a 0 -. I"""'"° r ESTABLISHED 1890 'r Air *i r -&-U~ 40 :411 1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XLII. No. 24 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 Weather: Showers Saturday; Sunday Fair PRICE FIVE CENTS I LLI ols 4., . f f" i d . f'? ED FOR ICHIC G E Y PREMIER HONORS La SOLDIER'S TOMB IN OFFICIAL VISIT Laval P a y s Tribute to Americanr Shrine.> MINISTERSILENT WASHINGTON, Oct. 23*V-) £ -Premier Pierre Laval, of France . paid homage today at the shrine v.. of the American Unknown Soldier who died fighting in the premier's native land. The premier began a busy day with a visit to Arlington. The day's end was to see him in a conference with President Hoover over methods by which the United States and France could co-oper- ate to ease the cares of the world. Uppermost in their minds was the thought of closer co-operation between France and America to ease the increasing strain on world finance, with its related political questions. Stimson Joins Parley. The Chief Executive, who put aside all else to devote his time to the opportunity, asked Secretary of Premier Pi State Stimson and Under Secretary ington to conf Mills, of the Treasury, to join in armament. M. the conference. (left) Mr. Stimson and Mr. Mills, both of whom speak French, acted as . terpreters fori the President.' Jac.. ques Bizot, a financial expert with duty for M. Laval. The President and M. L a v a1 found that each shared the view i that no definite agreement could _ result from their meeting. Each' has hopes however, that definite Wilkerson Sa ultimate results will flow from the of Case talks. This World Recovery Sought._ The Premier's ideas, for the Pres- CHICAGO,t ident had looked to him to speak tencing of Al t first, centered around his convic- income tax la tion that the United States and least one mor France could afford a more ready Judge James impetus to world economic recov- nounced at th ery through closer financial co- arguments tod operation. thi case at1 He laid no definite plan before morning." the P r e si d e n t, but emphasized Attorneys for France's firm confidence in the perate last mi gold standard. His position on that off a penitenti subject coincided with that of Mr. lating Income Hoover. Capone watc] The United States and France apprehensive l hold more than three-fifths of the rupt at any t world's gold. sentence, Attor Throughout their conversation Michael Ahern the President and the Premier had in arrest of jud in mind the possible reactions of a would set at n Congress and a Parliament. Addi- trial in which tional political considerations were but also the in a French general election in the cused Capone spring and an American presiden- evader. tial election next fall. Attorney Fin "so plain" th were not specil State ullntdict, finding C counts and nc inconsistent, a (Bytassoteatd Press) that it would b October 23, 1931 the point. "You may BAY CITY-Harold C. Young, court. physical director of the Y. M. C. A. Capone, dre here, was killed Friday when the with a grays tow rope attached to his glider fail- and paced the ed to release and h crashed to the courtroom earth from an altitude of 400 feet. index finger on The glider was being towed by an bandaged. He automobile. The gang c set smile, but DETROIT-Andre Citroen, lead- would-be quest ing French automobile manufac- idea," he said turer, arrived here Friday for a go to Florida s brief inspection tour of automo- bile factories. He said he had found lDoolittle c reports of the business depression in the United States -greatly ex- to Spe aggerated." Two of the Pal Arrives to Visit Hoover JAPANESE ACCEPT LEAGUE Of NATIONS Say Concession Is Conditioned by Chinese Guarantees in Manchuria. Clancy Raps Dry Fraternity Raids as 'Intolerance' The liquor raids on fraternity houses last year are another ex- ample of the intolerance and ter- rorism created by prohibition, Rep- resentative Robert H. Clancy, Unit- ed States Congressman from De- HOMECOMING THRONG TO ATTEND, GRIDIRON CgLASSIC AT MEMORIAL STADIUM; EXCITEMENT RUNS HIGH Several Positions in Wolverine Lineup Are in Doubt; Neck Injury May Keep Sol Hudson Out. troit, stated in a private interview WANT DIRECT PLANNING with The Daily. Associated Press Phot erre Laval upon his arrival in New York enroute to Wash- er with President Hoover on world peace and world dis- Laval is accompanied by his 19-year-old daughter, Josette FOR TODAY ys He Will Dispose at 10 o'Clock Morning. Oct. 23.-('P)--Sen- Capone for violating aws was delayed at e day when Federal H. Wilkerson an- e close of the legal ay, "I will dispose of 10 o'clock tomorrow Capone made a des- nute effort to stave ary sentence for vio- Tax laws. hed Judge Wilkerson, est the court inter- ime and pronounce neys Albert Fink and pleaded for a writ gment -a writ which naught not only the he was convicted, ndictment which ac- as an income tax k said he thought it at the indictments fic and that the ver- apone guilty on five t guilty on 18, was nd that he doubted e necessary to argue' proceed," said the ssed in a black suit stripe, arrived early corridor waiting for to be opened. His the right hand was said he had "cut it." tief wore his usual tiwas reticent with tioners. He had "no , whether he would soon. and Hawks ,k at Meeting greatest flyers now RI 1SE I1N B'US INEISS SEEN BY SCJHWAB Fall Meeting of American Iron and Steel Institute Shows Increase. NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-(IP)-Be- lief in slow but sure rivival of busi- ness throughout the United States was the keynote sounded today at the annual fall meeting of the American Iron and Steel Institute. While leaders of the industry, headed by Charles M. Schwab, president of the Institute, did not attempt to gloss over the fact that the country has encountered a "real depression," they were gen- erally of the opinion that there were indications of a general im- provement. Mr. Schwab said we had seen the country weather a number of seri- ous depressions, only to emerge more prosperous than before. "History will repeat itself," he added. "Fear has been lessened. There will be no collapse. The cources of credit have been mod- ilized and we shall pull through. "I believe in t n e continued growth of our country, the essen- tial strength of the steel industry and the ability of our nation to master of problems." CONVICT COMMITS SUICIDE IN ESCAPE.l Spotted by Airplane, Wierman Shoots Self; Had Killed Prison Guard. TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 23.-(IP)- Spotted by an airplane and sur- rounded by pursuers, one of four convicts who wounded a guard in escaping from the State prison, shot and killed himself today in a, wooded section near Langhorne, Pa. Authorities identified him as Jack Wierman, 24 years old, serving a 15-year term for attempted rob- bery in Camden County in 1930. Another member of the fleeing quartet shot Joseph Campbell, a Philadelphia policeman, a n d in turn was wounded by an officer. Extent of Withdrawal to Depend on China's Willingness to Maintain Order. TOKIO, Oct. 23.-()-Japan agreed today in pr:nciple with the League of Nation's plan for evac- uation by Japan of occupied non- treaty zones in Manchuria. High officials announced this important concession was condi- tioned upon Chinese recognition of Japan's treaty commitments in Manchuria and agreement to give guarantees for protection of Japan- ese lives and property. They made clear, however, that while with- drawals might be commenced with- in the three-week limit proposed by Aristide Briand, acting chairman of the Council of the League of Na- tions, Japan cannot promise defin- itely that all troops will be out of the nontreaty zones by Nov. 16. Hope For Negotiations. The League resolution, up for general discussion at Geneva, call- ed for evacuation first and Chino- Japanese negotiations afterward. Tokio's hopes that direct nego- tiations with the Chinese, favored by Japan from t\e ,beginning, are possible within the near future are based chiefly upon M. Briand's optimism Wednesday after he dis- cussed with the Chinese represen- tatives the fundamental principles for settlement as laid down by Japan. The view here was the Chinese apparently had made some concessions during the conversa- tions. The extent of the coming with- drawal from Manchuria, officials said, would -depend entirely upon China's willingness and ability to maintain order after the Japanese soldiers returned to their regular stations. Another Is Implicated in Murder Connection Another person was implicated in the torch murders yesterday by Clarence Brucker, 31, criminal be- ing held in Toledo, according to Sheriff Jacob Andres, who took a statement from Brucker yesterday. He told the sheriff he sold liquor to Katharine Keller and F r e d Smith the night before the killings, and mentioned another person he said was with them. Doubt was expressed by officers of the value of Brucker's claims, since he has a reputation for un- reliability and publicity seeking. Miss Keller will be sentenced in circuit court this morning. Lindberghs Home Safe After Speedy Flight NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 23.-(P)- Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, returning home from the Orient, landed here at 9:24 o'clock tonight after a day's flight from Rock [Springs, Wyo., broken by several intermediate stops. Representative Clancy stated that he, as well as most other wets, is being accused today as the associ- ate of sots, bums, and bootleggers. He said that many of his class- mates could vouch for the fact, that while in the University of Michigan, he never had a drink of liquor. Clancy classified the Rev. R. N. Holsaple, superintendent of the Michigan Anti-Saloon league, who appeared on the platform at the Union forum in defense of Prohi- bition, as Michigan's "public enemy number one," charging that he had falsified public records. The Rep- resentative refused to have dinner at the same table with the dry leader. Heewas in the class of 1907, was the president of his class, vice- president of the Student Council, a member of Sphinx and Michi- gamua, sports editor of The Daily, and elected managing editor but did not accept the position. "Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk is false when he says that the excess drinking in Ann Arbor causedmany students to be wheeled home in barrows," Representative Clancy said. He stated that there was little or no drinking of hard liquor among college men at Michigan when he was in school. There was no drink- 'ing among women students, he said. SURRENDERS SELF Mrs. Judd, Sought for Five Days, Gives Herself up to Police. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23.-(P)- Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd, 26, sought for five days in the trunk murder of Hedwig Samuelson and Mrs. Agnes Lee Roi, of Phoenix, Arizona, surrendered to police and sheriff's officers at 6 o'clock tonight. While officers held back t h e crowd, Dr. Judd and Attorney Rich- ard Cantillon, employed with for- mer Judd Louis P. Russell to rep- resent her, talked with Mrs. Judd. Mrs. Judd told her husband she had quarreled with Mrs. Lee Roi and Miss Samuelson last Friday night, that Miss Samuelson shot her in the hand and Mrs. Lee Roi struck her with an ironing board. 250 Couples Attend Second Union Formal A capacity crowd of more than 250 couples attended the second annual Union Formal last night at which Sleepy Hall and his Melodies Boys played. George B. Skinta, '33, chairman of the dance committee and Lenore Maxine Le Gendre, '34, of Laurium, led the grand march. Late permission was granted for all women students. Michigan, Illinois Game to Be Covered Complete coverage of the Michigan vs. Illinois football game, played at Urbana, will be furnished by the sport staff of The Daily and with a play by play account, will be wired into the office. A write up of the game will be in Sunday morn- ing's paper. CHAGEINTREATY DIRED BY BOR Revision of Versailles Treaty Necessary, Says Senator to Newspapermen. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(P)- William E. Borah, the Senate's champion irreconcilable on Ameri- can-European political ties, today told French newspaper correspond- ents accompanying Premier Laval that the world needed revision of the Versailles treaty with Germany. He warned that if this did not come peaceably it would come for- cibly. He believed it fundamental for world restoration. Willing to cancel war debts owed America by the allies if they will cancel Germany's reparation pay- ments, Senator Borah expressed the belief that such a move would have a "tremendous psychological effect on the people of the world." However, he said the time for any extension of the moratorium of intergovernmental debts had pass- ed. Leaning forward in his place as chairman of the foreign relations committee with the eagerly ques- tioning French correspondents cir- cling him around the imposing committee table, Borah answered questions, "frankly, if not diplomat- ically," as he put it. PARAGUAY- BOLIV Settling of Territorial Dispute Seems Likely at Conference Held at Washington. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-()- From Paraguay came an expression of confidence today that troubles in the Gran Chaco would be settled peaceably with Bolivia. The two countries, long at log- gerheads over the territory, which Paraguay claims under original Spanish colonial boundaries, were urged last week by all the Ameri- can republics to adopt a policy of non-aggression. Bolivia is considered eager for the Chaco to give her a water out- let. Armed clashes between the two nations in the past have inter- rupted atempts to settle the dis- By Sheldon C. Fullerton. (Special to TheL Daily) URBANA, Ill., Oct.23.--Urbana felt its first touch of Western, Conference football fever of the year late last night, as the vanguard of the homecoming throng that is expected to witness the annual Michigan-Illinois gridiron clash this afternoon began pouring into town. A crowd of from 65,ooo to 70,000, many of them old Illinois alumni, are expected to crowd their way into the huge Memoria& Stadium to see the game. While today's encounter will be the first Michigan-Illinois game in .several years that is expected to have little bearing on the finalt outcome of the Big Ten race, excitement still runs at a fever pitch, as these two traditional rivals pre- pare to face each other this after- noon. It will be the 17th meeting between the two teams, with the Wolverines holding an eleven to five advantage over the Orange and Blue. Since Bob Zuppke came to Illin- ois as coach of the Indians,. how- ever, Michigan's record has not been as good as in earlier years. In Zuppke's 11 seasons as head coach of the Indian teams Michigan has won six games while losing only five. This .record gives Michigan the distinction of being the only Western Conference school to have beaten Zuppke's teams more than Illinois have beat their opponents. By winning today's game the Illin can pull up even with their most bitter rivals in the Big Ten. Several positions on the Maize and Blue starting lineup are still in doubt, and will remain that way 1. A radio broadcast of the Michigan-Illinois game will be given in the Union ballroom this afternoon. Two radios will be used. until just before game time. It is not yet certain that Captain Solly Hudson will be in his regular posi- tion at fullback, his neck injury received in the Ohio State clash last Saturday still bothering him considerably. Hewitt May Play Fullback. If Hudson is kept out of the line- up Kipke will shift Bill Hewitt, burly left end, to the fullback post and give the sophomore sensation, Ted Petoskey, a chance to work his first game at end. Petoskey is one o, une most highly recommended players ever to come to Michigan, but he has been unable to break into the regular lineup this year because of the fact that two ex- perienced fiankmen, Hewitt and Williamson, were holding down the two end positions. The remainder of the Wolverine team will remain the same as in former games. Williamson will be at one end, Auer will serve at the other tackle, Hozer and LaJeunesse will do guard, and Morrison will hold down his center job. Stan Fay and Jack Heston continue to look the best in their halfback roles. The Illinois team that will face the Wolverines today will be large- ly a "dark horse" aggregation. Coach Zuppke has assembled ar group of newcomers to supplement his holdovers from last year, and in their first few games the inex- perienced Indian team has suc- ceeded in putting upda fairly strong front. Their only defeat to date was administered by a strongly favored Purdue eleven, whotook (Continued on Page 6) Michigan vs. Illinois MANY STUDENTS LEAVE ANN ARBOR i FOR OUT OF TOWN FOOTBALL GAME Special Railroad and Bus Rates Prove Added Inducement for Thousands. Every possible means of transpor- tation was put into use this week end for the first general exodus of the student body since the semester began. Special rates offered by railroads, busses and even airplane lines proved an added inducement for those students desirous of see- ing Michigan meet Illinois at Although Champaign is the ul- timate destination of the emigrat- ing army of students, Chicago was the stopping place for a great ma- jority last night and will be host to still more tonight. Champaign and Chicago, how- ever, were not the only destinations for several hundreds. Detroit is, of course, the respite for many over the weekend while the ever popular Windsor will have its hotels crowd- ed with students. A number of BANGOR -Southwestern Michi- gan will celebrate completion of another apple harvest October 29, 30, and 31 with the second annual apple show here. Business men will assist the agricultural depart- ment from the Bangor high school in~ the Puvnt flCroyUiher M. BRrue-~ living in the United States, Maj. James Doolittle and Capt. Frank Hawks, are expected to speak be- fore the University Aeronautical society within the next month, it was announced this week. Doolittle holds numerous records fovr eo'Arnntr flvi,irin rliAii.n 1898-Michigan-12 1899-Michigan- 5 1900-Michigan-12 1905-Michigan-33 1906-Michigan-28 Illinois- 5 Illinois- 0 Illinois- 0 Illinois- 0 Illinois- 9 I