THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931 ' SAMMY SQUIRT: POPUL4 R AT LAST By Lichty I 4, mf I I I w JE LL/ IUES 1ds WRUMPUS AQOOT V c-k T A S LLCLRGAT F:,b.Ati4SAE~C- OI'e% rRom- -_ i.O tkIT ''{I& -15 r ." to - , I)LI ...A INS! a°o Co 5ti pu5,r-tFT RUt-' PS , y, i EARL OF S VE4 " , t -{its "07- NyN Sd- " a P'C R L .tE s say tS ' N"CE ' 'CTI> ,SST Mb-C6S pp. G 1-l ESTJ Wit, U t G 1 ALS, weJPG ED T-r,& . iO -E C5TJ - Loc !< - L cT~ WOPT C~k"c ©NJr N T TO 1..i O y II oiuBmU ED ADVruTuMc LI NOTICE IDEAL LAUNDRY CO. 204 North Main Phone 3916 Laundry drop box at Barbecue opposite Angell Hall. 200c SITUATION wanted by man and wife as cook and porter or house- man. Woman good reliable eco- nomical cook. Will take reason- *able wages. Box A-6. 213, FURNISH THE CAR - Passengers furnish the gas--through to St. Joseph, Friday P. M. Crosby, FOR RENT TWO or three furnished rooms for across from Mosher-Jordan halls. Rent $6. Call at 207 Observatory. LARGE suite or apartment. Can arrange for cooking. Also single room. 22352. 425 So. 'Division. 211 FURNSHED APART'ENT--South, east, and west exposure. Also double and single room. Steam heat, shower, garage. 422 East Washington. Dial 8544. 215c FOR REINT-Single, one double room. Warm and quiet. Students or business men. Reasonable. 324 Thompson. 214 SOU'T'HEAST SECTION - Fairly 'large attractive roomn, single. or double, six windows. For instrir- tor or upperclassman. Very nc and clean. Warm in win r. Steam, hot shower bath. In French family. Excellent cuisine. Breakfast and dinner at night. Phone ,,96. 220 k 4961.1 2181 LUCKY! Three Split $5000 for Arrest of Torch Murderers. DETROIT, Oct. 28.---(/P)-Wayne to Move to West county auditors Tuesday approved ng Building the distribution of $5,000 in rewards Room. to three Ypsilanti residents for in- formation which led to the arrest u, Stump speakers' and conviction of the slayers of L~, tumptwo young women and two young ring and architc- men in the torch slayings near outgrown its quar- Ypsilanti last August. Sums oJi $2,- n and is to move 000 each will be given to George ;ineering building, Nelms and Frank Johnston and the rackett announced $1,000 balance to Ralph Southard, Ypsilanti chief of police. The dis- tribution was approved by Harry S. and speech group Toy, prosecuting attorney. od foams in the The rewards included $3,000 given to an increase in by the auditors and $1,000 each ing the last two by the Detroit Times and the De- troit News. ange was made $100 Awarded Student xt Wednesday will for Bet Composition few location. It is d a preliminary C. C. Willing, grad., has been club rooms in the awarded a prize by Street and building and then Smith, publishers, for the best col- s will be assigned lege story of the month. Willing re- ns for the actual ceived $100 for his composition. he evening. The story, "The Power Of The enrollment, mem- Pressed," will be published in the eased over 60 per December issue of College Stories and will go on sale November 4th. FOREST SOURCE OF PUBLIC REVENUE RAMSDELL DECLARES IN RADIO TALK' Return One-Fourth of Receipts be developed on cut over, burned to Counties Wherein over, and culled over lands which They Lie. makes the-task much more difficult than in our western mountain areas., Forests return one-fourth of their These lands have experienced a gross reecipts to the counties within rapid timber exploitation so that which they lie, and an additional there is only a few patches of real 10 per cent for the improvements old growth timber left. of roads, Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell "In the re-creation of this famed of the forestry and conservation1 I h eceto fti ae school, said yesterday afternoon in forest region there is indeed a task a radio talk over station WJR. requiring vision, patience, and hard The government has three na- continuing drive toward the final tional forests in Michigan, Professor objectives," added Professor Rams- Ramsdell stated. The primary ob- dell, "to be reached in full only by ject of these forests isrto conserve succeeding generations. a portion of our forest resources for ____________________ the benefit of all the people. A national forest is a great bene-E* fit to a community, Professor Ram- dell continued. "It is interested in W Pakr moth national and social welfare {82 Packard through the production of wood Today, 5:30 to 7:30 products, the fostering of wild life, Liver and Bacon the development of public recrea- Broiled Hamburg Steak, tional areas and facilities, and the Fried Onions amelioration of climate and regula- i Baked Ham, Raisin Sauce tion of stream flow through the Roast Beef, Horseradish forest influence. Spanish Pork Chops Michigan's national forests must Oven Fried or Baked Potatoes .__ MCold Slaw Buttered Beets W . i --35c U I Th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NI NOV. 6 and 7 Auspices Players League n You Are Successful Sec Crosby Gaige's Production of Channing Pollock's great play It will help you keep your sense of proportion and save you from sacrificing your ideals and build' ing your real happiness upon shifting sands. A great play--a great entertainment and a great message 1 PRICES---ORCHESTRA................. BALCONY ....... $1.00-s. MAIL ORDERS NOW WANTED- AUTO LOANS-Reinancing. 516 First National. Phone 22001. 156 WANTED-Care of children, 2 to 4 years from 8a. m. to 3:30 p. m. further information dial 3619. 212 GHTS STUDENT LAUNDRY WANTED- Called for and delivered. Phone 4863. 150 WANTfE-1 stdentstoworki evenings. Unusual ]Pay. Inter- view by Mr. Mages. Second floor, Union Lobby. 7-8'30. 217 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Afull dress suit. Call Vesprike. Phone 23169. 219 LOST LOST-Tri Delta pledge pin. Re- turn to Betsy Barbour. 21716, 216 ...$2.50 1.50-$2.00 q YOKK 3' rI .I L D & C MLD ~ -MAN T A T T LUNDGREN FLORIST 208 South Foruth Ave. Dial 22105 Our roses, fall flowers f2 1 (V r ' 1 R 4 kI h n Y'5 F i F" t Es the den ----° -"- ' i t h bt today's special hnicken fried veal steak comtplete dinner fingerle operated restaurants I and blooming will please the plants most discriminating. Corsages a Specialty B i MR" !h- DRUGS KODAKS III mICHIGAN HE WAS A MILLIONAIRE 1. III . . ryry - " ti SY ti ' ' - , < : . i "sr. _ r 11 Make Cicse-ip Movies With the kong-ocus fA.5 lens on your Cine-Kodak, you g t images three times the isual size. Distant action be- Celebrate Hall II at G-ali k-Cor Presents The Ritz Orch Under the Direct of Special N ovelti ow een Tt A smart hotel easily accessi- ble to football fa elds. Home of New York Vassar and Smith College Clubs.T Double $5.00 MADISON AVE. AT FIFTIETH ST. N[EWYETTOW NOW PLAYING Daily 2/:00 9:00 t Returns triumphan t H EL EN C HANDLE R ELLIOTT NUGENT WALTER BYRON HELEN CANDLER extra ion comes near. Ex1c'ng moments show big on your home screen. Let us show vcu tis nw cmera in its attractive colors. Come in. We are headquarters for everything eigle w een Photographic. ivy lO f See us for Kodaks and supplies of all kinds. Ii/mateur Fin hin 24 Hour Service.