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October 28, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-28

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. .

As a pet side issue, they are ignorantly criticizing the
work of the Michigan R. O. T. C. unit. They slander
Published every morning except Monday during the University year tha tho Ignorance breeds contemt"Verycertin
by the Board in Control of Student Publications. KILLINS GRAVEL
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. slogan as being "The best preparation for peace is
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re_____________________________
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwi preparation for war. As a member of the advanced COMPANY
credited in this paper and the local news published herein, course unit, I deny that statement of theirs. THE BOSTON SYMPHONY
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second As a minor mouthpiece of socialism here at the ORCHESTRA Telephone 7112
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant University, this "Student Socialist" should publish
Postmaster General. eiwb ila .Gra
the principles of their beliefs and on that platform
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50 attempt a temperate criticism of the present order. With Ravel's wizardry as his
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Any nit-wit, taught by that easy instructor, exper- stimulus, Serge Koussevitsky last
Vichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
EDiTORIAL STAFF ience, can find fault with most anything. They find night proved himself a supreme WANT ADS PAY
Telephone 4925 fault with our Detroit and other millionaires who
are not plunging headlong into giving, because they virtuoso on what is undoubtedly
MANAGING EDITOR realize that their generosity will not heal the sore. the most thrilling instrument ever
Editorial Director...............................Beach Conger, Jr. They know that people hate to improve their condi- heard in Ann Arbor. "Daphnis and
City Eritor.....................................Carl Forsythe ton- - --s-n-l--
News Edtor.... .. . ........... .................David M. Nichol hon personaly. Chloe" probably has as much tech-
It is the character of individuals that bring on nical subtlety as any score in th
&,orts Editor...............................Sheldon C. Fullerton depression and their unwillingness to stop complain- COLONIAL FOOD
Wome'S Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson ng and construct, that keeps it here. "What a man orchestral repertoire. Ravel's is a
Assistant News Editor............................Robert L. Pierce is contributes more to his contentment than what peculiar mind: he writes evocative, SHOP
NIGHT EDITORS he has." Let us see the socialist's soution to the shimmering, evanescent music with
Frank B. Gibreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis problem given as much publicity as his comment's the utmost precision and the ut- Excellent Food
Rolad Goodman Jerry E. Rose~nthal EcletFo
Karl Sciffert George A. Stauter on it. "The best sign of ability is action " A. most caution to include full sub-
Sports Assistants lety of detail. Clearly the scores at Reasonable Prices
Wilber J. Myers John W. Thomas John S. Townsend PROHIBITION coming from such a mind present
Jlrian Jones Charles A. Sanford
By M. Levi. a peculiarly difficult problem to Breakfast . 20C
Stanley W. Arnheim Fred A. HuTer John W. Pritchard (This is the sixth of a series of articles on prohi- the conductor. The conductor has
Lawson 1. Becker Norman Kraft Joseph Renihan bition by M. Levi, professor emeritus.) to build up a whole that will be Luncheon . 35c
'Thomas Connellan Roland .Martin C. Bart Schaafy
Samuel G. Ellis Henry Meyer Brackley Shaw Raymond Fosdick is a corporation lawyer and a magical (that is, mysterious and
Samuel L. Finkle Marion A. Milezewski Parker R. Snyder
Louis B. Gascoigne Albert H. Newman G. R. Winters student of American problems as well as of foreignidefinably affecting) out of a inner . c
E. Jerome Pettit affairs. He has held many civilian and military score literally strewn with parts, all
Dorothy Broekman Georgia Geisman Margaret o'Brikn offices. In 1919 he was civilian aide to General Per- of which have to be both attended A la Carte Sandwiches
Miriam Carver Alice Gilbert Htillary ItardenSevc
Beatrice Collins Martha Littleton Dorothy Rundell shing in France and later served as Under-secretary- to and related. Mr. Koussevitsky Service
Louise Crandall Elizabeth Long Elma Wadsworth Dlvr evc 11 .M
Elsie Feldman Frances Manchester Josephine Woodhams general of the League of Nations. He is a brother of very evidently has just the type of Deive Serice 8 P M.
Prudence Foster Elizabeth Mann Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. He has written on Euro- mind and just the type of orches- 609 E. University Phone 3607
BUSINESS STAFF pean and American police systems. In 1928 he pub- tra to fully face such a problem.
C A ES . LN .. Telephone 21214 _______________ _______
CHARLES T. KLINE...................JBusiness Manager lished The Old Savage in The New Civilization in Probably no orchestra in the world
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager which the author revealed himself as a sharp and has such security in each of its sec-
Department Managers fearless critic. The book treats of many subjects: tions; probably 'very few conduc-
Advertising..................VernonBishop education, prohibition, democracy, conformity, stand- tors have the technical intelligence
Advertising .................................William w. Davis ardization, majority rule, mass opinion, the Ku Klux or (if they have that) the courage
service..................................... Byron C. V:edder
Publications.................................William T. Brown Klan, the machine age, war, preparedness, the R. O. to be so amazingly attentive to de-
Accouation.......... .... ........arry reatley T. C., etc. tail as Mr. Koussevitsky is. The re-
Women's Business Manager ......s..............Ann W. Verner Mr. Fosdick's latest piece of writing Our Foreign sut of such courage is the extraor- ou will get more out
Assistant uto uhcuaeitengts of your University career
OrviPolicy In The Looking-Glass appeared in the August inaryrichness of last 'per- if you are able to type
PolicyLooking-GlassrappearedlAugustodinarybnights pr-your own notes, thenes
Gilbert E. Buraley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein number of the Atlantic Monthly. The following ex- formance of "Daphnis and Chloeheses. Your noes
Wilr .Cm. john Keyser "ahisCmsBernard E. Shnacke !awilhesc lers. you not
Allen Clark' Arthur F. Rohn Grafton W. Sharp cerpts are taken from the first mentioned book: All the detail was boldly proectctd. il e uh fullrifnyo
Gstae Dalberg ernard eGood Cecil E. Welch "Here in the United States we are still too near 1917 And ith such finish '(One has Hundreds of Michigan
to forget the methods by which, in the hour of crisis, o n 1 y to mention the exquisite tuden ha lr
Donna Becker Anne llarsha May Seefriedthfihigisicswraouean tentonA4h h '. hand at Hamilton Busi-
Martha Jane Cissel Katharine Jackson Minnie Seng the fighting instincts were aroused and the nation phrasing and the rhythmic preci-es Coee y
Genevieve Field Dorothy Layin Helen Spencer was weldedphrasigoanusinrgye mictrecm-ntesoColleg.eMany.ve
Maxine Fischgrund Virginia Me omb Kathryn S was welded into a single instrument of vengeance. sion of the woodwinds throughoutthse orearngmney o n
Ann Gallneyer Carolin Mosher lare Unger Man is subject to the passions of the pack in his mob the whole score to make clear what ton ou in
Mary Harriman lie Sien Olsen Mary Elizabeth Watts , o epasoso ±epc i±ismutetn.Yuilalofd
Helen Schmeede violence and the passions of the herd in his panic. is meant). And yet--this is even areeraftruabraduatio
"Following the exhibition of mass emotion which more important-the performance
the war presented, we have seen the weapons of the was splendid and immediate andTYPEWRITING
NIGHT EDITOR-FRANK GILBRETH law used to mpose particular standards or morality, vital in its larger outlines. There SHORTHAND
to enforce particular codes of private conducts, to was always fluent motion the di-
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1931 make the personal habits of the majority the personal rection of which was clearly defin-ACCOUNTING
habits of the minority-in other words to standardize ed. And the ability to project flu- SECRETARIAL
by threat of penalty the ideas and preferences of an ent motion (msterious ambigu-
Was The Audience entire nation. iyat isneyerlsTRAINING
justif.e. . ity!) that is nevertheless felt to be
"Truly, majorities are in the saddle, and, as Walter .fl ob
Justified in Hissing? i "mn a 'te re o the madori, is rleo richly qualified at each single mom- Enter at any time day and evening
Lippman says the rule of the majority is the rule of classes.
coerce. For while nobody can seriously maintain that ent (if eve could stop and abstract
IT IS appropriate that a word be said in explana- the greatest number must have the greatest wisdom a moment) may be as satisfactory a
th apprtnubrms hv h gets iso in o pteisaterasta rn hog definition as any of musical gen-H M LN
on of the hisses and roars that rang through or the greatest virtue, there is no denying that under ius.nt as aty irres ve- HAMILTON
the Union assembly hall last Thursday night when modern social conditions they are likely to have the ins. At any rate, irrespective of BUSINESS
students, faculty members, national prohibition most power.' anyone's ability to define it, un-
authorities, and townspeople gathered to discuss We in this generation face questions of great dobtedly the Ravel performance
the prohibiti'on problem and to hear Col. Amos W. moment. They relate to the kind of world our child- was enough to convince us all that State and William Streets
W. Woodcock, federal enforcement director, ad- ren will inherit. How can we maintain the freedom Mr. Koussevitsky has it.
dress the assembly on the question.of expression and initiative of the individual when The performances of the Handel
the machine process is accentuating the old herd Concerto Grosso in B Minor and of
That Col. Woodcock's views were good ones instinct for solidarity? All the forces of our time are Beethoven's Seventh Symphony in
was undisputed; that his address was dignified, A major were full corroboration.
petnnadwl-eiee sntt edne;driving toward standardization.iv
and well-delivered is not to be dened; But what about majorities? We need to be frank The string tone in the Handel al-
Col. Woodcock was not hissed. I about them. Majority rule is a working rule by which ways had real depth and was sensi-
It is unfortunate that thefact that the audience we attempt in a rough way to determine policies of tively varied in the Largo move-
expressed its sentiments in a manner not paricu- common concern. It is a political expedient by which, mentl. Koussevitsky seemed to have dvirt
larly dignified should be attributed-as so many through the crude process of counting heads, we full sympathy with the directness,
things are attributed-to what is known as the establish standards of action. It is acceptable be- the logic and the nobility of the AII
"youthful exuberance" of those students prcsent. cause, as Lippman says, 'we do not know any less polyphonic idiom in the Allegro Alditoram a iven inHisl
yo a att r f ctul fct he ebae tat ros case s lssAuditorium i n 1 e s s otherwise
As a matter of actual fact, the debate that arose troublesome method of obtaiing a political decision.' movements. Thenwhole Concerto
bewe h e.R .Hlalsprnedn u ocredit th is clumsy devi ce with a kind of cen- was both authentic and inspired, noted The aternoon concerts{.
between the Rev. R. N. Holsaple, superintendent tralized infallibility and to proclaim that the voice of Mr. J. W. N. Sullivan in his book are g i v e n without admission
of the Michigan Anti-Saloon league, and Repre- the people is the voice of God is to talk nonsense. on Beethoven says of the Seventh charge.
sentative Robert C. Clancy, a militant wet, was More than that, it is vicious nonsense. Symphony: "It is the first work on
without doubt sufficient provocatoin for an even Not only is it impossible to make virtue and wis_ a grand scale in which that con- M A U D OKKELERG, Piano,
more raucous demonstration of displeasure. dom dependent on fifty-one per cent of any collection flict (which was the root experience Nov. 1, 4:15.
Instead of considering the merits and faults of of men, but the unintelligent mouthing of the old variously embodied in the third and HIY
the questionr under discussion, Rep. Clancy spoke superstition serves to incite majorities against minor- fifth symphonies and in the Ra- BESEKIKCe, Violit, J0-
about everything from whether or not Jesus Christ ities in matters whic do not pertain in any way to soumovsky quartets) is taken foi SEPH BRINKMAN, Piano,
was a wet to whether or not the framers of the political decisions. Thus, in recent years we have granted and ignored, and the fruits Nov. 8, 4:15.
seen random majorities, collected and directed by of the victory enjoyed. The splendid
constitution were wets, to all of which the Rev. organized propaganda, claiming jurisdiction over per introduction to the first movement UNIVERSTY S Y M P H O N Y
Holsaple replied with a choice selection of personal ogn iefppsandersonal habits, over-riding minori- gives the impression of a whole I1 ORCHESTRA, DAVID MAT-

retorts, and branded Rep. Clancys remarks as ties in a field where a colective judet h world stirring into exultant life and T N, Conductor, Nov. 1,
tist afed hr acleciejudment as no .4:1.
"irrelevant." . business to go. There is a silent referendum in the in the last two movements this
It was at this point that the audience first broke hearts and minds of men against which no imper- exultant note has reached pure, OSSIP GABRILOWTSCH, Pi.
the bounds of decorum. They had come to hear a tinent pronouncement by a majority can stand. For joyful ecstasy." These words sug- ano,
national problem of the first magnitude analyzed knowledge, for truth, for a valid line between right gest the type of interpretation that
by the man best fitted to discuss it, and they heard and wrong, for an appreciation of spiritual values, Koussevitsky gave the Seventh. The WASSILY BESEKTRSKY, Violin,
two orators of unquestionably lesser importance one does not consult the greatest number. The coarse first movement was taken at a slow MABEL ROSS RHEAD, Piano,
finger and thumb of mass opinion cannot shape to tempo and dynamically it was re- - 2
bandyvn personalities.cean inelectalstrained; it left a distinct impres-ik
bThe finaV stormof derision broke forth from the any given pattern the conscience and intellectual THE REVELERS, James Melton,
hintegrity of a man. . . Said Lord Acton 'The great sion of a state of mind not yet clea 1st tenor, Phil Dewey, baritone,
question is to discover not what governments prescribe to itself. The powerful, exultant L v;,James, 2nd tenor, Wil-
Holsaple said, "I doznot hesitate to pronounce pro- but what they ought to prescribe; for no prescription ecstasy of the last movement seem- fred Glenn, bass, Frank 3ack,
hibition an unqualified success." is valid against the conscience of mankind.' ed in the experience of the sya- Director and Pianst, Dec. 3,
In light of nothing more moving than the stock There is real truth in Herbert Spencer's observa- phony to have the subtle relation 8:15.
anti-prohibition ar tments -the increase.in num- tion that majorities are generally wrong. . . It was of being implicit in that early stat L A U R A LITTLEFIELD, So-
ber and decrease incecency of saloons, the preval- the majority that stood behind the Spanish Inquisi- of mind without being predictable pLAno A TeeD, So-
ence of bootlegging, racketeering, and corruption, tion. It was the majority that supported the burning from it. I mean to say that Mr.
and the loss of $loo,ooo,ooo annual federal revenue, of witches. It was the majority in America that Koussevitskys restraint in the first THE "~MESSIAH" by Handel,
indirectly by loss of the liquor tax, and directly as upheld in election after election the institution and movement had, the effect of con- University Choral Union, Uni-
passed laws to suppress those who criticized it. It cealing meaning and giving to the versity Symphony Orchestra,
the actual cost of prohibhition enforcement-a state- was the majority that rallied behind our unjust war last movement the climactic power Soloists, Earl V. Moore, Con-1
wnent of that type is nothing short of rediculous on Mexico min tha It was bhn majority thnat pr- of nearly complete revelation. The ductor, December 13, 4:15.
That speech was hissed. hibited the teaching of evolution in Tennessee. It was Allegretto movement was given a
the majority on both sides that wallowed in blood beautiful rendering which also made DETROIT OssipGabOR-Iw
ICHESTRA , ssip Garilow- ,
P I A lNA1N the United States that is today opposing our entry meant by "enjoying the fruits of his
into the League of Nations. Majorities are generally victory." This was a remembered DON COSSACK 'R U S S I A N
wrn.O l usin novn oa ehcl sorrow, soft and lovely and without CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Con-
To The Editor: considerations they are pretty sure to be wrong. A the anguish of the earlier slow uctor, Jan. 13, 8:15.
people should be judged, said Emerson, not by its movements. This movement, too DETROIT SYMPHONY OR-
I am wondering how many students felt the same majorities but by its minorities. progresses by revelation of impli- ETR Dr. Rudolf Siegel,
way. I did when they read the latest number of our As a matter of fact, it is always the minorities that cit meaning. The soft, reticent Guest Conductor, Jan. 25,
Five-cent Critique which appears too often on the hold the key of progress." opening bars are fully clarified in 8:15.
campus under the name "Student Socialist." In its the slendid, fugal section towards
four pages, one may find a suggested complaint about We understand that officials of Sing Sing prison the Ad (a use of polyphony char- YEHUDI MENUHIN, Violin,
most anything that exists in our social order of today- are planning to let the prisoners play football. What acteristic of the later Beethoven.) Feb. 4, 8:15.
The publishers of this paper seem to be carrying out an awful job that is going to he for the radio an- The whole svmhonv. I think-

E hl




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