VOL. XLII. No. 25
WEATHER: Fair and cooler.
Minnesota Routs Iowa;
Hoosiers Engulf
Purdue Beats Carnegie
by 13 to 6 Score in
Hard Game.
Ohio., Oct. 24-()-Pug Rentner
and Ollie Olson, two young giants.
from Northwestern university,
passed and ran Ohio State out of
the Western conference cham-
pionship picture this afternoon
before 41,455 persons, the Wild-
cats clawing their way to a io-o
Besides carrying the brunt ofa
the Purple offensiveattack, it was
R ntner and Olson who account-
e for the io points, the former
dashing 49 yards' for a toucdown
halfway in the first period, and the
blond Norwegian sending a beauti-
ful drop kick through the cross-
bars from the 24-yard line just as
the .jest pggllgk
Nortliwestern successfully bottled.
up Ohio's fle'et backs, Cramer and
Carroll, to such' an extent that the
Iluckeyes never seriously threat-
ened to score
Ohio's line, which stood the test
last week at Michigan, was found
wanting today, the Purple making
13 first downs and gaining 271 yards1
from scrimmage while the valiant
forward wall of Northestern, led
by Captain Dal Marvil and Jack
Riley, held the Ohio backs to 7 first
downs and only 140 yards from
apolis, Oct. 24.-(P)-Aided by Ken-
neth (Peewee) McDonald'srsparkl-
ing play, the Gophers trounced
Iowa 34-0 today after a listless first
Soon after the midget quarter-
back replaced Somers in the sec-
ond period, he scored Minnesota's
first touchdown and followed it up
by taking a kickoff for an 8-yrd,
run through the entire Iowa teamd
for .another counter in the third]
STAGG FIELD, Chicago, Oct. 24.E
--)-Indiana kept its punch inl
the second and final periods to rout
Chicago 32-6. It was Indiana's first
victory over the Maroons since 1920,1
as well as its first triumph of the
Big Ten season. Edmunds, Hoosier
fullback, scored twice, and Jones,
Saluski, and Lyons one each. Temple
scored in the third period for Chi-
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24. -(P)-
An alert University of Pennsylvania'
football (team took advantage of
every break today to defeat the
University of Wisconsin, 27-13, be-
fore 65,000 spectators. After trailing
27-0, at the half, the visitors came
back to score a touchdown in the
third and one in the final period.
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 24-('P)--One
midwestern invader spoiled an oth-
erwise perfect party for theEast
today when Purdue shattered Car-
negie Tech's defense to the tune of'
13-6 in a hard-fought game. Pur-
due led off with a touchdown and
got the extra point.
Yesterday's Results
Fordham 46, Drake 0.
Marquette 7, Boston College 0.
Navy 15, Princeton 0.
Syracuse 7, Penn State 0.
Dartmouth 20, Lebanon Valley 6.
Katherine Keller Gets Five- Year
Sentence to House of Correction
Four to five years in the Detroit
House of Correction was the sent-
ence imposed yesterday by Judge
George W. Sample upon Katherine
Keller, who was convicted Oct. 16,
in the Washtenaw circuit court as
an accessory after the Ypsilanti
torch murders of last August.
In addition to recommending the
minimum sentence; Judge Sample
stated that if the defendant im-
proved her attitude and manner of
living the court would intercede in
her behalf at the end of two and
ne-half years.
Miss Keller's conduct throughout
the seven-day trial and during her
previous stay in jail was the subject
of / severe condemnation by the
court. Judge Sample intimated that
unless she improved in several ways,
including the language she used, he
would not try to aid her.
In his address to the prisoner,
the judge stated that at the be-
ginning of the trial he had been
disposed to hope that she would be
found innocent, but that the facts
brought out during the trial had
fully convinced him of her' knowl-
edge of and implication in the mur-
"Your close association with the
murderers, both preceding and suc-
ceeding the crimes, convinces me
that you knew all about what had
been done," the judge told her.
One of the largest crowds in the
history of the case thronged the,
courtroom to see Miss Keller receive
her sentence. Upon being asked if
she had anything to say, she re-
plied, "I'd just like to be given an-
other chance."
Miss Keller was arrested Aug. 13
for investigation as to her knowl-
edge of the torch murders shortly
after Judge Sample had sentenced
Frank Oliver, her sweetheart, and
his accomplice to four life terms in
Marquette prison. She was
the county jail because of failure
to furnish the $10,000 bond re-
quired, and a special grand jury
was summoned to determine her
responsibility in the crimes.
The trial attracted widespread
attention from press and public,
and the teptimonies of the 29 wit-
nesses called before the jury were
given before eager crowds on each
of the seven days through which
the trial lasted. Miss Keller was
represented by Attorney W. D.
Grommon of Hillsdale, while the
prosecution was conducted by Ed-
ward A. Bilitzke, assistant attorney
general, Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp,
and Carl A. Lehman, assistant pro-
Eighty-Eight-Yard Run Features
Sensational Grid Contest
of the East.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 24.-1_P)
-With one late dazzling stroke, an
88-yard run back of kickoff for a
touchdown by Quarterback Robert
(Dud) ,Parker, Yale wiped out an
early Army advantage today and
tied the cadets for the second
straight year in one of the East's
most spectacular football classics.
The final score was 6-6 as Yale,
in a thrilling final quarter, lost
three big chances to break the
Yale's first chance to break the
tie went glimmering when Ed Ro-
tan, giant guard, just missed the
uprights with the kicking try for
extra point.
Army's running attack was almost.
entirely stopped by Yale's forwards.
The cadets capitalized their one
scoringdchance mainly through
Stecker's passing skill. The star
halfback tossed to Kilday for one
gain of 16 yards and another pass
to Lankenau, substitute end, was
good for a 20-yard gain, putting the
ball on Yale's 5-yard line.
Carver contributed one yard and
Stecker four to cover the distance
to the goal in three plunges.
Offending Freshmen
Face Student Council
Progress in the campaign of the
Student Council against freshmen
who fail to wear their "pots" is
noted as a new list of yearlings is
summoned before the council Mon-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The names of those requested to
appear are: William Joyce, Edward
Cox, Tom Breen, Theodore Graske-
wicz, Don Decker, William Shep-
hard, Wayne Adamson, Alfred Otis,
Thomas Dooling, John Olson and
Harlow Bates.
Ramblers Take to Air
to DefeatPitt, 25-12
SOUTH BEND, Oct. 24.-(IP)-By
taking to the air when its vaunted
line attack failed, Notre Dame
passed 'its way to'a: 25=42.vctory.
over Pittsburgh today before 42,000
spectators. It was Pitt's first defeat
and the twenty-second Notre Dame
victory without defeat in three
straight campaigns.
Three of 5 the four Notre Dame
touchdowns were scored via the
aerial route, George Melinkovich
and "Chuck" Jaskowchich grabbing
in the air for the scoring passes.
Pittsburgh outrushed the Notre
Dame line, in great fashion during
the first half but wilted in the final
Lansing Wins, 13-7,
iFrom Ann Arbor High
Lansing Central defeated Ann
Arbor High school at Wines field
yesterday afternoon by a 13 to 7]
score as a result of a fumble on the
Purple and White seven-yard line.
Each team made a touchdown
and the accompanying extra point
in the second quarter. Shortly be-
fore the end of the third quarter,
Lavender, Ann Arbor fullback, fum-
bled and Lansing recovered on the
seven-yard line, whence but three
plunges were necessary to go over
the line for the winning touchdown.
The kick went wide.
Captain Conover, Ann Arbor cen-
ter, was the star of the game with
his brilliant blocking.
Harvard Beats Texas,
35x7, a W ood Stars
('A MRDTGEfi. Mn 'P not O.4. )
AND. FINED_35o00
Federal Judge James Wilkerson
Gives Sentence; Gangster
Stunned by Outcome.
Marshal Directpd to Leave With
Capone for' Leavenworth
CHICAGO, Oct. 24.-(I)-"Scar-
face Al" Capone, underworld czar
of Chicago, was sentenced today to
11 years imprisonment for violating
income tax laws. He was taken into'
custody immediately and held in
the county jail."
The sentence, which appeared to
stun Capone, was 10 years in the
Leavenworth prison and one year
in the Cdok County jail. Capone was
also ordered to pay a $50,000 fine
and the costs of prosecution-esti-
mated at $100,000.
Federal Judge James H. Wilker-
son not only passed a sentence more
than twice as severe as had ever
been given an income tax evader
before, but ie denied every motion
which would have given the big
gangster his freedom while the case
was appealed.
The court at first refused to in-
terrupt the marshal's plans to take
Capone to Leavenworth Peniten-
tiary tonight, bt later.when ii-.
formed :that defense attorneys had
been unable to get to the United
States circuit court of appeals to
ask that body for bond during an
appeal, Judge Wilkerson ordered
the gang chief held in Chicago until
Monday,, so that his application for
a writ of supersedeas could be taken
before a higher court.
The Court imposed the maximum
possible penalties on the five counts
on which Capone was convicted,
but cut the penalty from the pos-
sible maximum, 17 years.
As the gangster, downcast and
apparently dazed by the sentence,
was led from the courtroom he was
handed a demand for taxes and im-
mediately afterward a lien on his
$40,000 Florida estate and on three
safety deposit boxes in the Equit-
able Trust Co., a bank on the South
Side of Chicago.
Capone appeared to lunge at
Deputy Collector of Internal Reve-
nue E. P. Henthorn as hewas being
served with the legal papers. His
face grew livid and he cursed. Two
deputy marshals held him.
Members of First Congregational
Church to Hear Sermon
on Friendliness.
Estil Tessmer received the start-
ing assignment for the quarterback
post and proceded to give one of
the best signal-calling exhibitions
seen this year for the Wolves.
Non-Partisan Ticket Sweeps the
Senior Engineer Election
by Decisive Margin.
The Non-partisan ticket, organ-;
ized by Stan Chase, easily carried
the senior engineering election Fri-
day by a vote of almost two to one.
Jack Beechler was elected president,
Marshall Anderson, vice-president,
John Campbell, secretary, and Bill
Crane, treasurer. This is the first
time in the history of the present
,class that an independent has been
elected to the office of president.
Beechler, theindependent presi-
dent, is a member of both the hon-
orary engineering societies, Vulcan
and Triangle. He is vice-president
of the Vulcans and holds the same
office in Tau Beta Pi. Other presi-
dential candidates and their re-
spective votes were: Eugene B.
Etchells, 60; Charles Wise, 15; and
Augustus Tolmeter, 5. Beechler' re-
ceived 118 votes.
On the same ticket, Anderson re-
ceived 126 votes, leading Bazley
Johnson who received 71. Anderson
is a Theta Xi and a Phi Eta Sigma.
He is also a member of Tau Beta
Pi, of which he is president.
For secretary the seniors chose
Campbell, an Alpha Sigma Phi. He
received 104 votes to 75'for Glenn
Holmes and 17 for Chic Staelin.
Bill Crane, independent, defeated
Robert I. Snyder for the office of
treasurer. Crane received 109 votes.
For member of the honor com-
mittee, Floyd Schultz defeated Jack
Spencer, the vote being 104 to 83.
State Gets Revenge,
in Georgetown Defeat
EAST LANSING, Oct. 24.-(1P)-
Michigan State college overcame
the stubborn resistance of George-
town University here today, de-
feating the easterners 6-0 and
achieving its first intersectional vic-
tory of the season.
State's lone touchdown came in
the first period and was the result
of a bad pass by the Georgetown
ary previousI
Proves Self Worthy
Hewitt, Heston,
Fay Star. in 35-1
Michigan Wi
Sensational Run by Newman for Final L
Completes Rout of Illinois Team Befor
Homecoming Crowd of 35,000.
the spectacular line-smashing of Bill Hewitt, revamped for it
back post, Michigan's Varsity eleven shi
complete reversal of form today to crush a
Illinois squad, 35 to o, before a Home
crowd of 3,ooo.
A game full of sensational runs was
by Harry Newman, substitute quarterbac
.:,.} intercepted Horsley's pass in the fourth c
and raced behind perfect interference, 35
to the goal line.
The score wAs the largest ever
against Illinois by a Michigan team. Bol
. started his band of sophomores against a
Wolverine line that functioned better
game. It outcharged the Indians and opened
will for the backs
With a Crash!
and pr
best e
seen c
sorer rec
nan for ti
Michigan Pos. Illinois
Auer.... ....LT......Jackson
Morrison .......C........ Hedtke
LeJeunesse ....RG.... Nusspickel
Wistert .......RT.... ....Hyink
Williamson .... RE .. . . Marriner
Tessmer. ..Q. H .. .. Walser
Fay ..RH....Evans
Substitutions: Michigan: Kowa-
lik for Hozer, Daniels for Petoskey,
Cantrill for LaJeunesse, Goldsmith
for Auer, Bernard. for Morrison,
Everhardus for Heston, DeBaker
for Fay, Newman for Tessmer, Wis-
tert for Samuels.
Illinois: Gorenstein for Nusspic-
kel, Cook for Evans, Horsley for
Walser, Schalk for Murray, Jensen.
for May, O'Neill for Jackson, Car-
son for Berry.
University Surgeons
Receive Fellowships
Fellowships in the American Col-
lege of Surgeons have been award-
ed to two doctors of the university
medical school, Professor Vernon
Hart and E. A. Kahn, according to
an announcement yesterday by Dr.
Frederick G. Novy, chairman of the
executive committee of the medical
The New York clinic congress of
the American College of Surgeons
made the presentation of t h e
awards to the two University men.
Only 47 per cent of the 1300 candi-
dates for the honor were success-
Qualifications include a minim-'
um of seven years active work in
surgery, during which time a great
many case histories must be pre-
The only other Ann Arbor doc-
tor receiving the award was Dr. S.
L. Lafever, with offices in the
Goodman building.
on a
three years. Tessmer immedi'
started an attack at the Ill
forward wall, using Hewitt thr
the li n'e and Fay ana. "ne,
around the ends and off-ta
gaining 14 first downs to 2 for
Looks Like All-American.
Hewitt looked like an All-Am
can when he ripped the Illinois
to shreds gaining 104 of M
gan's 210 yards from the lin
scrimmage. This brilliant plun
gave the Wolverines somethin
mix with their strong around
plays, which are the specialtie
Jack Heston and Stanley Fay.
Superb blocking by Fay and']
mer gave the Michigan run
a chance to 'get
started. This im-
provement w a s
one of the big
reasons for the
startling victory .
Low, hard tackl-
ing stopped the &
Illinois running
attack behind itE
own line of scrim-
mage for a total
loss of r27 yards.
Illinois made 25
yards via the pass Newman
rqute, resulting in a net loss
yards for the afternoon.
A "heads up," wide-awake W
erine team took the field today
a stone-wall line. The ends, tac
and backs were outstanding
their stellar defense and smo
running attack. Passing played
inferior role for the first tim
several years for Michigan, a
did not resort to the aerial rout
winning the game.
Fay Plpnges Across.
Hewitt played the leading ro
the first two touchdowns. He
the key man in the 40-yard m
for the first one in the first
minutes of the opening period.
plunged over center for the
score after the ball was brough
the one-yard line. Petoskey bo
a perfect try for point to raise
score to 7-0.
Michigan started another
from the 40-yard stripe but
held on Ulinios' 11-yard line
downs. Berry punted toathe 25-
line. Then Fay broke away fo
yards and Hewitt for 11 on
plays. With the ball on the 4-
line Heston missed a touchdowi
a foot and Fay dived over. Peto
again made the extra noint w
The concert which the BostonI
Symphony will give Tuesday night
in Hill auditorium as the second
on the Choral Union series,- will be
the sixth time the orchestra hasa
appeared. here.
Twice during the early nineties,
and once about 25 years ago, were
the first three times it appeared
1.Avtt r, mass., cL. . ( )
-Harvard's great football team to- Dr. Albert W. Paimer will be the
day overwhelmed a hard-fighting guest speaker at the First Congre-
Texas eleven 35-7, in the Crimson's gational church. He will speak on
only intersectional fray of the sea- "Building a Friendly World," at
son. The reliable Jack Crickard ac- 10:45 this morning and Rev. R. Ed-
counted for three touchdowns, and ward Sayles, of the First Baptist
Barry Wood's passes were respon- church will give a sermon on "Sim-
sible for the other brace. Texas plicity."
scored in the third period when "Faith Victorious" will be the
Lewis ran 55 yards after acting as subject of the sermon at St. Paul's
the receiver on a forward-lateral Lutheran given by C. A. Brauer,
pass combination, pastor. The Zion Lutheran church
offers "Our Position in the Church"
ORCHESTRA HERE given by pastor E. C. Stellhorn.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will give
)RAL UNION SERIES the first of a series of three talks
on religions at the evening service
kisch, Emil Paur and Karl Muck. tonight at the First Methodist
On this occasion Dr. Serge Kous- Episcopal church. The title of the
sermon is "Hinduism Reborn." "Di-
sevitsky, the first Russian to ever rectional Behavior" is the subject
direct the Boston orchestra, will of his morning talk. Rev. Ralph
make his Ann Arbor debut. This D. Kearns, D. D., of Flint, will give
will be his ninth year as head of the sermon at the First Presbyter-
the organization. ian.
Unlike most of the great orches- Prof. Preston Slosson, of the His-
tras, which usually curtail their I tory department, will be the speak-
Extra-curricular field trips to
discover the fighting habits of those
two species known as the Wolver-
ines and the Tigers promise to be
very much in style this coming
week-end, according to current
campus comment following the re-
sults pf a great Michigan conquest
afar afield yesterday afternoon.
In fact, the exodus to New York
City and Princeton next Thursday
last year, several express parlor
coaches will carry a large number
of students to New York and then
to Princeton for the game, it was
stated at the Union. Such unique
features as radio receiving sets and
motorcycle police escorts through
several cities on the Canadian and
New York State route have been
arranged for enthusiastic Michigan
fans assumedly searching for that