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October 28, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-28

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Students to Cheer Team
on Angell Hall Steps
Before Departure.
Hudson, Kipke Also to
Address Crowd;
£and to Play.
A rousing send off will be given
Michigan's fighting varsity foot-
ball team when they leave for
Princeton tomorrow for their first
intersectional game of the year.
The team will be greeted by a
mass of students at 4:15 o'clock
on the steps of Angell hall. Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven will be
present to bid them good bye and
wish them the best of luck.
Short addresses will be made by
Coach Harry Kipke and Captain
Sol Hudson.
The Varsity band will be present
at the send off and will playsev-
eral of Michigan's famous songs
such as The Victors, Yellow and
Blue, and Varsity.
To Have Cheers.
All of the cheer leaders will be
present and will leadhthe rooters
in many inspiring cheers which
should show the members of the
team. that, "Michigan expects her
varsity to win."
The football team will be brought
tip from the field house to the steps
of Angell hall, in trucks. Following
the send off thte team will go di-
rectly to the Michigan Central sta-
tion where they will take a special
train directly to Princeton.
The band will march down to the
station and will board the same
train that the varsity is taking.
Excitement Runs High.
Throughout the week, excitement
has run at a fever heat among stu-
dents in Ann Arbor as speculation
on the first intersectional game is
Although there was a decided de-
pression of excitement following
the Ohio State Game, held two
weeks ago, a new high seems to be
approached at the present time af-E
ter the through drubbing that the
revamped squad gave the Illini at
Memorial stadium, in Champaign
last week.
Campus leaders expect that there
will be the largest delegation ever
to be present at a. send-off on hand
Thursday to cheer the team as it
is about to leave for the Princeton

Boat Kept Waiting
While Daughter of
Laval ~Steps Out'
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. - (P) - A
queen of the sea waited five and
one-half hours today while the
daughter of the premier of France
danced with a Yankee mayor at a
millionaire's birthday party.
The Ile de France was to have
sailed at five minutes past mid-
night with Premier Laval and his
daughter, Josee, aboard. At that
hour, however, the orchestra in the
fashionable night club, the Central
Park Casino, was playing "Cupid
on the Birthday Cake" and Mada-
moiselle Josee Laval was dancing
with Mayor James J. Walker. Mon-
sieur Laval was watching with an-
expansive smile, and a group of
socially important persons who were
gathered to honor the natal day of
Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney also
beamed their approval.
The boat waited. Finally, at 1:15
a. m., when Mayor Walker's car
rolled up with Josee, the premier
close behind, the captain decided
to postpone sailing until a more
advantageous tide rolled out at 5:30
a. m.
The mayor went aboard to wish
the premier bon voyage and to say
formally, "best wishes to your coun-
try for what she is doing to benefit
humanity." M. Laval replied with
an expression of admiration for
Photographers posed the group.
Madamoiselle Laval declared that
her last five hours in New York were
the happiest-they included the last
act of "The Vanities" and the night
Charles T. Seltman, Cambridge
Archaeologist to Speak
This Afternoon.


State Buleins
(By Associated Press)
October 27, 1931


Gale, 43, of Cleveland, drowned in
Reeds lake here today when the
boat in which she was rowing alone
capsized during a sudden storm.
CHARLOTTE-Gerald Buysee, 22,t
and Maynard Little and Kenneth
Albro, each 20, all of Lansing were
sentenced to serve from 15 to 30
years in Michigan State prison to-
day on their pleas of guilty to rob-
bing the Sunfield, Mich., state bank
of $1,377 last August.
L A N S I N G-An administrative
board committee will conduct a
hearing Wednesday on allegations
that the state is losing $2,000,000 a
year through evasion of the gaso-
line tax.
EAST LANGING--Michigan State
college authorities said today Rol-
and M. Snook, 22, of Olivet, Mich.,
graduate student, had confessed
breaking into the dairy department
offices on Labor Day and taking
$119 in cash and checks and 2,000
milk tickets. He will be arraigned
Wednesday in Lansing municipal
court on a charge of grand larceny.
DETROIT-Richard H. Fyfe, 92,
pioneer Detroit shoe merchant, died
today. He had retired only recently
from active participation in the R.
H. Fyfe Co., of which he was presi-
rint. after being in the shoe busi-

Athenian Vases and their Paint-
ers is the subject of a lecture which
will be given by Charles T. Seltman
at 4:15 o'clock today in the Natural
Science auditorium. Seltman, who
is a lecturer in classical archaeology
at Cambridge university will speak
under the ouspices of the Greek
Seltman owns a large collection
of Greek and Roman coins and
vases and will illustrate his lecture,
which is open to the public, with his
self-made collection of slides. Last
year he gave a talk here on ancient
The art of pottery-making at-
tained a very high point of excel-
lence in the fifth and sixth centur-
ies and, as the Seltman collection
is particularly from this period the
vases which are to be pictured in
the slides are expected to be very
State Street Party
to Convene Tonight
The second caucus of the sopho-
more State Street party will be held
this evening at 7:45 at Phi Kappa
Psi house, 1550 Washtenaw. Nom-
inations for the candidacy will be
made, according to a statement by
Gilbert E. Bursley. Campaign plans
and organization will also be dis-
Grid Star Will Have
Funeral Honor Rites
Cadet Sheridan to Receive
Military Burial.
WEST POINT, N. Y., Oct. 27.-WI)
-Maj. Gen. William R. Smith, com-
mandant of the military academy,
today announced the Army football
team would play out its schedule
for this year despite the death of
Cadet Richard B. Sheridan, Jr., as
a result of injuries received in the
game with Yale, Saturday.
General Smith said this action
was taken on the expressed desire
of the football team, the corps of
cadets and Cadet Sheridan's imme-
diate family.
Family Desires It.
"In answer to the many inquiries
from various sources," said a for-
mal statement, "the superintend-
ent of the United States Military
Academy desires to announce that
despite the regretable death of Ca-
det Sheridan from injuries received

Elections for
Medical School
Freshman medical elec-
tions will be held Friday,
Oct. 30, at 5 p. m., in the
Amphitheater of the West
Medical building, according
to an announcement made
yesterday by Edward J. Mc-
Cormick, president of the
Student Council.
T 1 C1di
Turner, Mason Candidates forT
President in Today's
Identification Cards Must Be
Presented at Votingt
Juniors in the literary college
will hold their class election from
4:15 to 5:45 o'clock today in room
25, Angell hall. Identificationt
cards will be required for all vot-
ers. No campaigning will be al-t
lowed in the building.
By Barton Kane
State street and Washtenaw jun-
iors willtgather this afternoon to
elect class officers in the seconde
of four elections which will settler
the supremacy of one of the partiess
for the fall semester. With J-Hop
positions to be allotted upon, theY
election ranks second in import-I
ance only to the senior literary
Edwin "Ned" Turner and Johnf
Mason will head the State Street
and Washtenaw tickets respective-I
ly. Turner, Sigma Phi, is presidentr
of Sphinx, junior honor organiza-
tion, varsity trackman and was a
member of the freshmen athletict
commission. Mason, Alpha Sigmat
Phi, is assistant basketball man-
ager and was chairman of the ad-
visory committee his sophomore
DeWitt, Hesson Candidates.
Helen Jones DeWitt, Pi Beta Phi,
will run on the Washtenaw ticket
as vice-president, opposing Cather-
ine Heesen,. Delta Gamma. Miss
DeWitt is a member of Wyvern and
secretary of the League, while Miss
Heesen is social chairman of the
League. Enid Bush, Gamma Phi
Beta and Mosher-Jordan will run
for secretary on the State Street
ticket, opposed by Harriet Holden,
of Martha Cook. Jules Ayres, Wash-
tenaw candidate for treasurer, Al-
pha Kappa Lambda, is a member
of Alpha Nu and is active in Stu-
dent Christian Association work.
Byron Vedder, his opponent, an in-
dependent, is service manager of
the business staff of The Daily and
president of Alpha Nu.
The State Street candidates for
J-Hop committeeship are: Jerry
Rosenthal, Phi Epsilon Pi, night
editor of The Daily, member of the
band for 2 years, and Alpha Epsilon
Mu, musical fraternity; Kehneth
Yourd, Beta Theta Pi, member of
the 'Ensian staff, Sphinx, and Sig-
ma Delta Chi; Benjamin McFate,
Phi Gamma Delta, member of the
'Ensian staff, Sphinx and Sigma
Delta Chi; and P. Rehn Nelson.
Committee Listed.
On the Washtenaw slate are
Rochard Norris, Sigma Alpha Elt'

silon, member of the Student Coun-
cil and assistant track manager;
William D i b b1 e, Trigon, varsity
track man and chairman of the
athletic committee his sophomore
year; Morton Frank, Sigma Alpha
Mu, secretary of the S t u d e n t
Christian Association and member
of the Sophomore Prom committee
last year; Charles Rachor, P h i
Kappa, member of the fencing
team; and Joe Gardner, Phi Kap-
pa Sigma, member of Scabbard
and Blade, was treasurer of the
sophomore class last year.
State Street and Washtenaw ma-
chines in the class of '33 have each
won one election, and both want
to win the rubber match. The for-
mer faction will also be out to
avenge the narrow defeat inflicted
by Washtenaw on the senior class
Health Service Treats


of Fifty-Two Countries
Disarmament Question

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-(P)
-America will reply favorably
this week to a League of Nations
request for participation in an im-
mediate one-year armament holi-
The proposed truce, in which
52 nations have been invited to
join, has the wholehearted ap-
proval of President Hoover and
Secretary Stimson.
They believe it will add greatly to
the prospects for success at the gen-
eral disarmament conference in
February, and take a heavy finan-
cial burden off the world.
A detailed communication, speci-
fying the military and naval con-
struction activities that this coun-
try forego, is to be framed at the
state department before Sunday,
the expiration date pet by the league
of replies.
Stimson Answers.
In preparing the formal answer,
Secretary Stimson will have the
assistance of Hugh Wilson, Ameri-
can minister to Switzerland, and
representative at thie league of dis-
armament committee sessions at
Geneva in September when the
holiday was proposed. Wilson is ex-
pected to return from his home in
Chicago this week.
Participation in the move con-
forms with the administration's
attitude of sympathy toward all
proposals intended to reduce arma-
Compromise Proposed.
This attitude was expressed to
the league's disarmament commit-
tee by Wilson at Geneva when the
one-year proposal advanced by for-
eign Minister Grandi of Italy was
under consideration.
The Italian proposal failed of
adoption on encountering French
and Japanese opposition.
Men Made to Shave
by Hobart Faculty
GENEVA, N. Y., Oct. 27.-()-
A faculty seemingly unsympa-
thetic with the loyalty of several'
Hobart students who pledged
themselves not to shave until
their Alma Mater won a football
game, was responsible for the ap-
pearance today of faces clean
shaven for the first time in near-
ly a month.
A group of students after the
Syracuse game vowed not to
shave until Hobart broke a suc-
cession of 21 straight losses.
Defeats by St. Lawrence, Union
and Kenyon followed and a
chapter of the "House of David"
seemed immiennt until faculty
members unofficially suggested to
the students that they show their
confidence in the team in some
other manner.

LONDON, Oct. 27.- ( P) - Sweeping Conservative victories
among the early returns from the general election today indicated
a landslide developing in favor of Ramsay MacDonald's administra-
Returns from 245 constituencies showed the following party

Dr. J. M. Puig Causaranac, new
ambassador to the United States
from Aexico, arrived in Washing-
ton recently to assume his new du-
Kirby Page Condemns Presence
of R.O.T.C. Unit on

Japanese intervention in China
is exactly the same thing as United
States intervention in Nicaragua or
Haiti, Kirby Page, nationally known
writer and editor, told a large stu-
dent audience here yesterday.
"Though in reality both are of
the same kind of action, motivated
by the same causes, and desirous of
the same results, we believe our in-
tervention to be justifiable," he
Page, speaking under the spon-
sorship of the Peace council and
the Student Christian association,
condemned the doctrine of the doc-
trine of the right of armed inter-
vention as one of the national dog-
mas most detrimental to peace. "If
the United States goes to war
again, the chances are a hundred
to one that it will be as a result
of an armed intervention expedi-
tion," he said.
Loud applause greeted Page when
he attacked William Randolph
Hearst for his dogmatic stand on
United States intervention in inde-
pendent countries.
Page scored the presence of an
R. O. T. C. unit on campus as an
encouragement for war. "Propa-
gandists of militarism argue that
the best way to preserve peace is
to prepare for war, and that war
is inevitable," he said. "But if war
is inevitable can we prevent it by
being prepared?"
The minority in favor of militar-
ism, Page asserted, attempt to instil
and maintain fear in the minds of
the people of a nation, because un-
less fear can be maintained the
people will refuse to pay armament
Twenty-six students of the Engi-
neering college will be initiated into
the American Society of Chemical
Engineers at an initiation banquet
and smoker at 6:15 o'clock tonight
at the Union.
Mr. H. E. Riggs, honorary profes-
sor of civil engineering, will be the
principal speaker. Prof. J. S. Wor-
ley, of the transportation depart-
ment, will act as toastmaster. (-
Those to be initiated are: Sam-
uel M. Cardone, '32; William R.
Crane, '32; Wilson J. Dalzell, '32;
Milo Griggs, '32; David M. Hannah.
'32; John G. Hoad, '31; Walter A.
Johnson,; John P. Mapes, '32; Don-
ald H. Miller; Myron P. Ellis, '32;
Errol A. Haight, '32; James M.
Monroe, '32.
Raymond W. Pierce, '32; Arthur
D. Tucker, '31; J. C. Witmer; Gor-
don A. Yessir, '32; Melvin B. Mon-
son, '32; Earl E. Rinck, '32; William
V. Keillor, '32; William P. Sanzen-
bacher, '32; Thomas D. Coleman,
'32; Paul A. Rauff, '33; Stuart L.
Potter, '33; John H. Benjamin, '33;
Weyburn M. Dodge, '33; William T.
Horner, '33.
Brumm Will Lecture

Conservatives 188; National L
position Liberals 2; Labor 21;I
Rauff Chosen Junior Engineer
President; Potter Wins
at Senior Law Polls.
By Barton Kane.
Paul Rauff was chosen president
of the junior ergineering class, and
Hugh Baker was named as J-Hop
chairman yesterday at an election
featured by split factions as well as
unanimous choices. Harold Seamans
and Arthur Robison were elected
J-Hop committeemen in the only
other contests of the day.
Six other candidates were uncon-
tested in their nomination for office.
Harvey Bauss was chosen as vice-
president, Robert Hayes as secre-
tary, Earl C. Briggs as treasurer,I
Lawrence Darow and A. W. Mitchell
for the Engineering council and J.
A. Goetz for the honor committee.
In the senior law school elections,
the Law club defeated the inde-
pendent faction making a clean
sweep of all offices. 'Harold Potter
was named president, Melvin Deo
vice-president, Milton McCreery as
secretary, and Earl Meixner trea-
In the engineering elections, Rauff
polled 72 votes as against 67 for
Jerry Gruitch and 21 for Richard
Reed. For the J-Hop chairmanship,'
Baker defeated Howard Jones 85 to
75. The votes on the committeemen
were Robison 97, Seamans 80, Ches-
ter Ogden 61, Charles Worst 46 and
J. M. Dunnewind 23.
400 Men From Lower Peninsula
Promise to Contribute
to Hoover Pool.
DETROIT, Oct. 27.-(P)-Michi-
gan bankers, meeting here Monday,
pledged the resources of their in-
stitutions to the Hoover credit pool
and formed a state organization
to participate in the half billion
dollar National Credit corporation.
Four hundred bankers from the
lower peninsula attended the meet-
ing, then returned to their homes
to recommend to their respective
boards appropriations to carry out
the pool's function. A loan com-
mittee andregional loan advisors
were named.
Robert O. Lord, president of the
Guardian Detroit bank, presided at
the conference, which was held on
invitation of the Detroit Clearing
House association. He predicted the
corporation w o ul d "re-establish
confidence on the part of the
frightened public in value of prop-
erty, securities and confidence."
Only a small percentage of the
$500,000,000 fund proposed for the
National Credit corporation will be
required, he said, to "increase the
volume of buying and bring literal-
ly hundreds of millions of dollars
from safe-deposit boxes and other
hiding places."
Alpha Nu Plays Host
to National President
Lyle E. Eisermann, president of
the grand chapter of Kappa Phi
Sigma was the guest of the Alpha
Nu chapter of Michigan last eve-
ning .He announced that the na-

Labor z; National Liberals 31; -Op-
Independents 2. This gives the
national government a total of
22o against 23 for the opposition,
disregarding the independents.
The heaviest blow that Labor
could suffer came in the first re-
turns with the defeat of Arthur
Henderson, leader of the opposition,
at Burnley.
Henderson Loses Seat.
Mr. Henderson lost his House of
Commons seat to Rear Admiral
Gordon Campbell by a vote of 35,-
126 to 26,917.
Several former Labor ministers
were election casualties. In addition
to Mr. Henderson, who was foreign
secretary in the Labor government,
they included Herbert Morrison,
former minister of transport; Tom
Shaw, former minister of war; Ar-
thur Greenwood, former minister of
health; John R. Clynes, former
House secretary; Albert V. Alexan-
der, former First Lord of the Ad-
miralty; Margaret Band Field, the
former minister of labor; Sir Sam-
uel Hoare, former secretary of state
for India, and Sir Ben Turner, the
former minister of mines,
Symptoms Impressive.
An impressive symptom of the
early returns was the huge major-
ities piled up by the Conservatives.
With the elimination of triangular
contests among Conservatives, Lib-
eral and Labor candidates, minority
representation became impossible,
and in straight fights Labor often
was swamped.
Tom Snowden, cousin to Chancel-
lor of the Exchequer Philip Snow-
den, was beaten by 12,000 votes at
Accrington, where he ran as a Labor
As returns increased there was no
relief for the gloom in the Labor
camp. An element, however, which
might develop ominously for Mr.
MacDonald and his national gov-
ernment was the possibility of the
Conservatives making such exten-
sive gains as to dominate parlia-
Lady Astor, American born M. P.
was returned to the House of Com-
mons today in a straight Conserva-
tive-Labor fight in the Sutton divi-
sion of Plymouth.
Doctor Anderson Predicts End
of Gridiron Sport in
Near Future.

Stimson Prepares U. S. Formal
Answer to Geneva
Confeence. D

Mexican Ambassador

Arthur Henderson, Leader of the Labor Part
Is Defeated by Rear Admiral Gordon
by 9,000 Vote Majority




Scabbard and Blade
Has Annual Banquet'
Scabbard and Blade held its Na-
tional Anniversary banquet last
night in the Michigan League. The
F Co. Fourth Regiment invited Prof.
Thomas H. Reed, of the Political
Science department, as the guest
Professor Reed spoke on "Theo-
dore Roosevelt," outlining his ideals
and policies. The militaristic-mind-
ed President was a strong supporter
to R. O. T. C. principles, he brought
out in his speech.
Comedy Club Tryouts
to Be Held in League
The tryouts for the Comedy Club
production will be held at 8 o'clock
tonight in the League building,
Whitney Dixon, '32, president of the
organization announced yesterday.
The place of the meeting will be
announced on the bulletin board,
hp i.At.i Tvn_.cfnrt.a drm ._ti

NEW HAVEN, Oct. 2'7.-(A)-The
overthrow of football within the
next 10 years as the "mighty mon-
arch" of college sport was predict-4
ed today by Dr. William G. Ander-
son, director of the Yale gymnas-
In four decades Dr. Anderson has
watched football at Yale rise from
a humble beginning to a sport
which has brought, more than a
million dollars annually into the
treasury of the athletic association,
and now Dr. Anderson predicts that
the very sports which football has
nurtured and supported will spell
the decline of this Croesus of ath-
With the widespread growth of
interest among college students in
athletics of all kinds, Dr. Anderson,
said, football will be forced to share
its popularity with the so-called
minor sports. Development of good
football teams by smaller colleges,
he predicted, will also result in a
reduction of gate receipts.
Football, baseball, track and crew
were the only organized sports at
the University wheyi Dr. Anderson

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