tyxaxpi POUR ftHE MICHICAN DYAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931 __ _ 0 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not*otherw.ae credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Ertered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; bT mail, $4.60 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editorial Director ................... .........Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor.....................................Carl Forsythe News Ed'tor. .............. .............David M. Nichol BSorts Editor .......................Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor.........................Marglret M. Thompson Bereen Reflections.........................Bertram J. Askwith Assistant News Editor ........................Robert L. Pierce what spectacular, but more often it comes on so slow- ly that one is not aware of any disease until it has progressed to an advanced stage. Unexplained loss of weight, pain in the chest, prolonged cough, blood in the sputum, tendency to fatigue, or night sweats, should be immediately called to the attention of your physician. Properly treated tuberculosis can be arrested and healed so that one may usually carry on his work with some slight restrictions.' Treatment in the early stages usually results in a more rapid arrest of the infection. Thus the normal individual with good health habits, proper sleep, sufficient food, and moderate amounts of fresh air and sunshine runs less risk of the infection. Early detection makes for early cure. {. __ I CAMPUS OPRNRGN I #I t I Frank B. Gilbreth Uolard Goodman Karl Seiffert Wilber J. Myers Jol Arian Jones ' Stanley W. Arnheim Fr Lawson E. Becker N Thomas Connellan R Samuel (1. Ellis 11 Samuel L. Finkle M Louis B. Gascoigne Al E. Dorothy Brockman Ge4 Miriam Carver All Beatrice Collins Ma Louise Crandall Eli Elsie Feldman Fr Prudence Foster El NIGHT EDITO J. Cullen .Ienne Sports Assista in W. Thomas REPORTERS red A. Huber orman Iraft oland Martin enry Meyer arion A. Milezew bert H. Newma Jerome Pettit eorgia Geisman ice Gilbert artha Littleton lizabeth Long ances Mancheste izabeth Mann eiy James Inglis Jerry E. Hosenthal George A. Stauter ants John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritebard Joseph Renihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw vski Parker R. Snyder n G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary harden Dorothy Rundell Pima Wadsworth r Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE.......................Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising...................................Vernon ishop Advertising................................Robert B. Callahan advertising.................................William W. Davis Service ... .............................Byrbot' . vedde Publications...... . ..... .................William T. Broen Circulation............................arry I;. Bgley Accounts ........ ......................Richard Stratemeier Women's Business Manager ......................Ann W. Verner Assistants Orvil Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts Gilbert E. Buraley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Salt steink Willard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E' $cnake Allen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp Gustave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch Robert E. Finn James Lowe Donna Becker Anne Harsha May Seefried Martha Jane Cissel Katharine Jackson Minnie Seng Genelieve Field Dorothy Layin Helen Spencer Maxine Fischgrund Virginia McComb athryn Stork Ann Gallmeyer Carolin Mosher Clare Unger Mary Harriman He dren Olsen Mary Elizabeth Watts Helen Schmeede NIGHT EDITOR-GEORGE A. STAUTER THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1931 MacDonald Returns, To British Leadership HE victory of Ramsay MacDonald and the national government in Tuesday's general election in England carries with it an unmis- takable mandate. It is an indication that the British people, sjice dissolution of Parliament, have gained confidence in themselves and are ready to place this confidence in those who are entrusted with the responsibilities of govern- ment. At a time when the world is passing through a cycle of depression, there is no pana- cea so self-suflicient as a restoration of confi- dence. The victory of the 65-year-old premier is all the more reinarliable when one considers the opposition which ie confrontedl, His was an uphill battle. Expelled from his party when, in the face of an impending fiha1ial crisis, he formed his natio.al goverimn~nlt, it was be- lieved his tenure wodld be tn mporary, and that soon he would he 1 (ade for political extinc- tion. And when he assumed support of the' government with the understandig that when the energency ended a general election would be held, he was not persuaded to continue defi- nitely in office by pleas of postpohement. He meant to go into the election, win or lose. Win he did. To those of us who every few years sit idly by and act as a spectator in the national pas- time of mud-slinging and lavish campaigns in this country, there is an additional lesson to be gained front Tuesday's results. The general election campaign was as tumultuous and bit- ter as the island has witnessed for some time. Yet the fight was clean; it was bard-fought. And, in remarkably short tme, it was finished, with the issues as clear cut as when the cam- paign op ened. Health Educaton - TUBERCULOSIS William M. Brace, M.D, Tuberculosis is man's most universal scourge, well deserving the epithet bestowed upon it by Bunyan of the "Captain of the Men of Death." It is estimated that one-eighth of all deaths are due to it. In the United States it is responsible for eight per cent of all deaths. It is a definite infection due to certain known bacteria. The human individual in normal health and with good health habits seems practically im- mune to the infection. This organism however, more readily attacks those individuals who do not eat a well rounded nourishing diet, get sufficient sleep, and obtain fresh air and sunshine in moderation. For example in the last few years the incidence has not decreased as much in women between the ages of 16 To The Editor: I am answering the objections to the "Student Socialist," which appeared in the Campus Opinion column of Wednesday's DAILY. Apparently some well-groomed young military man took time off from the manual of arms to discourage the efforts of stu- dents interested in modern problems of humanity; or perhaps he merely wanted to repeat the old-time refrain in defense of militarism. The complaint was made that "The Student So- cialist" found fault with "most anything that exists in our social order of today." That is not true. A paper of this type is an organ of constructive think- ing. If the editors of "The Student Socialist" believe an institution of society to be wrong. it is not because they merely want to destroy, but that they see meth- ods by which people can modify those institutions to obtain more agreeable ends. The statement was made that "Most people can convince themselves that anything is wrong." If this were true, there would be no need for a socialist paper or even a liberal party. People would then obviously convince them- selves that various conditions in our social order were wrong, and then attempt to bitter them. How- ever, people are not that way. The intelligent person will not find fault with an organization unless he has some set of principles or ideals on which to base his criticism. If "The Student Socialist" wishes to object to the R. O. T. C., it is because the publishers have a definite goal in mind which is considerably disrupted by military propaganda and policies. The writer goes'on to say that the socialists are "irritating the sore of depression, and scornfully haranguing those whom they think are responsible for it all." The socialists do not point a finger at any man or group of men and say, "You are respon- sible for the depression." The depression, as all in- telligent people will agree, is caused by our economic, system. A highly specialized planless system of eco- nomics inevitably falls into periodical repetition of prosperity and depression, and as we have come to know, depressions are a thing entirely unwanted by all classes of society. Socialists point their fingers at the economic order and are striving to even off the business cycle by methods of planned economy. As a member of the advance unit of the R. o. T. C., the writer denies the statement common to most militarists that "The best preparation for peace is the preparation for war." I am afraid that this sol- dier has failed to absorb the high ideals put forth by the officers of the local military organization. After listening to an hour's lecture by one of the prominent professors of military science and tactics on his ideas of peace, I became convinced that this old-time doctrine was the Gospel for peace among military circles. K. B. W. . To The Editor: The Sino-Japanese Crisis has revealed a miracle: The League of Nations, officially pronounced dead by President Harding, numerous politicians, and some prominent professors of our University has turned out to be a "living corpse" worthy of headlines even in those American newspapers that used to rejoice in its death. Those scoers who despised the League of Nations as a clique of European diplomats now have to admit that it is a world-league, significant in Asiatic affairs as well as in those of South America. (Bolivia versus Paraguay.) Americans who have during the past ten years urged that the United States should join the League of Nations, lest it lose in prestige and miss an im- portant opportunity to strengthen the peace-forces of the world, saw now their worst fears fulfilled: Japan's refusal to permit the United States being invited to attend the Council meeting represents a grave insult and demonstrates the ridiculous position in which our isolationists have placed us: we, the people who suggested the forming of the League of Nations have to wait and find out whether we are welcome as a guest! But, still worse, a serious inter- national conflict became still more complicated by our not being a member of the League of Nations; the question whether the United States too might help arbitrate threatened to create new international friction. At the time of the Harding campaign Herbert Hoover and other prominent Republicans promised the public in a special appeal that if Harding was elected the Unitied States would join an "Association of Nations." It is high time that President Hoover and his associates keep this promise by bringing about the entry of our country-not into an ima'gin- ary Association of Nations, but into the very real and active League of Nations which is good enough for 55 other nations. The present crisis has demonstrated that we do not even enjoy the privileges which small Panama- at present represented on the Council of the League of Nations-enjoys. Every thinking citizen'should do his utmost to bring about a quick entry of the United States into the World Court and the League of Na- tions. By writing letters to our Senators and Presi- dent Hoover the trend of public opinion can be demonstrated. Francis S. Onderdonk. President Hoover wants a navy sq strong and effi- cient that no enemy could ever invade this country, , 1 i I W EE We don't quite know why we should have elected to say Whee right up there at the top of the column today. Just put it down to natural exuberance a n d animal spirits and try to be lenient about it. Perhaps it is because we have seen what is to take up the bottom half of our column today. If the Daily doesn't get sued for libel on it we shall feel very disappointed indeed. * * * DAILY POIM See the politics about us. Hear the pretty names they call Each other. We think they are all right. It's a fine world after all. * * S We are reliably informed that to- morrow is deadline in the office of our rival publication, The Gargoyle. Perhaps that explains all t h e groans and noises of deep distress which issTe from their office. The fact is that the old sillies are try- ing to make money selling a maga- zine which costs them a little over twenty-five cents per copy for fif- teen cents. Almost anyone ought to know better than that. The re- sult of their folly is that they have to spend all their time thinking how they can save two cents by us- ing the same typewriter ribbon for three weeks instead of the allot- ted two. We don't care, though, we didn't ever lke their lousy scandal sheet anyway. * * * SUGGESTION The student council is making people wear pots. Frederick Fred- erick, '34, suggests that the tradi- tion be changed to make only sen- ior councilmen wear pots. That sounds like a good idea, Frederick old fellow. The coun- cil ought to have something to mark the distinction if any be- tween it and the columns on Angell Hall. Those with aes- thetic tastes might point out that this is already done on ac- count of the columns are pret- ty, but, aesthetite taste being what it is around here, we think that something else ought to be added. *~ * * And that, children, will be all. for the day from OSCAR THE WONDER HORSE RECORDS We find great difficulty in pick- ing out epresentative records from the crop that piles up on us from month to month. The fact is that there are usually about five times as many records put out as there should be with the result that four-fifths of them aren't worth reviewing. Last month this wasI particularly true. Mood Indigo by Clyde McCoy on Columbia was just a record of a good piece. I Found a New Baby on the other side was bad. Fletcher Henderson did two Vic-I tor records which didn't do him justice at all. Fletcher can produce a lot better stuff than that. Snooks and His Memphis Stomp- ers on Victor deserve some credit for having enough sense to play Sweet Georgia Brown, although they did only a fair job. Duke Ellington played a piece on Victor which redounds largely to the credit of the man who named it. It is The Mystery Song.. and who cares? You would have to lis- ten to it to see what we mean. Alone in a Corner and My Success are dance pieces on Victor by Bert Lown which should sell well. The above goes also for Tonight or Never and Have a Heart on Vic- tor, and Good Night Sweetheart and I wouldn't Change You For The World by Lombardo on Colum- bia. The Casa Loma orchestra was a t e r r i b 1 e disappointment. Their Can't You See? isn't their type of tune, and they wasted a lot of C Thursday SPECIAL! EXTRA PANTS FREE SUITS $25, $30, $35 All Guaranteed to Fit CHAS. DOUKAS 1319 South University Bank Run Gravel $1.00 Per Cubic Yard KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 7112, Ii, As. R .: r~o 1 ,. .. Y I. - __..._ ... _._... _.. ... _.___........._,.... _.i a Hundreds of Thrift-W vantage of the Dollar E Here are only a Men's Socks Worth Much More! 5 Pairs $1.00 You'll be wise to buy dozens at this low price! Rayon, silk and lisle socks, attractively patterned in colors to complement new Fall suits. Sizes 10 to 12. Main Floor Capeskin Gloves $1.00 $1.50 and ,$1.95 values! A new lot of serviceable capeskin gloves, plain pull-on style with scalloped tops. Three button length. Beaver and brown colors. Sizes 6 to 7/. Main Floor Boudoir Pillows $1.49 Values $1.00 Dainty pillows covered with beauti- fully embroidered ecru lace net over colored rayon silk in orchid, peach, rose, nile or pink. Filled with soft cotton. Second Floor , ST cl at bl 1- m fe ul A es Fa Gossar 3.95 values Tedetites . . . .of lovely satin tricot are as lig By their clever cut they afford requires. Long and medium h Flesh and peach colors. Sizes Sparkling With Health Did you ever think of that when you raised a glass of Arbor Springs Water to your lips? Its Health lies in its Purity! Physicians advise drinking "lo's of water" as 'long as it is pure! Have Arbor Springs Water on hand at all times in the home or at the office. We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 OCTOBER n -Friday, - Saturday ise People will save money by taking ad- )ays Bargains at Mack's. L few of the many $1 saving items. Men's Shirts Men's Special Values Flannel Pajamas $1.00 $1.00 ,pecial values! Fine quality broad- loth shirts neatly tailored, in collar Heavy Amoskeag flannel pajamas tached style. Pre-shrunk. In white, in white with colored stripes. Roomy ue, tan or green, fast colors. Sizes and well tailored. Sizes A to D. 4 to 17. Downstairs Store Main Floor 200 New Felt Hats' Silk Lingerie Inn $1.0 $1;0 00 t a $1.19 grade! Special new purchase! any new styles . . copies of 100% pure day silk crepe! CHEM- uch higher priced hats. Of fine ISE with lace top and narrow edge lt fin black, brown and navy. Reg- of lace on bottom. Sizes 34 to 40. ar and large sizes. DANCE SETS tailored or lace trim- med. Downstairs Store Downstairs Store $2.95 Fall Bags Lion Brand Chiffon $1.00 less $1.00 Worth $1.29! Splendid for wear! perfect complement to your new- Lovely dull finished chiffon, hosiery, t ensemble! Envelope, zipper and full fashioned, picot tops, all silk ouch styles in calf, suede or silk in from top to toe. In new Fall shades. ll colors. Sizes 8% to 10 . Main Floor Main Floor d Com binations These tricky little foundation garments ht as a feather! Made without a bone. 0 0 just the little molding that your figure engths. Side fastening or step-in style. s 32 to 36. D's $1.19 Step-In Girdles Sizes 35 to 46. New-elastic step-in girdles with lacing an each side at the top. Sose re-inforced with rayon satin which is stayed to keep the front in shape. Flesh color. Sizes 30 to 34. $1.00 .efs Downstairs Store Women's Linen Hankies ° with neat hem- 12 for $1.00 All linen handkerchiefs, hand-made, patchwork and embroidery in one corner. Hand-rolled hems. Main Floor in colors. Full $4.95 Gift Pajamas . D. make. Less $1.00 Fashioned oftpure dye crepe de chine in adorable one- piece fitted styles. Delicately lace trimmed or simply 's tailored. In flesh, tea rose or blue. Small, medium and large sizes. all hand-made. Second Floor Gift Boxes sg Contains one $1.00 box of Face Powder and one $1.00 bottle of Toilet Water, both for $1.00, Dollar Days! t quality heavy $1.00 .g satisfaction. Main Floor \ $'.49 Pastel Part Wool Blankets Bed blankets with 1' inch sateen binding, in rose, blue, green, lavender, or yellow. Size 70x80 inches.- One to a customer. or more, $1.00 Dowstair Store is $1.50 Steam Oil Treatments Come to the Beauty Parlor on Thursday, Friday, Sat- ished with one- urd.y and get one of these famous steam oil treatments! Fih rd wi.th on- Softens and revives the hair! for $1.00 Dol- Beauty Parlor. . . Third Floor $1.00r. N THE NOTION DEPARTMENT ..4 for $1.00 59c LAUNDRY BAGS, of white drill, 2 for.. . $1.00 pairs of 39c GARTER BELTS, 3 for...................$1.00 ..$. 1.00 Brocaded satin with elastic sides. GE 59c COAT HANGERS, 2 for...-. . ..........$1.00 . . . 2 for $1.00 Velvet covered, 6 in a package. with 10c SHOULDER COVERS, made of cellophane, . .2 for $1.00 12 for ......... . ........... . ...........5$1.00 Genuine $1.25 Men's B. V. red label B. V. D.'s No..U 1. 1.00 Main Floor Men's Handkerchi 9 for $1.00 aooth, all linen handkerchiefs w hems. Size 17 x 17 inches. Main Floor '7 1 c 7 { t i Fine, sm stitched Men's Shorts 2 for $1.00 Of excellent broadcloth, striped; or plai cut and roomy. Sizes '30 to 40. B. V Main Floor $1.00 Men's Tie 2 for $1.00 Special lot of men's high grade silk ties, Main Floor $1.50 Men's Tie $1.00 Special group! Resilent Ties of excellen silk that will give tying and wearin Hand-made. Main Floor Tables, Lamps Less $1.00 On any table or lamp selling for $5.00 less on Dollar Days! Third Floor 50c Huck Towe 3 for $1.00 Durable, all white linen huck towels fin inch hemstitched hems. 39c each or 3 lar Days! Size 17x32 inches. Annex Store $1.00 ITEMS ID 35c DELNAP SANITARY NAPKINS. SHOE BOXES, in pastel shades, for 4 shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c KLEINERT'S REVERSIBLE BRID COVERS ............. 59c SHOE BAGS, in figured cretonne 3 pockets ............ ...