ESTABLISHED 1890 'V t i9 w at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII. No. 28 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS STUDE TS Tu R L I L FOR SE DMOFF Dispatc) TROPHY REPLICA IN MINNEAPOLIS, TELE6RAM SAYS Original 'Thief' Only Smiles When Told of Theft. POLICE AID HUNT Belief P e r s ists 'Jug' Safe in Minnesota Capitol. Mystery surrounding the disap- pearance of the 'Little Brown Jug,' famous Michigan-Minnesota foot- ball trophy, was deepened last night by advices from Minneapolis that Oscar Munson, the original "burglar" of the jug, has in his possession a replica, and by an an- onymous telephone call stating that the jug had been found. The disappearance of the trophy, though discovered by athletic au- thorities three weeks ago, became generally known only yesterday. * A search instituted by Phil C. Pack, publicity director of the athleti' association, when the jug was first missed assumed larger proportions yesterday when Jacob B. Andres, Washtenaw c o u n t y sheriff, was asked to aid in the hunt. Stood on Trophy Case. The jug fornerly stood on a tro- phy case in the athletic adminis- tration building. It was believed that it may have been taken during the last Summer Session, when classes were being held in the building. Possibility that the jug was sur- reptitiously removed to the Univer- sity of Minnesota was indicated in the following telegram received last night from the Minnesota Daily: "Oscar Munson, original 'burg- lar,' only smiles when informed of the theft. A mystery surrounds Munson's possession of a replica jug. Athletic Director Crisler, in- formed tonight of the theft, had no statement. He was greatly sur- prised. The campus is agog over the disappearance."~ Rivalry over the jug, originally used by the Michigan teams to carry Ann Arbor water on its expe- ditions to other schools, began in 1'903 when Munson stole the jug at Minneapolis after Minnesota had' played the Wolverines to a 6-6 tie. When the Michigan authorities de- they would have to win it back. Returned in 1929. The jug was brought home in 1909, when Michigan defeated the Gophers, 15-6. Ten years later, Min- nesota scored a 34-7 upset and took the trophy to Minneapolis again. Michigan won it in 1920 and held it until 1927, when the Minnesota team defeated Michigan at the opening game in the new Stadium. The jug was returned in 1929. State Bulletins (By Associated Press) October 28, 1931 LUDINGTON-The M i c h i g a n State Grange, in convention here today, adopted a resolution urging a special legislative session to en- act an income tax for relief of property owners. LANSING-Roland M. Snook, 22- year-old post-graduate student at Michigan State College, pleaded' guilty in circuit court today to stealing $119 and 2,000 milk tickets from the college diary building. He will be sentenced later. MILAN-Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rogers, of South Lansing, Mich., were killed today when their au- tomobile was struck by a Wabash Complicates 'Little Brown Jug' Mystery Student Reading Lax, 0. J. Campbell Thinks Most students are missing the one real object of a college educa- tion, in the opinion of Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English depart- ment. The world needs intelligent peo- ple, he said yesterday in an inter- view, and the criterion of such a person is his reading habits. The greatest fault of the student today is that he does not buy books, Pro- fessor Campbell asserted. The educated man is a reader, owns a well-selected library, and knows the books in it, he pointed out. Fraternities and sororities are usually lax in this respect, with in- adequate libraries used only for studying, he said. "Almost all the stimulation to thought in the modern world comes from reading matter, and if the modern person does not read-if he is not acquainted with the latest advances in thought and action- he is not an educated man," Pro- fessor Campbell went on. An intelligent educated person reads two hours a day, on an aver- age, he concluded, saying that it is essential that college students read more, so that they may fill the world's need for these intelligent people. WATERMN PART EXCAVTESCNHUCH University Expedition Discovers Remains of Roman Theatre in Palestine. Discovery of the remains of a Ro- man theatre and what is probably an early Christian church by the University expedition under Prof. Leroy Waterman were revealed yes- terday by President Alexander G. Ruthven, w h o recently received word from the expedition in Pales- tine, where excavations have been closed for the season. Investigation of the site at Sep- phoris revealed the tiers of a thea-; tre, the existence of which was not; suspected prior to its discovery, carved from living rock. Professor Waterman'stmessage indicated the, probability that the structure dat- ed to the first part of the first cen- tury of the Christian era. Investi- gators consider it particularly im- portant since it testifies to the na- ture of the culture of the capital of Galilee during the lifetime of, Christ. The church was discovered when further excavations were carried; out on the same site. First signs; of the structure consisted of a mo- saic pavement, continued work dis-; closed traces of an older building at the same place. Excavation was suspended Sep- tember 9 because of the limited time at the disposal of the party, and for this reason it was impos- sible to determine the age of the structure. The citadel area on which both of the structures were discovered is now occupied partly by the village school, the report stated, and it was necessary to con- fine the work of the season to the school's summer vacation. The Michigan party consisted of Professor Waterman, Dr. C. S. Fish- er, of the American School of Ori- ental Research of Jerusalem, S. Yeivin, architect, N. Manasseh, sur- veyor, and Fadeel Sabba, photo. grapher. About 100 local workmen were employed on the operations, which were begun July 9. The work was financed by H. B. Earhart, of Ann Arbor. Youth Struck by Auto Confine to Hospital Seriously injured when his bicycle was struck yesterday afternoon by an auto driven by Alexander Grant, STATE PARY W INS~ JUNIOR ELECTIONS By N O MGIN Edwin Turner Wins Presidency of Class; Catherine Heeson Is Vice President. HEAVY VOTE RECORDED William Dibble Only Nominee on Washtenaw Ticket to Be Elected. Electing Edwin T. Turner, Jr., president of the junior class, State Street politicians yesterday defeat- ed their Washtenaw rivals, to even the all-campus rubber, by placing all of their candidates in class offi- ces and securing four of the five J-Hop committeeships. Catherine Heeson was chosen as vice-president, Enid Bush as secre- tary, and Byron Vedder, treasurer. The J-Hop committeemen elected are Kenneth Yourd, Jerry Rosen- thal, Ben McFate, P. Rehn Nelson, and William Dibble. Vote Largest in History. The vote was one of the largest in the history of class elections, 419 being polled. Tur- ner defeated the Washtenaw can- didate, John Ma- son, by the nar- row majority of 23 votes. Turner polled 221 votesI and Mason 198. Catherine Hee-! son was victorious over Helen DeWitt by the close vote of 218 to 202. Miss Bush beat Harriet Holden by 219 to, - v Pot 200 votes. Vedder Turner won over Jules Ayres by 220 to 197. Voting for the J-Hop committee- men was as follows: Yourd, 223; McFate, 220; Rosenthal, 216; Nel- son, 212; Dibble, 208; Richard Nor-. ris, 206; Morton Frank, 204; Joe Gardner, 203; Charles Rocker, 198; and George Fiske, 194. Dibble was the only man elected, who was not on the State Street ticket. C. E. Seltman Speaks on Athenian Pottery Athenian pottery-making attain- ed its highest degree of excellence in the fourth and fifth centuries before Christ, during the golden age of Athenian culture, Charles E. Seltman said in a lecture yes- terday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. "At this time the Athenians made the mistake of attempting to con- vert their democracy into an em- pire," he said. "As a result nation- al disintegration followed. With the loss of Athenian power, pot- tery making as an art also declin- ed." Seltman illustrated his lecture by his own self-made collection of slides of these ancient vases. Western Conference Faculty Body Refuses Iowa Post-Season Game Wins in England IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 28.-(P)- The Western Conference faculty committee today denied the Uni- versity of Iowa's request for per- mission to play a post-season char- ity football game with Iowa State College. Dean C. C. Williams, the Iowa representative and chairman of the committee, made the announcement today following the receipt of a telegram from Prof. William Mar- shall, of Purdue, secretary. Permission was sought through a mail ballot of the faculty represent- atives. Dean Williams said that as a result of the decision plans would go ahead for the five charity games among the members of the Western Conference to be played before Nov. 28, a week after the close of the regular season. He said the athletic directors would meet early in November to draft the post-season program. Permission already had been granted by the Big Six for Iowa State to participate in the game. It had been sponsored by the Amer- ican Legion and had the approval of Gov. Dan Turner, A Really Bender S I ientific Reported s Try Out Cure. Cornell Chemi. New Drun So many excuses have been used for the consumption of fire water that when a really unique one is manufactured t h e inventor de- serves a round of applause. It seems that a certain Dr. Wil- der D. Bancroft, professor of chem- istry at Cornell University, figured that a little scientific investigation of drunkenness would be a boon to humanity, according to the M. I. T. Tech. Much cruelty must be endured for the, greater good of scientific knowledge; that much is apparent. But a certain limit is reached when one considers the case of a defense- less graduate student taken into custody and forced to sit while a circle ofeimpassionate experimen- ters inject periodic doses of Tom Collins' serum, whiskey sours, and sloe gin rickeys into his shuddering frame. The most heartless feature of the experiment came when the scient- ist and his aides, really getting down to business, tested for the sobering effects of sodium rhodo- nite-and the worst of it was that it worked! All this is plain enough. What is hard to understand is why they didn't wait until Saturday night and go out on the campus and cap- ture a fitting specimen in the na- tive state. THE WEATHER Not much change in temperature, mostly unsettled, probably with oc- casional rain, tonight and Thurs- day. Election Changes Made by Classes Freshman medical and junior law elections will be held tomor- row, it was announced yester- day. The junior law election, has been moved up until Friday be- cause of the send-off to be held today. The time and place will be made k n o w n tomorrow. Freshmen medical elections will be held at 5 o'clock in the north lecture room of the east medical building. Originally it had been planned for the amphitheater. JAPANESE PROTEST RE MOBILIZATION Soviet Maneuvers on Manchuria Border Has Disapproval j of Tokio. TOKIO, Oct. 28. - (F') - Japan moved today to protect her inter- ests in Northern Manchuria, re- questing Russia to stop troop con- centrations on the Manchurian bor- der, and sending engineers north along the Shupingkai-Taonan-An- ganchi railway to cross the Chinese Eastern line and reopen the direct route from Taonan to Tsitsihar. Troops accompanied the engineers. The foreign office announced it would submit to the League of Na- tions Council a list of Sino-Japanese treaties it feels China has failed to respect. China is on record at Geneva as acknowledging her obli- gation under the League Covenant to respect treaty stipulations. Thus the sixth week of the diffi- culty brought no sign of direct Sino- Japanese negotiations for which the League Council hoped, and no' indication of the withdrawal of the Japanese forces in Manchuria. The trouble started Sept. 18 with a clash near Mukden over a railway bridge Japanese guards claimed Chinese soldiers damaged. ELECTION__CHOICES Everhardus, McKenzie Selected to Lead '34 Literary Political Factions. By Barton Kane. With the Junior elections out of the way, Washtenaw and State street representatives of the sopho- more literary class turned their at- tention last night to the selection of candidates. Robert K. McKenzie, Lambda Chi Alpha, was the Wash- tenaw presidential choice while Herman Everhardus, Delta Kappa Epsilon, was named on the State street ticket. For treasurer State street named James Wineman, Zeta Beta Tau, while Irving Pearlstone, Pi Lambda Phi, was the Washtenaw selection. The Washtenaw caucus was held at the Alpha Sigma Phi house under the direction of Robert Howard. State street met at the Phi Kappa Psi house under the Chairmanship of Gilbert Bursley. No women candidates for either ticket were announced last night. Both factions are determined to break the tie which resulted when State street swept the junior elec- tions yesterday. Washtenaw has a clean sweep in the senior election to their credit. At the same time, the candidates for a combined party in the sopho- more engineering class were an- nounced. Fred Johnson, Theta Chi, was named for president; James R. Ramsay MacDonald, who was vindicated in the general election held Tuesday in England. His na- tional government once more will assume power in affairs of the em- pire. MHONALD EECTED IN LANDSLIDECOTE England Gives Colition Premier Overwhelming Assurance of Support. LONDON Oct. 28. --(/P) - Swept' into power with a mammoth ma- jority of more than 500 of the 615 seats in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon- ald's National Government w ill dominate Parliament more com- pletely than has any other admin- istration in the history of demo- cratic Britain. Tonight, with 608 returns avail- able from yesterday's voting, there were 555 Government supporters, only 50 in the Opposition and three' Independents. The loss of 235 seats nearly wiped out the Labor representation in' the House of Commons. Nothing like it ever occurred before in Great Britain. The Conservative Party held 472 seats with prospects of gaining more in the late returns. This great Conservative strength led to the expectation that a demand for a complete protection tariff policy would be the first trouble encoun- tered by Mr. MacDonald. But, although an emergency tar- iff soon after the re-convening of Parliament is a probability, the Prime Minister is pledged not to impose a general protective tariff until it has been fully investigated and scientific legislation has been prepared. Great significance was seen in a statement by Stanley B al1 d w i n, Conservative leader, whd declared yesterday's results showed a na- tional and not a party victory. His statement was taken to indicate he would make no attempt to seize power for his party when the House of Commons convenes Nov. 3. OPERA POSTPONED UINTIL NEXT SPRING Lack of Book Material Reason for Delay; Excellent Talent Available. Production of the Mimes opera has been postponed until the mid- dle of next semester, according to Harry Allen, director. This an- nouncement was made last night following a meeting of the executive committee of the show. "The insufficiency of book mater- ial," stated Allen, "does not warrant TO MEET TODAY AS TEAM STARTS FP - Gather This Afternoon Before Angell Hall for Cheering. KIPKE WILL TALK Ruthven to Wish Squad Luck; Hudson Also WillSpeak. The Varsity football squad is expected to witness the biggest send-off in the history of Mich- igan teams when they will be acclaimed by the student I ody at 4:15 o'clock today i front of Angell hall before leaving for their battle with Princeton, the only intersectional game on its schedule this year. The band will be present and will play many of Michigan's songs. All Varsity cheerleaders will be on hand to lead the student yells. President Alexander Grant Ruth- ven will greet the team and will wish them the best of luck in what will probably be the most publicized Michigan game of the year. Short addresses will be given by Coach Harry Kipke and Captain Roy Hudson. To Board Special Train. Following the rally the team will leave, for the Michigan Central sta- tion. They will board the 5:15 p. m. train, a special, directly to Prince- ton. The band will march to the sta- tion and will board the same train as the team. Throughout the week, there has been much speculation on the cam- pus as to whether the team will display the same spirit and drive that they exhibited in the Illinois game, when they smothered the Illini by a score of 35 to 0. Although enthusiasm was seen to wane after the Ohio State game, it quickly regained its former pitch after last Saturday's walk-away, and is, at the present time, at a high pitch. Campus leaders are confident that the renevyed interest shown in the Varsity football team will bring out the largest delegation ever to be present at a send-off. CAPITOL 'AMAZE' AT ELECTION TURN Landslide of National Forces in Great Britain Cause for Optimism.' WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.-(P) Astonishment and optimism com- bined tonight in American official- dom reaction to Great Britain's po- litical upheavel. The national government had been expected to receive firm sup- port at the polls.. The landslide which left the opposition with scarcely a handful of votes in the House of Commons brought expres- sions of amazement. The overwhelming support led to optimistic statements that the gov- ernment was now in a position to deal positively with Britain's eco- nomic difficulties. President Hoover closely folowed the returns. While there was no formal comment' at the White House or the state department, the overwhelming support given the national government was received with the utmost gratification, tem- pered only by speculation over the ultimate position of Mr. MacDon- ald. Delay in Distribution of Oratorical Tickets Premier Laval's Visit Was Attempt to Modify Bad Feeling, Says Remer Premier Laval's visit to Wash- ington was largely an attempt to modify the international ill will caused by France's negative atti- tude in delaying completion of the reparations moratorium, in t h e opinion of Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the economics department. "The ultimate purpose was, of course, to discuss what is to be done at the end of the moratorium per- iod," said Professor Remer. "The moratorium plan provided for post- ponement of Germany's payment to France for one year, and a con- "If this is accepted by everyone in Washington, it will constitute a step forward in American policy. The recognition of this fact by Mr. Hoover was implied in the Mora- torium. It may be added that the French also have seen a difference; from their point of view German Reparations are sacred while Inter- allied Debts are an adjustable fi- nancial problem." The general results of the con- ference seemed to indicate that the policies of France and the United Of at. a n , Va nn 4frmnl n r1. ~~. rn a-