's economic house in
The first responsibility of the
prime minister, equipped with his
"doctor's mandate" by the over-
whelming national government vic-
tory in Tuesday's general election,
is to find a successor to Philip
Snowden in the important post of
chancellor of the exchequer.
Mr. Snowden did not stand for re-
election to the House of Commons
but he is expected to be elevated
to the peers and to take his place
in the House of Lords. Because of
his frail health he had found it
necessary to give up the hard work
of the treasury post.
Scientist Picked
House Conference
on Building.
total payrolls for the 22 months,
the statement said, amounted
to $397,442,837.
Some Get Raises.
The increase to a $7 minimum,
which, the statement said, was ac-
companied by proportionate in-
creases to employees drawing higher
wages than the old $6 minimum,
was announced by Mr. Ford when
he attended President Egoover's
conference of business leadersy at
the White House shortly after the
stock market collapse of 1929.
Reports that it had been aban-
doned had been in circulation in
Detroit recently, partly as a.result
of " a heavy labor turnover at the
Ford plant. Six dollars for proba-
tionary employees had been in
effect with the $7 rate, and some
men who had been asked for their
factory badges were rehired at this
Probation Rate Stopped.
The announcement said that the
$6 rate will be paid to newly hired
men and that the old probationary
rate of $5 has been abandoned.
The statement was made after
several days of refusal to discuss
the reduction report.
Estate Bequeathed to
of Second Marriage;
. 1
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
October 29, 1931
EATON RAPIDS-Roy C o m a n°
and George Bailey, short-term pris-
oners who escaped Monday night
from the Michigan State prison at
Jackson, were recaptured by prison
guards and local police tonight
along the Michigan- Central tracks
near here.
NILES - Plans were completed
today for establishing a state po-
Armistice Day Debate Sponsored
by Michigan High School
Debating League.
Station WJR will broadcast a de-
bate by members of the Varsity
debating team, sponsored by the
Michigan High School Debating
League, at 2 o'clock Armistice day
from Morris hall.
The broadcast will immediately
precede the first in the series of
high school elimination contests on
November 13.
Stanley Downer, '32, will wield the
Left to Widow.
NEWARK, N. J., Oct. -( -
Thomas A. Edison left the bulk of
his estate to the two sons of his
second marriage, leaving it largely
to them to decide how much the
older children could have and how
soon they could get it. He provided
for his wife before he died and so
left her nothing in the will filed
today. The value of the estate was
not mentioned in the will.
Not only were Charles Edison and
Theodore Edison, sons of the in-
ventor and the widow, named exec-
utors, but they were also made
residuary legatees with full power
to distribute the residue among
themselves and their half brothers
and sisters whenever they deem it
wise and in such proportion as they
think best.
The will spoke of the widow as
"my dear wife" and explained that
no provision was made for her in
the will because Edison had settled
sufficient property on her while he
The inventor left all his shares of
capital stock in Thomas A. Edison
Industries, Inc., to Charles and
Theodore. His railroad and Govern-
ment and first mortgage bonds in
the Edison Portland Cement Co. are
left to the six children for equal
division, but other securities are left
to the children in the proportion o:
40 per cent each to Charles anc
Passengers on Football Special Are
Joyful Despite Presence of Faculty)
Professor Thomas H. Reed of the
political science department and
head of the bureau of government,
has been appointed a member of
the committee on legislation and
administration of President Hoov-
er's conference on home building
and home ownership, which will
meet in Washington within the
coming month.
The committee on legislation and
administration meets in New York
City Monday to formulate plans to
be presented before the conference
at the main meeting.
Professor Reed, accompanied by
Mrs. Reed, left Ann Arbor yesterday
for Lexington, Kentucky, where the
professor will address the Kentucky
Academy of Social Sciences this
afternoon. They will return this
week-end and Professor Reed will
leave immediately for New York
City for the committee conference.
(Special to The Daily)
By Jerry Rosenthal
Oct. 29.-Hilarity and gaiety reign
tonight as the Wolverine Michigan-
Princeton football special speeds
across Canada towards New York
Despite the fact that four facul-
ty men, Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
Herbert G. Watkins, assistant sec-
retary of the University, Lieut. R.
R. Coursey, drill master of the band,
and Nicholas D. Falcone, director
of the band, are aboard, the usual
special-train joy and f r e e d o m
characteristic of students on a long
trip is being exhibited and it is felt
by all that a week-end to be re-
membered is in the offing.
Following the departure from
Ann Arhnr this afternoon the
The team, separated from the
rest of the train in special cars, is
confident and jovial and will retire
early. Their cars will be switched
off sometime before reaching New
York and will proceed straight to
Princeton, where they will indulge
in a practice session to unlimber
themselves for Saturday's game.
Conversation in the special cars
reserved for the Varsity band cen-
ters upon the activities of tomorrow
in New York. For the majority of
the men, it will be the first time in
that city. Tomorrow morning, they
will march with motorcycle escort
from the Grand Central station to
the Lincoln hotel, their headquar-
ters. A special sightseeing trip will
take up the remainder of the
Lower Michigan: Rain, possibly
snow flurries Friday; colder in east
portion; generally fair Saturday,
slowly rising temperatures.
Tentative Drafts for jPlan
Replace Justices of The
Peace Offered.
Last spring, leaders in the Ann
Arbor bar and in municipal offices
decided that a change was due
when a city of 25,000 had to depend
upon justices of the peace for its
administration of local justice.
This week, after those interested
in the establishment of a municipal
court had worked with the common;
council all summer, a plan was pre-
sented in tentative form by City
Attorney William M. Laird at an
on n. hearine-