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October 27, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-27

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Y. r

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Annual Statement of
Shows Decrease



Educational Plant Account
Factor in Huge Rise
of Assets.


An increase of $3,873,110 in total
University assets, bringing that fig-
ure to $49,567,154, accompaniediby
a $111,982 decrease in current oper-
ating income and a decrease of
$296,139 in current operating ex-
penditures was revealed yesterday
with the publication of the annual
financial report of the University.
The huge increase in assets was
accounted for chiefly by the edu-
cational ,plant account, which in-
cludes lands, buildings, equipment,
and improvements. Lands owned
by the University increased $235,-
151, buildings increased $2,678,445,
equipment increased $564,834, and
land improvements decreased to
$296,687 during the past year, ac-
cording to the report.
Figures show that the amount of
money donated in the form of be-
quests annually by alumni and oth-
er well-wishers of the University
has increasedsteadily. A total of
$770,235 in cash and securities was
given the Board of Regents during
the past year. To date over one--
quarter of the University's per-
manent assets in funds, lands,
buildings, and equipment ha v e
been contributed.
List Three Endowments.
The Board of Regents, a consti-
tutional corporation, is administra-
tor for the University of the money
and assets given to be held in trust
for 'eduatial prposes.
for ee eiidwnent fn d are
tlrge1y respcii1ble for thg $84S,5iy.
increase of the past year in invest-
ed trust funds, the Oliver Ditson
fund, the William H. Murphy Mus-
ic fund, and the William W. Cook
foundation forming th e largest
part University trust investments.
This item includes deposits, ex-
pendable items, - and the loanable
principal of student loan funds.
Cash in the hands of the treas-
urer of the University and of the
state treasurer for the University
amounted to $1,916,374, according
to the report, for the date June 30,
1931. Of that amount the state mill
tax appropriation accounted for
$984,170. For the past year receipts
and disbursement totalled $11,917,-
190 Trust Funds.
The University hospital operat-
ing statement for the year ending
June 30, 1931 shows that the total
revenue of the hospital was $2,-
728,618, while total expenditures
for the same period were $2,681,921,
leaving an excess of r e v e n u e
amounting to $46,696.
A total of 190 permanent trust
funds are listed in the report,
classified as professorship and lec-
tureship funds, fellowship a n d
scholarship funds, prize and stu-
dent aid funds, library funds; pub-
lication funds, hospital funds, mis-
cellaneous funds, and student loan
fund. They range from $1.00 to
$635,000 in amount.
The report is audited and certi-
fied by Price, Waterhouse, and
company, certified public account-
State ulletins
(By Associated Press)
Octobei 26, 1931
DETROIT-Federal officials Mon-
day agreed to reveal the names of
two U. S. customs agents who shot
Frank Ramsay on the banks of the
Detroit river as a smuggler a month
ago. The shooting was disclosed last
week and government officers here-
tofore have refused to co-operate
in a state investigation.
KALAMAZOO - Three thousand
school teachers were gathered here
Monday for the annual two-day
eighth district meeting of the Mich-
igan Education association.
LUDINGTON-Taxation and the

farm relief are to be the principal
issues before the Michigan State

Solons Skeptical THOUSANDS HEAR
on Hoover-Laval.............
Economic Accord'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-(P)-
A somewhat skeptical Congress b
stood questioningly today over the - /
cradle of the Hoover-Laval eco-
nomic accord.
While administration officials re-
iterated their satisfaction, the Con-
gressional leaders received With
mingled feelings the news that a
war debt-reparations readjustment
is in the offing.
As the Administration w e n t
ahead with the plan for stabili-
zation of international exchange,
it was disclosed that effort will
be concentrated on theEnglish
The first effect abroad of the
Hoover-Laval conversations was
a move to prepare for the day
when, at the conclusion of the .
one-year Hoover debt holiday,
German reparations must be re-
The foreign office in Berlin ,. .
made it clear that Germany, act-
ing on the Hoover-Laval sugges- Adolf Hitler (center), fiery leade
qustion repn nte rational co with his aids during the recent nat
quesn.waninggetenationaHarzburg. The meeting was attende
ference was suggested. -
In Paris the first reaction from want to establish a fascist dictators
Washington was that small banks
and business men stopped with-P
drawing their credit balances in
the United States. Added confi-
denm the dollar was seen..
pound sterling-world medium of L D ISCUSI
debt settlement. It was believed
that a figure less than the century- Noted Pacifist to Discuss War,
old $4.8665 will be used as par. NtdPcfs t'DsusWr
On Capitol Hill, the legislators National Defense at
sought today to find out what was Forum.
between the lines of the carefully
phrased Hoover-Laval declaration Kirby Page, editor of "The World
yesterday. Taking the lead from Tomorrow," will lead a f9rum on
newspaper stories that it pointedT
to a recasting of the whole struc- "How Another World War May be
ture 'of intergovernmental debts, Averted" at 4:15 o'clock this after-
Democrats and the Republican In- noon in Natural Science auditorium.
dependents made it plain they The forum is under the auspices of
wanted more information, the Council of Religion and the Stu-;
dent Christian association-.
Page is an 'ardent pacifist and'
, noted aufhor. His most recent work,
published within the last fewl
months, is "National Defense," in
which he attempts to prove that the
F1. 1 Conly satisfactory method of settling 1
international disputes is through
Preliminary Judges for Hopwood pacific means.
Contest to Be Appointed The subject this afternoon will be
approached, through a discussion of
by Committee. such specific causes of war as eco-
nomics, politics, armaments, and
Selection of preliminary juries patriotic instincts. Page advocates
for the first elimination of manu- a drastic reduction in reparations.1
scripts submitted for the Avery andT
Jule Hopwood awards, is being car-T
ried on by a committee, consisting
of Profs. R. W. Cowden, B. Weaver,
and H. M. Jones, appointed for thatP
purpose by the major committee
chairman. The great number of
manuscripts which are expected to
be submitted necessitated this step, $3,000 in Scholarships Will Be
it was stated by Professor Weaver. Offered in Literary
These juries will serve only for the College.
purpose of reducing the final num-
ber of manuscripts, and will in no Scholarships having the value of
way interfere with the final de-
cisions of the paid judges. more than $3,000 will be awarded
The members of the preliminary fall, Prof. H. P. Thieme, chairman
committees will be selected for the students in the Literary college this
most part from the faculties of the of the scholarship committee, an-
university, and they will be arrang- nounced yesterday.
ed into juries judging fiction, dra- The scholarships, P r o f e s s o r
matic writing, or the essay and Thieme said, will range in value
poetry. One committee will judge from $100 to $600. They will in-
all minor awards except plays elude three Simon Mandelbaum
which will be judged by the com- scholarships, each having a value
mittee on dramatic writing. of $600, and given only to men stu-
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dents.%
dThe remaining scholarships to be
Location of Junior distributed wil linclude the Fanny
Elections Is Moved Ransom Marsh and John Pitt
Marsh scholarships, and the inter-

Junior class elections will not be est from the Henry Strong fund
held in the Natural Science audi- allotted annually by the trustees
torium tomorrow but will be held controlling this fund.
from4:1 to5:4 o'cockin ome In considering" applicants, Pro-
from 4:15 to 5:45 o'clock in some fessor Thieme said that they will
other suitable location to be an-foeje say thasheyewily
nounced tomorrow, according to bej udged by scholarship, necessity
Edward J. McCormick, president of for financial aid, and character.
the Student Council.
Natural Science auditorium could Injury in Yale Game
not be secured because there is a Causes Cadet's Death
lecture there at the time set for ___
the elections. NEW HAVEN, Oct. 26.-(;P)--Cadet
Identification cards must be pre- Richard B .Sheridan, 21-year-old
sented by all voters before they Army football star and honor stu-
can obtain a ballot. Students with- dent at the U. S. Military academy
o u t these cards may not vote at West Point died late today of
though recognized by a member of a broken neck suffered in Satur-
the council. day's football game between Army
-- _---_ and Yale.
His death occurred at 5:05 p. m.,
Senior Law Officers lessthanthree hours after his
mother, Mrs. R. B. Sheridan, and
to Be Named Today his brother Gerald had completed
a 1,000-mile trip from Greenville,
Senior Law elections will be S. C., to be at his side.
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r of the German fascists, is shown
Jonalist opposition meeting in Bad
d by thousands of his followers, who
hip in Germany.
University Near East Research
Staff Sends First
First reports for the season from
the University Near East research
expedition under the direction of
Enoch E. Peterson at Kom Aushim,
Egypt, received yesterday by Uni-
versity officials stated that the
staff of the expedition had estab-
lised a base in a ruined house on
thd site of the&'ncieht cty fie,
a few miles from Kom Aushim.
Peterson reported that work on
the program of excavation for the
present season has been begun un-
der favorable conditions, and that
the work of triangulation of the
site by the expendition's surveyors
is in progress. As yet no reports
have been received regarding the
results from investigations.
The message stated that the
headquarters of the party is on the
opposite side of ancient Lake Moer-
is from Dime, and that the staff
has the facilities of a motorboat
to reach the scene of operations
from the headquarters at Kom
Aushim. A truck donated by Henry;
Ford is also being used by the
The staff this year consists of
Field Director Peterson, Ivan Ter-
entieff, surveyor, S. G. Golovko, as-
sistant surveyor, Rolfe Haatvedt,
assistant, and Alexander P e t e r
Ruthven, draftsman.
Ruthven is the son of President
Alexander G. Ruthven. In addi-
tion to the technical staff Professor
A. E. R. Boak, chairman of the his-
tory department of the University
and Mrs. Boak are visiting the ex-
pedition camp.
Ruth Nichols Flies 2,000 Miles
Without Landing to Set
Feminine Record.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 26.--(P)--
With a fourth record unofficially
to her credit, Ruth Nichols, Rye,
N. Y., aviatrix, spent Sunday night
here preparatory to hopping off to-
day in quest of a fifth mark.
Her monoplane beaten off its
course by winds, the society flyer
landed at Bowman Field at 9:40 a.
m. (10:40 a. m.) Sunday approx-
imately 14 hours after her take-
off from Oakland, Calif., on an at-
tempt to set a new women's non-
stop distance record.
That she had achieved her goal
was the belief of Miss Nichols and
airport attendants. The air 'dis-
tance from Oakland to Louisvil
is estimated by aviators at 2,00C
miles, and they said the coursc
flown by Miss Nichols was ever
longer. The official record of 181

TOKIO, Oct. 26.-(P)-Japan to-
night rejected as not binding the
League of Nations resolution call-
ing for evacuation of Manchuria
by November 16, and reiterated
that the Manchurian situation is
a local question to be settled only
by direct Sino-Japanese negotia-
The Japanese military grip on
communications in southern Man-
churia was stretched meanwhile in-
to Mongolia by the stationing of
troops along the Shupingkai-Che-
chiatun-Peaonan railway.
A formal statement approved by
a special cabinet meeting tonight
stressed the Japanese "five funda-
mental principles" for Manchurian
settlement and questioned the ad-
visability of "hasty action" on the
League's part.
The statement explained that
due to the failure of the League
council to obtain a unanimous vote
on the evacuation resolution, the
Japanese negative vote making the
count thirteen to one, the resolu-
tion was not binding in any man-
ner whatever.
Therfive fundamental principles
were restated: "(1) mutual Sino-
Japanese pledge of non-aggression
and guaranty of each other's ter-
ritorial integrity; (2) China aban-
don the anti-Japanese boycott and
all other forms of anti-Japanese
propaganda; (3) China must as-
suregthe safety of Japanese lives
and property in Manchuria; (4)
competition to services of Man-
churia railway must be eliminated
(the south Manchuria railway is
owned by Japan); (5) China must
recognize existing Japanese treaty
r ig h ts in Manchuria, including
Korean and Japanese land leases.''
Official circles made clear Japan
had no intention of carrying out
the evacuation unless the Chinese
in advance offer the guarantees of
protection for lives and property
which make up one of the "funda-
rincip19. -The dispatch
of fdinal +Japanese traoos nto
Chinese territory was cited as an-
other failure of the Chinese to keep
Serge Koussevitsky to Make His
Debut Before Ann Arbor
Music Patrons.
Serge Koussevitsky, Russian con-
ductor, and the Boston Symphony
orchestra will give a concert at 3:15
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
This concert will be the second on
the Choral Union series.
Although the orchestra has ap-
peared in Ann Arbor five times pre-
viously to tonight's performance,
this will mark the debut of Kousse-
vitsky to local music patrons. The
last performance of the organiza-
tion inAnn Arbor was 15 years ago.
Koussevitsky has been the leader
of the Boston symphony for the
last eight years and has been in-
strumental in bringing the eastern
organization up to the top flight in
civic orchestras. The orchestra
is scheduled to give a concert in
Masonic hall in Detroit tomorrow
at which an entirely different pro-
gram will be arranged.
The entire membership, 111 play-
ers, will take part in the perform-
ance tonight.
Lower Michigan: Showers and
somewhat warmer Tuesday, winds
becoming fresh to strong; mostly
cloudy Wednesday with local rains,

Prices for Tickets
to Indiana Football
Game Are Reduced
For the first time since the
inauguration of the Michigan
stadium in 1927 tickets to a Big
Ten football game will sell for
less than $3.00. In fact 60,800 re-
served seats for the Michigan-
Indiana game, November 7, are
to be offered at less than the
customary minimum.
The executive committee of
the Board in Control of Athletics
voted yesterday to offer for sale
50,000 end zone seatsat $1.00
each, 10,800 seats between the
zero and the 20-yard lines at
$2.00 each, and 14,000 seats be-
tween the 20-yard lines at the
usual $3.00 apiece for the Nov-
ember 7 contest only. Reductions
will not be made for any other
games this year, the committee
30,000,000 Voters Will Decide
Fate of MacDonald's
LONDON, Oct. 26. -(AP) -Great
Britain's 30,000,000 voters will de-
cide in the general election tomor-
row whether Ramsay MacDonald's
national government shall continue
to ti-the land.
King George came back to Buck-
ingham palace today from Sand-
ringham to await the election re-
turns. Party leaders voiced their
final optimistic prophecies after
the manner of political generalis-
simos the world over.
The consensus of political obser-
vers gave the government a major-
ity of 150 to 200 in the House of
Commons-which would be ample
to satisfy Prime Minister MacDon-
ald's demand for a "doctor's man-
date" to prescribe legislative reme-
dies for the nation's financial and
economic ailments.
On the whole, the three week's
campaign has been fought much
less savagely than had been predic-
ted. The most bitter onslaughters
have been interchanged by the
split sections of the labor party.
Thus Philip Snowden, chancellor
of the exchequer in the labor and
national governments, has turned
the full power of his invective
against his lifelong labor collea-
gues, who now are the opponents
of the MacDonald ministry.
The prime minister has been well
received all along his swift pass-
age through his Seaham constitu-
ency, where tonight he delivered
his final speech.
Military Organization
Will Feature Banquet
Seventy-eight chapters of Scab-
bard and Blade, national honorary
military society, will celebate Na-
tional Scabbard and Blade Day to-
Michigan chapter of Scabbard
and Blade will hold a banquet to-
night at the League to commemor-
ate the day and will have as its
principal speaker, Prof. Thomas H.
Reed, of the political science de-

Evacuation Plan
...: ; "":":"A. ~ of World League NFnlFfR ANnTHFR fAY
* *T: :ED*F::. - i.E

Jurists Hear Pleas of
Gang Leader's
Prosecution Obje ta
to Action of
CHICAGO, Oct. 26.-(P)--Al
phonse Capone remained' nthe
Cook County jail tonight, saved
another day from Leavenworth
Prison by a brief order of the
United States Circuit Court of
Three circuit judges heard the
gangster's lawyers plead for his
freedom while he appealed his
conviction as an income tax dodger.
A Federal Prosecutor told the jur-
ists he should be put away imme-
diately for the good of the public.
The Court then directed the United
States Marshal to wait at least an-
other day before starting for the
Federal penitentiary with Capone.
Train Reservation Cancelled.
The Judges said they would an-
nounce their decision on a writ of
supersedeas and an appeal bond at
2 o'clock tomorrow. So for the se-
ond time Capone's train reservation
was cancelled.
The hearing before the three
judges, Samuel Alschuler, Evan A.
Evans and William M. Sparks, was
rather informal, with the Jurists
doing much of the talking.
Attorney Albert Fink told them
there was no reason why Capone
should not be given the same priv -
le as other d ndant r
leased.,from custoy hie heAP-
pealed his case. The Government's
case would probably be reversed
later any way, Fink argued, as it
was built on "faulty indictments."
Prosecutor Fears Flight
Asst. United States Attorney Jacob
I. Grossman said he was just as
sure that the conviction would be
upheld. He argued that Capone
might flee the country if released
on bond.
Judge Alschuler interrupted to re-
mark, "It is a question whether the
man or the country would benefit
by that."
And Judge Evans said, "If he
should continue to violate the law,
he could be apprehended and then
charged with new crimes."
The Jurists wanted to know how
long it would take defense attor-
neys to perfect their appeal, and
pointed out that if a writ of super-
sedeas should be granted, the Court
had the power to set a time limit.
Fink said it would not take long,
the defense would submit to any
terms the Court imposed, and would
be ready to argue the case in the
January session of the Court of
President Terms Powerful Navy
First Necessity' of



Moonshine Rum II, better known
to the Michigan campus as just
plain "Rum" is dead. Death came
to the huge dog, who was as near
a campus tradition as an animal
can get, at 11 o'clock yesterday
morning after an illness of several
months which veterinarians attri-
buted to complications arising from
some food the dog had eaten.
For eight years "Rum" roamed
the campus, classes come and go.
TmTinriAi knew him and alwnas

Rum was a magnificant animal.
In his prime he measured 6 feet
2 inches standing on his rear legs
and weighed over 165 lbs. If there
was any one thing that Rum ex-
celled in it was swimming, especial-
ly in the Intramural and Union
pools. He has been known to bring
up stones and other objects from
a depth of 6 feet under water.
He was never known to show the
slightest sign of meanness, rather
an utter stranger could make
friends with him h y ainol nat

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-(RP)-
The maintenance of a navy so
strong and efficient that no enemy
could ever invade this country vN
named today by President Hoover
as "the first necessity" of the
American government.
At the same time, the President,
who has called for disarmament
many times, termed this minimum
a maximum as well. "Our armed
forces," he said, "must be reduced
to the lowest point that security
will permit."
Meanwhile it developed that the
administration plans to send a
favorable reply before the week is
out to the League of Nations' re-
quest for participation in an im-
m e d i a t e one-year disarmament
holiday. More than fifty nations
have been asked to join.
The President's statement was is-
sued to call attention to tomorrow's
celebration of Navy day. Officers


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