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October 27, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-27

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FO~ ' :4p TCHIAN AIL Th~DAY OCO~R 7',193

iyMr c441gan Dail
Published every morning except Monday during the Univerity year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published hereim.
Entered at the Post Office- at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
ilass matter. Special rate of postage granted, by Third Assistant
Postmaster General-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Officesi Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial director............................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor....... ............................'Carl Forsythe
News Editor..................................David M. Nichol
Pports Edtor............................... Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
Screen Reflections ..........................Bertram J. Askwith
Assistant News Editor ..........................Robert b. Pierce



Frank B. Gilbreth
Roland Goodman
Harl °"Seiffert
Wilber J. Myers Jo
Brian Jones
Stanley W. Aruhcim F
Lawson . .Becer IN
Thomas Connellan I
Samuel G. Ellis H
Samuel L. Finkte A
Louis B.Gascoigne A
Dorothy Brockman G
Miriam Carver A
Beatrice Collins M
Louise Crandall I
Elsie ecldman Fr
Prudence Foster LB

J: Cullen Kenne
Spots: Assista
o'bn W. Thomas
red A.iluber
Vormain Draft
oland Martin
enry Meyer
arion A. Milczew
I2bert H. Newma
SJerome Pettit
eorgia Geisman
lice Gilbert
airtha. Littleton
lizabeth Long
'rances Manchest
lizabeth Mann

dy James Inglis
Jerry . Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John WX. Pritcbard
.Joseph Renihian
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
vski Parker R. Snyder
~n G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
1)orothy Rundell
ima Wadsworth
r Josephine Woodhams

Telephone 21.214
CHARLES T. KLINE........................Business. Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ........................ ..........Vernon Bishop
Advertising........ ........................... Robert B. Callahan
Advertising................................... William W. Dayis
Service :............................. Byron C.Vedder
Publications................................William T. Brown
Circulation ...................................Harry R. Begley
Accounts .. ........................Riclkard Stratemesier
Women's Business Manager... ............Ann W; Verner
Orvil Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts
Gilbert E. Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein
Willard A. Combs John dKeyser Ber rd R. Schnacke
Allen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton. W; Sharp.
Gustave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
Robert E. Finn James Lowe
Donna Becker Anne Harsha May Seefried
Martha JanerCissel Katharine Jackson Minnie Seng
Cenevieve Field Dorothy Layin, Helen Spencer
Maxine Fischgrund Virginia McComb Kathryn Stork
Ann Gallmeyer Carolin Mosher Clare Unger
Mary Harriman He &ien Olsen Mary Eizabeth Watts
Helen Schmeede
TUESDAY, OCT. 27, 1931

Once again Mr. George Arliss returns to a histor-
ical drama, this time American, for his latest talking
epic. None other than Alexander Hamilton, Esq., is
the character portrayed by the famous English actor
in this film of the same name at the Michigan.
A great deal is expected of an Arliss picture-and
this one fulfills its requirements most satisfactorily.
The acting is splendid, the direction
and all-round production excellent,
and the story interesting and not
Ytoo sugary as might be expected in
a historical cinema.
Plot action revolves about the
attempts of Southern political op-
r.ponents to discredit the first Secre-
tary of the Treasury and prevent
the establishment of a centralized
n treasury to assume the scattered
} 4 and unpaid states' debts.
While "Alexander H a m i1 t o n"
hardly measures up to the perfec-
tion of plot and acting seen in "Dis-
George Arliss raeli," it is undeniably a picture'far
above the average and well worth seeing. A- rating.
Tallulah Bankhead (there's a name for you!) has
the able support of Frederic March in her second
picture menacingly titled "My Sin." In spite of a
rather slow plot, the two co-stars do inject consider-
able entertainment into this story of a done-wrong-
by woman and her subsequent rejuvenation in a new
atmosphere. Ends tonight at Majestic. High C+.
To The Editor :
At this moment the Student Council together with
THE MICHIGAN DAILY is conducting a campaign
meant to force the members of the Freshman class
to wear their "pots." The freshmen who disobey this
age-old tradition are made to answer for their sins;
lectured on the enormity of their offense and then,
at least so we are. lead to believe, they are severely
As a member of the freshman class I wish to pro-
test against this action. It is not fair that we, who
have dad but little opportunity to learn the value of
a tradition that' appears to us a worthless one, be
forced into obeying it. The importance of "pot-wear-
ing" has never been brought to our attention. All
that we have been told is that we must wear the
dinky little caps whether we wish to or not.
This campaign cannot hope to be successful. It is
true that while pressure is brought to bear the fresh-
men will wear their caps, but as soon as pressure is
lessened, which it must be soon, the "pots" will again
come off. Force is a poor method to employ in this
case. Personal habits of dress as well as all personalI
habits, should;not be interfered with and cannot be
interfered with successfully.
If the Student Council, instead of using all its
energies endeavoring to force the freshmen to do
something they are firmly resolved not to do, would
spend the same effort in educating the freshmen in
the value of this and other traditions, a campaign of
this present type would be unnecessary for every
freshman would wear his "pot" not because he is
forced to do so but because he is proud of its mean-
ing, membership in the finest class on the campus.



Michigan Ekes Out
Win Over JI1nRo


by Quite a Margin
Toasted Rolls, being easily the
most active, progressive, alert, and
wide-awake department of t h e
whole paper has made a special
coverage of the football game in
Champaign Saturday, and we did
it just for our readers, too. That's
the way we are; always thinking
of someone else. It cost us a lot
of money to make this trip too, and
if any of our readers wish to make
contributions to help defray the
expenses incurred in their behalf,
they will be cheerfilly accepted
and no feelings hurt.
The audience will never for-
get what happened at the flag
raising ceremony. The band
assembled on the field, played
the national anthem in their
best style, everyone stood up
and, placed his hat over his left
breast and Old Glory began to
soar majestically toward t he
top of the flag pole. Then just
as the band got to the crescen-
do allegro fortissimo part the
pulley broke olf of the top of
the pole and our country's ban-
ner dropped like a plummet in-
to the shrubbery. It was a blow
to the Boy Scouts, you bet.
* * *
We are very sensitive when it
comes to our University's honor
so we were I very much / incensed
whenea lady in front of us told her
partner that Michigan had the
worst seats in the Big Ten. Why
the very idea! She had on a green
dress, too.
* * *
Everyone is wondering what
happens to that gaily capari-
soned Indian between games;
the one that comes out on the
field and dances between, the
halves. It must be quite an ex-
pense to support him. We hear
t h a t Indians are especially
fond of Buffalo meat, and what
with the scarcity of buffalos
those days and all, we expect
it must be quite a trial.
Being interested in such things
we looked up the Illinois Siren of-
fice. For those who don't know it,
the Siren roughly corres ponds to
Gargoyle. (Only roughly, however).

Eliminating the
College Parasite
PRESIDENT HUTCHINS, of the University of
Chicago, recently delivered one of his educa-
tional theories, namely, that a college should not
try to educate unintelligent peoplk who do not
want an education, nor those who care for nothing
more than dates, football, and speakeasies. In this
theory, he has definitely established what in law
would be known as an 'express negative" on the
duties of a college.
Universities of today are filled with too many
parasites, selfishly using up the time of their pro-
fessors and more ambitious class mates. They go
to college because it is the thing to do, because
otherwise they believe they will lose social caste
at home, or because it affords four years of corr-
paratively easy work which otherwise would have
to be spent in g to 5 office hours. It offers an op-
portunity to devote four years to their own selfish
amusement, provided their parents can afford to
send them to college. And last but not least, it
costs the taxpayers money, if they select a state
supported institution for their prospective Alma
Several methods are being put into effect today
by colleges in an effort to decrease the number of
these parasites in college. 1oth the new Univer-
sity of Chicago plan, as well as our own "Michi-
gan" plan, should succeed in eliminating a large
4number of such a type. Higher entrance require-
meitsbassure that they will sometime not even get
as far as freshman year.
Most students entering college do not have the
faintest idea of what constitutes an education.
Those who are actually desirous of obtaining one
acquire at least a notion of what an education is
during their four years in college. Education is
never acquired in a life time. The so-called "edu-
cated men" have ,only been more successful in
finding the road to education than their fellow
students have been.
President Hutchins' theory is praiseworthy. It
provides,'when carried into effect, a weapon for
government provided schools against having to
enroll every son of a taxpayer who feels that he
is entitled to go to college-by virtue of his taxes.
It is helping to make a college education more of
a true education in these days of mass production.
Sparks Fly Upward, by Oliver LaFarge. (Houghton
Mifflin) $2.50.
Best Plays of 1930-31, edited by Burns Mantle.
(Dodd Mead & Co.) $3.00.
Perhaps Women, by Sherwood Andersen. (Horace
Liveright) $2.00.
Forty-Niners, by Archer B. Hulbert. (Little Brown
&C$35 1 0.

- -



John B. Kennedy
Associate Editor and Radio Announcer, Collier's
Chairman, National Commission on Law Enforcement
SuBrilliant British Statesman and Orator


$2.50; $3.00; AND $3.50.

O.ratorial A Socation
Rafael Sabatini
Author of
"Scaramouche," "Sea-Hawk," "Captain Blood," Kiing Maker"
Martin and Osa {'3 nson
America's best known African explorers
Bertrand Russell
Philosopher, Essayist, and Publicist

A Great Educational Opportunity


By M. Levi. There was no one in the , office
(This is the fifth of a series of articles on Prohi- when we got there so we went i.
bition by M. Levi, professor emeritus.) and looked around, and found
In my last letter I quoted a number of passages nothing but a lot of old cuts and
from a work by James Truslow Adams who has dwelt a contribution box with one jole
at great length on the subject of prohibition in several in it. Allright, allright, we'll print
chapters of his book "Our Business Civilization." The the joke if you want it, but you'll
opinions of Mr. Adams seem to me sufficiently weigh- be sorry.
ty to justify nee in quoting a few more passages from He: Are you a misogynist?
his work. The following paragraphs are taken from She: No, I'm an ostepath.
that part of' the author's book which deals with There now, we told you you'd be
Hoover and Law Observance. sorry. This gives you a pretty good
"Prediction is dangerous work but I think there idea of what the Siren it likeg
is one prediction not hard to make. That is, thatidaowhtheSrnilk.
our having so unthinkingly written unenforceable The Editor, who knows us
prohibition into the Constitution and our then insist-
ing ponthesantit oftha Costiutin, s ging very, well. indeed, even sincee he
n resun thisanctity ofhawakeConstitution, is gsing became so famous, just came in
to rsul intim intheawaene neroe' isising and} gave us a free jiiass to the
upon the observance of the 15th Amendment. If International Live Stock Ex-
prohibition is sacred and inviolable because it is a position, at the Union Stock
constitutional amendment, how about negro suffrage? Yard, Chicago. Every student
There are already rumblings being heard, and in my of the University of Michigan
opinion the fanatical drys have not only split our
country into bitterly opposed factions and decreased should have a vital interest in
respect for the Constitution, but they have, without this wonderful exposition in
giving the matter a thought, brought the crisis of Chicago which will be open to
racial hostility nearer to us than it could ever have the Public and the Editor of
been brought in any other way. The time is rapidly this column from November
coming, if t-he Methodists and Baptists and W. C.T. 28th till December 5th. If the
U. and all the -'other prohibition forces insist upon student body will contribute to-
the -sanctity of the 18th Amendment, when the fifteen ward- a fund to pay the travel-
million negroes, fast growing in wealth, education ing expenses of the Editor of
and racial selfconsciousness and assertiveness will in- this Column and will make it
sist upon the'sanctity of the 15th. worth his while, the Editor will
But we may also ask Mr. Hoover about the 4th be only too delighted to go to
Amendment, which the officials of his government are Chicago and carefully review
constantly violating, certainly in spirit. w h o l e exposition. Contribu-
After having dveoted considerable space to the tions should be mailed to
difficulty of repealing a law as compared with enact- "Press Building, M a y'n a r d
ing one, Mr. Adams continues: "No one believes for S t r e e t, Ann Arbor, Mich."
a moment that prohibition will result in a civil war: Make out checks payable to
but it is obvious that this particular law is against Fielding -. Yost, athletic Di-
the will of so large a minority, if it is a minority, of rector.
the people that thorough and impartial enforcement
is impossible, and that the old American weapon of We have just been looking over
nullification will continue to be used against it. It this pass to the International Live-
is evident that not even the United States govern- stock Exposition and according to
ment can patrol eight thousand. miles of boundary the conditions on the back we, in
and put one policeman in every one of twenty mil- accepting the ticket, agree that the
lion homes. A very considerable number of our peo- International Livestock Exposition
ple consider the law to be unwise, unjust and tyran- Association shall not- be liable, uin
nical. Throughout the whole of American and Eng- der any circumstances, whether of

One of the most important factors in the
formation of first impressions is personal ap-
pearance. By sending your clothes to the
Varsity you may assure yourself of the best ,
appearance laudering can produce.
For Call and Delivery Service
- --'*

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