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October 23, 1931 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-23

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ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
le President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Ln Uil
-~ON HuInnm


'Alumnus' Features




No. 23

Soviet Situation Is Discussed by
Thomas Kerl in University
"Russia tried prohibition under

Phi Beta Kappa: The local Chapter is constantly being asked to
nish addresses of members of other Chapters who are for the time
ing in the city. The Secretary will be glad to receive the addresses of
Phi Beta Kappa members in the Faculty or among the Students who
ve recently come to Ann Arbor and of any who have not been receiving
notices sent out by Alpha of Michigan since coming to the city. They
y be sent by U. S. Mail or by Campus Post to the Secretary, 3233
gell Hall, 0. F. Butler, Secretary.
Junior Engineers: The second order for Junior Class Jackets will be
en this week at Van Boven's.
Mortar Board Transfers from other colleges please call Agnes Gra-
rn, phone 8225.

Engineers intcrestcd in afIlliaing- with the Student Branch of the
3.M.E. are urgpd to see any of the following men for membership
Anderson R. Ferar D. M. LeVine
Beechler D. Gerdan C. Marty

A. Goldsmith

D. Mull

* Bleil A. Henge W. Neilson
Briggs L. Harge C. O'Mara
Chase J. Jones W. Parker
Comar N. Knapp R. A. Snyder
Davis M. Laurie
One of the above named men will be at the table near the West
igineering Library from 8 a. m., until 3 p. m., on Monday and Tuesday.
The National Society has the following divisions: Areonautic, Oil
td Gas Power, Management, Hydraulic, Fuels, Applied Mechanics,
achine Shop Practice, Iron and Steel, Materials Handling, National
efense, Power, Railroad, Wood Industries, Textile, Petroleum, and
Pharmacy Faculty: A meeting of the Faculty of the College of Phar-
acy will be held at. 4:10, in Room 212, Chemistry building.
Senior Engineers' Election: The class will meet at 10 a. m., in Room
3, West Engineering building. All candidates must have eligibility
ps. Students will be.excused from classes at this hour.
University Symphony Orchestra: There are still opportunities for
outs. Vacancies in all strings and trombones. Please report at Morris
,11 today at 3 p. m.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important rehearsals today at 3
m., in Morris Hall Also Sunday morning, at 9:30, in Hill auditorium.
Economics 51 and 52-Make-ups (11. L. Caverly): Make-up examin-
ons in these courses for students absent from final examinations in
ne will be given Monday afternoon, October 26, at 3 p. m., in Room
', Economics buil'ding.

Associated Press Photo
'W. L. Aldrich, of Shreveport, has
entered as a third claimant to the
governorship of Louisiana, further
complicating the tangle between
Paul N. Cyr and the present gover-
nor, Huey P. Long.
Michigan Tax Expert
Pleads for Economy
SAULT St. MARIE, Oct. 22.-(AP)--
Citing an increase in Michigan state
and municipal debts to nearly $800,-
000,000 in the last 10 years, George
Lord, tax expert, told an audience
here Wednesday night that the time
has come to "practice economy until
it hurts."
may do so by coming to Lane Hall
half an hour before the initiation
meeting begins.
The initiation ceremony will be
followed by a musical program and
Kirby.Page, editor of "The World
Tomorrow," will) speak at a Peace
Mass Meeting in the Natural Science+
auditorium on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at+
4:15 p. m., in the subject: "How may'
another World War be averted?" All
students and the public are invited.
Oriental Women's Club: General
election of officers for the year on
Sunday, Oct. 25, '3:30 p. im., at the
League. All members are urged to
attend the meeting.

Lenin but when Rykoff took office
up Lenin's death he found that the
government needed money badly so
the government went into the liquor
So said Thomas Kerl, internation-
ally renowned farmer, yesterday
afternoon in a lecture in Natural
Science auditorium. Mr. Kerl spoke
on his "Impressions of Russia,"
having just returned from a tour of
that country as a member of the
international Soil SciencerAssocia-
"In honor of Rykoff," Mr. Kerl
continued, "one asks for a Rykoffka
instead of vodka when one goes to
buy a drink. Russian banquets are
wonderful , You start with vodka,
then there are four kinds of wine
and you finish the meal with brandy
in your coffee. There are bread lines
and soup lines among the poor just
like there are in other countries but
the lines for vodka are much longer
than for anything else.
"Tourists travelling in Russia
must keep close watch on their
pocketbooks and personal posses-
sions," said Kerl.
"Russian history is the bunk,"
say the Russians of today, acord-
ing to Kerl. "We must forget the
"The supreme power in Soviet
Russia," said Kerl, "'is invested in
1,400 men elected not by the Aus-
tralian ballot but by the raising of
hands at caucuses. There is no such
thing as trial by jury. Cases'are
heard by three men, one a legal ex-
pert, the other two workers. The
extreme penalty for murder is ten
years' imprisonment, for conspiracy
against the government, death.
Prisoners are made to work hard."
Women have absolute equal rights
with men in Russia, according to
the noted farmer-traveler. He said
that women work in the factoties,
on an equal basis and drive street
cars and work as street cleaners.
The houses of the rich under the
old aristocracy have been turned
into rest homes for the workers
where they may spend two weeks
every six months. The old palaces
of the nobility have been trans-
formed into tuberculosis sanator-
iums, Kerl said.

-Marie Josephine Root, '14, is the
only woman in the world engaged
in manufacturing road scrapers
and snow plows, for as Vice Presi-
dent and General Manager of the
Root Spring Scraper Company of
Kalamazoo, that is her life work.
She came to Michigan after grad-
uation from Western State Teach-
ers College, taught school a few
years after finishing her work at
Ann Arbor, took a year's post grad-
uate work at Columbia and then
succumbed to her father's request,
for help in his office. The business
was formed in 1900 to manufacture
snow plows for street cars, and
horse-drawn road scrapers. In 1920
the first truck scraper was intro-
duced to the country at the same
time that Miss Root was introduced
to the company. Upon her father's
death in 1925 Miss Root was named
to her present position and has kept
on developing and improving the
company's products-producing the
first hydraulic scrapers and snow

Expect to Finish Entire Plant
by Middle of December,
Is Plan.
With the recent opening of the
first section of Ann Arbor's new
6,000,000 gallon reservoir, one of the
most modern of city water plants
was made available to the people
of this city.
The old reservoir, which is now
being dismantled, was of the open
type, excavated from natural earth
with surrounding walls built from
the dirt removed. Its open top made
it constantly subject to outside pol-
lution which added a taste and. odor
to the water even though purifica-
tion prevented disease from that
Constant exposure to air and sun-
light furthermore aerated the water
an doxidized the iron therein which
would later form a dark colloidal
suspension difficult to settle.
The new reservoir is much larger
than the old one, measuring 288 by
156 feet and 20 feet deep. Its over-
flow is 1,000 feet above sea level,
seven feet higher than the old one.
Its capacity is three times as/great,
making it possible to begin remov-
ing the old one as soon as the first
2,000,000 gallon section was com-
pleted. Construction throughout is
of reinforced concrete, top, bottom
and sides. The top is supported by

-Fred W. Seymour, '09E, has won'
a place for himself among the fore-
most utility executives of the nation
for his organization and engineer-
ing ability. His first job after grad-
uation was that of chemist for a
Texas cement firm, and this was
followed by employment as Chemist
and Plant Superintendent of the
Grand Rapids Gas Company. In
1916 he became Vice President and
General Manager of the Battle
Creek Gas Company. He organized
and became President of the Fed-
erated Utilities, Incorporated, in
1922, selling out in 1927. Mr. Sey-
mour now holds the positions of
Vice President and Assistant Gen-
eral Manager of the American Com-
monwealths Power Corporation and
President of the American Gas &
Power Company.
-James P. Logan, '80L, is Editor
of the Newark, New Jersey, Sunday
Call. After dividing his time for
three years between law and news-
paper work he decided to make the
latter his life work and has pur-
sued it for 47 years, the last 36 years
in the city of Newark, New Jersey.
On January 1, 1917 he resigned as
Associate Editor of the Newark Eve-
ning News, the largest and most
influential daily newspaper in New
Jersey, to take the Editorship of the
Sunday Call, which he still fills

24-inch concrete columns. The en-
tire project will be ready by the
middle of December.
The main superiority of the new
tank over the old one, aside from
its larger capacity, lies in the pro-
tection given the water. The entire
work is covered with dirt, giving
absolute freedom from outside con-
Water will enter at one end of
the middle chamber and flow slowly
to the other end and there separate,
flowing in equal parts through the
outside chambers. This will allow
suspensions of natural impurities to
settle and will precipitate some
mineral compounds.
(Continued from Page 1)
Some of them are fit to repeat.
Some are not.
The Rev. Holsaple replied that
"Mr. Clancy meant to make a dif-
ferent kind of speech than he did.
He meant to discuss the prohibition
"Prohibition does not hinge on
whether Christ was a wet or not,"
he said. "I am willing that prohibi-
tion stand or fall by any test that
we apply to any other known effort."
Mrs. Myron B. Vorse, represent-
ing the Crusaders said that Wood-
cock made a great case for the fact
that the law cannot be enforced.
"Prohibition," she stated, "after
11 years, has sunk our country
deeper and deeper into hypocrisy,
immorality, and indecency."
Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, of Ann
Arbor, was booed by the forum
when he said, "Neer beer is just as
good as real beer." He mentioned
the case of a blind pig owner who
sold neer beer to his customers for
two months and none of them
knew the: difference.
"Whiskey," stated the Mayor, "is
better now than it was 57 years ago
when I was attending the Univer-
sity." Stating that he had seen
only one intoxicated student in the~
streets of Ann Arbor in the lase
ten years, he concluded that one
could not find 9,000 young men in
the country that are as orderly as
the' students in the University of

Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore
Conducts Investigation
Dr. Melvin R.'Gilmore, curator of
ethnology, in the University Mu-
seum of anthropology, is conduct-
ing an investigation of ethnobotan-
ical specimens sent him by Ohio
State University.
The specimens are of wild fruits,
nuts, grasses, woods, barks, culti-
vated crops, and fibers, all found
in Ohio caves. They are of pre-
historic times. The cultivated crops
show the extent of agriculture of
that time.
Dr. Arthur, Novelist
and Dramatist, Dead
VIIFNNA, Oct. 22.-( P)---Austria
mourned today one of its greatest
modern literary figures, Dr. Arthur
Schnitzler, novelist and dramatist,
who died suddenly Wednesday at
the age of 69. t

ogy 42: An examination will be held Saturday, October 24,
N. S., for those absent from examination in Psychology
al, W. B. Pillsbury.


Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: The first luncheon meeting will be held
he Michigan Union, Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 12:15 sharp. All faculty and
lent members are urged to be present. A special invitation is ex-
Jed to all members of other chapters, who may be in Ann Arbor this'
, to come and get acquainted with the men of Omega Chapter.
Masonic Students: Craftsmen Club meeting Saturday, Oct. 24, at
p. m. Important that all Masons attend for assignmpnt of parts.



Sugar Bowl

& Company, inc.
Orders executed on oex=
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Telephone 23271

mnior Engineering Elections on'
sday, Oct. 27, 11 a. m., Room 348
Eng. bldg. Junior engineers will
xcused from classes at this hour.
nsmopolitan Club will hold its
ual initiation of new members,
m., Saturday, Oct. 24, Lane Hall
1 those who have signed appli-
mns for membership are request-
o appear on time. Those who
i to become members but who
e not yet signed applications

at a Big Saving




y rrv s


See Page 3

-aa- -- --




You'll Like ..Arbor Springs Water
ryone has his particular choice of coffee or tea. But one
pt to take, without question, any water that comes his
The objects of this message is to acquaint such per-
with a better tasting, pure water-ANN ARBOR
INGS WATER. Keep it in the home at all times.
We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water.


Cheapest In the Long Run

West Huron

Phone 8270

Ann Arbor's
Luncheon ........ 30 cents
Dinner ...........45 cents
s Michigan League




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